
2008年6月課題 - (2008/08/17 (日) 14:30:58) の最新版との変更点



<div style="margin:0mm 0mm 0pt;">アルカディア翻訳会6月課題</div> <div style="margin:0mm 0mm 0pt;"> </div> <div style="margin:0mm 0mm 0pt;text-indent:10.5pt;"> <span> </span>日時:<span>6月15日(日)14:00—17:00</span></div> <div style="margin:0mm 0mm 0pt;text-indent:21pt;">会場:渋谷区立大向区民会館 和室1号</div> <div style="margin:0mm 0mm 0pt;text-indent:21pt;">    <span><a href="http://www.city.shibuya.tokyo.jp/est/kmkaikan/km_omukai.html">http://www.city.shibuya.tokyo.jp/est/kmkaikan/km_omukai.html</a> </span></div> <div style="margin:0mm 0mm 0pt;text-indent:21pt;">出題者:真鍋さん</div> <div style="margin:0mm 0mm 0pt;text-indent:21pt;">課題:アレッサンドロ・バリッコの『絹』</div> <div style="margin:0mm 0mm 0pt;text-indent:21pt;">出題範囲:①~⑤</div> <div style="margin:0mm 0mm 0pt;text-indent:21pt;"> </div> <div style="margin:0mm 0mm 0pt;text-indent:21pt;"> </div> <div style="margin:0mm 0mm 0pt;"><span>                                 ~~ 14 ~~</span></div> <div style="margin:0mm 0mm 0pt;text-indent:5.25pt;">①『To the most elusive man in Japan, master of all that the world contrived to carry off the island, Herv Joncour attempted to explain who he was. He did so in his own tongue, speaking slowly, not entirely certain whether Hara Kei was able to understand. By instinct he abandoned all caution, and recounted in simple words the entire truth, inventing nothing, omitting nothing. Small details and crucial events he laid out before him in the same flat monotone and with minimal gestures, as though rehearsing the joyless, neutral, hypnotic cadences of one reading a list of objects that have survived a fire.』②『 Hara Kei listened, not a flicker of expression disturbing his features. He fixed his gaze on Herv Joncour’s lips as though upon the last lines of a letter of farewell. All was so silent and motionless in the room that what next occurred, though nothing in itself, seemed quite momentous.</div> <div style="margin:0mm 0mm 0pt;text-indent:5.25pt;"> Suddenly,</div> <div style="margin:0mm 0mm 0pt;text-indent:5.25pt;"> without the smallest movement,</div> <div style="margin:0mm 0mm 0pt;text-indent:5.25pt;"> that young girl,</div> <div style="margin:0mm 0mm 0pt;text-indent:5.25pt;"> opened her eyes.』</div> <div style="margin:0mm 0mm 0pt;"><span> </span>③『Herv Joncour continued talking but instinctively lowered his eyes to her and what he saw, as he continued talking, was that his eyes <em>did not have an oriental slant</em>, and that they were fastened upon him <em>with a disconcerting intensity</em>: as though this is what they had been doing from the start, from beneath lowered lids. Herv Joncour turned his eyes elsewhere, as indifferently as he was able, and tried to pursue his narrative without betraying the smallest alteration in his voice. He broke off only when his eyes lit upon the tea cup placed before him on the floor. He picked it up in one hand, carried it to his lips, drank slowly. Then he resumed his narrative as he set the cup down before him once more.』</div> <div style="margin:0mm 0mm 0pt;text-indent:5.25pt;"> </div> <div style="margin:0mm 0mm 0pt;text-indent:5.25pt;"> <span>                                ~~   15 ~~</span></div> <div style="margin:0mm 0mm 0pt;text-indent:5.25pt;">④『France, sea-voyages, the smell of mulberries at Lavilledieu, steam-trains, Helene’s voice. Herve Joncour continues the narrative of his life as he had never done in his life before. The girl continued to gaze at him with such a fierce concentration that he felt obliged to charge each word with exceptional meaning. The room seemed to have slipped back into an immutable quiescence when in absolute silence she unexpectedly thrust a hand out from her dress and slid it onto the mat before her. Herv Joncour noticed this pale blur impinging on the edge of his field of vision; he saw it slide over Hara Kei’s tea cup only to continue bizarrely on its path until it unhesitantly grasped the other cup, which could only be the one from which <em>he</em> had drunk; her hand picked it up lightly and bore it off. Hara Kei had not for an instant taken his expressionless eyes off Herv Joncour’s lips.』</div> <div style="margin:0mm 0mm 0pt;"><span> </span>⑤『The girl gently raised her head.</div> <div style="margin:0mm 0mm 0pt;text-indent:5.25pt;"> For the first time she took her eyes off Herv Joncour and transferred them to the cup.</div> <div style="margin:0mm 0mm 0pt;text-indent:5.25pt;">Slowly she turned the cup until her lips were at the precise point where he had drunk.</div> <div style="margin:0mm 0mm 0pt;text-indent:5.25pt;">She closed her eyes and took a sip of tea.</div> <div style="margin:0mm 0mm 0pt;text-indent:5.25pt;">She moved the cup from her lips.</div> <div style="margin:0mm 0mm 0pt;text-indent:5.25pt;">She slipped it back to the place from which she had taken it.</div> <div style="margin:0mm 0mm 0pt;text-indent:5.25pt;">She withdrew het hand within her dress.</div> <div style="margin:0mm 0mm 0pt;text-indent:5.25pt;">She rested her head once more in Hara Kei’s lap. Her eyes remained open, fixed on those of Herv Joncour.』</div> <div style="margin:0mm 0mm 0pt;text-indent:5.25pt;"> </div> <div style="margin:0mm 0mm 0pt;line-height:12pt;"> </div> <div> </div>
<div style="margin:0mm 0mm 0pt;">アルカディア翻訳会6月課題</div> <div style="margin:0mm 0mm 0pt;"> </div> <div style="margin:0mm 0mm 0pt;text-indent:10.5pt;"> <span> </span>日時:<span>6月15日(日)14:00—17:00</span></div> <div style="margin:0mm 0mm 0pt;text-indent:21pt;">会場:渋谷区立大向区民会館 和室1号</div> <div style="margin:0mm 0mm 0pt;text-indent:21pt;">    <span><a href="http://www.city.shibuya.tokyo.jp/est/kmkaikan/km_omukai.html">http://www.city.shibuya.tokyo.jp/est/kmkaikan/km_omukai.html</a> </span></div> <div style="margin:0mm 0mm 0pt;text-indent:21pt;">出題者:真鍋さん</div> <div style="margin:0mm 0mm 0pt;text-indent:21pt;">課題:アレッサンドロ・バリッコの『絹』</div> <div style="margin:0mm 0mm 0pt;text-indent:21pt;">出題範囲:①~⑤</div> <div style="margin:0mm 0mm 0pt;text-indent:21pt;"> </div> <div style="margin:0mm 0mm 0pt;text-indent:21pt;"> </div> <div style="margin:0mm 0mm 0pt;"><span>                                 ~~ 14 ~~</span></div> <div style="margin:0mm 0mm 0pt;text-indent:5.25pt;"> <p>①『To the most elusive man in Japan, master of all that the world contrived to carry off the island, Herv Joncour attempted to explain who he was. He did so in his own tongue, speaking slowly, not entirely certain whether Hara Kei was able to understand. By instinct he abandoned all caution, and recounted in simple words the entire truth, inventing nothing, omitting nothing. Small details and crucial events he laid out before him in the same flat monotone and with minimal gestures, as though rehearsing the joyless, neutral, hypnotic cadences of one reading a list of objects that have survived a fire.』</p> <p>②『 Hara Kei listened, not a flicker of expression disturbing his features. He fixed his gaze on Herv Joncour’s lips as though upon the last lines of a letter of farewell. All was so silent and motionless in the room that what next occurred, though nothing in itself, seemed quite momentous.</p> </div> <div style="margin:0mm 0mm 0pt;text-indent:5.25pt;"> Suddenly,</div> <div style="margin:0mm 0mm 0pt;text-indent:5.25pt;"> without the smallest movement,</div> <div style="margin:0mm 0mm 0pt;text-indent:5.25pt;"> that young girl,</div> <div style="margin:0mm 0mm 0pt;text-indent:5.25pt;"> <p> opened her eyes.』</p> <p><span> </span>③『Herv Joncour continued talking but instinctively lowered his eyes to her and what he saw, as he continued talking, was that his eyes<em>did not have an oriental slant</em>, and that they were fastened upon him<em>with a disconcerting intensity</em>: as though this is what they had been doing from the start, from beneath lowered lids. Herv Joncour turned his eyes elsewhere, as indifferently as he was able, and tried to pursue his narrative without betraying the smallest alteration in his voice. He broke off only when his eyes lit upon the tea cup placed before him on the floor. He picked it up in one hand, carried it to his lips, drank slowly. Then he resumed his narrative as he set the cup down before him once more.』</p> </div> <div style="margin:0mm 0mm 0pt;text-indent:5.25pt;"> </div> <div style="margin:0mm 0mm 0pt;text-indent:5.25pt;"> <span>                                ~~   15 ~~</span></div> <div style="margin:0mm 0mm 0pt;text-indent:5.25pt;">④『France, sea-voyages, the smell of mulberries at Lavilledieu, steam-trains, Helene’s voice. Herve Joncour continues the narrative of his life as he had never done in his life before. The girl continued to gaze at him with such a fierce concentration that he felt obliged to charge each word with exceptional meaning. The room seemed to have slipped back into an immutable quiescence when in absolute silence she unexpectedly thrust a hand out from her dress and slid it onto the mat before her. Herv Joncour noticed this pale blur impinging on the edge of his field of vision; he saw it slide over Hara Kei’s tea cup only to continue bizarrely on its path until it unhesitantly grasped the other cup, which could only be the one from which<em>he</em>had drunk; her hand picked it up lightly and bore it off. Hara Kei had not for an instant taken his expressionless eyes off Herv Joncour’s lips.』</div> <div style="margin:0mm 0mm 0pt;"><span> </span>⑤『The girl gently raised her head.</div> <div style="margin:0mm 0mm 0pt;text-indent:5.25pt;"> For the first time she took her eyes off Herv Joncour and transferred them to the cup.</div> <div style="margin:0mm 0mm 0pt;text-indent:5.25pt;">Slowly she turned the cup until her lips were at the precise point where he had drunk.</div> <div style="margin:0mm 0mm 0pt;text-indent:5.25pt;">She closed her eyes and took a sip of tea.</div> <div style="margin:0mm 0mm 0pt;text-indent:5.25pt;">She moved the cup from her lips.</div> <div style="margin:0mm 0mm 0pt;text-indent:5.25pt;">She slipped it back to the place from which she had taken it.</div> <div style="margin:0mm 0mm 0pt;text-indent:5.25pt;">She withdrew het hand within her dress.</div> <div style="margin:0mm 0mm 0pt;text-indent:5.25pt;">She rested her head once more in Hara Kei’s lap. Her eyes remained open, fixed on those of Herv Joncour.』</div> <div style="margin:0mm 0mm 0pt;text-indent:5.25pt;"> </div> <div style="margin:0mm 0mm 0pt;line-height:12pt;"> </div> <div> </div>

