「Debian Wheezy Install」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧に戻る

Debian Wheezy Install - (2015/03/11 (水) 12:00:36) の編集履歴(バックアップ)

Debian Wheezy Install

Debian Wheezy Setupの続き

Continue Installation remotely SSH

lqqqqqqqqqqqu [!!] Continue installation remotely using SSH tqqqqqqqqqqqk
x                                                                       x
x                               Start SSH                               x
x To continue the installation, please use an SSH client to connect to  x
x the IP address and log in as the "installer" user. For   x
x example:                                                              x
x                                                                       x
x    ssh installer@                                         x
x                                                                       x
x The fingerprint of this SSH server's host key is:                     x
x 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00                       x
x                                                                       x
x Please check this carefully against the fingerprint reported by your  x
x SSH client.                                                           x
x                                                                       x
x                              <Continue>                               x
x                                                                       x

この画面が表示されると ssh installer@ のように接続先情報が表示されるので、これに合わせてSSHで接続する。


Choose a mirror of the Debian archive

lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu [!] Choose a mirror of the Debian archive tqqqqqqqqqqqqqqk
x                                                                         x
x The goal is to find a mirror of the Debian archive that is close to     x
x you on the network -- be aware that nearby countries, or even your      x
x own, may not be the best choice.                                        x
x                                                                         x
x Debian archive mirror country:                                          x
x                                                                         x
x                      Spain                                              x
x                      Sweden             a                               x
x                      Switzerland        a                               x
x                      Taiwan             a                               x
x                      Thailand           a                               x
x                      Turkey             a                               x
x                      Ukraine                                            x
x                      United Kingdom     a                               x
x                      United States                                      x
x                                                                         x
x      <Go Back>                                                          x
x                                                                         x


lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu [!] Choose a mirror of the Debian archive tqqqqqqqqqqqqqqk
x                                                                         x
x Please select a Debian archive mirror. You should use a mirror in       x
x your country or region if you do not know which mirror has the best     x
x Internet connection to you.                                             x
x                                                                         x
x Usually, ftp.<your country code>.debian.org is a good choice.           x
x                                                                         x
x Debian archive mirror:                                                  x
x                                                                         x
x                      ftp.jp.debian.org                                  x
x                      ftp.nara.wide.ad.jp                                x
x                      dennou-k.gfd-dennou.org  a                         x
x                      dennou-q.gfd-dennou.org  a                         x
x                      dennou-h.gfd-dennou.org  a                         x
x                      cdn.debian.net           a                         x
x                      ftp.dti.ad.jp                                      x
x                                                                         x
x      <Go Back>                                                          x
x                                                                         x


lqqqqqqqqqqqqu [!] Choose a mirror of the Debian archive tqqqqqqqqqqqqk
x                                                                     x
x If you need to use a HTTP proxy to access the outside world, enter  x
x the proxy information here. Otherwise, leave this blank.            x
x                                                                     x
x The proxy information should be given in the standard form of       x
x "http://[[user][:pass]@]host[:port]/".                              x
x                                                                     x
x HTTP proxy information (blank for none):                            x
x                                                                     x
x ___________________________________________________________________ x
x                                                                     x
x     <Go Back>                                        <Continue>     x
x                                                                     x


Select a language

lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu [!!] Select a language tqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqk
x                                                                         x
x Choose the language to be used for the installation process. The        x
x selected language will also be the default language for the installed   x
x system.                                                                 x
x                                                                         x
x Language:                                                               x
x                                                                         x
x            Catalan                -  Catala                             x
x            Chinese (Simplified)   -  中文(簡体)           a             x
x            Chinese (Traditional)  -  中文(繁体)                         x
x            Croatian               -  Hrvatski             a             x
x            Czech                  -  ?e?tina              a             x
x            Danish                 -  Dansk                a             x
x            Dutch                  -  Nederlands           a             x
x            Dzongkha               -  ???????              a             x
x            English                -  English                            x
x                                                                         x
x     <Go Back>                                                           x
x                                                                         x



lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu [!] 場所の選択 tqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqk
x                                                                         x 
x ここで選択された場所は、時間帯の設定のほか、システムロケールの選択の    x 
x 支援などに使われます。通常これはあなたの居住する国であるはずです。      x 
x                                                                         x 
x アジア についての場所を一覧表示しています。一覧にあなたの場所がないと   x 
x きには、別の大陸または地域を選ぶために <戻る> を選択してください。      x 
x                                                                         x 
x 国・領土・地域:                                                         x 
x                                                                         x 
x                       香港                                              x 
x                       台湾                      a                       x 
x                       大韓民国 (韓国)           a                       x 
x                       中国                      a                       x 
x                       朝鮮民主主義人民共和国    a                       x 
x                       東ティモール              a                       x 
x                       日本                                              x 
x                                                                         x 
x     <戻る>                                                              x 
x                                                                         x 


Set up users and passwords


Partition disks

Guided - use entire diskを選択