「Travel of English version Pepengin」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

Travel of English version Pepengin - (2008/08/21 (木) 06:58:03) の1つ前との変更点



* I am going to update it every Wednesday It is gito a product [AD] As for the revisions, it is a bazaar [AD] A character introduction #openclose(show=I am for revenge of Chapter 1 kuu ){I change into Delphi Taha that a parent was murdered on Cu, the ♂ small dice of pepengin in the angel force I am full of ♀ curiosity of the Sera rappee I live in the danger zone (tree squirrel Tonka Islands) of ♂ planet dego of fin pepengin The captain Dell da of the Gail evil spirit force Gail squadron Lei Dell pinger Gail squadron position riku satanisu geiru squadron position - Angel force - It is zero fighter gel near base position of the hexaASG equipment, but I take a surprise attack and aim at garudo zyosehu heringaru garudo angel force base position} #openclose(show=The trip version of the Chapter 2 planet ){The color of the ♂ skin of the Ren ぺ penguin is born in green, ポルド The color of the ♀ skin of the Risa rappee is a childhood friend with orange Ren utubusi King Manes mon ()○○ nandana... which there is not the sex in King Manes mon, favorite phrase)} #openclose(show=I am for revenge of Chapter 1 Cu ) {[[episode 1 curiosity]] [[episode 2 past]] [[episode 3 departure]] [[A star of the episode 4 sterility ]] [[episode 5 position]] [[episode 6 power]] [[episode 7 preparations]] [[episode 8 unexpected]] [[episode 9 battle]] [[An end of episode 10 war ]] [[episode 11 aggression]] [[episode 12 severe cold]] [[episode 13 record]] [[episode 14 relief]] [[episode 15 invasion]] [[last story ending]] [[last story lateral biography ending G]] [[Lateral biography fatigue, comment from the people who appeared]] } The update after this is the future again

