パースと構造:Perspective and construction

「パースと構造:Perspective and construction」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧に戻る

パースと構造:Perspective and construction - (2008/10/24 (金) 02:50:11) の編集履歴(バックアップ)

I'm not going to have a long perspective tutorial here. Instead I'm just going to mention how much easier it gets if you make a few guide lines to align the figure/environment after as you draw.


#ref error :画像を取得できませんでした。しばらく時間を置いてから再度お試しください。

If you're reluctant to do environments just because perspective is tedious to set up, you can use a simple 2 point perspective and just guess in the details. It's surprising how much easier it is to align things correctly with a few guide lines (for me anyways). It doesn't have to be perfect to appear correct. There's a risk that your designs will suffer if you can't improvise quickly and have to consult the ruler every other stroke. First draw a horizon line, then radiate lines from both ends in a random manner, then just crop and sketch away.


#ref error :画像を取得できませんでした。しばらく時間を置いてから再度お試しください。
柔軟 固い

Here's a few quick freehand lines helping me to align the shoulders and stuff. When drawing people, it can help to align stuff after a 'spine'.


This page is translated from the original text. Original author is Arne Niklas Jansson - 2005 & 2007.

And this page is licensed under Creative Commons.

  • 校閲しました -- aki426 (2008-10-23 19:38:09)



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