
Mount&Blade : Warband @ wiki内検索 / 「NeoNative」で検索した結果

検索 :
  • NeoNative
    ...お読みください。 NeoNative options NeoNativeの設定を行います。 オリジナルNative環境の人がNeoGKサーバーで可能、不可能なこと NeoGKサーバーで一緒に遊ぶことができます。 武器で破壊できるオブジェクトや兵器は壊すことができます。回復アイテムも取ることができます。 大扉、跳ね橋、油釜を使うことができます。エレベーターのボタンやレバースイッチも動かせます。 天候、霧、環境サウンド、新しい効果音などは体験できません。 カスタムマップへの投票はできません。 しゃがみ、後ろ避け、挑発などはできません。 すべての兵器、乗り物は操作できません。(ただしカタパルトの弾が装填されていればウインチを叩いて発射することは可能) 船には乗れますが、梯子を出すことはできません。 カタパルトに乗ることはできません。 気球に乗ることはできません...
  • Native(見本)
    見本用に元wikiの丸コピです 目次 目次翻訳に際して 翻訳に関する相談 翻訳対象のファイル 翻訳に関わった人 翻訳に際して 翻訳についてに目を通してください。 翻訳に関する相談 2chに翻訳スレが立っていますので、そちらへどうぞ ; 翻訳対象のファイル .../Mount Blade/languages/en/ 下のファイル ファイル名 原文ファイル 行数 状況 備考 hints.csv 原文 13 #listbox3(完了!,translation,Status) ui.csv 原文 574 #listbox3(完了!,translation,Status) toma00氏作成の物を流用 uimain.csv 原文 94 #listbox3(完了!,translation,Status) ランチャー部分。文字化けする。 ....
  • Tainted Paths
    このページはwarband用mod、[Tainted Paths]の紹介ページです。 MODDBリンク→http // 加筆、修正お願い致します Tainted PathsってこんなMOD! 特徴 特定の方法により入手可能な数々のユニークなギア?(武器とか装備のこと?)があります。例えばエクスカリバーを使えば複数の敵兵を切り刻めます! 宗教の概念があり、あなたはいろんな宗教を転々とできます。 ゲームに存在する文化だけでなく、あなただけの文化も作れちゃう!素敵! 地球全体をフィールドにした新しいマップであり、南北アメリカから中東まであるよ!ひろーい! カタパルトや投石機、破壊槌などもあり、攻城戦が改善されました!もちろんみんな大好き梯子もあるよ! 砂嵐、dust storms(何?)、吹雪など天候...
  • 原文/Viking Conquest/quests
    qst_deliver_message|Deliver Message to {s13} qst_deliver_message_text|{s9} asked you to take a message to {s13}. {s13} was at {s4} when you were given this quest. qst_deliver_message_to_enemy_lord|Deliver Message to {s13} qst_deliver_message_to_enemy_lord_text|{s9} asked you to take a message to {s13} of {s15}. {s13} was at {s4} when you were given this quest. qst_raise_troops|Raise {reg1} {s1...
  • マルチプレイ用MOD
    マルチプレイ用MODをプレイしたことがありますか? マルチプレイ用MODは、マルチプレイを大幅に強化します。 ここでは、マルチプレイ用MODを紹介していきます。 NeoGK bundle Ver1.153~最新バージョン対応DOWNLOAD NeoGK 2.20 #ref error :画像を取得できませんでした。しばらく時間を置いてから再度お試しください。 解  説 マルチプレイ用Native互換Mod。新アクションにしゃがみ避けが加わった。また、攻城兵器として投石機、バリスタ、ランチャー、船も登場し、操作することができる。天候や空の色の設定も可能。Native互換ModなのでNative環境の人も一緒に遊ぶことができる。他のNativeサーバーでは通常のNativeとして動作する。 Nativeのマルチプレイに機能を追加したようなMOD。基本的なところは...
  • 原文/L'Aigle/quests
    qst_deliver_message|Deliver Message to {s13} qst_deliver_message_to_enemy_lord|Deliver Message to {s13} qst_raise_troops|Raise {reg1} {s14} qst_escort_lady|Escort {s13} to {s14} qst_deal_with_bandits_at_lords_village|Save the Village of {s15} from Marauding Bandits qst_collect_taxes|Collect Taxes from {s3} qst_hunt_down_fugitive|Hunt Down {s4} qst_kill_local_merchant|Assassinate Local Merch...
  • 原文/AWOIAF9.0/quests
    qst_deliver_message|Deliver Message to {s13} qst_deliver_message_to_enemy_lord|Deliver Message to {s13} qst_raise_troops|Raise {reg1} {s14} qst_escort_lady|Escort {s13} to {s14} qst_deal_with_bandits_at_lords_village|Save the village of {s15} from Marauding Bandits qst_collect_taxes|Collect Taxes from {s3} qst_hunt_down_fugitive|Hunt Down {s4} qst_bounty_1|Hunt down {s4} qst_bounty_1_text|...
  • 原文/AWOIAF/quests
    qst_deliver_message|Deliver Message to {s13} qst_deliver_message_to_enemy_lord|Deliver Message to {s13} qst_raise_troops|Raise {reg1} {s14} qst_escort_lady|Escort {s13} to {s14} qst_deal_with_bandits_at_lords_village|Save the village of {s15} from Marauding Bandits qst_collect_taxes|Collect Taxes from {s3} qst_hunt_down_fugitive|Hunt Down {s4} qst_bounty_1|Hunt down {s4} qst_bounty_1_text|...
  • 原文/Prophesy of Pendor/quests
    qst_deliver_message|Deliver Message to {s13} qst_deliver_message_to_enemy_lord|Deliver Message to {s13} qst_raise_troops|Raise {reg1} {s14} qst_escort_lady|Escort {s13} to {s14} qst_deal_with_bandits_at_lords_village|Save the Village of {s15} from Marauding Bandits qst_collect_taxes|Collect Taxes from {s3} qst_hunt_down_fugitive|Hunt Down {s4} qst_kill_local_merchant|Assassinate Local Merch...
  • 原文/Prophesy of Pendor/info_pages
    ip_reference_buildings|Reference Buildings ip_reference_buildings_text|Blacksmith^ Can build in All. Base cost 5000.^ Steward skills Tactics 2, Trade 3.^A blacksmith increases income by 5 and the prosperity by 5%.^^Building Inspectors^ Can build in Town. Base cost 7000.^ Steward skills Tactics 2, Spotting 2.^Building Inspectors increase base income by 2, prosperity by 3% and relations ...
  • 原文/Perisno/info_pages
    ip_dplmc_info|Feature Diplomacy Mod ip_dplmc_info_text|The Diplomacy mod adds several essential features to the game. Most of them are accessed via your minister and several other new potential employees a chamberlain, a constable, and a chancellor. You gain the opportunity to hire a chamberlain when you receive your first village, a constable when you gain your first castle, and a chancellor w...
  • 原文/Perisno/quests
    qst_deliver_message|Deliver the Message to {s13} qst_deliver_message_to_enemy_lord|Deliver the Message to {s13} qst_raise_troops|Raise {reg1} {s14} qst_escort_lady|Escort {s13} to {s14} qst_deal_with_bandits_at_lords_village|Save the Village of {s15} from Marauding Bandits qst_collect_taxes|Collect Taxes from {s3} qst_hunt_down_fugitive|Hunt Down {s4} qst_bounty_1|Hunt down {s4} qst_bounty...
  • 原文/Age of Arthur/dialogs4
    dlga_lord_start close_window.3|I received the gift, presented to me through my {s11} {s10}. It was a noble gesture, {reg59?my lady sir}, and I regret that we ever quarreled. dlga_lord_start close_window.4|I received the gift, presented to me through my {s11} {s10}. For {reg4?her his} sake, I am willing to let bygones be bygones. dlga_lord_start close_window.5|I received the gift, presented to me...
  • 原文/Viking Conquest/dialogs3
    dlga_alfredthegreat1 alfredthegreat21|(You bow before him) dlga_alfredthegreat1 alfredthegreat22|(Do not bow to him) dlga_alfredthegreat21 alfredthegreat3|{s2}^^Regards, Danish envoy. What do your masters want now? dlga_alfredthegreat22 alfredthegreat3|{s2}^^You are a proud {reg59?woman man}, but you should know that an envoy should be courteous and take full advantage of diplomacy. What do you...
  • MODの紹介
    MODの紹介Ver1.162対応MOD (シングルプレイ用)CastleExpansion Tainted Paths 関東動乱 Prophesy_of_Pendor Blood_and_Steel Call to Arms Mercenary Plus Brytenwalda Custom Commander Native Simple Plus Diplomacy Diplomacy_plus Diplomacy+Pre-Battle Orders Deployment Freelancer 1257 AD Rising Sun Bakumatsu Gekokujo-Daimyo Edition Gekokujo Floris Mod Pack GassenDoki_Complation Sword of Damocles Warlords 1755 OLD FRONTIER...
  • 原文/Perisno/dialogs4
    dlga_lord_tell_mission lord_mission_deal_with_bandits_told|A group of bandits have taken refuge in my village of {s15}. They are plundering nearby farms, and getting rich and fat stealing my taxes and feasting on my cattle. I'd like nothing better than to go out there and teach them a lesson, but I have my hands full at the moment, so I can't do anything about it. dlga_lord_mission_dea...
  • 原文/ACOK/dialogs2
    dlga_lord_quarrel_intervention_1 lord_quarrel_intervention_2|{s14} dlga_lord_quarrel_intervention_2 lord_quarrel_intervention_3a|Ah, well. It sounds like you're in the right, then. dlga_lord_quarrel_intervention_2 lord_quarrel_intervention_3b|Whatever your differences, I want you to settle them. dlga_lord_quarrel_intervention_2 lord_quarrel_intervention_3b.1|Could you not be convinced to s...
  • 原文/Age of Arthur/quests
    qst_deliver_message|Deliver Message to {s13} qst_deliver_message_to_enemy_lord|Deliver Message to {s13} qst_raise_troops|Raise {reg1} {s14} qst_escort_lady|Escort {s13} to {s14} qst_deal_with_bandits_at_lords_village|Save the Village of {s15} from Marauding Bandits qst_collect_taxes|Collect Taxes from {s3} qst_hunt_down_fugitive|Hunt Down {s4} qst_kill_local_merchant|Assassinate Local Merch...
  • 原文/Viking Conquest/game_strings1
    str_yes|Yes. str_no|No. str_blank_string| str_noone|no one str_s50_and_s51|{s50} and {s51} str_s52_and_s51|{s52} and {s51} str_s5_s_party|{s5}'s Party str_given_by_s1_at_s2|Given by {s1} at {s2} str_given_by_s1_in_wilderness|Given by {s1} whilst in the field str_s7_raiders|{s7} Raiders str_bandits_eliminated_by_another|The troublesome bandits have been eliminated by another party. ...
  • NewFemale_facemodel
    New Female face model and textures v1.3導入法 DL先 http // 1、ダウンロード&解凍し、適用したいmoduleのTexturesフォルダとResourceフォルダへそれぞれ入れる。   (例: Nativeに適用したい場合、ドライブ \Program Files\Mount Blade Warband\Modules\Nativeの、TexturesとResourceフォルダへ入れる) 2、適用したいmoduleにあるmodule.iniとskins.txtをバックアップ取っておく。   (nativeに適用した場合元ファイルをバックアップしておかないと、元に戻すには再インスコするかコミュでねだるしかなくなる) 3、module.i...
  • 原文/AWOIAF/dialogs3
    dlga_lord_ask_pardon_terms lord_ask_pardon_terms_rejected.1|That's too high a price, {s65}. I must decline. dlga_lord_ask_pardon_after_renounce_peace lord_pretalk|Excellent. Though you've strayed from us, {playername}, it gladdens all our hearts that you've found your way back to the right path. I hereby restore your homage to me. Rise once more as an honoured {man/warrior} in my s...
  • 原文/Prophesy of Pendor/dialogs2
    dlga_lord_talk_ask_something_2 lord_ask_exchange_fiefs|Would you like to exchange fiefs? dlga_lord_ask_exchange_fiefs lord_select_his_fief|It depends. Which one of my fiefs would you like to have? dlga_lord_select_his_fief lord_pretalk|Never mind. dlga_lord_select_his_fief lord_respond_exchange_fiefs_his_fief|{s13} dlga_lord_respond_exchange_fiefs_his_fief lord_select_my_fief|So, {s13} it is. ...
  • 原文/L'Aigle/dialogs1
    dlga_award_fief_to_vassal award_fief_to_vassal_defer|I wish to defer the appointment of a lord, until I take the counsel of my subjects dlga_award_fief_to_vassal_defer close_window|As you wish, {sire/my lady}. You may decide this matter at a later date. dlga_award_fief_to_vassal_2 close_window|As you wish, {sire/my lady}. {reg6?I {reg7?You {s11}}} will be the new {reg3?lady lord} of {s1}. dlga_...
  • 原文/AWOIAF9.0/dialogs3
    dlga_lord_ask_pardon_terms lord_ask_pardon_after_renounce_peace|Aye, I'm ready. dlga_lord_ask_pardon_terms lord_ask_pardon_terms_rejected|On second thought, no. I don't wish to be in your service again. dlga_lord_ask_pardon_terms lord_ask_pardon_after_renounce_peace.1|Aye, I agree to those terms. dlga_lord_ask_pardon_terms lord_ask_pardon_terms_rejected.1|That's too high a price,...
  • 原文/Prophesy of Pendor/game_strings3
    str_rumor_talki_heretics_1|he heard from a Barclay trader, whom he met in Javiksholm, that they burn Heretics at the stake there. Some of them are reputed to be Knights of the Dawn gone bad! str_rumor_talki_heretics_2|he said that a Fierdsvain abbot told him that the Heretic goddess, Erida Occisor, grows in power with every human sacrifice given her by her priests. str_rumor_talki_heretics_3|he ...
  • 訳文/Medieval Conquests/quests.csv
    qst_deliver_message|{s13}に 書簡を届けよ qst_deliver_message_to_enemy_lord|{s13}に 書簡を届けよ qst_raise_troops|{reg1}名の{s14}を 育成せよ qst_escort_lady|{s13}を {s14}まで 護衛せよ qst_deal_with_bandits_at_lords_village|{s15}の村を 荒らしまわる盗賊から守れ qst_collect_taxes|{s3}で徴税せよ qst_hunt_down_fugitive|{s4}を 追い詰めろ qst_kill_local_merchant|{s3}の 商人を暗殺せよ qst_bring_back_runaway_serfs|逃亡した農奴を連れ戻せ qst_follow_spy|密会に向かうスパイを追跡せよ qs...
  • 原文/AWOIAF/info_pages
    ip_morale|Morale ip_morale_text|Morale represents the ability and willingness of the troops in a party to summon up the endurance, bravery, and discipline they need to face the stresses of battle and the march. It is not the same thing as the troops' happiness. Elite troops may grumble and whine about the hardships of campaigning -- but then stand together as one when the arrows start to fly...
  • 原文/AWOIAF9.0/info_pages
    ip_morale|Morale ip_morale_text|Morale represents the ability and willingness of the troops in a party to summon up the endurance, bravery, and discipline they need to face the stresses of battle and the march. It is not the same thing as the troops' happiness. Elite troops may grumble and whine about the hardships of campaigning -- but then stand together as one when the arrows start to fly...
  • 原文/Age of Arthur/quick_strings1
    qstr_Your_men_are_happy_f|Your men are happy from the long rest qstr_Your_men_are_satisfi|Your men are satisfied from the rest qstr_Your_men_are_glade_f|Your men are glade for the rest qstr_Your_men_are_tired_a|Your men are tired and didn't get enough rest, they resent you even more now! qstr_Your_men_are_tired_an|Your men are tired and didn't get enough rest. qstr_Breaking_camp...|...
  • 原文/Perisno/uimain
    ui_texture_detail|Texture Detail ui_max_frame_rate|Max. Frame Rate ui_enable_bumpmap|Use Bump Mapping ui_disable_blood|Hide Blood ui_disable_music|Disable Music ui_disable_sound|Disable Sound ui_enable_cheats|Enable Cheats ui_enable_edit_mode|Enable Edit Mode (Be warned, this slows down the game.) ui_enable_pixel_shaders|Use Pixel Shaders ui_enable_sound_variation|Enable Sound Variation...
  • 原文/Prophesy of Pendor/uimain
    ui_texture_detail|Texture Detail ui_max_frame_rate|Max. Frame Rate ui_enable_bumpmap|Use Bump Mapping ui_disable_blood|Hide Blood ui_disable_music|Disable Music ui_disable_sound|Disable Sound ui_enable_cheats|Enable Cheats ui_enable_edit_mode|Enable Edit Mode (Be warned, this slows down the game.) ui_enable_pixel_shaders|Use Pixel Shaders ui_enable_sound_variation|Enable Sound Variation...
  • 原文/Prophesy of Pendor/game_strings1
    str_no_string|NO STRING! str_empty_string| str_yes|Yes. str_no|No. str_blank_string| str_noone|no one str_s50_and_s51|{s50} and {s51} str_s52_and_s51|{s52} and {s51} str_s5_s_party|{s5}'s Party str_given_by_s1_at_s2|Given by {s1} at {s2} str_given_by_s1_in_wilderness|Given by {s1} whilst in the field str_s7_raiders|{s7} Raiders str_bandits_eliminated_by_another|The troublesome b...
  • 原文/ACOK/uimain
    ui_texture_detail|Texture Detail ui_max_frame_rate|Max. Frame Rate ui_enable_bumpmap|Use Bump Mapping ui_disable_blood|Hide Blood ui_disable_music|Disable Music ui_disable_sound|Disable Sound ui_enable_cheats|Enable Cheats ui_enable_edit_mode|Enable Edit Mode (Be warned, this slows down the game.) ui_enable_pixel_shaders|Use Pixel Shaders ui_enable_sound_variation|Enable Sound Variation...
  • 原文/Viking Conquest/dialogs5
    dlga_start old_talk|Who are you and what do you want? We are not used to visitors here. dlga_old_talk old_angry|I am {playername}, sir. Who are you? dlga_old_talk close_window|I am {playername}, but I haven't got time for you. dlga_start old_grainok|I see that you came loaded with wheat for my people. Thank you! dlga_start close_window.100|You... You stole our money and left us without fo...
  • 原文/AWOIAF/game_strings3
    str_map_basic|Map str_game_type_basic|Game Type str_battle|Battle str_siege_offense|Siege (Offence) str_siege_defense|Siege (Defence) str_character|Character str_biography|Background str_player|Player str_enemy|Enemy str_faction|Faction str_army_composition|Army Composition str_army_size|Army Size str_reg0_men|{reg0} men str_start|Start str_i_need_to_raise_some_men_before_attempting_...
  • 原文/AWOIAF9.0/game_strings3
    str_map_basic|Map str_game_type_basic|Game Type str_battle|Battle str_siege_offense|Siege (Offence) str_siege_defense|Siege (Defence) str_character|Character str_biography|Background str_player|Player str_enemy|Enemy str_faction|Faction str_army_composition|Army Composition str_army_size|Army Size str_reg0_men|{reg0} men str_start|Start str_i_need_to_raise_some_men_before_attempting_...
  • 原文/Viking Conquest/dialogs2
    dlga_event_triggered companion_rejoin_response|Well, {s21}, at last I've found you. I've been out spreading the word about your claim, and am now ready to rejoin the shield wall. dlga_event_triggered companion_rejoin_response.1|Well, {s21}, I've found you at last! {s11}. The rest of my report I submit to you in writing. dlga_event_triggered companion_embassy_results|Well, {s21}, a...
  • 原文/Viking Conquest/quick_strings2
    qstr_*ADMIN* _{s0}|*ADMIN* {s0} qstr_*ADMIN* |*ADMIN* qstr_Reset_map|Reset map qstr_Slay_all_horses|Slay all horses qstr_Slay_all_bots|Slay all bots qstr_Slay_player|Slay player qstr_Heal_player|Heal player qstr_Refill_player_s_ammo|Refill player's ammo qstr_Fix_player_s_shield|Fix player's shield qstr_Change_player_s_team|Change player's team qstr_Make_player_a_specta|M...
  • 原文/Viking Conquest/info_pages
    ip_armies_size|Army Size ip_armies_size_text|The size of your army, similar to the armies of the lords, depends on several factors ^^Leadership each point will increase the maximum size of your army by 5. Companions with Leadership help lead the party.^^Charisma each point of your charisma will increase the maximum size of your army by 1. It is your ability to attract men to your cause.^^Renown...
  • 訳文/L'Aigle/info_pages
    ip_morale|Morale ip_morale_text|Morale represents the ability and willingness of the troops in a party to summon up the endurancebraveryand discipline they need to face the stresses of battle and the march. It is not the same thing as the troops' happiness. Elite troops may grumble and whine about the hardships of campaigning -- but then stand together as one when the arrows start to fly. On...
  • 訳文/Victorian Era 1860/game_strings
    str_no_string|NO STRING! str_empty_string| str_yes|Yes. str_no|No. str_blank_string| str_noone|no one str_s50_and_s51|{s50} and {s51} str_s52_and_s51|{s52} and {s51} str_s5_s_party|{s5}'s Party str_given_by_s1_at_s2|Given by {s1} at {s2} str_given_by_s1_in_wilderness|Given by {s1} whilst in the field str_s7_raiders|{s7} Raiders str_bandits_eliminated_by_another|The troublesome b...
  • 原文/Prophesy of Pendor/game_strings2
    str_comment_cunning_fierds_hall|I hope you come with good intentions. Then we can speak further. str_comment_cunning_fierds_map|You look hardened by war and if you are hardened, all that fighting can lead to more than just scrapes and petty loot. str_comment_cunning_sar_hall|You show promise, and under my tutelage you might become more than a thug. str_comment_cunning_sar_map|You have the look ...
  • 原文/Viking Conquest/quick_strings1
    qstr_Breaking_camp...|Breaking camp... qstr_The_poem_the_bard_ha|The poem the bard had written for {s33} didn't seem to work very well. qstr_Poem_for_a_lady|Poem for a lady qstr_{s33}_seemed_to_like|{s33} seemed to like the poem the bard had written for her. qstr_The_bard_s_poem_abou|The bard's poem about you seems to be spreading through the land. qstr_Fame_spreads|Fame spreads qs...
  • 原文/AWOIAF/game_strings1
    str_no_string|NO STRING! str_empty_string| str_yes|Yes. str_no|No. str_blank_string| str_noone|no one str_s50_and_s51|{s50} and {s51} str_s52_and_s51|{s52} and {s51} str_s5_s_party|{s5}'s Party str_given_by_s1_at_s2|Given by {s1} at {s2} str_given_by_s1_in_wilderness|Given by {s1} whilst in the field str_s7_raiders|{s7} Raiders str_bandits_eliminated_by_another|The troublesome b...
  • メニュー
    メニュー トップページ DLと購入方法 操作方法 マニュアル 日本語化ファイル 日本語化プロジェクト FAQ Tips LittleTweak 快適な動作のために チート バージョンアップ履歴 RSSとブログ更新状況 無印版無印@wiki バナロwiki マルチプレイ ゲームタイプ マップ Server設定 日本鯖一覧 マルチ考察陣営・兵科による能力の違い 中級者向けマルチ解説 マルチ解説(Duel) 更新停止ページWarband Players イベント 紅白戦 Sunday Siege戦 DLC Napoleonic Wars マルチ動画 マルチプレイ用MOD With Fire Sword FS発売前情報 データ類(共通) Attributes(属性) Skills(スキル) Proficiencis(熟練) 武器 盾 その他のデータ 実績 データ類(N...
  • 原文/Age of Arthur/game_strings1
    str_no_string|NO STRING! str_empty_string| str_yes|Yes. str_no|No. str_blank_string| str_none|none str_noone|no one str_s50_and_s51|{s50} and {s51} str_s52_and_s51|{s52} and {s51} str_s5_s_party|{s5}'s Party str_given_by_s1_at_s2|Given by {s1} at {s2} str_given_by_s1_in_wilderness|Given by {s1} whilst in the field str_s7_raiders|{s7} Raiders str_bandits_eliminated_by_another|Th...
  • 原文/Viking Conquest/dialogs4
    dlga_lady_talk lady_active_mission_1|About the task you asked of me... dlga_lady_active_mission_1 lady_active_mission_2|Yes {reg59?madam sir}, have you made any progress on it? dlga_lady_active_mission_2 lady_active_mission_thankyou|Indeed. I brought you {reg5} {reg1?pieces piece} of {s33}. dlga_lady_active_mission_2 lady_active_mission_thankyou1|Indeed. I brought you {reg5} {reg1?bottles bottl...
  • 原文/Prophesy of Pendor/quick_strings1
    qstr_Next_Page|Next Page qstr_Game_Rules ^|Game Rules ^ qstr_0|0 qstr_Show_game_rules|Show game rules qstr_What_will_be_the_nam|What will be the name of your party? qstr_Continue...|Continue... qstr_What_will_be_the_name|What will be the name of your secret camp? qstr_What_shall_be_the_ne|What shall be the new name of the Order stronghold? qstr_What_shall_be_the_ti|What shall be the title ...
  • 原文/Viking Conquest/game_menus
    menu_start_game_0|Welcome to Viking Conquest. mno_continue_i|Continue... mno_continue_cheat|Bypass the tutorial. mno_go_back_dot|Go back. menu_start_game_3|Choose your scenario mno_go_back|Go back menu_tutorial|You approach a field where the locals are practicing with weapons. You can practice here to improve your combat skills. mno_continue|Continue... menu_reports|Character Renown {reg...
  • 訳文/L'Aigle/quests
    qst_deliver_message|{s13}に 書簡を届けよ qst_deliver_message_to_enemy_lord|{s13}に 書簡を届けよ qst_raise_troops|{reg1}名の{s14}を 育成せよ qst_escort_lady|{s13}を {s14}まで 護衛せよ qst_deal_with_bandits_at_lords_village|{s15}の村を 荒らしまわる盗賊から守れ qst_collect_taxes|{s3}で徴税せよ qst_hunt_down_fugitive|{s4}を 追い詰めろ qst_kill_local_merchant|{s3}の 商人を暗殺せよ qst_bring_back_runaway_serfs|逃亡した農奴を連れ戻せ qst_follow_spy|密会に向かうスパイを追跡せよ qs...
  • @wiki全体から「NeoNative」で調べる

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