The Eastern Wind

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  • The Eastern Wind
    ...やっと規制解けた The Eastern Wind ver0.60です ttp // 主な変更点 ベースをCCからOSPに変更 騎士団国家と和風の新国家二つ追加 火器追加 Adorno氏のHistoric Castles Projectを適用 食料に乾パンと高級チーズ追加 アイテム追加 騎馬コスト増大、かつ弱体化 流賊復活 その他バグ修正 国家が増えたのと、Diplomacy他の機能が追加されたので、新たなバグもでてくるでしょう とりあえず現時点、ロードに「お近づきになりたい」の選択肢を選んでも、以降の会話が出てこないバグがあります 英語版だと問題ないので、たぶん日本語特有のバグです 解決方法がわかった方はご一報いただけると助かります またテクスチャ量とスクリプトが増加したので、重さもそれな...
  • The Eastern Wind - FAQ
    ## The Eastern Wind (仮) ## FAQ ## コンパニオンについて ## 追加したコンパニオンは以下の四名。 簡単な設定と好悪関係を書いておきます。 諸葛亮  太華の男性コンパニオン。知性が高いが、戦闘面は今ひとつ。性格的には口うるさいタイプ。大臣にすると似合うかも。  初期レベル:5 ステ:腕力 8/敏捷 8/知性 15/魅力 12 武器熟練:80/クロスボウ 120  特記スキル:戦略 4/技術者 3/訓練 4/交渉術 4  好き:玉 嫌い:マンスール、ヘルマン 花木蘭  太華の女性コンパニオン。僕っ娘。おバカ。戦士寄りのステータスだが、低レベルなので好きに育てられるはず。  初期レベル:2 ステ:腕力 10/敏捷 10/知性 6/魅力 8 武器熟練:80  特記スキル:弓術 2  好き:マンスール 嫌い:...
  • The Eastern Wind EXTENDED
    TEWEについてTEWからの変更点(追加順) 新機能紹介AIと陣形について 初期陣形について 城で兵士を雇う 槍衾について 海戦について 街の傭兵ギルドについて 散兵モードについて 火矢について 戦闘技能について 士気スクリプトについて コメントフォーム TEWEについて TEWからの変更点(追加順) (オプション機能)となっている機能は負荷が高い、好みが分かれる為 ゲーム内オプションから有無の変更が可能です。 MODのMoreMetalSoundを追加 MODのFormations and AIを追加 太華スタートを追加 武器を切り替えさせる命令が出せる 城で既に訓練された兵士を雇える(オプション機能) 各国の軍事バランスを調整 パヴィスを部下に設置させられるように命令出来る インベントリ自動ソート機能を追加(オプション機能) Companion Overviewを追加 ...
  • The Eastern Wind - 兵種
    兵種スワディア ベージャー カーギット ノルド ロドック サラン 太華 兵種 スワディア スワディア新兵 ━ スワディア民兵 ┳ スワディア軽装歩兵 ┳ スワディア歩兵 ━ スワディア歩兵長 ━ スワディア下馬騎士                      ┃              ┗ スワディア従士 ┳ スワディア騎士 ━ スワディア近衛騎士                      ┃                          ┗ スワディア聖騎士 ━ スワディア聖騎士団長                      ┗ スワディア散兵 ━ スワディア弩兵 ━ スワディア狙撃兵 ━ スワディア弩兵長 基本的にはNativeをそのままパワーアップさせた感じ。 騎兵系は二系統に分かれ、近衛騎士系は槍剣盾、聖騎士系はポールハンマーと鈍器と盾。 装備面では若干、近衛騎士が...
  • メニュー
    ...ted Paths The Eastern Wind The Eastern Wind EXTENDED The Last Days of the Third Age Suvarnabhumi Mahayuth Victorian Era 1860 MOD開発 MOD開発Mount & Blade Warband Mod Tools 改造方法まとめ 改造方法まとめ2 M B Repository(MOD配布サイト) Mount Blade Nexus(MOD配布サイト) Mount Blade MODDB(MOD配布サイト) 円卓の間 したらば掲示板(ゲームの質問などはこちらで) 掲示板 Mount BladeSNS その他 Mount Blade無印wiki M Bプレイ動画 M Bオススメ映画 2chテンプレ 2ch過去ログ M B S...
  • The Eastern Wind - コンパニオン
    コンパニオン諸葛亮 花木蘭 マンスール ファーティマ ヘルマン ジャン 右京 玉 コンパニオン NativeのコンパニオンはNativeのコンパニオンを参照。 諸葛亮  太華の男性コンパニオン。知性が高いが、戦闘面は今ひとつ。性格的には口うるさいタイプ。大臣にすると似合うかも。  初期レベル:5 ステ:腕力 8/敏捷 8/知性 15/魅力 12 武器熟練:80/クロスボウ 120  特記スキル:戦略 4/技術者 3/訓練 4/交渉術 4  好き:玉 嫌い:マンスール、ヘルマン 花木蘭  太華の女性コンパニオン。僕っ娘。おバカ。戦士寄りのステータスだが、低レベルなので好きに育てられるはず。  初期レベル:2 ステ:腕力 10/敏捷 10/知性 6/魅力 8 武器熟練:80  特記スキル:弓術 2  好き:マンスール 嫌い:右京、ジャン マンスール  サランの...
  • 訳文/16th Century the Northern Hemisphere/quick_strings.csv
    ...mes. qstr_The_World_Map|The World Map qstr_What_will_your_party|What will your party be known as? qstr_By_the_name_entered_|By the name entered above. qstr_Simply_by_my_name _{|Simply by my name {s5}. qstr_How_will_your_male_v|How will your male vassals be known? qstr_How_will_your_female|How will your female vassals be known? qstr_Use_the_Titles_Enter|Use the Titles Entered Above. qstr_Use_De...
  • 原文/ACOK/dialogs3
    ...ingdoms_2|The Free cities of Essos have been trying to eliminate each other since the Bleeding Years, more than three hundred years ago. Until recently, Westeros was ruled by a single king, but with Robert Baratheons death, the seven kingdoms have fragmented, with both his brothers and his son claiming the throne, and Robb Stark fighting for independence. I hear that the Dothraki have been caus...
  • 原文/Prophesy of Pendor/quick_strings1
    ...11} qstr_The_{s11}_has_defeat|The {s11} has defeated all rivals and stands as the sole kingdom. The Prophecy of Madigan has been fulfilled!^^ An Alternate Probability has been created. qstr_Pendor_ __Conquered_b|Pendor Conquered by One Kingdom qstr_{s11}_has_defeated_a|{s11} has defeated all rivals and stands as the sole kingdom. The Prophecy of Madigan has been fulfilled!^^ An Alternat...
  • 訳文/16th Century the Northern Hemisphere/item_kinds.csv
    ...eadership|The Life of Alixenus the Great itm_book_leadership_pl|The Life of Alixenus the Great itm_book_intelligence|Essays on Logic itm_book_intelligence_pl|Essays on Logic itm_book_trade|A Treatise on the Value of Things itm_book_trade_pl|A Treatise on the Value of Things itm_book_weapon_mastery|On the Art of Fighting with Swords itm_book_weapon_mastery_pl|On the Art of Fighting with Swords i...
  • 原文/Age of Arthur/quick_strings3
    ...this Age. The new Kingdom not only maintains their independence against the powerful Saxon tide but has also fought hard to unify the island against this new threat. A strong central authority has been established at Arthur's round table - here the majority of British Monarchs sit, united in their hope of removing Saxon blood from the Isles. qstr_You_are_in_the_kingdo|You are in the kingd...
  • 原文/Age of Arthur/quick_strings2
    ...39; qstr_The_voice_echoes_off|The voice echoes off the walls and seems to float on the wind... qstr___Who_are_you_and_w|''Who are you, and why are you here? You came to visit me, me good Queen Mab?'' qstr__The_complex_is_mass|'The complex is massive and seems to go on for ever, out of the distance a voice calls out'' qstr_You_enter_the_ancien|You enter the...
  • 原文/Prophesy of Pendor/item_kinds1
    ...eadership|The Great Leaders of Pendor itm_book_leadership_pl|The Great Leaders of Pendor itm_book_intelligence|The High Arts - Vol. MV itm_book_intelligence_pl|The High Arts - Vol. MV itm_book_trade|The Life of the Silver Fox itm_book_trade_pl|The Life of the Silver Fox itm_book_weapon_mastery|The Great Fechtbuch with Pictures itm_book_weapon_mastery_pl|The Great Fechtbuch with Pictures ...
  • 原文/Age of Arthur/quick_strings4
    ...e}, qstr_The_hero_|The hero, qstr__who_joined_the_Sax|, who joined the Saxon cause qstr_The_treasonous_basta|The treasonous bastard, qstr__turned_trator|, turned trator qstr__though_this_may_no|, though this may not effect you directly, many a Briton now openly curse his name. qstr_Before_his_heroic_de|Before his heroic death, qstr_._They_now_follow_Ce|. They now follow Cedric's ...
  • 原文/Prophesy of Pendor/quick_strings2
    ...r_{s18}^^_There_{reg2?|{s18}^^ There {reg2?are is} {reg1} {reg2?types type} of Elite troops present that cannot be persuaded to join your cause. qstr_{s18}^^_There_{reg2?a|{s18}^^ There {reg2?are is} {reg1} {reg2?types type} of undead troops present that cannot be persuaded to join your cause. qstr_You_start_reading_{s|You start reading {s2}. After a few pages, you feel you could learn a lot ...
  • 原文/Prophesy of Pendor/game_strings3
    ...erdsvain. They are taking peasants from all the villages and sacrificing them to their Dark Goddess. str_rumor_talki_heretics_5|he said that a Nal Tar horse merchant told him that he found a dying Turkmani on the way here. He was missing an arm, and lay dying. He said something called Eyegrim the Devourer had ripped off his arm and eaten it before his very eyes! str_rumor_talki_heretics_6|he ...
  • 原文/Age of Arthur/quick_strings1! qstr_The_plague_has_deves|The plague has devestated {s7} qstr_You_waited_too_long_|You waited too long to read the assassin's note, it has dissolved qstr_population_change_in|population change in {s5} from hire men qstr_Your_troops_grow_res|Your troops grow restless waiting to ambush. qstr_Congratulations!_You|Congratulations! You've developed a special trait - being known as...
  • 原文/108Heroes/info_pages
    ...huan_text|The translation work is not good enough, and there still remain lots of text in companions’ stories and heroes’ stories in mind reading mission. We need more time to do this, and will try our best. If you can give any help, please connect me in MODDB/Nexusmods or workshop in Steam. ip_1.xiangxing|01. Nature system ip_1.xiangxing_text|Except for character, each hero has its own belie...
  • 原文/ACOK/game_menus1
    ...rge boar. The fish monger that you're speaking with tells you that Eddard Stark, the Hand of the King, tried to usurp the throne! But the valiant King Joffreys advisers managed to foil his plot, and peace has surely been restored. However, a few days later, a weary traveller arrives with more news. Following the imprisonment of Lord Stark, the northern lords marched south, to defeat the La...
  • 訳文/108Heroes/info_pages
    ...huan_text|The translation work is not good enough, and there still remain lots of text in companions’ stories and heroes’ stories in mind reading mission. We need more time to do this, and will try our best. If you can give any help, please connect me in MODDB/Nexusmods or workshop in Steam. ip_1.xiangxing|01. Nature system ip_1.xiangxing_text|Except for character, each hero has its own belie...
  • 原文/AWOIAF9.0/dialogs4
    ... think of The Watch where these men would be useful. dlga_wandering_crows_talk close_window|Not this time. dlga_start ransom_broker_intro|Greetings to you, {reg59?madam ser}. You look like someone who should get to know me. dlga_ransom_broker_intro ransom_broker_intro_2|Why is that? dlga_ransom_broker_intro_2 ransom_broker_info_talk|I broker ransoms for the poor wretches who are captured in...
  • 原文/AWOIAF/dialogs4
    ... think of The Watch where these men would be useful. dlga_wandering_crows_talk close_window|Not this time. dlga_start ransom_broker_intro|Greetings to you, {reg59?madam ser}. You look like someone who should get to know me. dlga_ransom_broker_intro ransom_broker_intro_2|Why is that? dlga_ransom_broker_intro_2 ransom_broker_info_talk|I broker ransoms for the poor wretches who are captured in...
  • 原文/Prophesy of Pendor/game_strings2
    ...tentions. Then we can speak further. str_comment_cunning_fierds_map|You look hardened by war and if you are hardened, all that fighting can lead to more than just scrapes and petty loot. str_comment_cunning_sar_hall|You show promise, and under my tutelage you might become more than a thug. str_comment_cunning_sar_map|You have the look of someone with strong will but of no purpose. I can give...
  • 原文/Viking Conquest/dialogs4
    ...dungeons. The only way we can talk to each other is by exchanging letters whenever we can, but the journey is so dangerous that we get little chance to do so. Please, would you deliver one for me? dlga_lady_ask_for_quest lady_quest_duel_for_lady|Dear {playername}, you are kind to ask, but you know little of my troubles and I can't possibly ask you to throw yourself into danger on my behal...
  • 原文/ACOK/dialogs4 there. There's no other way to win. dlga_start trainer_talk|Good day. Ready for some training today? dlga_trainer_pretalk trainer_talk|Ah, are you ready for some training? dlga_trainer_talk trainer_practice_1|I am ready for some practice. dlga_trainer_talk trainer_combat_begin|First, tell me something about combat... dlga_trainer_talk close_window|I need to leave now. Farewell. dl...
  • 原文/Age of Arthur/dialogs5
    ...roops_end|The price is fair enough. Let my men have at it. dlga_tavernkeeper_buy_drinks_troops_end tavernkeeper_pretalk|Don't worry {reg59?madam sir}. Your men will enjoy their pints. dlga_tavernkeeper_buy_drinks_troops_2 tavernkeeper_pretalk|Actually, forget this. dlga_tavernkeeper_talk tavernkeeper_job_ask|Have you heard of anyone in this realm who might have a job for a {reg59?woman ...
  • 原文/ACOK/game_strings1
    ...y_another|The troublesome bandits have been eliminated by another party. str_msg_battle_won|The battle has been won! Press the tab key to leave... str_tutorial_map1|You are now viewing the overland map. Left-click on the map to move your party to that location, enter the selected town, or pursue the selected party. Time will pause on the overland map if your party is not moving, waiting or re...
  • 原文/Prophesy of Pendor/game_strings1
    ...y_another|The troublesome bandits have been eliminated by another party. str_msg_battle_won|You are Victorious! Press tab key to leave... str_msg_battle_won0|Your forces are triumphant! Press tab key to leave... str_msg_battle_won1|The enemy has been defeated! Press tab key to leave... str_msg_battle_won2|The enemy has been vanquished! Press tab key to leave... str_msg_battle_won3|The fiel...
  • 原文/Age of Arthur/dialogs3
    ...se_window|Then consider our conversartion over here then. dlga_quastuosa_serve_new2 quastuosa_pretalk|Then I'm happy will can still talk... dlga_start quastuosa_talk|Hello, {reg59?my lady my lord} - she smiles and looks at you provocatively -, How can I serve you? dlga_quastuosa_pretalk quastuosa_talk|I am at your service, {playername}. dlga_quastuosa_talk quastuosa_serve|I need to rai...
  • 原文/Prophesy of Pendor/dialogs3 trust. There is a marauding Jatu army roaming the Laria woods, attacking Noldor patrols, searching for their hidden castle. If you can defeat it, the Noldor will be very grateful for your help. What do you say? dlga_start response_success|My friends in the woods tell me you have destroyed the marauding Jatu! In addition to 3000 denars, you are now granted access to Elacrai, the hidden Noldo...
  • 訳文/16th Century the Northern Hemisphere/game_strings2.csv
    ...ported by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey.^^Tutorial written by ^Steve Negus^Armagan Yavuz^Edward Spoerl^^Horse Motion Capture Animation Supplied by ^Richard Widgery Kinetic Impulse^^Physics ^Havok^^Sound and Music Program Library ^FMODex Sound System by Firelight Technologies^^Skybox Textures ^Jay Weston^^Chinese Translation ^Hetairoi; Gaodatailang; silentjealousy...
  • 原文/Perisno/dialogs5
    ...reetings. They say you're the kind of {reg33?woman man} who'd be interested to hear that I travel frequently to {s17}. I'll tell you all I know for a mere 100 aurums. dlga_tavern_traveler_answer tavern_traveler_continue|Here's 100 aurums. Tell me what you know. dlga_tavern_traveler_answer close_window|Sorry friend. I am not interested. dlga_tavern_traveler_continue close_...
  • 原文/L'Aigle/dialogs2
    ...se_window|Then write to your family, and ask them to hurry up with the ransom! dlga_kingdom_lady_captive close_window.1|I have changed my mind -- you are free to go dlga_start close_window.22|Well, {playername} -- you fought a duel with {s10}, and lost. According to our custom and tradition, I should no longer receive you. Farewell, {playername}. dlga_start lady_duel_lost|Oh {playername} -- ...
  • 原文/Age of Arthur/dialogs1
    ... nations. They will attack the nation of men chosen by God, and there will be a great battle that will affect the whole world. I think that this is what is happening now, with all these pagans advancing over Englaland. dlga_aaron_conversationcamp4 beda_conversationcamp5|{s10} dlga_aaron_conversationcamp4 aaron_conversationcamp6|We need to focus on the here and now. When the End comes, I assur...
  • 原文/AWOIAF9.0/dialogs1 night. The better you are at finding your way, the faster you travel. dlga_port_chief_info_c_1 port_chief_info_c_2|First, you need to know what type of ship you want. If you want to trade, then a Merchant ship may be a good choice. They have much room for cargo, but they are not very fast. The Warship, the Galley and the Cog are fast warships and are able to carry many troops. The longship ...
  • 原文/Prophesy of Pendor/dialogs2
    ...xcellent! Then, as agreed, I am giving you {s13}, and you are giving me {s12}. dlga_lord_talk_ask_something_2 lord_marriage_permission|{s19} dlga_lord_marriage_permission lord_pretalk|Great heaven, man -- if I haven't given you permission to see her, do you think I'm going to give you permission to marry her? dlga_lord_marriage_permission lord_pretalk.1|It is not my way to push my ...
  • 原文/Prophesy of Pendor/game_strings4
    ..._scene_21|The Arena str_multi_scene_22|Forest Hideout str_multi_scene_12|Random Plains (Medium) str_multi_scene_13|Random Plains (Large) str_multi_scene_14|Random Steppe (Medium) str_multi_scene_15|Random Steppe (Large) str_multi_scene_end|multi scene end str_multi_game_type_1|Deathmatch str_multi_game_type_2|Team Deathmatch str_multi_game_type_3|Battle str_multi_game_type_4|Fight and...
  • 原文/AWOIAF/game_strings1
    ...y_another|The troublesome bandits have been eliminated by another party. str_msg_battle_won|Battle won, your foes lie slaughtered on the field! (Press tab key to leave) str_tutorial_map1|If you have problems with crashing, try turning off the scenic menu in camp options. This mod is difficult and defaults to Full Realism mode, if you are finding it hard to get going don't be afraid to ad...
  • 原文/Perisno/dialogs4
    ...f {s15}. They are plundering nearby farms, and getting rich and fat stealing my taxes and feasting on my cattle. I'd like nothing better than to go out there and teach them a lesson, but I have my hands full at the moment, so I can't do anything about it. dlga_lord_mission_deal_with_bandits_told lord_mission_deal_with_bandits_accepted|Worry not, I can go to {s15} and deal with these...
  • 原文/AWOIAF/quick_strings1
    ...e demand. The demands are combined if both boxes are checked. qstr_1000_silver_stags|1000 silver stags qstr__Continue_| Continue qstr_Select_the_number_of|Select the number of skirmishers you wish to deploy. qstr_____SPY_REPORTS____| SPY REPORTS qstr_Based_on_your_curren|Based on your current leadership skill, you may deploy up to {reg2} spies. qstr_You_currently_have_{|You curren...
  • 原文/AWOIAF9.0/quick_strings1
    ...e demand. The demands are combined if both boxes are checked. qstr_1000_silver_stags|1000 silver stags qstr__Continue_| Continue qstr_Select_the_number_of|Select the number of skirmishers you wish to deploy. qstr_____SPY_REPORTS____| SPY REPORTS qstr_Based_on_your_curren|Based on your current leadership skill, you may deploy up to {reg2} spies. qstr_You_currently_have_{|You curren...
  • 原文/AWOIAF/quick_strings2
    ...d battle. The first troops in your army list will be together with you on the flagship. The other troops will be in the following ships. You can change your flagship in a port and while camping on the sea. If you are next to a coast you can also split your fleet while camping on the sea or search for the closest landing point with a right click on your party. qstr_{s10}Current_fleet {|{s10}Cur...
  • 原文/AWOIAF9.0/dialogs3
    ...se_window|Then get out of my sight, vile traitor! Begone with you, and don't come back, or I'll see to it that you're punished according to your foul deeds! dlga_lord_talk lord_ask_pardon|I wish to make peace with the {s4}. dlga_lord_ask_pardon lord_pretalk|Do you indeed, {playername}? Then go and trip on your sword. Give us all peace. dlga_lord_ask_pardon lord_pretalk.1|{play...
  • 原文AWOIAF/dialogs1 night. The better you are at finding your way, the faster you travel. dlga_port_chief_info_c_1 port_chief_info_c_2|First, you need to know what type of ship you want. If you want to trade, then a Merchant ship may be a good choice. They have much room for cargo, but they are not very fast. The Warship, the Galley and the Cog are fast warships and are able to carry many troops. The longship ...
  • 原文/Age of Arthur/game_strings1
    ...y_another|The troublesome bandits have been eliminated by another party. str_msg_battle_won|Battle won! Press tab key to leave... str_tutorial_map1|You are now viewing the overland map. Left-click on the map to move your party to that location, enter the selected town, or pursue the selected party. Time will pause on the overland map if your party is not moving, waiting or resting. To wait an...
  • 原文/AWOIAF9.0/quick_strings2
    ...d battle. The first troops in your army list will be together with you on the flagship. The other troops will be in the following ships. You can change your flagship in a port and while camping on the sea. If you are next to a coast you can also split your fleet while camping on the sea or search for the closest landing point with a right click on your party. qstr_{s10}Current_fleet {|{s10}Cur...
  • 訳文/108Heroes/game_strings1
    ...Tzu said The art of war is of vital importance to the State. It is a matter of life and death, a road either to safety or to ruin. Hence it is a subject of inquiry which can on no account be neglected. str_npc26_intro|(Concentrating on mapping) str_npc27_intro|(Concentrating on combat training) str_npc28_intro|Why are you staring at me? str_npc1_intro_response_1|(Such a strange face, Is he...
  • 原文/L'Aigle/dialogs1
    ...ll right. There are four principle directions for attacking. These are overhead swing, right swing, left swing and thrust. Now, I will tell you which direction to attack from and you must try to do the correct attack. ^^(Move your mouse while you press the left mouse button to specify attack direction. For example, to execute an overhead attack, move the mouse up at the instant you press the le...
  • 原文/AWOIAF/dialogs3
    ...se_window|Then get out of my sight, vile traitor! Begone with you, and don't come back, or I'll see to it that you're punished according to your foul deeds! dlga_lord_talk lord_ask_pardon|I wish to make peace with the {s4}. dlga_lord_ask_pardon lord_pretalk|Do you indeed, {playername}? Then go and trip on your sword. Give us all peace. dlga_lord_ask_pardon lord_pretalk.1|{play...
  • 原文/108Heroes/game_strings1
    ...Tzu said The art of war is of vital importance to the State. It is a matter of life and death, a road either to safety or to ruin. Hence it is a subject of inquiry which can on no account be neglected. str_npc26_intro|(Concentrating on mapping) str_npc27_intro|(Concentrating on combat training) str_npc28_intro|Why are you staring at me? str_npc1_intro_response_1|(Such a strange face, Is he...
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