
VIP幕末 - (2007/12/20 (木) 03:55:33) の1つ前との変更点



#contents *イベント私案 [#v5a8907d] **江戸後期 [#q1da5365] -大塩平八郎の乱(1837年) -蛮社の獄(1839年) -アヘン戦争(1840年) -水野忠邦(~1843年9月?) --天保の改革(1841) -->>税収効率の低下(水野忠邦失脚まで) --薪水給与令(1842年) -安部正弘(首座1845年~) --日米和親条約(1854年) -->>ペリー来航(1853年6月) --継嗣問題(一橋派、紀州派) -井伊直弼(大老1858~) --徳川家茂就任() --日米修好通商条約(1858) -->>「勅許も無く日米修好通商条約を結んだ事で、井伊直弼は激しい批判を受けた」 --安政の大獄(1858年9月) --桜田門外の変(1860年3月) -安藤信正(1860年~1862年4月) --公武合体(和宮降嫁) --坂下門外の変(以後罷免) -幕府権威の失墜 --文久の幕政改革(1862年8月) **幕末(尊王と公武と攘夷と) [#wcca642f] -寺田屋事件(1862年5月) -->>「薩摩藩尊王派が、薩摩藩藩主の父で事実上の指導者島津久光によって粛清」 -薩英戦争(1863年7月) -->>(生麦事件1862年8月) -八月十八日の政変(1863年9月) -->「薩摩藩・会津藩の公武合体派が尊皇攘夷派の長州藩などを京都から追放したクーデター」 -->>池田屋事件(1864年6月) -->>(天誅組の変1863年8月@奈良) -->>(生野の変1863年10月@兵庫) -下関戦争(1864年8月) -->>攘夷決行期限(1863年5月10日) -一次長州征討(1864年11月) -->池田屋事件(1864年6月) -->>「新選組が、潜伏していた長州藩の尊皇攘夷過激派を襲撃した事件」 -->禁門の変(1864年8月) -->>「長州藩兵が、会津・桑名・薩摩各藩の諸隊と衝突」 -(参与会議1864年12月) -->「攘夷問題で慶喜と島津久光らが対立、瓦解」 -二次長州征討(1866年6月) -->長州藩の内乱(1864年12月) -->>「松下村塾出身の高杉晋作らが馬関で挙兵して保守派を打倒するクーデターを起し、倒幕派政権を成立」 -->薩長盟約(1866年1月) 「薩摩藩は土佐藩の坂本龍馬を仲介とした薩長盟約で密かに長州と結びついており出兵を拒否」 -王政復古の大号令(1868年12月) -->大政奉還(1867年10月) *イベントノート [#rc55b5ee] **天保の大飢饉[#m41eb7e9] -Devastative famine struck throughout Japan during 1830s. Especially northen Japan suffered the most for flood and cold summer, which caused the worst harvest during the time. Thousands died from starvation, and over seventy thousand people went for public shelters. **大塩平八郎の乱 [#td3d1964] -There was huge frustration against crop traders since they were manipulating the price in the market. In Osaka, Heihachirou Ohshio, a shogunate official led an uprising with his fellows against those traders. They were seized in the same day, but it revealed instability of the government. **天保の改革(1841) [#lf7476d9] -Tadakuni Mizuno, the chief shogunate official during 1840s started a series of reforms which aimed re-establishing structure of the shogunate government. The plan covered from financial management to military preparation against the great powers. However, the shogunate government was unable to carry such reforms, which he resigned for hard criticism. **薪水給与令 [#d2160a4f] -The supply act was released to provide water and fuel for foreign ships. After the news that China had lost in the opium war, the shogunate government was advised by the Dutch for reconsidering their isolation from foreign countries. **将軍継嗣 [#e94e23af] -The 13th shogun, Iesada Tokugawa was very weak long before he became in power. And the successor was an issue among the shogunate advisers since he didn't have any heir. When dictative Naosuke Ii was placed to the chief executive adviser, he claimed Iemochi Tokugawa, the nearest kin for Iesada as the successor: and soon he swept all the opposition with power. **日米修好通商条約(1858) [#ed914a53] -Since the shogunate government learned the fate of China in Arrow War, further commitment with the great power was inevitable. However the imperial court, who tied a connection with anti-shogunate opponents refused to give imperial sanction. On July 29th in 1858, the treaty of amity and commerce was made without imperial consent, which the shogunate government would face severe criticism. **安政の大獄(1858年9月) [#xf7ad928] -Since the treaties with the great power were signed without imperial sanction, criticism against Naosuke Ii reached the peak. Also the anti-shogunate opponents moved the imperial court to establish their influence. As the structure of shogunate government had faced a critical threat, Naosuke Ii sought in purge to maintain his power. **桜田門外の変(1860年3月) [#g1694ccb] -Under the purge led by Naosuke Ii, his opponents shifted their focus on overthrowing the government: Even some sought for violence that any political change would be possible without removing Naosuke Ii. In March 1860, Naosuke Ii was killed on the way to the Edo castle. Soon the government found those who were responsible for the assination, but they had to settle the matter without punishment. It revealed that the shogunate government had already lost a control over the oppositions. **坂下門外の変(1862年1月) [#u0752c64] -After the assasination of Naosuke Ii, Nobumasa Andou became in charge of the shogunate government. He was seeking a way to harmonize with the opposition. However the opposition was growing its influence in the imperial court, claiming legitimacy in emperor. Nobumasa Andou also saw legitimacy in emperor, but he would use to maintain legitimacy of the shogunate government. The strong proposal was made to the imperial court: a matrimony of emperor's sister to the 14th shogun, Iemochi Tokugawa. The extremists saw the idea as outragous, and they knew that it could stop him only by power. In Feburary 1864, Nobumasa Andou was attacked by a group of extremists. And the following scandals forced him to resign from the shogunate. **和宮降嫁 [#na20366e] The idea of matrimony for Tokugawa shogunate was to re-establish their legitimacy. And for those who opposed the shogunate government, they sought an opportunity to overtake the power from Tokugawa shogunate. Although the imperial court was not confident over the idea, the proposal was made as the shogunate set a due for an exclusion of foreign influence. **文久の幕政改革(1862年8月) [#xa3b08d4] -The Satsuma domain, the powerful opponent for the shogunate, moved their forces to Kyoto. With the Satsuma's military power, the imperial court issued a request of structural reform to the shogunate government. The govenment faced such a humiliation ever in the shogunate period, but the government could not reject the forced plan. **薩英戦争(1863年7月) [#jd20dc3b] ->>(生麦事件1862年8月) -(日本)生麦事件 -A British man was killed by the Satsuma's contingent of guards as the group of the British merchants refused to yield. The incident immediately became a dipholmatic issue, and the shogunate government made an apology. However the domain of Satsuma refused to pay a compensation as British government demanded. -(日本)薩英戦争 The British fleet had arrived at Satsuma for compensation. As the negotiation failed, the army of Satsuma quickly moved for attack. The British had an unexpected number of casulities, but the power of British firearms overwhelmed the Satsuma, destroying the city. As the British agreed on a cease-fire, they saw the Satsuma domain would become the leading force to replace the shogunate government. **八月十八日の政変(1863年9月) [#d41357b4] -->「薩摩藩・会津藩の公武合体派が尊皇攘夷派の長州藩などを京都から追放したクーデター」 -->>池田屋事件(1864年6月) -->>(天誅組の変1863年8月@奈良) -->>(生野の変1863年10月@兵庫) -Since the imperial court in Kyoto conservatively held exclusion policy over the foreign relations, the Choshu domain pursued the same policy closely with Kyoto: Those inflamed aristocrats were convinced that the emperor himself should declare a war against the great power. It would be a critical threat to all the domains, which would terminate the shogunate government. Moreover, they were scared of the possible new government in favor of the Choshu. The two powerful domains, the Satsuma and the Aizu agreed on the policy to remove their influence from Kyoto. While the Aizu secured the imperial court with two thousand soldiers, the Satsuma reversed the Choshu's plot. In the same day, the Choshu and pro-Choshu aristocrats were expeled from Kyoto. **下関戦争(1864年8月) [#gc1c612d] -->>攘夷決行期限(1863年5月10日) -(日本)下関戦争 -The foreign naval forces reached at Shimonoseki of the Choshu domain. They threatened the Choshu for retaliation since the Choshu had attacked the foreign ships as the imperial court ordered the exclusion of foreign influence. -(列強)下関戦争 -Our merchant ships were attacked at Shimonoseki, Japan. Those who were responsible claimed "the exclusion of foreign influence." It would be a disturbance of our trade in the East Asia if they would keep firing on our ships: A retaliation was our option to teach them a lesson. **The Indemnity In The Bombardment of Shimonoseki [#x10e59aa] As the Choshu was defeated in the reckless war with the great power, the Choshu and the Shoguante government owed indemnity, which they suffered for financial deficit in long period. **池田屋事件(1864年6月) [#ecd4a541] -->>「新選組が、潜伏していた長州藩の尊皇攘夷過激派を襲撃した事件」 -Even after the imperial court expeled the Choshu from Kyoto, they strongly pursued the exclusion of foreign influence. In Kyoto, the administration of Kyoto guard was established after the Bnkyu reform. They organized a new unit, Shinsengumi, giving an order of hunt for exclusionists. Since the Sinsengumi was known with high discipline and no mercy, their name was recognized with fear. In July 1864, after the Shinsengumi learned a sabotage plot that pro-Choshu activists would capture the emperor from the imperial court, they moved for an assult at Ikedaya, where the activists would meet for the plot. **禁門の変(1864年8月) [#d8923441] -->>「長州藩兵が、会津・桑名・薩摩各藩の諸隊と衝突」 -The Choshu was flared for the incident at Ikedaya. Two weeks after the incident, they sieged Kyoto with three thousand soldiers, threatening the imperial court to breach the imperial sanction against the Choshu. After a month with the siege, the Choshu moved their army to the city, attempting to caputure the emperor from the court. **一次長州征討(1864年11月) [#v20d777c] -->池田屋事件(1864年6月) -->>「新選組が、潜伏していた長州藩の尊皇攘夷過激派を襲撃した事件」 -->禁門の変(1864年8月) -->>「長州藩兵が、会津・桑名・薩摩各藩の諸隊と衝突」 -The crush at Kyoto was outrageous, which the Tokugawa shogunate called a draft against the Choshu. Thirty-some domains joined the campaign, but they saw it was nothing but a trouble since most domains had struggled with financial deficit. As the Tokugawa were aware of falling morale among their army, they sought a deal with the Choshu. Also the Choshu was seeking a peace with the shogunate since they rejected the radical politics against the shogunate. The two arrenged the negotiation, which they agreed that the shogunate retreated their army as the Choshu excuted the responsible members for the crush at Kyoto. **二次長州征討(1866年6月) [#s9ed173a] -->長州藩の内乱(1864年12月) -->>「松下村塾出身の高杉晋作らが馬関で挙兵して保守派を打倒するクーデターを起し、倒幕派政権を成立」 -->薩長盟約(1866年1月) 「薩摩藩は土佐藩の坂本龍馬を仲介とした薩長盟約で密かに長州と結びついており出兵を拒否」 -Seniors in the shogunate government weren't satisfied of the peace deal with the Choshu, calling for another campaign against the Choshu. However, many had been exhausted from the last, and weren't able to send troops. Also the Satsuma, a major power during the first campaign refused to join at this time: They knew that Tokugawa would remove their opponents by one, and the Satsuma could be the next. Besides, the recent discussion in the shogunate scared the Satsuma that the Tokugawa would ask an aid from France. In fact, the Tokugawa started introducing a new military system from France, and they would go far to regain their power. But such venture feared as they would end up with the same fate as China. The Satsuma and the Choshu also had a strained feeling for the last campaign, but they made a tie against the Tokugawa. While the Choshu was preparing for the upcoming battle, the army of Tokugawa was strangled at Osaka for a foreign threat during the period. It took over a year that Tokugawa finally forwarded their army to the Choshu. Although the army of Tokugawa overwhelmed the Choshu, they were defeated in land and sea. Even worse, the shogun, Iemochi died from disease, they could not able to continue the campaign against the Choshu. **Youdou Yamauchi Assasinated! [#yd51e8d4] When the session resumed, Youdou Yamauchi convinced the Kyoto aristocrats for the new government that gives sovereignty to the emperor. But Satsuma-Choshu ally knew that the imperial court would share the power to Tokugawa as a regent, which they had to stop at any cost. Youdou Yamauchi was killed during the session, and the Satsuma-Choshu ally ruled the imperial court by power. **Boshin War -Alternative [#m558507f] As the Tokugawa learned the assasination at the Imperial Court, the army of the shogunate moved to Kyoto to break the seige. Soon the emperor would sustain our action. **Royal Vexillum Given to the Shogunate Government [#g5601863] As the army of the shogunate reached Kyoto, the imperial sanction was prepared against the Satsuma and the Choshu, stating as "the enemy of the state." Meanwhile, the army of the shogunate became expanded as more domain masters joined on the side. **Anti-shogunate Domains Defeated (NIP) [#ecdd369a] -As the anti-shogunate ally fell apart as they were defeated in battles. The imperial court sustained the legitimacy of the shogunate government, which the great power would recognize the Tokugawa as the absolute sovereignty of Japan. **Shogunate Becomes Protectorate of France [#w6d5c1ae] -A series of discussion with the shogunate seniors brought a close tie between Tokugawa regime and France. The shogunate government regained their power by introduction of French systems as well as a latest naval shipyard, which would remain Tokugawa on top of the power. Also France gained dominative influence over Japan, which French missionary would oversee the sovereignty of the shogunate government. **王政復古の大号令(1868年12月) [#n84439dc] -->大政奉還(1867年10月) ---- **下関戦争(1864年8月)[#u851b38d] ->外国商船を砲撃、列強の報復(>外交関係悪化) ->関門海峡封鎖、連合艦隊との交戦(>対応イベント) -(関係国、対応イベント) -列強(英仏米蘭)の対応: -A)報復を指示 ->賠償イベント -B)事態を静観 ->威信低下 -(賠償イベント) -英仏蘭に賠償イベント(米の賠償金は、後に不当である事が判明し、横浜築港費用として返還された。その為、米への賠償イベントは除外。) -賠償額について -ウィキペディアの記述では、賠償額の総計は300万ドルとある。そこで、米への賠償金を除外した総額は、221.5万ドルとなる。これを当時の基軸通貨であるポンドで換算した際、44.3万ポンド(£1=4.84≒$5)となる。 コメント - 上の賠償額を直接適用した際、プレイヤー或いはAIを破産に追い込む危険がある為、上記の額を参考として加減をつける事が良いかもしれない。 -- &new{2006-07-28 (金) 12:47:45}; ---- 旧ウィキ、幕末VIP私案:http://wiki.fdiary.net/Victoria/?%A5%AA%A5%EC%A5%B4%A5%F3%B6%A8%C4%EA ---- コメント #comment

