
メモ/ソフトウェアパターン - (2009/03/14 (土) 09:22:38) の最新版との変更点



A pattern presents a slice of the design space, which means that it cannot -- or should not -- cover all the incidental concerns or questions that may arise. [[Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture: On Patterns and Pattern Languages>http://www.amazon.co.jp/Pattern-Oriented-Software-Architecture-Patterns-Languages/dp/0471486485/]], p. 102 >Alexander describes the use of patterns as the process of “differentiating space” where very high-level patterns are applied to an open space. As the space becomes more defined, lower-level patterns can be applied. This process is accomplished using a pattern language consisting of high-level patterns that are composed of dependent lower-level patterns. [[Software Pre-Patterns as Architectural Knowledge>http://www.ics.uci.edu/~andre/publications.html]], SHARK 2008 *文献 -[[Dependence Anti Patterns>http://www.dcs.kcl.ac.uk/staff/mark/papers.html]], Evol 2008 -[[Software Pre-Patterns as Architectural Knowledge>http://www.ics.uci.edu/~andre/publications.html]], SHARK 2008 -[[Fundamental Nano-Patterns to Characterize and Classify Java Methods>http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/~jsinger/publications.html]], LDTA 2009 *他のページ [[メモ/デザインパターン]]
#contents A pattern presents a slice of the design space, which means that it cannot -- or should not -- cover all the incidental concerns or questions that may arise. [[Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture: On Patterns and Pattern Languages>http://www.amazon.co.jp/Pattern-Oriented-Software-Architecture-Patterns-Languages/dp/0471486485/]], p. 102 >Alexander describes the use of patterns as the process of “differentiating space” where very high-level patterns are applied to an open space. As the space becomes more defined, lower-level patterns can be applied. This process is accomplished using a pattern language consisting of high-level patterns that are composed of dependent lower-level patterns. [[Software Pre-Patterns as Architectural Knowledge>http://www.ics.uci.edu/~andre/publications.html]], SHARK 2008 *文献 -[[Dependence Anti Patterns>http://www.dcs.kcl.ac.uk/staff/mark/papers.html]], Evol 2008 -[[Software Pre-Patterns as Architectural Knowledge>http://www.ics.uci.edu/~andre/publications.html]], SHARK 2008 -[[Fundamental Nano-Patterns to Characterize and Classify Java Methods>http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/~jsinger/publications.html]], LDTA 2009 *イベント -[[ParaPLoP 2010>http://www.upcrc.illinois.edu/workshops/paraplop10/index.html]] *他のページ [[メモ/デザインパターン]] [[メモ/アーキテクチャパターン]]

