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検索 :
  • デモのダウンロードと購入先
    まずは公式デモで遊んでみることをお勧めします。2ギガもありますけど。 日本語訳ファイルはデモでも(だからダジャレだってばっ!orz)適用されます。 デモは以下のサイトからダウンロードすることが出来ます。 4Gamer http //www.4gamer.net/games/103/G010310/20091221036/link.html?http //file.4gamer.net/demo/KingArthurDemo.exe Steam http //store.steampowered.com/app/24430/ また、本体はSteamからダウンロード版を購入することが出来ます。 http //store.steampowered.com/app/24400/ 2010年2月10日現在、本体が39.99USDです。 他にDLC(ダウンロードコンテンツ)が...
  • 機械翻訳ファイル
    このページは、ゲームの英文字幕に機械翻訳データを 適用するためのファイルを配布するページです。 デモでも使用出来ますので、まずはデモをダウンロードしてプレイしてみてください。 (まずは、プレイ人口を少しでも増やす作戦) 機械翻訳ですから、はっきり言って笑えますw。 有志の皆様と共に意訳したデータを元に GameRes.dllを修正して随時アップロードしていきたいと思います。 ダウンロードテーブル番号付き_GameRes.dll_2010年02月17日バージョンノーマル_GameRes.dll_2010年02月17日バージョン 機械翻訳版GameRes.dllの導入方法 インストールフォルダを開きます。(画面はDEMO版のものです)   オリジナルのGameRes.dllをコピーしてから適当な名前でバックアップします   ダウンロードしたzipファイルを適当なフォルダに解凍して、GameRe...
  • コメント/コメントログ
    日本語翻訳ファイルをダウンロードできないです、、 - tomato 2010-02-16 14 07 45 アップロードしました。機械翻訳ファイルのページからダウンロードしてください。機械翻訳ですのでかなり笑えますがww・・・。よろしくお願いします。 - hoges 2010-02-18 12 03 00
  • プラグイン/ニュース
    ニュース @wikiのwikiモードでは #news(興味のある単語) と入力することで、あるキーワードに関連するニュース一覧を表示することができます 詳しくはこちらをご覧ください。 =>http //atwiki.jp/guide/17_174_ja.html たとえば、#news(wiki)と入力すると以下のように表示されます。 マニュアル作成に便利な「画像編集」機能を提供開始! - ナレッジ共有・社内wikiツール「NotePM」 - 川崎経済新聞 【グランサガ】リセマラ当たりランキング - グランサガ攻略wiki - Gamerch(ゲーマチ) 「Wiki」創設者のPC 競売に - auone.jp 篠原悠希×田中芳樹が明かす「歴史ファンタジー小説ならではの悩み」(現代ビジネス) - Yahoo!ニュース - Yahoo!ニュース 【Ape...
  • 0207
    STRINGTABLE LANGUAGE LANG_ENGLISH, 0x0 { 3296, "In the realms of the Sidhe there lived the Lord of the Daylight and the Queen of the Night. They were both mighty creatures, who fell in love with each other. When they had a child, they created two artifacts for him, artifacts that only work together. Many years have passed since and the two items were separated. But now one of them, the ...
  • 0098
    STRINGTABLE LANGUAGE LANG_ENGLISH, 0x0 { 1552, "The session you are about the begin is sneak peek into King Arthur- The Role-playing Wargame, more precisely a saved game from the Second Chapter of the campaign, where you are going to play King Arthur as an Old Faith ? Rightful monarch on the Morality Chart.\nBeware this saved setting is for experienced players and requires knowledge of ...
  • 日本語を表示させるつもりなのか
    どのようにして日本語を表示させるつもりなのか ゲームの字幕データはインストールフォルダのGameRes.dllにあることが判明しています。  このファイルをリソースエディタで開いてみると、こうなります。  で、これを表示するためのフォントがUI\Fonts内にあります。  なので、英文を日本語訳に書き換えて 日本語対応のフォントファイルをリネームして入れ替えてやれば 日本語表示出来るかも!+(0゚・∀・) + ワクワクテカテカ + こうなりました。ヽ(・∀・ )ノ キャッ ちなみに、デモでも(ダジャレ)日本語になります。  ただ、問題が・・・ 一番下までスクロールした画像 何じゃこりゃー、3663番まであります。3663テーブル分まで訳さないといけないのぉ!(;・∀・)ポカーン いやいや、よく見てみると373の次が2501に飛んでいます。 さらによ~く見てみると2504の次が25...
  • どのようにして
    どのようにして日本語を表示させるつもりなのか ゲームの字幕データはインストールフォルダのGameRes.dllにあることが判明しています。  このファイルをリソースエディタで開いてみると、こうなります。  で、これを表示するためのフォントがUI\Fonts内にあります。  なので、英文を日本語訳に書き換えて 日本語対応のフォントファイルをリネームして入れ替えてやれば 日本語表示出来るかも!+(0゚・∀・) + ワクワクテカテカ + こうなりました。ヽ(・∀・ )ノ キャッ ちなみに、デモでも(ダジャレ)日本語になります。  ただ、問題が・・・ 一番下までスクロールした画像 何じゃこりゃー、3663番まであります。3663テーブル分まで訳さないといけないのぉ!(;・∀・)ポカーン いやいや、よく見てみると373の次が2501に飛んでいます。 さらによ~く見てみると2504の次が25...
  • どのようにして日本語を表示させるつもりなのか
    どのようにして日本語を表示させるつもりなのか ゲームの字幕データはインストールフォルダのGameRes.dllにあることが判明しています。  このファイルをリソースエディタで開いてみると、こうなります。  で、これを表示するためのフォントがUI\Fonts内にあります。  なので、英文を日本語訳に書き換えて 日本語対応のフォントファイルをリネームして入れ替えてやれば 日本語表示出来るかも!+(0゚・∀・) + ワクワクテカテカ + こうなりました。ヽ(・∀・ )ノ キャッ ちなみに、デモでも(ダジャレ)日本語になります。  ただ、問題が・・・ 一番下までスクロールした画像 何じゃこりゃー、3663番まであります。3663テーブル分まで訳さないといけないのぉ!(;・∀・)ポカーン いやいや、よく見てみると373の次が2501に飛んでいます。 さらによ~く見てみると2504の次が25...
  • 0250
    STRINGTABLE LANGUAGE LANG_ENGLISH, 0x0 { 3984, "Cooldown times are halved for all spells in its vicinity." 3985, "Every spell s mana cost is halved in its vicinity." 3986, "Nullifies all magic. Prevents the casting of spells and cancels active spells in its vicinity.\nRange 300m" 3987, "Destroys 40% of the soldiers of the targeted unit.\nCooldown 240 secon...
  • 0235
    STRINGTABLE LANGUAGE LANG_ENGLISH, 0x0 { 3744, "The disadvantages of hard terrain on the Strategy Map grant -50% modifier for the armies of the Lords." 3745, "-10% cooldown for all spells" 3746, "Wizards always see the hiding units as they would stand on open ground." 3747, "Paladins gain additional 15% Experience during the quests." 3748, "The her...
  • 0009
    STRINGTABLE LANGUAGE LANG_ENGLISH, 0x0 { 128, "End turn" 129, "Bribery" 130, "Objectives Screen" 131, "Roundtable" 132, "Close window" 133, "If you click on an objective, you will get detailed information in the window on the left side." 134, "I bribe their leaders and have them convince the others that their efforts are in vain...
  • 0219
    STRINGTABLE LANGUAGE LANG_ENGLISH, 0x0 { 3488, "Long ago the legions of the Roman Empire conquered large regions of Britannia. When they went away, they left their cities and traditions behind, and now, with the surge of magic there came the revival for the empire, here in the former province. Led by a visionary ruler the new legions will take back everything." 3489, "from Hero...
  • 2635
    STRINGTABLE LANGUAGE LANG_ENGLISH, 0x0 { 42144, "At the church" 42145, "\"The hermit lived in seclusion and allowed only pater Ambrose to visit him. Even Ambrose couldn t force him to stay. However, he promised to send us a messenger pigeon as soon as he arrived to Tamwell. Since it has not come, I fear the hermit never reached his destination.\"" 42146, "I ...
  • 0132
    STRINGTABLE LANGUAGE LANG_ENGLISH, 0x0 { 2096, "Game speed" 2097, "You can set the game speed using the icons at the top of the Minimap or with the “+” and “?“ buttons." 2098, "Unit skills" 2099, "Unit skills" 2100, "Units possess certain skills that make them different from the others and give them special benefits during battles. Skills can be pa...
  • 0233
    STRINGTABLE LANGUAGE LANG_ENGLISH, 0x0 { 3712, "+ %s Ranged Defense to the hero s unit" 3713, "+ %s %% Magic Resistance to the hero s unit" 3714, "+ %s Mana / each killed opponent" 3715, "+ %s HP / each killed opponent" 3716, "%s%% cooldown" 3717, "+ %s Mana / 10 seconds for the hero" 3718, "+ %s HP / sec to the hero s unit"...
  • 0126
    STRINGTABLE LANGUAGE LANG_ENGLISH, 0x0 { 2000, "Cornwall is a magical land, a harsh and beautiful place. Everybody knows that beyond the craggy cliffs of Cornwall there is only the endless ocean and beyond the green waves there is nothing but the lands of the dead." 2001, "Dumnonia is named for the tribe who lived here long before the Romans arrived in Britannia. The northern c...
  • 0191
    STRINGTABLE LANGUAGE LANG_ENGLISH, 0x0 { 3040, "The tortured hero has told you everything you wanted to know. You learn many details about the armies of the liege lord of the prisoner. You know their location, the type of the units and the number of soldiers." 3041, "Horn of Avalon" 3042, "Magical horn from the island of Avalon, the land of mists and storms, which was...
  • 0389
    STRINGTABLE LANGUAGE LANG_ENGLISH, 0x0 { 6208, "Defeat the Smiling Prince" 6209, "Recruit all 3 Champions of Beowulf (Sir Melodias, Sir Unferth, Sir Wylford)." 6210, "Send an army to Logres and break the curse of Sir Melodias." 6211, "Send an army to Wessex and free Sir Unferth from the prison of an Unseelie enchantress." 6212, "Send an army to Cam...
  • Spell原文対訳表
    訳語の揺らぎ(不統一等々)があるので、随時参照してもらって補完していきたいです。 効果等もこれ「チガクネ」ってやつご指摘お願いします。 Spell訳文 原文 効果 派生Spell 原文 効果 [T14]魔力を付した装備 Enchanted Equipment [T235]英雄のユニットは,破壊力+%d%% 射撃防御+%d ボーナスを得る [T76]魔法武器 Magical Weapons [T237]敵は、指定ユニットに対してすべての防具ボーナスを失う [T76]魔法防具 Enchant Armour [T237]指定ユニットは、%d%%の防御ボーナスを得る [T22]信仰の鎧 Armour of Faith [T235]英雄のユニットを狙う近接戦闘のダメージを%d%%跳ね返す。同時に、英雄のユニットは +%dの魔法抵抗を得る [T23]守護天使 Guardian Angel...
  • 0088
    STRINGTABLE LANGUAGE LANG_ENGLISH, 0x0 { 1392, "Yes" 1393, "No" 1394, "Done" 1395, "Loading..." 1396, "Back to main menu" 1397, "Controls" 1398, "Video" 1399, "Audio" 1400, "Game" 1401, "Scatter them" 1402, "By sheer force you scatter these savages from the bleak North so they can?t do any...
  • 0186
    STRINGTABLE LANGUAGE LANG_ENGLISH, 0x0 { 2960, "The Bastard s awakening" 2961, "There is a legend of the bastard son of Queen Maab who with the aid of dark magic and Formirian allies turned against his own kin. Before being banished to the shades by his brother he killed his mother the great warrior queen. An ancient tomb has arisen in Kent where she was buried. At night the Ba...
  • 0180
    STRINGTABLE LANGUAGE LANG_ENGLISH, 0x0 { 2864, "Prophet" 2865, "From the cold heart of a sinister Deepwood, the borderland at our world and the ancient Tir na n?g, comes now a prophet, recounting the legends the mighty C?chulainn and the brave Fianna, or the deeds of mighty gods like Lugh or Dagda, encouraging the commoners to return to the ways of the fierce warriors of the pa...
  • 3040
    STRINGTABLE LANGUAGE LANG_ENGLISH, 0x0 { 48624, "The end" 48625, "With Lancelot at your side you leave the grim courtyard of Dolorous Guard and begin your long journey through the shadows of two worlds." 48626, "%RulerHirnevReward%" 48627, "%XPReward%" 48628, "New hero Sir Lancelot" 48629, "Your hero became cursed" 48630, "The ...
  • 0051
    STRINGTABLE LANGUAGE LANG_ENGLISH, 0x0 { 800, "DirectX 9.0 cannot be found" 801, "The Sidhe" 802, "Warning!" 803, "Load failed" 804, "Kolera" 805, "Plague" 806, "Lumb?g?" 807, "Influenza" 808, "Offensive Stance" 809, "Soldiers throw deadly cloud of javelins toward enemy unit." 810, "The pe...
  • 0076
    STRINGTABLE LANGUAGE LANG_ENGLISH, 0x0 { 1200, "Units beyond this range are not be visible." 1201, "Auto-attack range" 1202, "Shows the range of the chosen melee unit this is the range where the unit will attack any enemy unit." 1203, "Aura of Fear" 1204, "Cleave" 1205, "Enchant Armour" 1206, "Fog of Avalon" 1207, "Ol...
  • 0167
    STRINGTABLE LANGUAGE LANG_ENGLISH, 0x0 { 2656, "Create a recruitment camp where you can either fill up the experienced units with new recruits who arrive with the same experience as the veteran soldiers, or create whole new units." 2657, "Balor s strike" 2658, "Fill up ranks" 2659, "Opens the recruitment screen, where you can recruit new units and fill up th...
  • 0145
    STRINGTABLE LANGUAGE LANG_ENGLISH, 0x0 { 2304, "Province information" 2305, "- Level %d" 2306, "Population" 2307, "The Population bar shows the actual number of inhabitants in the province, while the dial indicates the maximum possible rating. The number shows the change in Population compared to the previous round. Health and Food growth affect this rating...
  • 0096
    STRINGTABLE LANGUAGE LANG_ENGLISH, 0x0 { 1520, "Legendary Artifacts" 1521, "-20%% heavy infantry attack rate (150m range)" 1522, "Banner of Deepwood" 1523, "Banner of the legendary Deepwood Brotherhood, that was hidden from the world by their last champion just before their downfall." 1524, "King Ryons provinces join your empire." 1525, "...
  • 0046
    STRINGTABLE LANGUAGE LANG_ENGLISH, 0x0 { 720, "Heroic Defense" 721, "Monsters from the Deepwood" 722, "The middle region of Bedegraine Forest is the living heart of Britannia. It seamlessly blends into the wilderness that covers most of the middle regions of the land, but it is a much older, primeval forest, where once demigods and monsters fought in the glades. Even ...
  • 0017
    STRINGTABLE LANGUAGE LANG_ENGLISH, 0x0 { 256, "They call themselves the last line of Christian defense against the pagan tides. Seeing how efficient they are with their spears they might be right." 257, "The heroes of the tourney grounds who decided to use their remarkable fighting abilities for more than attracting the admiration of fair damsels." 258, "The elite cav...
  • 0353
    STRINGTABLE LANGUAGE LANG_ENGLISH, 0x0 { 5632, "Firbolg magicforgers created these blades at the dawn of Humanity for their champions fighting against the Sidhe gods." 5633, "Leech Axe" 5634, "These rare weapons were enchanted by Unseelie magi in the ancient times, who bound the ghosts of the night into their blades." 5635, "Armour of Torn" 5636, "...
  • 2592
    STRINGTABLE LANGUAGE LANG_ENGLISH, 0x0 { 41456, "Help" 41457, "The abbot is concerned about a small monastery deep in the forest. He sent some troops there, but they will be outnumbered.\n\"Please, good knight, bring the monks to safety. A young knight knows the way, he will accompany you.\"" 41458, "I take the young knight as a guide and head for the monast...
  • 0122
    STRINGTABLE LANGUAGE LANG_ENGLISH, 0x0 { 1936, "General skills " 1937, "Sir Ector" 1938, "Sir, I am your foster father and I brought you up as my own flesh and blood. I humbly serve you as my king and I promise that I shall not fail you. However, you are still inexperienced in the ways of warfare. I would be glad if I could give you advice from time to time. And pleas...
  • 0187
    STRINGTABLE LANGUAGE LANG_ENGLISH, 0x0 { 2976, "%d% Gold income from mines" 2977, "The amulet brought luck countless times for Sir Marrick, who was one of the greatest warriors of the jousting fields." 2978, "%d% Gold income from taxes" 2979, "%d Trade" 2980, "%d% Gold income from trade" 2981, "%.1f % Population Growth" 2982, "%...
  • 0105
    STRINGTABLE LANGUAGE LANG_ENGLISH, 0x0 { 1664, "Cloak of the Blind Hermit" 1665, "There was once a blind druid who could rule magic. When he disappeared, he left his treasured artifacts behind. These personal belongings were thought to be lost, like this cloak that was woven from the silk of the twisted spider-creatures that live in Tir na nOg. Now you have to fight a battle fo...
  • 0309
    STRINGTABLE LANGUAGE LANG_ENGLISH, 0x0 { 4928, "It doesn t matter in which part of the Kingdom we live, we are all the same." 4929, "+2 Loyalty in every province." 4930, "Rank %d, XP %d" 4931, "Elite troops" 4932, "The best of the best." 4933, "Units gain 10% more Experience points." 4934, "Brutality" 4935, "Crush th...
  • 0297
    STRINGTABLE LANGUAGE LANG_ENGLISH, 0x0 { 4736, "A wise man gains more experience from the same situation. If you are a leader, your men will also benefit from your wisdom." 4737, "+ %d%% XP for the hero\n+ %d%% XP for all units and heroes in the whole army if the hero is the leader" 4738, "Halted" 4739, "Trample" 4740, "Time limit %d seasons"...
  • 0372
    STRINGTABLE LANGUAGE LANG_ENGLISH, 0x0 { 5936, "Delete" 5937, "Load Army" 5938, "Save Army" 5939, "Lord Foras" 5940, "Send an Army to Blacktooth Keep in Bedegraine to defeat the Grey Baron." 5941, "I have the druids captured and then have them hung at the crossroads, or pinned to the gates of the cities, so everyone will remember that Art...
  • 0218
    STRINGTABLE LANGUAGE LANG_ENGLISH, 0x0 { 3472, "IDS_STRONGHOLD_DEFENSE_SLOT_FUNCTION_CATAPULT_UPDATE_NAME" 3473, "IDS_STRONGHOLD_DEFENSE_SLOT_FUNCTION_CATAPULT_UPDATE_DESC" 3474, "A group of mercenaries lead by a famous captain arrive in your province offering soldiers to anyone willing to pay them. While idle they pillage and rampage in the nearby villages, even dari...
  • 0206
    STRINGTABLE LANGUAGE LANG_ENGLISH, 0x0 { 3280, "In the age of King Vortigern, a warlord arrived from the cold North with a strange ship to offer his services for the king. He was a respected leader and fought gloriously for his new lord, until he was defeated by an Unseelie sorceress. She took something from the equipment of the warlord, which together granted him strength in battle. Now...
  • 2830
    STRINGTABLE LANGUAGE LANG_ENGLISH, 0x0 { 45264, "I fight them." 45265, "I fight them." 45266, "I lure them to the edge of a slide, hoping it will devour a few of them." 45267, "I lure them to the edge of a slide, hoping it will devour a few of them." 45268, "I lure them to the edge of a slide, hoping it will devour a few of them." 45269, "...
  • 0362
    STRINGTABLE LANGUAGE LANG_ENGLISH, 0x0 { 5776, "Your units start the battle with Fire at will on or off." 5777, "Highlighted arrows" 5778, "Increase the visibility of the arrows." 5779, "The Fomorians" 5780, "The Fomorians are monstrous giants who lived at the dawn of time, when the gods of the Sidhe ? Nuada, Dagda and the rest ? arrived in the mor...
  • 0333
    STRINGTABLE LANGUAGE LANG_ENGLISH, 0x0 { 5312, "You successfully conquered 10 provinces." 5313, "You want to rule Britannia, but you don’t want to destroy the whole realm by waging an unnecessarily long and bloody war. By conquering ten provinces you’ll surely teach a lesson to all the other kings who will join your strong Saxon kingdom as soon as they see your power." 531...
  • 0057
    STRINGTABLE LANGUAGE LANG_ENGLISH, 0x0 { 896, "Mercia Divided" 897, "Guildhall" 898, "A guild is a new invention in Britannia, the association of craftspeople organized around a particular trade." 899, "Inns" 900, "These establishments sell wine and food and provide a reliable occupation for the poor." 901, "Months ago King Aetheldred, th...
  • 0127
    STRINGTABLE LANGUAGE LANG_ENGLISH, 0x0 { 2016, "The land of dense forests and dangerous crags is dominated by the mountains of Snowdonia. The hill forts are reminders of a time when dragons roamed this area. This was always the terrritory of the mightiest tribes of Wales." 2017, "The hills and dark forests of Powys give shelter to many tribesmen who still follow the old ways, a...
  • 0097
    STRINGTABLE LANGUAGE LANG_ENGLISH, 0x0 { 1536, "Conquer the Stronghold in Wales" 1537, "Build 2 Strongholds and upgrade them to the maximum" 1538, "Collect 200.000 gold in your Treasury" 1539, "Destroy all rulers whose Faith is Christian" 1540, "Upgrade at least1 hero to level 20" 1541, "Destroy the armies of King Arthur" 1542, "...
  • 0350
    STRINGTABLE LANGUAGE LANG_ENGLISH, 0x0 { 5584, "+ 2 to Old Faith for all heroes" 5585, "Armies able to \"teleport\" to any stone circle location" 5586, "An emissary from the allied Welsh empire has asked for audience King Ryons is making preparations to build the greatest temple to the Old Faith in Britannia, the Hall of the Ancient Gods. In the name of the...
  • 0203
    STRINGTABLE LANGUAGE LANG_ENGLISH, 0x0 { 3232, "OK" 3233, "not purchased" 3234, "Quiet please." 3235, "Your name shall be always remembered." 3236, "Justice will be served." 3237, "IDS_STRATEGY_UPG_BANDERIUM_DESC" 3238, "Sharing information quickens the pace of development." 3241, "Using better tools and measurements c...
  • 0157
    STRINGTABLE LANGUAGE LANG_ENGLISH, 0x0 { 2496, "Victory Locations 5\nForest, Plain\n\nUther Pendragon fought many wars in Britannia until he defeated all the petty kings of the realm. This is a legendary field where one of his greatest battles took place." 2497, "Victory Locations 5\nRiver, Forest, Hill\n\nUther Pendragon fought many wars in Britannia until he defeated all th...
  • @wiki全体から「デモのダウンロードと購入先」で調べる

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