「in English」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧に戻る
in English」を以下のとおり復元します。
&sizex(7){2ch server wiki [in English]}

**&bold(){Welcome to Minecraft 2ch server.}

This page is a summary of instructions in English.
If you have any questions, please ask a player "ogasin",
or admin (crafter4110@inter7.jp).

Enjoy!! :)

*Instruction for new comers,
#region ([click "+" to read this section])
&sizex(6){Basic Rules}
&sizex(3){[If you violate the rules, you must be arrested (JAIL) or banned (BAN)]}
-Do not keep numerous MOBs (domestic animals, villagers or others).
-Do not load the server to excess with unusual huge or complicated TT, Redstone circuits or others.
-Do not destroy or loot other player's properties (items, MOBs, territory, constructions)
-Do not act or chat which makes other players displeasure.
-Do not ignore or reject orders from admins or moderators.
*The latest information
#region ([click "+" to read this section])

SIGEN2(a world for resourse consumption) will close on July 27th.
You must correct your items or blocks in SIGEN2, if need be.

New server, address of which is as follows have been started! (addrss is
as follows)
