
メモ/パターン - (2008/03/04 (火) 13:20:34) の最新版との変更点



Here is a short and necessarily incomplete definition of a pattern: A recurring structural configuration that solves a problem in a context, contributing to the wholeness of some whole, or system, that reflects some aesthetic or cultural value. Some of these aspects of a patern don't come out in the popular literature, and you may not find them all in the same place in Alexander's definition. But they are the key elements of what makes a pattern a pattern and of what makes a pattern different from a simple rule. A pattern is a rule: The word configuration should be read as "a rule to configure." But it is more than just a rule; it is a special kind od rule that contributes to the overall structure of a system and that works together with other patterns to create emergent structure and behavior. [[Organizational Patterns of Agile Software Development>http://www.amazon.co.jp/Organizational-Patterns-Agile-Software-Development/dp/0131467409/]], p.4
>本質的にパターンとは、ユーザインターフェースやウェブサイト、オブジェクト指向プログラム、あるいは建築物など、さまざまな対象における「ハビタビリティ(居住性)」を向上させるような、構造や動作の特質のことである。パターンは物事をより理解しやすく、またはより美しくする。つまり道具を一段と有益で使い勝手の良いものにしてくれる。 [[デザイニング・インターフェース]], p.xx -[[The Structure of Patterns - Part II: Qualities>http://www.hillside.net/plop/2011/index.php?nav=program#acceptedpapers]] -[[Pattern Language for Project Management in Global Software Development>http://dspace.cc.tut.fi/dpub/handle/123456789/20550]],Doctoral dissertation, 2011 [...] The pattern both describes a generic center, and describes a generic relation among other generic centers. But it must be remembered that the pattern describes a generic center, not a particular center.[...] [[The Nature of Order]], p. 345 The concept of a pattern is difficult to understand; it is plagued by even more misunderstandings than to understand such terms as object and function of the 1970s and 1980s. There are aspects of the definition that are intuitive -- "a solution to a problem in a context" -- yet a pettern is much more than that. [[Organizational Patterns of Agile Software Development>http://www.amazon.co.jp/Organizational-Patterns-Agile-Software-Development/dp/0131467409/]], p.3 To fully understand what a pattern is, you must first understand what a pattern language is. A pattern does't exist apart from a pattern language; in fact, its first purpose is to establish connections to other patterns in the language ([Alexander 1977], p. xii). [[Organizational Patterns of Agile Software Development>http://www.amazon.co.jp/Organizational-Patterns-Agile-Software-Development/dp/0131467409/]], p.3 Here is a short and necessarily incomplete definition of a pattern: A recurring structural configuration that solves a problem in a context, contributing to the wholeness of some whole, or system, that reflects some aesthetic or cultural value. Some of these aspects of a pattern don't come out in the popular literature, and you may not find them all in the same place in Alexander's definitions. But they are the key elements of what makes a pattern a pattern and of what makes a pattern different from a simple rule. A pattern is a rule: The word configuration should be read as "a rule to configure." But it is more than just a rule; it is a special kind of rule that contributes to the overall structure of a system and that works together with other patterns to create emergent structure and behavior. [[Organizational Patterns of Agile Software Development>http://www.amazon.co.jp/Organizational-Patterns-Agile-Software-Development/dp/0131467409/]], p.4 We observe the world around us and learn its structure by abstracting cause and effect, and by documenting recurring solutions obtained under different conditions. Such empirical rules, representing regularities of behavior, are called "patterns." -[[The Structure of Pattern Languages>http://www.math.utsa.edu/ftp/salingar.old/StructurePattern.html]] A set of connected patterns provides a framework upon which any design can be anchored. The patterns do not determine the design. By imposing constraints, they eliminate a large number of possibilities while still allowing an infinite number of possible designs. -[[The Structure of Pattern Languages>http://www.math.utsa.edu/ftp/salingar.old/StructurePattern.html]] >...アレグザンダーによれば、ものはその構成要素が重なりあい相互に作用しあう複雑なアンサンブルから成り立っている。「パタン」は構成要素がうまく適合したものに見られる一定不変の特質を記述したものである。 -[[クリストファー・アレグザンダー―建築の新しいパラダイムを求めて]], p.143 >[...] the form of an object is a "diagram of forces,", [...] -[[On Growth and Form]], p.16 *その他のページ -[[メモ/ソフトウェアパターン]] -[[メモ/パターン言語]]

