Japanese set the blogs on 'sleazy Australian' writer

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Japanese set the blogs on 'sleazy Australian' writer - (2008/07/07 (月) 02:25:46) の編集履歴(バックアップ)

Japanese set the blogs on 'sleazy Australian' writer
Justin Norrie, Tokyo  July 5, 2008






毎日新聞 (世界で4番目に発行部数の多い日本の新聞) は1277語の釈明と謝罪を掲載し、コラムを閉鎖してスタッフを懲戒し、コネルを3カ月の懲戒停職にすると表明した。

今週、コンタクトしたところ、コネルはコメントはできないと言った。だがThe Age (この記事を掲載しているウェブサイト)の見解では、彼は殺人予告を受けとったので、警察の厳重な指示によりほとぼりが冷めるまで家に閉じこもっているのだ。


「学園のヒミツ - 女子学生は課外セックスでお金を稼ぐ」はコネルの最近のコラムの1つである。すべて日本語の元記事を、イギリスのタブロイド紙の流儀で、クリエイティブな方法と文体を使って書き写したものである。


1人は、「事実を知らない外国人はこの話を真に受けるだろう」と書き、他の1人は 「ライアン・コネルは腐ったスカトロ野郎 - オーストラリア人の見本だ」と書いた。3番目は「なぜオーストラリアに誰か水爆を落とさないのか?」と書いた。




コネルと仲間たちと同様に週刊誌を擁護するのは、不屈の人権活動家でネット批評家の有道出人 (Arudou Debito) である。

※有道出人 (Arudou Debito):アメリカ・カリフォルニア州出身。日本国籍取得。人権活動家、作家。英名はデビッド・クリストファー・アルドウィンクル(David Christopher Aldwinckle)。

彼は言う - 連中も、外人でもタブロイド紙を読めることに気がついたっていい頃だ。

現在はWaiWai は廃止となったが、ネタ元の週刊タブロイド紙はモラルを振りかざしてコネルの失脚をたたき放題だ。

NOT so long ago Ryann Connell, an Australian journalist based in Japan, pointed out happily that he was doing his "dream job".

Since accepting police protection from incensed Japanese last week, the chief editor of the Mainichi Daily News English website has been more circumspect.

In the past month the 39-year-old, originally from Melbourne, has become one of the most reviled figures in Japan, where thousands of posters have flooded chat sites to decry the "sleazy Australian journalist" who they feel has deliberately besmirched Japan's image around the world.

Connell's troubles began in May with one of his now infamous "WaiWai" columns, which cited a Japanese magazine article about a restaurant where patrons allegedly have sex with animals before eating them.

The piece caught the attention of a blogger called "mozu", whose angry post was soon picked up by 2channel, a huge, fractious web forum popular with Japan's hot-headed conservative element.

There it triggered an explosion of bile and culminated in a co-ordinated attack on Connell, his family, the Mainichi and its sponsors, some of which have dropped advertising estimated to be worth millions of yen.

The Mainichi, whose Japanese-language newspaper has the fourth-highest circulation in the world, has issued a 1277-word explanation and apology. It has also terminated the column, reprimanded some staff and put Connell on three months of "disciplinary leave".

When contacted this week, Connell said he was unable to comment. But The Age believes he has received death threats and is under strict police instructions to stay at home until things die down. Since he began contributing to the Mainichi newspaper column in 1998, Connell has trawled Japan's smut-filled weekly magazines to bring mostly unsourced tales of the utterly shocking and often improbable to the English-speaking world.

There are many WaiWai stories, such as the one about mothers who pleasure their sons to stop them from chasing girls at the expense of school work.

There was also an article about chikan (men who grope women on trains) who meet monthly to trade tips about the best ways to surreptitiously manhandle other passengers, and the account of emotionally stunted salarymen who use lifelike mannequins as surrogate wives.

"Campus confidential: co-eds collect currency conducting extra-curricular coitus" began one of Connell's recent columns, all of which are transcribed from Japanese before being rendered — with a large dollop of creative licence and a brain-melting dose of alliteration —in the style of the raciest British tabloids.

It is their popularity with some Western readers that has especially incensed Japanese bloggers. Many feel their country's reputation has been "debauched" around the world.

"Foreigners who don't know the truth will believe these stories are true," wrote one. Another railed: "Ryann Connell is a degenerate scatologist — a typical Australian." And a third wondered: "Why doesn't someone drop a hydrogen atom bomb on Australia?"

Others still believe that the WaiWai column had turned Japan into a popular tourist destination for sleazy foreign men convinced that Japanese women are "cheap and easy".

In an interview late last year, Connell admitted that his transcriptions might have contributed in part to a lazy notion that if Japanese are not totally inhibited by their strict social codes, then they are hopelessly debased by bizarre fetishes.

"It does concern me that we resort to these stereotypes all the time," said Connell, who arrived in Tokyo in 1989, coincidentally the year that WaiWai was launched. "Downtrodden salarymen, slutty schoolgirls, crazy housewives, corrupt old bosses and so on. … By and large I'm presenting to the English-speaking world things that the Japanese are writing about themselves."

Coming to the defence of the weeklies, as well as Connell and his collaborators, is unflagging media critic and campaigner for human rights, Debito Arudou.

It's about time, he says, that people realised foreigners can and do read the tabloids.

But now that WaiWai is out of the way, the weekly tabloid magazines that provided Connell with his material have been free to moralise with everyone else about his downfall.


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