「The Soundscape of Modernity」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

The Soundscape of Modernity - (2007/04/04 (水) 01:43:20) の最新版との変更点



*The Soundscape of Modernity Thtompson, Emily 2002 &html(<i>The Soundscape of Modernity: Architectural Acoustics and the Culture of Listening in America, 1900-1933.</i>) Cambridge: MIT Press. **目次 -1. Introduction: Sound, Modernity, and History -2. The Origins of Modern Acoustics -3. The New Acoustics, 1900-1933 -4. Noise and Modern Culture, 1900-1933 -5. Acoustical Materials and Modern Architecture, 1900-1933 -6. Electroacoustics and Modern Sound, 1900-1933 -7. Conclusion: Rockefeller Center and the End of an Era
#amazon(0262701065,right) *Emily Thompson 2002 *&italic(){The Soundscape of Modernity: Architectural Acoustics and the Culture of Listening in America, 1900-1933.} *Cambridge: MIT Press. &bold(){Webcat Plus} &blanklink(図書情報1){http://webcatplus-equal.nii.ac.jp/libportal/DocDetail?txt_docid=NCID%3ABA58354454} / &blanklink(2){http://webcatplus-equal.nii.ac.jp/libportal/DocDetail?txt_docid=NCID%3ABA74673941} | &blanklink(所蔵図書館一覧1){http://webcatplus-equal.nii.ac.jp/libportal/HolderList?txt_docid=NCID%3ABA58354454} / &blanklink(2){http://webcatplus-equal.nii.ac.jp/libportal/HolderList?txt_docid=NCID%3ABA74673941} **目次 -1. Introduction: Sound, Modernity, and History -2. The Origins of Modern Acoustics -3. The New Acoustics, 1900-1933 -4. Noise and Modern Culture, 1900-1933 -5. Acoustical Materials and Modern Architecture, 1900-1933 -6. Electroacoustics and Modern Sound, 1900-1933 -7. Conclusion: Rockefeller Center and the End of an Era

