「実績: ノーマル」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

実績: ノーマル - (2013/08/18 (日) 21:07:02) の1つ前との変更点



*実績: ノーマル **Research (18個) |実績|要求|報酬|UPlay Point| |Big Badaboom!|Use Detonators Items. Levels: 10, 100, 250| -| -| |Everything's Under Control!|Use Disaster Management Items. Levels: 10, 100, 250&br()Note: Effluent Pumps and other items used to clear Oil Spills seem to be the only items that count for this purpose.|-| -| |Starfish Prime|Use EMP Items. Levels: 10, 100, 250| -| -| |... To seek our fortunes in far-off lands.|Use Expeditions Items. Levels: 10, 100, 250| -| -| |Clear for Boarding!|Use Boarding Crew Items. Levels: 10, 100, 250| -| -| |Undercover|Use Covert Operation Items. Levels: 10, 100, 250| -| -| |Dig Deeper!|Use Resource Development Items. Levels: 10, 100, 250| -| -| |Green Thumbs|Use Seeds Items. Levels: 10, 100, 250| -| -| |Untouchable|Use Shields Items. Levels: 10, 100, 250| -| -| |If It Bleeds, We Can Kill It|Use Stealth Items. Levels: 10, 100, 250| -| -| |Garrett|Use Theft Items. Levels: 10, 100, 250| -| -| |Please Open Your Bags|Use Toll Wares Items. Levels: 10,100, 250&br()Note: Like Seeds, these have to be activated in the Warehouse.|-| -| |Parlay!|Use White Flag Items. Levels: 10, 100, 250| -| -| |Research That Produces Nothing Other Than Books Will Not Suffice|Develop Modules. Levels: 1, 100, 250, 500, 1000| -| -| |Eureka!|Research Technologies. Levels: 1, 100, 250, 500, 1000| -| -| |Buttonmasher|Use Items. Levels: 1, 100, 250, 500, 1000| -| -| |Unweaving the Rainbow|Build Academies. Levels: 10, 100, 250| -| -| |Small Item, Big Impact|Use an Ark upgrade.| -| -| **Diplomacy (27個) |実績|要求|報酬|UPlay Point| |Battleship Discounters|Buy Ships from Third Parties. Levels: 10, 100, 500| -| -| |I Am the State|Take advantage of World Council actions. Levels: 10, 100, 250| -| -| |Import|Buy Goods from Third Parties. Levels: 1000, 10.000, 100.000| -| -| |Export|Sell Goods to Third Parties. Levels: 1000, 10.000, 100.000| -| -| |An Offer He Couldn't Refuse|Buy Items from Third Parties. Levels: 10, 100, 1000| -| -| |Floating Clearance Sale|Sell Items to Trenchcoat. Levels: 10, 100, 1000| -| -| |A Kind Word Opens the Door|Use agreements. Levels: 10, 100, 250, 500, 1000| -| -| |Can You Spare a Credit?|Use the Demand Credits agreement. Levels: 5, 50, 150| -| -| |Do You Collect Points?|Use the Price Dumping agreement. Levels: 5, 50, 150| -| -| |Under the Counter|Use the Increased Demand agreement. Levels: 5, 50, 150| -| -| |Did Somebody Call For Backup?|NPCに艦隊派遣を依頼する。 Levels: 5, 50, 150| -| -| |Open Source|Use the License Trading agreement. Levels: 5, 50, 150| -| -| |Greed is Good. Greed is Right. Greed Works.|Use the Investment agreement. Levels: 5, 50, 150| -| -| |A Pound of Flesh|Use the Take Out a Loan agreement. Levels: 5, 50, 150| -| -| |For the Initiative!|Complete Quests for Yana Rodriguez. Levels: 25, 75, 150| -| -| |For the Corporation!|Complete Quests for Rufus Thorne. Levels: 25, 75, 150| -| -| |We need to know. We will know.|Complete Quests for Prof. Dr. Salman Devi. Levels: 25, 75, 150| -| -| |Against Organized Power, There is Only Organized Power.|Complete Quests for Seamus Green. Levels: 10, 30, 60|-| -| |The Social Responsibility of Business is to Increase its Profits|Complete Quests for Skylar Banes. Levels: 10, 30, 60| -| -| |He Who Does Not Fight Has Already Lost|Complete Quests for Leon Moreau. Levels: 25, 75, 150| -| -| |I Am a Family Man|Complete Quests for Vadim Sokow. Levels: 25, 75, 150| -| -| |Talent Works, Genius Creates|Complete Quests for Dr. Tori Bartok. Levels: 25, 75, 150| -| -| |Technology Should Not Replace Human Ability|Complete Quests for Tilda Jorgensen. Levels: 25, 75, 150| -| -| |Come What May|Complete Quests for Thor Strindberg. Levels: 25, 75, 150| -| -| |Skeptics Always Require a Certain Isolation|Complete Quests for Hiro Ebashi. Levels: 25, 75, 150| -| -| |No Stranger to the Authorities|Complete Quests for Trenchcoat. Levels: 25, 75, 150| -| -| |Tell Them Retaliation is My Trade|Complete Quests for Hector. Levels: 25, 75, 125| -| -| **Economy (20個) |実績|要求|報酬|UPlay Point| |Home Delivery|Take advantage of your Ark's express delivery. Levels: 1, 50, 250| -| -| |Money Doesn't Stink|Accumulate Credits. Levels: 100.000, 500.000, 1.000.000| -| -| |Nothing Spoils My Day More Than Losses|Achieve the following Balance. Levels: 1000, 5000, 10.000| -| -| |You Have to Haggle!|Achieve the following Trade Income. Levels: 100.000, 500.000, 1.000.000| -| -| |It Was Worth it to Me|Achieve the following Trade Costs. Levels: 100.000, 500.000, 1.000.000| -| -| |Everthing From One Source|Produce Final Goods. Levels: 1000, 500.000, 1.000.000| -| -| |Get Well Soon!|Produce Pharmaceuticals. Levels: 1000, 10.000, 100.000| -| -| |Toward Gold Throng All, To Gold Cling All, Yes, All!|Produce Jewelry. Levels: 1000, 10.000, 100.000| -| -| |A Direct-to-Holo Production|Produce 3D Projectors. Levels: 1000, 10.000, 100.000| -| -| |The Era of Meat is Coming to an End|Produce Service Bots. Levels: 1000, 10.000, 100.000| -| -| |Hamster in a wheel|Generate Energy. Levels: 500, 1500, 5000| -| -| |Radiant Prospects|Generate Energy using only Nuclear Power Plants.(Warehouses don't count despite generating some energy)| -| -| |... And Nights Are For Sleep!|Generate Energy using only Solar Tower Generators. (Warehouses don't count despite generating some energy)| -| -| |Monster chain&color(red,){ ※1}|Produce Bionic Suits. Levels: 1, 250, 1000| -| -| |A scientist is only as good as their tools&color(red,){ ※1}|Produce Laboratory Instruments. Levels: 1, 250, 1000| -| -| |Shareholder&color(red,){ ※1}|Purchase Shares in one of your own islands. Levels: 20, -, 50| -| -| |Global Player&color(red,){ ※1}|Purchase Shares in a foreign island. Levels: 20, -, 50| -| -| |3, 2, 1, done!&color(red,){ ※1}|Aquire islands through Hostile takeovers. Levels: 1, -, 20| -| -| |Transfer master&color(red,){ ※1}|Transfer energy via Energy Transmitters. Levels: 1, 1000, 10.000| -| -| |The future of industry&color(red,){ ※1}|Produce each and every Genius good.| -| -| **Development (16個) |実績|要求|報酬|UPlay Point| |Ready for the Island|Settle Islands. Levels: 10, 50, 100, 250, 500| -|10| |Nice and Quiet Down Here|Settle Underwater plateaus. Levels: 10, 50, 100, 250, 500| -|20| |Cradle of Civilization|Achieve the following total Population. Levels: 5000, 10.000, 50.000| -| -| |The Future is Green!|セクター内のEco Executivesの数が以下の数に到達する。 Levels: 1, 5000, 10.000| -| -| |Economic Power|セクター内のTycoon Executivesの数が以下の数に到達する。 Levels: 1, 5000, 10.000| -| -| |Knowledge is Power|セクター内のResearchersの数が以下の数に到達する。 Levels: 1, 2500, 5000| -| -| |A Perfect Commercial Break|Use Information buildings to influence Residenses. Levels: -, -, 350| -| -| |Water off!|水力発電所を建設する。 Levels: 1, 50, -| -| -| |Out of Sight, Out of Mind|Build CO2 Reservoirs. Levels: 1, 50, 150| -| -| |To The Sun, To Freedom|Build Solar Tower Generators. Levels: 1, 50, 150| -| -| |Back to Nature|Achieve an optimum Ecobalance on one of your Islands.|Color: Light green&br()Portrait: Leon Moreau|-| |The Price of Growth|Achieve a catastrophically poor Ecobalance on one of your Islands.| -| -| |Gateway to the World|Build every Harbor Building: Quay wall, Port Authority, Harbor Defense Turret, Harbor Depot, Repair Dock and Clearance Terminal.|-| -| |911|Fire Station・Hospital・Police Stationを全て建設する| -| -| |Look, a real genius!&color(red,){ ※1}|Achieve Geniuses. Levels: -, -, 5000| タイトル: Doctoral advisor| -| |Forces from the deep&color(red,){ ※1}|Build Geothermic Power Plants. Levels: 1, 25, 50| -| -| **Military (23個) |実績|要求|報酬|UPlay Point| |Nanosuites For Everyone|ハイテク武器(High Tech Weapons)を生産する。 Levels: 1000, 10.000, -|-| -| |Tower on E7|防衛タレット(Defense Turret)を他の場所に再配置させる| -| -| |How About a Nice Game of Chess?|Build Missile Launch Pads. Levels: 1, 50, 150| -| -| |Three Ships in Every Garage|ユニットを生産する。 Levels: 100, 250, 1000, 5000, -| -| -| |I Christen You... "Unsinkable II"|Build Ships. Levels: 1, 100, 1000| -| -| |Floating Cigar|Build Submarines. Levels: 1, 100, -| -| -| |High-Flyer|Build Aircraft. Levels: 1, 100, 1000| -| -| |War is The Father of All Things|敵のユニットを破壊する。 Levels: 100, 250, 1000, -, -| -| -| |Patrol|敵の海上ユニットを破壊する。 Levels: 1, 100, 1000| -| -| |And Never Come Back!|Destroy enemy Submarines. Levels: 1, 100, 1000| -| -| |What Goes Up, Must Come Down|Destroy enemy Aircraft. Levels: 1, 100, 1000| -| -| |Wrecking Crew|Destroy enemy Buildings. Levels: 100, 1000, 10.000| -| -| |What Was Once Yours Is Now Mine|Take over enemy Trade Buildings. Levels: 1, 50, 250| -| -| |And Don't Forget It!|Defeat Third Parties. Levels: 1, 25, 50| -| -| |All Political Power Comes From the Barrel of a Gun|Use the Declare War agreement. Levels: 5, 50, 150| -| -| |War Is Over, If You Want It|Use the Request Peace agreement. Levels: 5, 50, 150| -| -| |The Principle of Hope|Use the Cease-fire agreement. Levels: 5, 50, 150| -| -| |The Categorical Imperative|Use the Trading route right of protection agreement. Levels: 5, 50, 150| -| -| |No One Has The Intention of Erecting a Wall!|Use the Civil Defense agreement. Levels: 5, 50, 150| -|-| |The Arms Race|Produce Weapons. Levels: 1000, 10.000, 100.000| -| -| |Missed! We Need an Even Bigger Explosion!|Produce Heavy Weapons. Levels: 1000, 5000, 100.000| -| -| |Under the radar&color(red,){ ※1}|Use items of the type Silent Running. Levels: 10, -, -| -| -| |Special Flotsam&color(red,){ ※1}|Use items of the type Naval Mine. Levels: 10, -, -||| **Quests (16個) |実績|要求|報酬|UPlay Point| |Be Prepared!|クエストを完了する。 Levels: 1, 10, 100, 500, 1000| -| -| |Did Someone Order Pizza?|配達系のクエストを完了する。 Levels: 10, 100, 250| -| -| |You Can Never Fall In Love|Complete Quests from category Escort. Levels: 10, 100, 250| -| -| |Mercenary|Complete Quests from category Battle. Levels: 10, 100, 250| -| -| |Follow that Ship!|Complete Quests from category Hunting. Levels: 10, 100, 250| -| -| |Fiat Lux!|Complete Quests from category Underwater Recovery. Levels: 10, 100, 250| -| -| |The All-Seeing Eye|Complete Quests from category Picture Puzzle. Levels: 10, 100, 250| -| -| |Raiders of the Lost Flotsam|Complete Quests from category Recovery. Levels 10, 100, 250| -| -| |Contraband|Complete Quests from category Smuggler. Levels: 10, 100, 250| -| -| |Proclamations of John Frum|Complete Quests from category Race. Levels: 10, 100, 250| -| -| |Roadside Assistance|Complete Quests from category Recovery. Levels: 10, 100, 250| -| -| |Grand Theft Ship|Complete Quests from category Looting expedition. Levels: 10, 100, 250| -| -| |A Good Deed Every Day!|Complete Quests from category Current events. Levels: 1, 50, 150| -| -| |Tortoise and Hare|Complete Quests form category Race. Levels: 10, 100, 250| -| -| |Now don't get lost&color(red,){ ※1}|Complete Convoy category quests. Levels: 10, 100, 250| -| -| |My boss, the machine&color(red,){ ※1}|Complete quests for F.A.T.H.E.R.. Levels: 10, 30, 60| -| -| **General (12個) |実績|要求|報酬|UPlay Point| |The Land of Milk and Honey|The Eden World Event の The Formersミッションを完了する|タイトル: Settler&br()Formula: Construction plan Guardian 1.0|-| |Try More Democracy!|Vote in the Senate. Levels: 1, 25, 50| -| -| |Direct Ballot|Vote in the World Council. Levels: 1, 25, 50| -| -| |Welcome to the real world|Complete the Campaign mission "Secrets of the deep".| -| -| |Quod erat demonstrandum|Complete the Campaign mission "Solidarity".| -| -| |Mutatis Mutandis|Complete a continuous game with a victory condition.|タイトル: Discoverer| -| |Active Disarmament|Complete Mission 01 in world event "Atomic Terror".|タイトル: Pirate Hunter| -| |Now we're finally getting somewhere!|Complete the mission Unwanted Interruption in The Eden Project World Event.| Formula: Guardian 1.0 Automation| -| |Bailout|Complete "Confidence-building Measures" in the World Event "Global Distrust - The great stock market crash".| Building: Statistics Center| -| |Debt Cut|Complete "Crisis Intervention" in the World Event "Global Distrust - The great stock market crash".|Formula: Data trap&br()Formula: Recovery Cells|-| |Border conflict|Complete "Border Disputes" in the World Event "The Nordamark Border Conflict".|Formula: Orca - Armor Plate&br()タイトル: Cold Warrior|-| |It is getting warmer|Complete "A Serious Incident" in the World Event "The Nordamark Border Conflict".|Vehicle: Orca|-| &color(red,){ ※1} この実績を解除するにはDeepOceanが必要。 &color(red,){ ※2} Possible tooltip errors/more info needed &color(red,){ ※3} この実績を解除するにはDLCが必要。 &color(red,){ ※4} 機能的な貿易ルートでなければならない、ただ無目的のために100を作成することはできない
*実績: ノーマル **Research (18個) |実績|要求|報酬|UPlay Point| |Big Badaboom!|Use Detonators Items. Levels: 10, 100, 250| -| -| |Everything's Under Control!|Use Disaster Management Items. Levels: 10, 100, 250&br()Note: Effluent Pumps and other items used to clear Oil Spills seem to be the only items that count for this purpose.|-| -| |Starfish Prime|Use EMP Items. Levels: 10, 100, 250| -| -| |... To seek our fortunes in far-off lands.|Use Expeditions Items. Levels: 10, 100, 250| -| -| |Clear for Boarding!|Use Boarding Crew Items. Levels: 10, 100, 250| -| -| |Undercover|Use Covert Operation Items. Levels: 10, 100, 250| -| -| |Dig Deeper!|Use Resource Development Items. Levels: 10, 100, 250| -| -| |Green Thumbs|Use Seeds Items. Levels: 10, 100, 250| -| -| |Untouchable|Use Shields Items. Levels: 10, 100, 250| -| -| |If It Bleeds, We Can Kill It|Use Stealth Items. Levels: 10, 100, 250| -| -| |Garrett|Use Theft Items. Levels: 10, 100, 250| -| -| |Please Open Your Bags|Use Toll Wares Items. Levels: 10,100, 250&br()Note: Like Seeds, these have to be activated in the Warehouse.|-| -| |Parlay!|Use White Flag Items. Levels: 10, 100, 250| -| -| |Research That Produces Nothing Other Than Books Will Not Suffice|Develop Modules. Levels: 1, 100, 250, 500, 1000| -| -| |Eureka!|Research Technologies. Levels: 1, 100, 250, 500, 1000| -| -| |Buttonmasher|Use Items. Levels: 1, 100, 250, 500, 1000| -| -| |Unweaving the Rainbow|Build Academies. Levels: 10, 100, 250| -| -| |Small Item, Big Impact|Use an Ark upgrade.| -| -| **Diplomacy (27個) |実績|要求|報酬|UPlay Point| |Battleship Discounters|Buy Ships from Third Parties. Levels: 10, 100, 500| -| -| |I Am the State|Take advantage of World Council actions. Levels: 10, 100, 250| -| -| |Import|Buy Goods from Third Parties. Levels: 1000, 10.000, 100.000| -| -| |Export|Sell Goods to Third Parties. Levels: 1000, 10.000, 100.000| -| -| |An Offer He Couldn't Refuse|Buy Items from Third Parties. Levels: 10, 100, 1000| -| -| |Floating Clearance Sale|Sell Items to Trenchcoat. Levels: 10, 100, 1000| -| -| |A Kind Word Opens the Door|Use agreements. Levels: 10, 100, 250, 500, 1000| -| -| |Can You Spare a Credit?|Use the Demand Credits agreement. Levels: 5, 50, 150| -| -| |Do You Collect Points?|Use the Price Dumping agreement. Levels: 5, 50, 150| -| -| |Under the Counter|Use the Increased Demand agreement. Levels: 5, 50, 150| -| -| |Did Somebody Call For Backup?|NPCに艦隊派遣を依頼する。 Levels: 5, 50, 150| -| -| |Open Source|Use the License Trading agreement. Levels: 5, 50, 150| -| -| |Greed is Good. Greed is Right. Greed Works.|Use the Investment agreement. Levels: 5, 50, 150| -| -| |A Pound of Flesh|Use the Take Out a Loan agreement. Levels: 5, 50, 150| -| -| |For the Initiative!|Complete Quests for Yana Rodriguez. Levels: 25, 75, 150| -| -| |For the Corporation!|Complete Quests for Rufus Thorne. Levels: 25, 75, 150| -| -| |We need to know. We will know.|Complete Quests for Prof. Dr. Salman Devi. Levels: 25, 75, 150| -| -| |Against Organized Power, There is Only Organized Power.|Complete Quests for Seamus Green. Levels: 10, 30, 60|-| -| |The Social Responsibility of Business is to Increase its Profits|Complete Quests for Skylar Banes. Levels: 10, 30, 60| -| -| |He Who Does Not Fight Has Already Lost|Complete Quests for Leon Moreau. Levels: 25, 75, 150| -| -| |I Am a Family Man|Complete Quests for Vadim Sokow. Levels: 25, 75, 150| -| -| |Talent Works, Genius Creates|Complete Quests for Dr. Tori Bartok. Levels: 25, 75, 150| -| -| |Technology Should Not Replace Human Ability|Complete Quests for Tilda Jorgensen. Levels: 25, 75, 150| -| -| |Come What May|Complete Quests for Thor Strindberg. Levels: 25, 75, 150| -| -| |Skeptics Always Require a Certain Isolation|Complete Quests for Hiro Ebashi. Levels: 25, 75, 150| -| -| |No Stranger to the Authorities|Complete Quests for Trenchcoat. Levels: 25, 75, 150| -| -| |Tell Them Retaliation is My Trade|Complete Quests for Hector. Levels: 25, 75, 125| -| -| **Economy (20個) |実績|要求|報酬|UPlay Point| |Home Delivery|Take advantage of your Ark's express delivery. Levels: 1, 50, 250| -| -| |Money Doesn't Stink|Accumulate Credits. Levels: 100.000, 500.000, 1.000.000| -| -| |Nothing Spoils My Day More Than Losses|Achieve the following Balance. Levels: 1000, 5000, 10.000| -| -| |You Have to Haggle!|Achieve the following Trade Income. Levels: 100.000, 500.000, 1.000.000| -| -| |It Was Worth it to Me|Achieve the following Trade Costs. Levels: 100.000, 500.000, 1.000.000| -| -| |Everthing From One Source|Produce Final Goods. Levels: 1000, 500.000, 1.000.000| -| -| |Get Well Soon!|Produce Pharmaceuticals. Levels: 1000, 10.000, 100.000| -| -| |Toward Gold Throng All, To Gold Cling All, Yes, All!|Produce Jewelry. Levels: 1000, 10.000, 100.000| -| -| |A Direct-to-Holo Production|Produce 3D Projectors. Levels: 1000, 10.000, 100.000| -| -| |The Era of Meat is Coming to an End|Produce Service Bots. Levels: 1000, 10.000, 100.000| -| -| |Hamster in a wheel|Generate Energy. Levels: 500, 1500, 5000| -| -| |Radiant Prospects|Generate Energy using only Nuclear Power Plants.(Warehouses don't count despite generating some energy)| -| -| |... And Nights Are For Sleep!|Generate Energy using only Solar Tower Generators. (Warehouses don't count despite generating some energy)| -| -| |Monster chain&color(red,){ ※1}|Produce Bionic Suits. Levels: 1, 250, 1000| -| -| |A scientist is only as good as their tools&color(red,){ ※1}|Produce Laboratory Instruments. Levels: 1, 250, 1000| -| -| |Shareholder&color(red,){ ※1}|Purchase Shares in one of your own islands. Levels: 20, -, 50| -| -| |Global Player&color(red,){ ※1}|Purchase Shares in a foreign island. Levels: 20, -, 50| -| -| |3, 2, 1, done!&color(red,){ ※1}|Aquire islands through Hostile takeovers. Levels: 1, -, 20| -| -| |Transfer master&color(red,){ ※1}|Transfer energy via Energy Transmitters. Levels: 1, 1000, 10.000| -| -| |The future of industry&color(red,){ ※1}|Produce each and every Genius good.| -| -| **Development (16個) |実績|要求|報酬|UPlay Point| |Ready for the Island|Settle Islands. Levels: 10, 50, 100, 250, 500| -|10| |Nice and Quiet Down Here|Settle Underwater plateaus. Levels: 10, 50, 100, 250, 500| -|20| |Cradle of Civilization|Achieve the following total Population. Levels: 5000, 10.000, 50.000| -| -| |The Future is Green!|セクター内のEco Executivesの数が以下の数に到達する。 Levels: 1, 5000, 10.000| -| -| |Economic Power|セクター内のTycoon Executivesの数が以下の数に到達する。 Levels: 1, 5000, 10.000| -| -| |Knowledge is Power|セクター内のResearchersの数が以下の数に到達する。 Levels: 1, 2500, 5000| -| -| |A Perfect Commercial Break|Use Information buildings to influence Residenses. Levels: -, -, 350| -| -| |Water off!|水力発電所を建設する。 Levels: 1, 50, -| -| -| |Out of Sight, Out of Mind|Build CO2 Reservoirs. Levels: 1, 50, 150| -| -| |To The Sun, To Freedom|Build Solar Tower Generators. Levels: 1, 50, 150| -| -| |Back to Nature|Achieve an optimum Ecobalance on one of your Islands.|Color: Light green&br()Portrait: Leon Moreau|-| |The Price of Growth|Achieve a catastrophically poor Ecobalance on one of your Islands.| -| -| |Gateway to the World|Build every Harbor Building: Quay wall, Port Authority, Harbor Defense Turret, Harbor Depot, Repair Dock and Clearance Terminal.|-| -| |911|Fire Station・Hospital・Police Stationを全て建設する| -| -| |Look, a real genius!&color(red,){ ※1}|Achieve Geniuses. Levels: -, -, 5000| タイトル: Doctoral advisor| -| |Forces from the deep&color(red,){ ※1}|Build Geothermic Power Plants. Levels: 1, 25, 50| -| -| **Military (23個) |実績|要求|報酬|UPlay Point| |Nanosuites For Everyone|ハイテク武器(High Tech Weapons)を生産する。 Levels: 1000, 10.000, -|-| -| |Tower on E7|防衛タレット(Defense Turret)を他の場所に再配置させる| -| -| |How About a Nice Game of Chess?|Build Missile Launch Pads. Levels: 1, 50, 150| -| -| |Three Ships in Every Garage|ユニットを生産する。 Levels: 100, 250, 1000, 5000, -| -| -| |I Christen You... "Unsinkable II"|Build Ships. Levels: 1, 100, 1000| -| -| |Floating Cigar|Build Submarines. Levels: 1, 100, -| -| -| |High-Flyer|Build Aircraft. Levels: 1, 100, 1000| -| -| |War is The Father of All Things|敵のユニットを破壊する。 Levels: 100, 250, 1000, -, -| -| -| |Patrol|敵の海上ユニットを破壊する。 Levels: 1, 100, 1000| -| -| |And Never Come Back!|Destroy enemy Submarines. Levels: 1, 100, 1000| -| -| |What Goes Up, Must Come Down|Destroy enemy Aircraft. Levels: 1, 100, 1000| -| -| |Wrecking Crew|Destroy enemy Buildings. Levels: 100, 1000, 10.000| -| -| |What Was Once Yours Is Now Mine|Take over enemy Trade Buildings. Levels: 1, 50, 250| -| -| |And Don't Forget It!|Defeat Third Parties. Levels: 1, 25, 50| -| -| |All Political Power Comes From the Barrel of a Gun|Use the Declare War agreement. Levels: 5, 50, 150| -| -| |War Is Over, If You Want It|Use the Request Peace agreement. Levels: 5, 50, 150| -| -| |The Principle of Hope|Use the Cease-fire agreement. Levels: 5, 50, 150| -| -| |The Categorical Imperative|Use the Trading route right of protection agreement. Levels: 5, 50, 150| -| -| |No One Has The Intention of Erecting a Wall!|Use the Civil Defense agreement. Levels: 5, 50, 150| -|-| |The Arms Race|Produce Weapons. Levels: 1000, 10.000, 100.000| -| -| |Missed! We Need an Even Bigger Explosion!|Produce Heavy Weapons. Levels: 1000, 5000, 100.000| -| -| |Under the radar&color(red,){ ※1}|Use items of the type Silent Running. Levels: 10, -, -| -| -| |Special Flotsam&color(red,){ ※1}|Use items of the type Naval Mine. Levels: 10, -, -||| **Quests (16個) |実績|要求|報酬|UPlay Point| |Be Prepared!|クエストを完了する。 Levels: 1, 10, 100, 500, 1000| -| -| |Did Someone Order Pizza?|配達系のクエストを完了する。 Levels: 10, 100, 250| -| -| |You Can Never Fall In Love|Complete Quests from category Escort. Levels: 10, 100, 250| -| -| |Mercenary|Complete Quests from category Battle. Levels: 10, 100, 250| -| -| |Follow that Ship!|Complete Quests from category Hunting. Levels: 10, 100, 250| -| -| |Fiat Lux!|Complete Quests from category Underwater Recovery. Levels: 10, 100, 250| -| -| |The All-Seeing Eye|Complete Quests from category Picture Puzzle. Levels: 10, 100, 250| -| -| |Raiders of the Lost Flotsam|Complete Quests from category Recovery. Levels 10, 100, 250| -| -| |Contraband|Complete Quests from category Smuggler. Levels: 10, 100, 250| -| -| |Proclamations of John Frum|Complete Quests from category Race. Levels: 10, 100, 250| -| -| |Roadside Assistance|Complete Quests from category Recovery. Levels: 10, 100, 250| -| -| |Grand Theft Ship|Complete Quests from category Looting expedition. Levels: 10, 100, 250| -| -| |A Good Deed Every Day!|Complete Quests from category Current events. Levels: 1, 50, 150| -| -| |Tortoise and Hare|Complete Quests form category Race. Levels: 10, 100, 250| -| -| |Now don't get lost&color(red,){ ※1}|Complete Convoy category quests. Levels: 10, 100, 250| -| -| |My boss, the machine&color(red,){ ※1}|Complete quests for F.A.T.H.E.R.. Levels: 10, 30, 60| -| -| **General (12個) |実績|要求|報酬|UPlay Point| |The Land of Milk and Honey|The Eden World Event の The Formersミッションを完了する|タイトル: Settler&br()Formula: Construction plan Guardian 1.0|-| |Try More Democracy!|Vote in the Senate. Levels: 1, 25, 50| -| -| |Direct Ballot|Vote in the World Council. Levels: 1, 25, 50| -| -| |Welcome to the real world|Complete the Campaign mission "Secrets of the deep".| -| -| |Quod erat demonstrandum|Complete the Campaign mission "Solidarity".| -| -| |Mutatis Mutandis|Complete a continuous game with a victory condition.|タイトル: Discoverer| -| |Active Disarmament|Complete Mission 01 in world event "Atomic Terror".|タイトル: Pirate Hunter| -| |Now we're finally getting somewhere!|Complete the mission Unwanted Interruption in The Eden Project World Event.| Formula: Guardian 1.0 Automation| -| |Bailout|Complete "Confidence-building Measures" in the World Event "Global Distrust - The great stock market crash".| Building: Statistics Center| -| |Debt Cut|Complete "Crisis Intervention" in the World Event "Global Distrust - The great stock market crash".|Formula: Data trap&br()Formula: Recovery Cells|-| |Border conflict|Complete "Border Disputes" in the World Event "The Nordamark Border Conflict".|Formula: Orca - Armor Plate&br()タイトル: Cold Warrior|-| |It is getting warmer|Complete "A Serious Incident" in the World Event "The Nordamark Border Conflict".|Vehicle: Orca|-| &color(red,){ ※1} この実績を解除するにはDeepOceanが必要 &color(red,){ ※2} Possible tooltip errors/more info needed &color(red,){ ※3} この実績を解除するにはDLCが必要 &color(red,){ ※4} 機能的な貿易ルートでなければならない、ただ無目的のために100を作成することはできない

