William Aglionby

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William Aglionby - (2011/08/05 (金) 06:45:09) の最新版との変更点



[[William Aglionby]], -1705? fr.? William Aglioney &italic(){Painting illustrated, in three dialogues,} London, 1685. [***} &italic(){Painting illustrated, in three dialogues containing some choice observations upon the art, together, with the lives of the most eminent Painters from Cimabue, to the times of Raphael and M. Angelo; with an explanation of the difficult terms,} London, 1685. [***] http://webcatplus-equal.nii.ac.jp/webcatplus/details/book/721064.html *********************************************
[[William Aglionby]], -1705? fr.? William Aglioney &italic(){Painting illustrated, in three dialogues,} London, 1685. [***} &italic(){Painting illustrated, in three dialogues containing some choice observations upon the art, together, with the lives of the most eminent Painters from Cimabue, to the times of Raphael and M. Angelo; with an explanation of the difficult terms,} London, 1686 [actually 1685]. [***] http://webcatplus-equal.nii.ac.jp/webcatplus/details/book/721064.html &italic(){Choice observations upon the art of painting: together with Vasari's Lives of the most eminent painters, from Cimabue to the time of Raphael and Michael Angelo : with an explanation of the difficult terms} [1719]: http://books.google.co.jp/books?id=GEnPAAAAMAAJ&source=gbs_navlinks_s 上の&italic(){Painting illustrated, in three dialogues}と同一のものか要確認。三編の対話編とヴァザーリの抄訳なので、おそらく同じ。 *********************************************

