

インストールマニュアル - (2007/09/13 (木) 16:12:37) のソース

インストール & 構成 マニュアル
TestLink version 1.7

Copyright ? 2004,2005,2006 TestLink Development Community
Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. The license is available in "GNU Free Documentation License" homepage.
翻訳: Testing Engineer's Forum (TEF) - ソフトウェアテスト技術者交流会 -

1 このドキュメントの範囲

このドキュメントは、TestLink 1.7のインストールと構成方法に関するリファレンスと知識基盤を提供します。初めの部分は、インストールの手順、次の部分は構成方法の説明になっています。
最新のドキュメントは TestLinkのホームページで参照することができます。さらに TestLink フォーラムで問題の解決方法を質問することもできます。


1.Install background services
2.Tranfer and uncompress files into web directory
3.Generate database tables and add data (create default or transfer from previous db)
4.Edit configuration files
5.PHP File extensions


2 必要とするシステム資源

TestLink requires these applications as background:
MySQL 4.1.x and higher (4.0.x doesn't support UTF-8) 
php 5.x and higher (version 5.2 is recommended)
Webserver (Apache 1.3.x or 2.x and higher, IIS 3 and higher, etc.). See <php_root>/install.txt for more information.
There is no requirement about your operating system (tested on Linux and MS Win32).
You can use also MySQL on different server than TestLink. 

MySQL 4.1.x もしくはそれ以上のバージョン
(4.0.x はUTF-8をサポートしていないため使用できません)

PHP 5.x以上(推奨は5.2です)

Apache 1.3.x。 2.x またはそれ以上
IIS 3 以上


3 インストールの準備

Do the next steps before installation:
1.Install environment: Webserver, php4 and MySQL. Refer to documentation of these products. You can also find installations package of all these products and install it together. E.g. XAMPP, EasyPHP, Uniform Server, etc.
2.Transfer the TestLink installation file to your webserver using whatever method you like best (ftp, scp, etc.). You will need to telnet/ssh into the server machine for the next steps.
3.Next, untar/gunzip it to the directory that you want. The usual command is (1 step):
# tar zxvf <filename.tar.gz>
# gunzip <filename.tar.gz>
# tar xvf <filename.tar>
Winzip, Stuffit, and other programs should also be able to handle decompression of the archive.
At this point you may want to rename the directory to something simpler like 'testlink'. You will use the mv command to rename a directory (Windows users substitute the "ren" command or use explorer).
# mv <directory_name> testlink
4.Continue Installation or Upgrade.

>>> begin >>>
1.  環境のインストール:Webserver, php4, MySQL
    例  XAMPP, EasyPHP, Uniform Server など

2.  あなたの使う webserver に TestLink のインストールファイルを
    一番やりやすい方法で転送してください。(ftp, scp, 等)
    次のステップでは telnet か ssh がサーバーマシンに入っていることが

3.  次に、好きなディレクトリに untar か gunzip で解凍します。
    通常は以下のようなものです。(1 step): 
    # tar zxvf <filename.tar.gz> 
    # gunzip <filename.tar.gz> 
    # tar xvf <filename.tar> 
    Winzip や Stuffit などの他の解凍プログラムでも同じような操作で

    解凍したら、mv や rendir で、ディレクトリ名を単なる testlink に
    (Windows の場合はコマンドラインの ren やエクスプローラで変えます)
    # mv <directory_name> testlink 

4.  インストールやアップグレードを続行します。
>>> end >>>

4 インストール

You can use automatic scripted installation or manual steps. If you are upgrading from a previous version of TestLink look at the Upgrading section.

>>> begin >>>
もし、前バージョンの TestLink をアップグレードするのなら
>>> end >>>

4.1 自働でのインストール

The following details the basic steps for installation on any system. The instructions may seem unix-centric but should work fine on Windows systems. Barring complications, it should take you about 10-30 minutes to install, configure, and be using TestLink.
This installation process has changed with release 1.6. Next we will create the necessary database tables and a basic configuration file.
1.From your web browser access http://<yoursite>/testlink/install/index.php.
2.This page will walk through the following steps:
check basic parameters for the web server, php config and DB version.
prompt for the database type and location, and a database user/password pair. For installation, an administrative user/password pair can also be provided. The operating user requires ALTER, SELECT, INSERT, and UPDATE privileges. For installation, INDEX, CREATE, DELETE, and DROP privileges are also required.
create the database and tables.
A DEFAULT ADMINISTRATOR level account is created.
The account name and password are: admin / admin. Use this when you first login to TestLink. Immediately go to Manage and create at least one administrator level account. Immediately after that DISABLE or DELETE the admin account. You can recreate it but you should delete the account to prevent the cookie_string from being used to trick the package. It would be even better to rename the account or delete it permanently. REMEMBER: After setting up the package, REMOVE the default admin account
perform some post installation checks on the system.
3.After a successful upgrade you should remove the <testlinkwebdir>/install/ directory for security reasons.
4.The next part involves configuring the installation to work with your specific setup. See configuration section for description of configurable parameter.

>>> begin >>>
命令の記述は unix を主な対象としていますが、Windows でも同じように
TestLink を使えるようになるまでにかかる時間は、10 分から 30 分程度です。
このインストール手順は release 1.6 で変更されました。
次からは、database tables と basic configuration file を作成することが

1.  Web ブラウザで http://<yoursite>/testlink/install/index.php に

2.  このページは以下のステップのリハーサルをします(walk through):
    web server 、php のコンフィギュレーション、DB バージョンの
    アカウント名とパスワードは右のものです:admin / admin
    TestLink に最初にログインするときは、これを使用してください。
    Testlink に対するクッキー文字列を使った犯罪(trick)を避けるために

3.  更新が成功したら、セキュリティ上の理由のため、

4.  次のパートでは固有のセットアップ事項に基づいた
>>> end >>>

4.1.1 手動でのインストール

If you want to perform a Manual installation (not recomended) here are the steps needed for a successful installation. For installing the DB you can either choose the command line tools available in your MySQL installation or any MySQL Database Client (e.g. phpMyAdmin).
Prepare MySQL via command line tools:
Create a new empty MySQL database.
for MySQL >= 4.1 (with UTF8) do CREATE DATABASE testlink CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci By choosing UTF8 you should also change the value of DB_SUPPORTS_UTF8 to TRUE in your <testlinkdir>/config.inc.php See Configuration for more.
Create tables for the newly created database.
# mysql -u <user> -p<password> <dbname> < <testlinkdir>/install/sql/testlink_create_tables.sql
E.g. # mysql -u testlink -ppass testlink < /var/www/html/testlink/install/sql/testlink_create_tables.sql
Populate initial data for the newly created database (admin account, default roles).
# mysql -u <user> -p<password> <dbname> < <testlinkdir>/install/sql/testlink_create_default_data.sql
Alternatively you can use phpMyAdmin:
Create new database from main page (recommended UTF-8 character set).
Optionally create a new user and assign him correct rights for the created database.
Select the created database in the left pane.
Navigate to SQL window.
Upload SQL request from files /install/sql/testlink_create_tables.sql and run the script.
Upload SQL request from files /install/sql/testlink_create_default_data.sql and run the script.
Create a <testlinkdir>/config_db.inc.php file with the following data (example):
<?php // Automatically Generated by TestLink Installer 
define('DB_TYPE', 'mysql'); 
define('DB_USER', 'testlinker'); 
define('DB_PASS', 'testlink_pass'); 
define('DB_HOST', 'localhost'); 
define('DB_NAME', 'tl_master'); 
(Optional) Create a DB user for connection from TestLink. Don't forget to assign a correct rights (at least SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) for the created database. The user must be defined in config_db.inc.php. Otherwise you can use any other user available in MySQL database with correct rights.
On Linux or UNIX you must change the permissions of the templates_c directory to be writable by the webserver. From the TestLink root directory run
# chmod 777 gui/templates_c
Log into TestLink! Default credentials are:
user: admin; pass: admin
Changing this password is a good security practice. TestLink notifies if you don't do it.
After a successful upgrade you should remove the <testlinkwebdir>/install/ directory for security reasons.
The next part involves configuring the installation to work with your specific setup. See configuration section for description of configurable parameter.
Report any issues or feedback to TestLink Bug tracking system page.

>>> begin >>>
データベースのインストールは、MySQL のインストールで使用したコマンドライン
ツールか、MySQL のデータベースクライアント (例 phpMyAdmin) が選べます。

コマンドラインツールでの MySQL の準備:
新しい空の MySQL データベースを生成します。
MySQL は 4.1 以上(UTF8 の場合) で、testlink のデータベースの生成を行います。
文字セットは utf8_general_ci に UTF8 を選択することでutf8 で照合します。
また、<testlinkdir>/config.inc.php の中のDB_SUPPORTS_UTF8 の値も 
TRUE に変えてください。
# mysql -u <user> -p<password> <dbname> < <testlinkdir>/install/sql/testlink_create_tables.sql
例 # mysql -u testlink -ppass testlink < /var/www/html/testlink/install/sql/testlink_create_tables.sql 
# mysql -u <user> -p<password> <dbname> < <testlinkdir>/install/sql/testlink_create_default_data.sql 

>>> end >>>

4.2 プログラムのバージョンアップ

Major version upgrade: You can upgrade either automatically (via script) or manually. There is a several changes in database against both TL 1.6, 1.5 and 1.0.4. I.e. you are not able to use directly your original database.
Hot-Fix version upgrade is not required (For example 1.7.0 -> 1.7.2).

4.2.1 Hot-Fix release update

Maintenance (Bug fixing) release is for example 1.6.0 -> 1.6.1. Database schema doesn't changed in this case. 
Save files of the previous version.
Remove the all files from directory.
Copy a new version to the same directory.
Copy config_db file to the new structure and modify configuration parameters acording your previous settings.
Now, it should work.

4.2.2 Automatic upgrading major version

Follows preinstallation steps.
From a web browser run http://<testlinkwebdir>/install/index.php
Choose 'Upgrade Installation' link. Run the scripts until you see that process is finished.
After a successful upgrade you should remove the <testlinkwebdir>/install/ directory for security reasons.
The next part involves configuring the installation to work with your specific setup. See configuration section for description of configurable parameter.
Report any issues or feedback to TestLink Bug tracking system page.

4.2.3 手動でのバージョンアップ

This chapter describe changes in against previous versions. The automatic upgrade is recommended. Use this chapter for a special cases and fiddling config. You can do it of course after a study of changes in database and installation script. Good idea is to compare SQL files for create db tables (your current version and a new one).

4.2.4 Database schema changes

user password is encrypted (1.5)
A new tables for SRS feature: requirements,  req_coverage, requirement_doc (1.6)
Attachments (1.7)
Custom fields (1.7)

4.2.5 旧バージョンとの互換性

TL 1.0.4 has not  relation Test Plan relation to Product. The solution from TL 1.6 table include field Product ID in the table. Test Plans could be available over all Products. Such Test Plan has Product ID value = 0.
Configuration within <testlinkinstalldir>/config.inc.php: 
$g_ui_show_check_filter_tp_by_product = 1;. Latin to UTF-8 conversion (upgrade from 1.5 and older)

TestLink 1.6 allows for UTF-8 encoded character rendering, therefore any extended character data that may have snuck into your database and didn't show up in 1.5 may start appearing in 1.6 UI.  You can turn UTF-8 support off in testlink by modifying a value in the <testlinkinstalldir>/config.inc.php file, but then you will be missing out on the ability to use characters beyond ASCII.

If you have the same problem I did and see lots of extended characters appearing in your data after upgrading to 1.6 and having UTF-8 support turned on, you should read through the following instructions. Be sure to practice this exercise on a test machine before performing on your deployment system.

The instructions will help you clear out any non-ASCII characters from your database and setup your database to support UTF-8.

First make a backup of your current database using the mysqldump utility.
# /usr/bin/mysqldump -u root testlink15 -p > testlink15.backup
Now edit testlink15.backup so schema definitions for EACH table has utf8 encoding specified. Change the CHARSET for each table from latin1 to utf8. For example the following line in the definition of 1 table which reads as follows :
ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COMMENT='This table holds the bugs filed for each result'; 
should be changed to 
ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='This table holds the bugs filed for each result';
Then ran testlink15.backup thru my the perl script below as follows:
/replaceScript.pl < testlink15.backup > testlink15.cleaned
replaceScript.pl is as follows :
while (<>) {
        print $_, "\n";
Created an empty testlink16 db with utf8 charset as follows:

Install the tables into the new database
# mysql testlink16 -u root -p < testlink15.cleaned

You can verify your database's "Db characterset" is now set to utf8 by using the following command:
login to mysql
use testlink16
mysql> \s
mysql  Ver 14.7 Distrib 4.1.11, for redhat-linux-gnu (i386)
Connection id:          26
Current database:       testlink15
Current user:           bugz@localhost
SSL:                    Not in use
Current pager:          stdout
Using outfile:          ''
Using delimiter:        ;
Server version:         4.1.11
Protocol version:       10
Connection:             Localhost via UNIX socket
Server characterset:    latin1
Db     characterset:    utf8
Client characterset:    latin1
Conn.  characterset:    latin1
UNIX socket:            /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
Uptime:                 36 min 55 sec

Run the upgrade installation provided by Testlink 1.6.

Other resources:
what the heck is UTF-8 ? 
octal table (you can see octal values 000 - 177 are "normal ascii" characters).
The perl script that is provided searches based on octal values.
description of tr perl operation

5 コンフィグレーション

5.1 コンフィグレーションファイル

All configuration parameters are inside the file config.inc.php and included files. For this release (1.6) these are the configuration files:
<testlink installation directory>/config.inc.php 
<testlink installation directory>/config_db.inc.php 
<testlink installation directory>/cfg/<bug_tracking_system>.cfg.php 

Main configuration file. See below for more.
Contains configuration parameters to access the database. This file is created by the installer during the installation or upgrade process. Normally you don't need to change it manually.
Contains configuration parameters to access bugzilla, mantis or jira issue tracking system. You need to edit this file is you want to access issue information from testlink (bugtracking system integration feature). To enable this feature you need to change a configuration paramenter on the main configuration file (config.inc.php)

5.2 Parameters which may be configured

Set this to FALSE for MySQL-Versions prior to 4.1 (no utf8 support), so all pages have charset ISO-8859-1 and data will be stored with charset latin1 into the db. For MySQL-Versions >= 4.1 set it to TRUE to enable full UTF-8 support in pages and also data will be stored with charset utf8 into the db.
Set this to the default level of logging (NONE, ERROR, INFO, DEBUG). Note that TestLink doesn't verify a size of a created file. I.e. Use DEBUG level only for development or bug investigation to save disc place. ERROR level is recommended.
The filename and path for the logfile of TestLink. E.g. /tmp/testlink.log
This parameter controls whether the metrics table is displayed on the main page. Accepts 'TRUE' or 'FALSE' values.
This parameter sets the interface to a bugtracker system. Possible values are 'NO', 'BUGZILLA', 'MANTIS', 'JIRA' (TestLink >= 1.6)
For bugzilla configuration see also the file cfg/bugzilla.cfg.php. Supported version: 0.19.1
For mantis configuration see also the file cfg/mantis.cfg.php. Supported version: 1.0.0.a3
For JIRA configuration see also the file cfg/jira.cfg.php. Supported version: JIRA 3.1.1
This parameter also is used to configure tree menu Component used in TestLink. Possible values are 'LAYERSMENU', 'DTREE', 'JTREE'. LAYERSMENU is default value. This Component JTREE has the best performance. The two others have the ability to remember the last position in addition.
Maximum uploadfile size in bytes. Default is 200000. You could increase this value if you import a bigger file. There is also parameter TL_IMPORT_ROW_MAX for maximal size of one line of exported file. The value 10000 characters should be enough.
fckeditor Toolbar definition. You can modify fckeditor toolbar content. See fckeditor homepage for more information about this Component.
Chinese users only: Set: define('TL_TPL_CHARSET', 'gb2312'); This defines a correct html charset. All other languages could leave this option unchanged.
Set this to your default locale, this must be one of $g_locales (defined in the same config). Default value is en_GB.
Strings are used in front of printed document (requirements specification only in 1.6 version). Left blank if not used.

5.3 Customization

5.3.1 Cascading Style Sheet

You can change TestLink appearance writing you own CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) files.
You have to change the following constants:
define('TL_LOGIN_CSS','gui/css/tl_login.css'); - All Login/Logout pages CSS
define('TL_TESTLINK_CSS','gui/css/testlink.css'); - Main CSS
define('TL_DOC_BASIC_CSS','gui/css/tl_doc_basic.css'); - Used in Reports
Important: paths to CSS are relative to the <testlink installation directory>
If you want to use your own CSS files we suggest you to proceed as follow:
1.create a new directory inside the gui directory, example gui/css/my_css/
2.copy the testlink original files to the new directory (you can change the names if you want)
3.modify them at your will
4.edit config.inc.php
// Original configuration 
//define('TL_LOGIN_CSS','gui/css/tl_login.css'); //define('TL_TESTLINK_CSS','gui/css/testlink.css'); //define('TL_DOC_BASIC_CSS','gui/css/tl_doc_basic.css');  define('TL_LOGIN_CSS','gui/css/my_css/tl_login_acqua.css'); define('TL_TESTLINK_CSS','gui/css/my_css/testlink_acqua.css'); define('TL_DOC_BASIC_CSS','gui/css/my_css/tl_doc_basic.css');

5.3.2 Duplicate names for Products, Components, Categories, Test Cases

As you know, is possible to create one of this objects (Products, Components, Categories, testcases) doing a copy of an existing one.
You can configure how to proceed when the copy is done:
if you set $g_check_names_for_duplicates=TRUE then the following checks will be done:
1.Product Name is unique
2.Component Name Inside Product is unique
3.Category Name Inside Component is unique
4.Test Case Name inside Category is unique
One you have set $g_check_names_for_duplicates=TRUE, you can configure how to proceed, if a duplicate name is found, using $g_action_on_duplicate_name.
The options are:
'allow_repeat' : allow the name to be repeated (backward compatibility with version 1.0.4 and 1.5.x)
'generate_new' : generate a new name using the value of $g_prefix_name_for_copy and the original object name.
'block' : return with an error .
Example of formatting:
$g_prefix_name_for_copy= strftime("%Y%m%d-%H:%M:%S", time());

5.3.3 Test Plan relation to Product

Starting with version 1.6 when you create a Test Plan, it's associated to the current selected Product as default. This is means you can filter Test Plans by Product.
Before Teslink 1.6 the Test Plans where not associated to an specific Product. When upgrading from 1.5.x to 1.6, it's not possible for the installer to know to which Product relates ogni test plan, then Product ID is set to 0. This results in a situation where you find you can't see any of your old Test Plans !!!. To solve this problem the following configuration parameter was added:
You can also via DB administration assign this relation manual and use this feature for data from previous version.
5.3.4 Filtering Test Plans by Product

As stated before the default behavour for version 1.6, is to filter Test Plan by Product. Using the following configuration parameter: $g_ui_show_check_filter_tp_by_product.
You can:
Allow the user, through the user interface , to enable/disable test plan filter by Product. A check box is displayed over the test plan combo box. ($g_ui_show_check_filter_tp_by_product = TRUE)
Force Test Plan filtering, without any user possibility to change it.
$g_ui_show_check_filter_tp_by_product = FALSE;

5.3.5 Keyword Management

If you don't want to create multiple times the same keyword for the same Product:

5.3.6 Date and Time Localization

For every defined locale, you can set the format for date and time presentation. This is configured using the following associative arrays: $g_locales_date_format and $g_locales_timestamp_format.
At time of this writting the configuration is :
$g_locales_date_format = array(
	'en_GB' => "%d/%m/%Y", 'it_IT' => "%d/%m/%Y", 
	'es_AR' => "%d/%m/%Y", 'es_ES' => "%d/%m/%Y", 
	'de_DE' => "%d.%m.%Y", 'fr_FR' => "%d/%m/%Y", 
	'pt_BR' => "%d/%m/%Y" ); 
$g_locales_timestamp_format = array(
	'en_GB' => "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S", 
	'it_IT' => "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S", 
	'es_AR' => "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S", 
	'es_ES' => "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S", 
	'de_DE' => "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S", 
	'fr_FR' => "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S", 
	'pt_BR' => "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S", );
If there is no entry in the previous arrays, the value of the following configuration variables will be used: $g_date_format and $g_timestamp_format.
Example of formatting:
$g_date_format ="%d/%m/%Y"; 
$g_timestamp_format = "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S";

5.3.7 Test Case Generation from Requirement

One of the unique features of Test Link is Requirement Management. After creating the Software Requirements Specifications (SRS), and populating it with requirements you can choose to create test cases for every requirement (Component and Category are also created).
Using the configuration object: $g_req_cfg, you can configure :
Name to give to the Component created:
$g_req_cfg->default_component_name="Component Created by Requirement - Auto";
Component's Scope
$g_req_cfg->scope_for_component="Component/Category/Test Cases generated from Requirements";
Name to give to the Category created:
Category's Objective description:
$g_req_cfg->objective_for_category="Category/Test Cases generated from Requirements";
For the Category name you can configure the following options:
Then REQuirement Specification Title is used a Category name.
Then $g_req_cfg->default_category_name is used a Category name.

5.3.8 Using Your own Smarty templates (GUI definition)

If You want to test a different solution for the user interface, you can develop your own Smarty Templates. At the time of this writting we have defined the following configuration array:
with the following entries:
This allows you to create templates with different names that the original Testlink, without the risk to overwrite them, during the next upgrade.
Important: Not all TestLink pages are ready for this kind of configuration.
The standard configuration:
$g_tpl['tcView'] = "tcView.tpl"; 
$g_tpl['tcSearchView'] = "tcSearchView.tpl"; 
$g_tpl['tcEdit'] = "tcEdit.tpl"; 
$g_tpl['tcNew'] = "tcNew.tpl"; 
$g_tpl['execSetResults'] = "execSetResults.tpl"; 


There are listed often problems. Please, check also TestLink forum.
I upgraded from older version and I cannot login.
Your original database should be in different charset. The default from 1.6 version is UTF-8. Try to switch DB_SUPPORTS_UTF8 to FALSE in config.inc.php.
Smarty error is shown instead of login page.
Linux/unix users: Verify if correct permissions are for temp directory (default: <testlink_root>/gui/template_c/).

Revision History:
Initial creation of the document in DocXML
A. Morsing
Corrected title, updated structure and added new sections.
M. Havlat 
Added some words for MySQL 4.1, UTF8 support
A. Morsing
Updated automatic installation part
F. Mancardi
Updated for TL 1.6.; added configuration parameters; restructured (created pre-installation steps section); corrected layout; added phpMyAdmin steps description
M. Havlat
Converted to OO2 format; added DB Charset update explanation from Kevin
M. Havlat
Corrected layout for export to HTML and PDF
M. Havlat
Some small changes
A. Morsing
Minor layout and grammar update
M. Havlat
Updated for TL 1.7
M. Havl?t


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