A curious oral encounter with contrite ex-cop

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*A curious oral encounter with contrite ex-cop
>A curious oral encounter with contrite ex-cop 2007,06,08
>Uramono Japan (June)   By  Masuo Kamiyama
裏モノJAPAN(6月号)  カミヤママスオ記
>"My name is Yoko. I'm 26 years old," she tells him.
>"What kind of work do you do?" the fellow, a 29-year-old salaryman, asks her.
>"I'm an OL (office worker)," she replies, batting her eyelids shyly.
>"Oh? Well, would you like to get it on with me?"
>"Actually, I'm having my period, it might be a bit uncomfortable."
>"You can use your mouth then, okay?"
>"Um, yeah, I guess."
>"I'll pay you 10,000 yen."
>"Well, all right, but I'm not very good at this sort of thing, you know?"
>The above exchange, reports Uramono Japan (June), took place at a "deai kissa" (matchmaking coffee shop) in Tokyo's Ikebukuro district. 
>The standard procedure is for the male patrons to view female patrons through a one-way magic mirror and draw chits for the right to get to know them better in a private "talk room," where one-on-one exchanges, like the one above, ensue.
標準的な手順は、男性客が一方通行のマジックミラー越しに女性客を眺め、じゃまの入らない「トークルーム」 -- そこでは上述のもののような、1対1の会話がなされる --の中で互いをよりよく知りあう権利のためのクジを引く。
>If both parties agree on whatever the man proposes in terms of activity and price, they depart the premises hand in hand for someplace more intimate.
>But the above encounter took place at around three p.m. on a Sunday, the shop was crowded, and this particular customer, forced to compete with others, wasn't having much luck finding an appealing female partner until our gal arrived on the scene.
>Still, a mere session of oral gratification did not seem to warrant paying for a room in a love hotel, so the pair decided to get down to the nitty-gritty in a "manga kissa," a type of shop that serves drinks and rents comics, and where customers can avail themselves of comparatively inexpensive private rooms.
とはいえ、口での奉仕だけにラブホテルの部屋代の支払いをするのは割に合わないように思えたので、二人は「漫画喫茶」--- 飲み物を提供し漫画を貸す店の一種で、比較的安価で客が個室を利用できるところ ---の中で肝心なことに取り掛かろうと決めた。
>To add a little, er, flavor to the experience, the man stretched out the time by questioning Yoko -- the name she went by -- regarding her curriculum vitae.
>"What do you do at your company?"
>"Did I say company?" she replies. 
>"Sorry, I do office work, but it's for the Japan Self Defense Forces."
>"Really?! You're in the military?"
>"Yes, and before that I was a policewoman, but there were some ... problems at work and I had to quit."
>"I can't believe I'm hearing this," the man thinks to himself. 
>"Here's a woman who's about to give me a blowjob for 10,000 yen, and she used to be a cop..."
>In, as then she informed him, the Seikatsu Anzen (public safety) section, where her assignment was -- are you sitting down, dear reader? -- busting girls caught engaging in "enjo kosai" (teen prostitution)!
そのあと彼女が彼に教えたことによると、彼女が配属されたところの生活安全(公衆の安全)課は -- 親愛なる読者よ、おどろかないでくれ((Are you sitting down?は、驚くべきニュースや衝撃を与える話題を伝える前にいわれる言葉)) -- 「援助交際(十代の売春)」をしている少女たちを取り締まっていたのだ!
>The main procedure for discouraging "enko," Yoko tells him, was for plainclothes cops to patrol the street outside the entrances of love hotels. 
>Young females suspected of selling their bodies were intercepted as they were about to check in with their John, and whisked away to be questioned by a male-female team of juvie officers.
>Sometimes the girls' male patrons were also placed under arrest.
>But that was then and this was now, and once he disrobed and got horizontal, Yoko performed a rousing rendition on his fleshy flute for 20 minutes, until he climaxed and spent himself into her oral cavity.
>"She was certainly right about not being very skilled," the man comments. 
>"But I have to admit, the notion of getting sucked off by a former policewoman really turned me on."
>"Do you do this a lot?" he asked her as they took the elevator back to the street level.
>"Actually, this is my first time," she says. 
>"Today was only the second time I'd ever gone to that shop. 
>The customer who took me out last time only bought me dinner."
>"Tell you what. Let me buy you dinner too. 
>I'd really like to hear more about your police work."
>"Sorry, but no. I've put all that behind me. 
>I should never really have told you I was a cop in the first place."
>And with that, she bade him adieu and walked away. 
>Yes, concludes Uramono Japan, we're living in times when we even want to forget those things that should be unforgettable. (By Masuo Kamiyama, contributing writer)

:[[The Black Ship]]|





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