「episode 3 departure」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧に戻る

episode 3 departure - (2008/08/21 (木) 06:04:08) のソース

 "..planted.. !"
Cu woke up. 
"Cu safe"
Selah that just came back said. 
"Slept before one is aware ・・・" Cu said. 
"Dream that the poppa and mother die or ・・・・" Cu is recalled in shape 
to say, "Dream" the moment when father and occasional mother were 
killed. Though the last firing has not actually occurred ・・・

"Something huge flew in the story in that building toward the sky so often" and 
selah said. 
"Safety aspect ..hugeness and interest ..one ・・・・.... do not seem?" Cu has worked. 
"Perhaps safety" selah was answered. 
"So, going. "Cu was answered so, and ran to the enormous building with selah. 
It was empty in "Huge the one". 
"There are no one ・・・" The moment that Cu meant so. Creak and the "Huge the one" 
began to shake ‥. When Cu and selah look out of a window「..".. what?」」 
Two people said at the same time. 
Scenery on the outside was pale ・・・. The pure-white earth is going away fast ・・・ It 
is things except becoming a round globe and pitch-dark "It is pitch-dark though it 
is not a night" Cu has already been said. 
"Mystery" selah was said so. 

A huge one ・・・・ shuttle flew straight to barren planet Gelnia.