

WaiWaiの記事を転載した英語サイト:O - (2009/01/05 (月) 17:48:41) の最新版との変更点



#include(英語サイトに記事が及ぼした影響) #contents() ---- *[[Orient Expat]] http://www.orientexpat.com/ 詳細は「[[Orient Expat]]」へ。 ---- *OO Forums http://www.oowrestling.com/OOForums/index.php :There is a role in WWE for Nathan Jones| http://www.oowrestling.com/OOForums/viewthread.php?tid=4240 "A tit a day keeps the pain away" :Poop attacks are not confined to the OO Boards| http://www.oowrestling.com/OOForums/viewthread.php?tid=3783 "TV Asahi dodges the dung in dirty smear campaign" :Follow up on the Great Sasuke's election| http://www.oowrestling.com/OOForums/viewthread.php?tid=2948 "The Great Sasuke grapples with well hung imposter" *OPENnntp.com http://www.opennntp.com/ :manure converted to drinking water| http://www.opennntp.com/Politics/manure-converted-to-drinking-water-715991931.html "Pot of gold from crock of crap? I'll drink to that!" :The Lust Samurai| http://www.opennntp.com/Celebrities/the-lust-samurai-712096497.html "Watanabe cruises through court as the lust samurai" :OT: Rock'n rolling aboard Tokyo's infamous orgy bus| http://www.opennntp.com/Celebrities/ot-rockn-rolling-aboard-tokyos-infamous-orgy-bus-711214056.html "Rock'n rolling aboard Tokyo's infamous orgy bus" :Tatu split up| http://www.opennntp.com/Celebrities/tatu-split-up-69410271.html "Pseudo-lesbo duo gets tongue lashing over Japan antics" *Outpost Nine http://www.outpostnine.com/ :grain of salt| http://www.outpostnine.com/forum/showpost.php?p=424198 "Details emerge of Okinawan girl's alleged rape encounter with "terrifying" Marine" :Pedophile principal the ultimate pro in luring prey for perverted pics| http://www.outpostnine.com/forum/showpost.php?p=400846 :Booty boot camp?| http://www.outpostnine.com/forum/showpost.php?p=379272 "[[Girls get good grip on sex technique at booty boot camp]]" :Poolside bikini display, troubled singer top weekly entertainment headlines| http://www.outpostnine.com/forum/showpost.php?p=375889 "Fallen star hits rock bottom after meteoric demise" :Japan: Hard to please?| http://www.outpostnine.com/forum/showpost.php?p=365947 "Punters snub Miss Universe for lacking Japanese 'cuteness'" :Author dismisses government's fear mongering myth of crime wave by foreigners| http://www.outpostnine.com/forum/showpost.php?p=322515 :A train groping cafe| http://www.outpostnine.com/forum/showpost.php?p=272580 "Train Cafe takes hands-on approach in fight against molesting" :Look Up| http://www.outpostnine.com/forum/showpost.php?p=211926 "[[Japan's new national pastime? Panty peeking]]" :Older gals happy to play with their boy toys| http://www.outpostnine.com/forum/showpost.php?p=202943 :Otaku are paedophiles in disguise?| http://www.outpostnine.com/forum/showpost.php?p=198890 "Self-professed 'real otaku' rips into 'moe' fetish fakers" :Japanese housewives turn to porn...| 部分転載:http://www.outpostnine.com/forum/showpost.php?p=164630 "Hungry housewives make a bit on the side through amateur porn" :Chinese geisha give slanted view of Japan's oldest professionals| 部分転載:http://www.outpostnine.com/forum/showpost.php?p=88228 ---- *関連ページ #related()
#include(英語サイトに記事が及ぼした影響) #contents() ---- *[[Orient Expat]] http://www.orientexpat.com/ 詳細は「[[Orient Expat]]」へ。 ---- *OO Forums http://www.oowrestling.com/OOForums/index.php :There is a role in WWE for Nathan Jones| http://www.oowrestling.com/OOForums/viewthread.php?tid=4240 "A tit a day keeps the pain away" :Poop attacks are not confined to the OO Boards| http://www.oowrestling.com/OOForums/viewthread.php?tid=3783 "TV Asahi dodges the dung in dirty smear campaign" :Follow up on the Great Sasuke's election| http://www.oowrestling.com/OOForums/viewthread.php?tid=2948 "The Great Sasuke grapples with well hung imposter" *OPENnntp.com http://www.opennntp.com/ :manure converted to drinking water| http://www.opennntp.com/Politics/manure-converted-to-drinking-water-715991931.html "Pot of gold from crock of crap? I'll drink to that!" :The Lust Samurai| http://www.opennntp.com/Celebrities/the-lust-samurai-712096497.html "Watanabe cruises through court as the lust samurai" :OT: Rock'n rolling aboard Tokyo's infamous orgy bus| http://www.opennntp.com/Celebrities/ot-rockn-rolling-aboard-tokyos-infamous-orgy-bus-711214056.html "Rock'n rolling aboard Tokyo's infamous orgy bus" :Tatu split up| http://www.opennntp.com/Celebrities/tatu-split-up-69410271.html "Pseudo-lesbo duo gets tongue lashing over Japan antics" *outie.net Media Portal http://www.outie.net/forums/index.php 部分転載 :Chinatsu Wakatsuki - Dolly Girl| http://www.outie.net/forums/viewthread.php?tid=26269 "Cheeky Chinatsu worried sick over Japan's big breast obsession" :crazy japanese!!| http://www.outie.net/forums/viewthread.php?tid=11271 "[[More moms going down, to ensure grades go up]]" :to be a master (otakus are getting lucky)| http://www.outie.net/forums/viewthread.php?tid=11270 "Geeks agree sexy servant hotel is maid in heave" *Outpost Nine http://www.outpostnine.com/ :Another U.S. soldier charged with rape...| http://www.outpostnine.com/forum/showpost.php?p=424198 "Details emerge of Okinawan girl's alleged rape encounter with "terrifying" Marine" :Oh yeah - This is "Japan" news tidbits| http://www.outpostnine.com/forum/showpost.php?p=400846 "Pedophile principal the ultimate pro in luring prey for perverted pics" :Booty boot camp?| http://www.outpostnine.com/forum/showpost.php?p=379272 "[[Girls get good grip on sex technique at booty boot camp]]" :Poolside bikini display, troubled singer top weekly entertainment headlines| http://www.outpostnine.com/forum/showpost.php?p=375889 "Fallen star hits rock bottom after meteoric demise" :Because we all know you people love the Wai-Wai section of Mainichi...| http://www.outpostnine.com/forum/showpost.php?p=370152 "Brothers doing it for themselves at the Japan Cherry Boy Association" :Japan: Hard to please?| http://www.outpostnine.com/forum/showpost.php?p=365947 "[[Punters snub Miss Universe for lacking Japanese 'cuteness']]" :Wow. Just wow.| 部分転載:http://www.outpostnine.com/forum/showpost.php?p=332830 "Handcuffed girl's horror death fated by tough life" :Wow. Just wow.| http://www.outpostnine.com/forum/showpost.php?p=332659 "Manacle maniac teacher locked into handcuffs of his own" :Wow. Just wow.| http://www.outpostnine.com/forum/showpost.php?p=332502 "Male teachers tugged by teen temptations" :Tales of the Gaijin Violators!/Japan, Bastion of Tolerance| http://www.outpostnine.com/forum/showpost.php?p=322515 "Author dismisses government's fear mongering myth of crime wave by foreigners" :A train groping cafe| http://www.outpostnine.com/forum/showpost.php?p=272580 "Train Cafe takes hands-on approach in fight against molesting" :Look Up| http://www.outpostnine.com/forum/showpost.php?p=211926 "[[Japan's new national pastime? Panty peeking]]" :Caaan You Dig IiiiiiT| http://www.outpostnine.com/forum/showpost.php?p=202943 "Older gals happy to play with their boy toys" :Otaku are paedophiles in disguise?| http://www.outpostnine.com/forum/showpost.php?p=198981 "[[Just plain disturbing: Japan's newest batch of idols on the wrong side of 10]]" :Otaku are paedophiles in disguise?| http://www.outpostnine.com/forum/showpost.php?p=198890 "[[Self-professed 'real otaku' rips into 'moe' fetish fakers]]" :More moms going down,to ensure grades go up!| 部分転載:http://www.outpostnine.com/forum/showpost.php?p=193002 "[[More moms going down, to ensure grades go up]]!" :Japanese housewives turn to porn...| 部分転載:http://www.outpostnine.com/forum/showpost.php?p=164630 "[[Hungry housewives make a bit on the side through amateur porn]]" :Geisha| 部分転載:http://www.outpostnine.com/forum/showpost.php?p=88228 "Chinese geisha give slanted view of Japan's oldest professionals" ---- *関連ページ #related()




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