批評とよくある間違い:Critique and common mistakes

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批評とよくある間違い:Critique and common mistakes - (2009/06/06 (土) 10:28:12) のソース

When I give critique on various forums I often end up typing the exact same things every time. Here's a list of the common mistakes beginner artists make.

Problem: To go shadow - midtone - highlight on all shapes, regardless of location and angle of the shape. 


Solution: Try to zoom out, flip it, turn your head upside down. Don't render each detail individually one at a time. Equally lit minor shapes flattens the painting and makes it hard to make out the important major shapes. 


Problem: To mix black into the shadow and white into the light, and then smudge the in-between colors. 

Solution: This makes the painting look grey and dull. I've encountered a few people asking for 'shading tutorials'. There's no such thing. There's no shortcut saying you should start with a dark color and end with a bright color, then do that on every detail. You must learn how light works and almost render as if you were a 3D computer program. Some might knee-jerk about that, but for me it's true, I often get the best result when I let go of my bias and habits and just follow the 'render rules'. 

答え:問いのようにすると絵を灰色でくすんだものにしてしまいます。私は何人かに「陰影についてのチュートリアル」を頼まれたことがあります。ですが,そんなものはありません。暗い色から始め、明るい色で終わる、そしてすべてのディテールにそれを施さなければならないと言うことに近道はありません。光がどのように作用しているかを学び、まるで3Dレンダリングプログラムのように描けるようにしなければいけない。&u(){この色の明暗のことで、臆病になるかもしれない。} &u(){しかし私は偏見と習慣を手放して、ただ「表現のルール」に従ったとき、最良の結果を得ていることは真実です。}
(訳案:こういう意見には過剰反応する人がいるけれど、私にとってはこれが正解なのです。  /kowa

Problem: To render and highlight details that will only distract the viewer. Dodge brush is real a sinner here. 


Solution: You will have to sacrifice a lot of details that could have looked awesome fully rendered. What's important is the wholeness of the painting. So, no flares on the belt buckle on the unimportant little guy in the corner. The eye homes in on highlight, contrast and saturation. You should lead the eye to the important parts of the painting. 


Problem: Flat and stiff poses, figures look fly-swatted. 

Solution: I do this a lot. It's so easy to draw people from the side or front with arms stretching out. This will end up looking very boring and undynamic, unless you have a compositional idea, or you're doing an icon. It's tempting to try to show all the details of a character in one drawing, but if you're going for a dynamic pose that is rarely possible. Letting the body obscure an arm might be sacrifice you have to make in order to get a good pose. Also, when hiding a detail, you'll let the viewer's imagination decide how it looks, which can be a good thing! It can look better in the mind than it ever could on canvas. Anyways, Learn foreshortening and dynamic poses from doing studies of comics and real life models or photos. Fly-swatted characters will only get you so far. 


Problem: Bad stroke economy, or attempt at artsy 'ooh, lookit I'm so spontaneous'-strokes. 

問題:&u(){安っぽく塗ることとか、「ウホッ! こいつを見てくれ。すごい凝った塗りだろ」というほどに凝りすぎな塗りを試すこと}.
(対案:効率の悪い塗りや、「ウホッ! こいつを見てくれ。のびのびとしてるだろう」という芸術家気取りの塗りを試みること。 /kowa)

Solution: Each stroke should be contributing to the piece. Some hope to get away with random artsy strokes. Random strokes makes random details. Random details distracts the viewer from the actual details of the painting or drawing. I know it seems like some artists paints a perfect scene with just a few swift well placed strokes, but I think they actually do a lot of cleaning up and optimising. Go over the entire painting piece by piece and remove/flatten strokes that aren't contributing. Make sure the motif gets the focus and not some artsy stroke. The major shapes and volumes are always the most important and many neat strokes will have to be sacrificed in order to make the whole thing work. 

(コメント:randomは「統一性のない」ではなく「ランダム、でたらめ」と訳した方がよいのでは? /kowa)

This page is translated from [[the original text>http://itchstudios.com/psg/art_tut.htm#critique_and_common_mistakes]]. Original author is Arne Niklas Jansson - 2005 & 2007.

And this page is licensed under [[Creative Commons>http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/]].&ref(http://i.creativecommons.org/l/by-nc-sa/3.0/88x31.png)
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