Atlas: Now you've had the pleasure of Andrew Ryan's company. He's the one who built this place, and he's the one who run it into the ground. Nobody knows exactly what happened. Maybe he went mad. Maybe the
Atlas: これで君も晴れて Andrew Ryan と御相伴だな. この地を築いた男にして, それを荒らし尽くした男さ. 何が起きたのか, はっきりしたことは誰も分からない. もしかすると彼は狂ってしまった. あるいは権力に取り憑かれた.
Atlas: power got to him. Maybe he just decided he didn't like people. Whichever way you slice it, good men died. Me family's in a submarine hidden in the foundation of Fontaine Fisheries. I'll meet you there.
Atlas: ひょっとしたら人間はもう嫌だと思っただけかも知れない. どう考えてみたところで, 善き人々は死んでしまってるんだ. 家族はFontaine's Fisheriesに隠した潜水艦にいる. そこで落ち合おう. 
Female Splicer: What crawls in my garden?
Female Splicer: 私の庭を這ってるのは何?
Female Splicer: But the days go by like
Female Splicer: されど風のごとく日々は過ぎ…
Female Splicer: Who can blame a lady who craves variety?
Female Splicer: 移り気な女を責められるの? 
Female Splicer: And one day the gentlemen stopped calling...
Female Splicer: それにある日殿方がお召しにならなくなって… 
Female Splicer: (humming Inkspots song 'If I didn't care')
Female Splider: (Inkspotsの「If I didn't care」を口ずさむ)
Female Splicer: My youth! My rose! I want it back! I want it back!! Yeargh!
Female Splicer: 私の青春を! 紅差す頬を! 返して! 返せ! ぎゃあああ!
Peach Wilkins: Atlas radioed on ahead, says you were looking for an invite to the fisheries. Nuts, I say. But if'n you heads up to the wharf master's office and find ol' Peach a research camera, maybe I could manage an invite...
Peach Wilkins: Atlas が無線で言っとったが, 漁場に迎え入れてもらえるもんと思うとるな. お断りだ. が, 埠頭の管理人室に行ってこの Peach の爺に調査用カメラを見付けて来てくれれば, 入れてやれるかものう. 
Peach Wilkins: What was that?
Peach Wilkins: ありゃ何だ?
Peach Wilkins: My friend, you are fucked.
Peach Wilkins: お前さん, しでかしたな. 
Peach Wilkins: You hold tightly. I'm sending something fierce to watch your back.
Peach Wilkins: ふんばれ. キツいのを加勢に寄越してやる. 
Peach Wilkins: That one's too tough for you. Look on the conveyer belt, you'll find something to keep you alive. Now go get that camera and then snapshots of on those that crawls on the ceiling... Then I'll let you in to the fisheries...
Peach Wilkins: そいつはお前さんの手に負えん. コンベヤを見ろ, 精の付くもんがあるだろ. 早よカメラを取りに行け, それで天井を這い擦っとるあいつらを撮るんだ. …お前さんを漁場に入れるのはそれからだ. 
Peach Wilkins: Just remember, sonny friend: I smell an ounce of Fontaine on you, and I'll have you in a box! Atlas gives you the vouch, but I ain't turning my eye just on his say so!
Peach Wilkins: 忘れるなよ, 若いの. ちらりとでも Fontaine がクサいと感じたらお前さんは箱詰めだ! Atlasは請け合うとったが, 言われてほいほい目を離したりはせんぞ!
Atlas: Grown man, jumpin' at ghosts. Fontaine's dead and everybody knows it. In the ground for months, and half the place still jumping at his shadow...Christ, even Ryan. You never mind all that. We got work to do.
Atlas: 良い歳した大人が幽霊にびくついてやがる. Fontaineは死んでいるし, それは誰でも知ってる. 何ヶ月も前だ. それでもそこここで彼の陰に飛び上がるんだよ. 何も気にしなくて良い. 俺たちにはしなきゃならないことがある. 
Tenenbaum: You have shown kindness to my Little Ones...but are you really a friend to us? Regardless, a Little One brings you a gift to demonstrate our appreciation.
Tenenbaum: あなたはあの子たちに優しくしてくれた・・・. でも本当に信用していいものかしら? 護衛なしの一人の子に, お礼の贈り物をあなたに届けさせるわ. 
Atlas: Seems like ol' Peach knows where to find a research camera. He seems a decent enough sort. No doubt he'll wait until after you've done his errands to stick a shiv in your belly.
Atlas: Peach爺さんは調査用カメラの場所を知っているみたいだな. それくらいには達者ということか. お遣いを済ましてしまうまでは, たぶん君に手は出さないだろう. 
Atlas: The research camera looks just like one you'd see topside. According to this magazine article I scrounged up, it can also 'analyze genetic information, parse biological structures' and lots of other five dollar words.
Atlas: カメラの見てくれは君が地上で目にしてたものと一緒だ. 引っ張り出して来た雑誌広告を見ると 「遺伝情報を読み取り, また生体構造を分析することができます」 だそうだ. 他にも色々と謳い文句が載ってるよ. 
Peach Wilkins: Good, you got the camera. Now get me some snap snaps on those spider splicers! And don't come back down here 'til you got my research!
Peach Wilkins: 良し, カメラを取ったな. 早速そこいらの spider splicer をパシャパシャしとくれ! 調査を済ますまでは帰って来んのだぞ! 
Atlas: You have the Research Camera? Good. Guess it's time to get to work for ol' Peachy. Take the man's pictures, and let's get the hell out of this place...
Atlas: 調査用カメラを手に入れたか? 良いぞ. ピーチ爺さんのために一働きする頃合いだな. 写真を撮ってとっととここを出よう. 
Peach Wilkins: Now you ever bringing old Peach them snappies? Or are you just sight seein'?
Peach Wilkins: この老いぼれに奴らの写真を撮ってくれるんじゃないのか? それともただ観光してきただけか?
Atlas: The thought of my wife and child hiding in that filthy submarine makes me blood boil. Help me get them to safety and I'll be in your debt for life.
Atlas: 妻と子供が汚らわしい潜水艦に隠れていることを思うと血が煮えたぎる. 家族を無事助けてくれ. そうすれば一生恩に着るよ. 
Atlas: Sounds like that should about do it. Head on back to Fontaine Fisheries when you're ready, would you kindly?
Atlas: それくらいで足りるだろう. 仕度ができたら Fontaine's Fisheries の方に戻るんだ, 頼んだぞ. 
Atlas: Me wife, Moira- she's a right pain in the neck. But she's a beauty and she means the world to me. I can't help but feel God's
Atlas: 妻のマイラは口うるさいけど, 美しくて私にとっての全世界なんだ. 神はその妻と息子の Patrick をこんなところに連れて来た私に, 罰を与えているのだと 
Atlas: punishing me for bringing her and Patrick to this place. I thought this would be a better life for us. Can you imagine a bigger fool than that?
Atlas: 思えてならない. ここにくれば暮らしが良くなると思ったんだ. これ以上に愚かな人間を考え付くかい?
Peach Wilkins: They sure go down easy once you research them up right.. Come on in and show us those snappy snappies.
Peach Wilkins: いっぺん調査しちまえば, やつらを倒すのも簡単になる. 入ってきてパシャパシャしたものをみせとくれ. 
Peach Wilkins: The wharf rat didn't get himself et. You got something for me and my crew, or are you just looking to get criticized? You set here a spell, I needs to set on some coffee, maybe puts on silverware and the like.
Peach Wilkins: まだドブネズミどもはおったか. お前さんは儂と儂の仲間に何か礼をくれるのか, じゃなきゃ文句を言いに来ただけかね? しばらく座っとれ, コーヒーでも入れて, ちいと食器や何やと出してこんとな. 
Atlas: Before you head into the Fisheries, a word to the wise. Ol' Peachy seems about as straight as a dog's hind leg. You keep your eyes open.
Atlas: Fisheriesに入る前に, 分かってるだろうが一つ. ピーチ爺さんの性根はひん曲がってる. 油断するなよ. 
Peach Wilkins: Nobody walks into my swampy carrying the heat. Put your weapons in the pneumo, and then I'll let you in.
Peach Wilkins: 儂の水場に物騒なものはご免だ. 武器をpneumoに放り込んだら通してやろう. 
Atlas: If that's his price, you're gonna have to pay it. But he can't very well take your plasmids away, now can he?
Atlas: ここは彼の言い分を聞くしかないだろうな. けど君からplasmidを取り上げるのはそう上手くいかないだろ?
Peach Wilkins: Now, I bet when your boss weggled out of hell he done told the Devil he'd be right back and the Devil said, sure thing Mr. Fontaine,
Peach Wilkins: さあ, お前さんのボスが地獄からおん出る時, すぐ戻るからってんで悪魔も 「かしこまりましたFontaine様, 席はお取り致しておきます」 だとか言ったに違いないぜ. 
Peach Wilkins: I'll hold you a spot. Ryan promised Fontaine was dust, and now here you are, doing his dirty...I guess that makes Ryan a bum, and you a-
Peach Wilkins: Ryan は Fontaine が死んだと言い切ったが, クサいお前さんがここにいる. ならきっとRyanは能無しってこった, お前さんも・・・. 
Peach Wilkins: Atlas! He was ours!
Peach Wilkins: Atlas! ヤツは仲間だったのに! 仲間だったのに!
Atlas: The submarine bay was only used by smugglers and thieves. More than likely, the entrance will be hidden- better to keep the coppers off the scent.
Atlas: 艦着き場は闇商人や盗賊しか使っていなかった. 恐らく, 入り口は隠してあるだろう. 誰かに嗅ぎ付けられたらまずいからな. 
Andrew Ryan: The death penalty in Rapture! Concil's in an uproar. Riots in the streets, they say! But this is the time for leadership. Action must be taken against the
Andrew Ryan: Raptureに死刑制を! 議会は紛糾している. 往来に暴動を招くだと! そんな時こそ統率してみせなくてどうする. 密貿易人に対して行動を起こさねばならない. 
Andrew Ryan: smuggles.Any contact with the surface exposes Raputure to the very Parasites we fled from. A few stretchad necks are a small price to pay for out ideals.
Andrew Ryan: 地上との接触は何であれ, 我々が遠ざけた当の寄生虫の許に Rapture を曝すことになる. 何人かの首が落ちたところで, 我々の理想の代償としては些細なものだ. 
Ghost 1: You can't quit...Fontaine will find you...
Ghost 1: もう後にゃ退けん. Fontaineに気付かれちまう… 
Ghost 2: Hey, fuck Fontaine!
Ghost 2: へん, おっ死ねFontaineめ 
Ghost 1: You don't fuck Fontaine. Fontaine fucks you.
Ghost 1: そりゃ無理だ. お前がおっ死んじまうよ. 
Atlas: You got it! Should be smooth sailing from here. I'll meet you up ahead!
Atlas: でかした! ここからは波風立たないだろう. 向こうで会おう! 
Andrew Ryan: This Fontaine fellow is somebody to watch. Onece he was just a menace, to be convicted and hung. But he always manages to be was just a menace, to be convicted and hung. But he always manages to be where the evidence isn't.He's the most dangerous type of hoodllum...the kind with vision.
Andrew Ryan: このFontaineという男から目を離してはならない. 以前は, 絞首刑を言い渡されるはずのただのちんぴらだった. だが奴は常に証拠を残さずやり果すのだ. 一番厄介な手合いだ… 野心を持ったならず者とは. 
Peach Wilkins: Fontaine's putting the screws on us and double.He's squeezing us out of 80 points of our cut with the threat of turning us in to Ryan if we don't play ball. Son of a bitch. Sammy G. comes and tells me he's thinking of going to the
Peach Wilkins: Fontaine の野郎は俺たちに二重に圧力をかけている. ヤツはRyanにチクると脅して俺たちの八割を搾り取る. くそったれめ. Sammy G.がサツにタレこむと言ってきたが, 次の日には袋詰めにされて潮だまりに浮いていた. 
Peach Wilkins: constable, and the next day, Sammy G. was found in a sack in the salt pond. We got no choice here. We stay on Fontaine's crew, We're gonna catch the gallows. We take a powder, and we end up like Sammy G. There's gotta be another way...
Peach Wilkins: もう選択肢はねえ. Fontaineの手下のまま, 縛り首になるしか. ズラかろうにも Sammy G. の二の舞だ. どうしてこんなことになっちまったんだ・・・. 
Sullivan: Mr.Ryan asked me personally to make this clear to you.You give us Fontaine,and this whole filthy ring of his,and you'll be knocking back pints up at the Fighting McDongahs.Butif you prefer to play the mule...we'll treat you like
Sullivan: Mr.Ryan はお前に吐かせろ, と私に直接言ってきた. Fontaine とその取り巻きを我々に引き渡せば, Fighting McDongahs で飲んだくれてかまわん. 
Sullivan: a mule.. Give him a taste Patrick...
Sullivan: お前は乗馬が好きだったな. じゃあ馬のように鞭打ってやろう. Patrick がどうなっても・・・
Sullivan: Oh,what's that? Change of heart, Timmy? Timmy? Ready to talk now?
Sullivan: ん? なんだって? 気が変わったか, Timmy? Timmy? 話す気になったか?
Timmy H: Go on, Sullivan...go on and do your dirty!...whatever Ryan thinks he can do to me, Fontaine can do double!
Timmy H: 行けSullivan. 行って, やられてしまえ! Ryan は酷いヤツだが, Fontaine はその倍もおっかないぜ!
Sullivan: We're putting all the bathyspheres in lockdown until further notice. Ryanhad us install some kinda genetic device into the things so only Ryan and his inner circle will be able to
Sullivan: 追って指示があるまで, 我々は全ての潜水球を停止したまま押さえている. Ryan はある種の遺伝子装置を, 彼と側近たちにのみ埋め込んであるので, 問題なく使えるがね. 
Sullivan: use'em without dispensation. But the boys tell me the keys are pretty unreliable. Sisters,consins-anybody in the ballpark genetically will be able to come and go as they see fit.
Sullivan: しかしガキどもはそれでは全く頼りないと言う. 簡単に遺伝子情報を誤魔化せると思っている.
Andrew Ryan: Something must be done about Fontaine. While I was buying buildings and fish futures, he was cornering the market on genotypes and
Andrew Ryan: Fontaine に何か手を打たなければ. 私が不動産や生け簀を購入している間に, 奴は遺伝因子とヌクレオチド配列の市場を買い占めてしまった.
Andrew Ryan: nucleotide sequnences. Rapture is transforming before my eyes. The Great Chain is pilling away form me. Perhaps it's time to give it a tug.
Andrew Ryan: 私の目の前でRaptureが変質して行く. 勤労の大いなる連鎖が私の許から引き離されて行く. ここで引き止めなくては.
Sullivan: Now the eggs are in the scramble. We picked up Timmy H.right after midnight. Either Ryan'll be taking down Fontaine, or Fontaine'll
Sullivan: 今や事態は混乱している. Timmy を真夜中過ぎに捉えた. Ryan が Fontaine を潰せなければ, Fontaine が Ryan を潰すだろう.
Sullivan: be taking down Ryan. We'll be 'interviewing' poor Timmy ' neath Fontaine Fisheres...if you're up for entertainment, the code's 5380.
Sullivan: Fontaine Fisheres で哀れな Timmy に「丁重に」話を聞くとしよう. きみが退屈しているなら・・・コードは5380だよ. 
Mariska Lutz: Darling Masha- We don't know what has happened to you...Ryan's men have taken you away and said you are needed to save Rapture. Who needs a child to save a city? But I see these Little girls crawling out of these vents, and I
Mariska Lutz: 可愛いMasha ・・・あなたに何が起こったのかわかりません. Ryan の部下たちはあなたを連れ去って, あなたが Rapture を救うために必要だと言いました. 誰が都市を救うのに子供が必要だというのでしょう? しかし私は, 
Mariska Lutz: only wonder if you might one day crawl out of this vent and find this note. We look for you, but if you find this, come to us at the Fighting McDonaghs in room #7. The code to our room is 7533. We miss you, our darling child.
Mariska Lutz: 小さな女の子が通気口から這い出してくるのを見て, あなたもそうするかもしれない, それならばこの書き置きを見つけて欲しいと願うだけです. あなたを捜し続けますが, もしこの書き置きを見たら, Fighting McDonaghs の7号室まで会いに来てください. 部屋のコードは7533です. 最愛の我が子, あなたが恋しいです. 
Tenenbaum: I saw one of the smugglers having a game of catching on the docks today. And this surprised me, because his hands were crippled during the war. He was unloading the barge the other day when he was
Tenenbaum: 今日私は密輸業者のひとりが港で漁の獲物を持っているのを見た. 驚いたのは, 彼の両手は戦争が原因で動かなかったというのだ. 先日彼は艀(はしけ)を降ろしていて, 
Tenenbaum: form this sea slug. He woke up the next mornig and he found he coule move his fingers for the first time in years. I asked him if he still had that sea slug. As luck wouled have it, he did...
Tenenbaum: このウミウシに接触した. 翌朝目が覚めると, 数年ぶりに指が動くことに気付いたという. 私は彼にそのウミウシがまだいるか尋ねたが, 運悪く, 彼は・・・
Sullivan: Hanging now, is it? That's what we've come to? Now look, I don't make the laws here, I just enforce them. But I didn't come to Rapture to string men up for running contraband. If Ryan and his crew have their law, theen they can have my badge.
Sullivan: 今吊すか? 我々がなんできたか? 見ておけ, 私は法を作るのではなく, 法を実施するだけだ. 私は Rapture に密輸実行犯のためにきたんじゃない. Ryanたちに法があるなら, 私のバッジを奴らにくれてやろう. 
Tenenbaum: This little sea slug. has come along and glued together all the crazy ideas I've had since the war... it doesnt't just heal damaged cells, it...resurrects them...I
Tenenbaum: この小さなウミウシが, 戦時中から私が抱いてきた正気とは思えない発想を全て結びつけてくれる. これらは損傷した細胞を治癒するだけではない・・・. それは, それらを蘇らせる・・・
Tenenbaum: can bend the double helix...Black can be reborn white, tall short. Weak, strong...But the slugs alone are not enough...I'll need money...and one other thing...
Tenenbaum: 私は遺伝子の二重螺旋をねじ曲げる. 黒を白に生まれ変わらせるばかりか, 高く, 低く, 弱く, 強く・・・. でもウミウシが足りない. 資金が必要になるわ, あと他にもう一つ・・・. 
McDonagh: If things weren't bad enough, it seems that even our water system's sprung a leak. Yep, that's right.The irrigation system in Arcadia is taking on sea water. I told Mr. Ryan when we
McDonagh: 事態が最悪でなかった場合, 浄水システムが浸水するように思える. ああ, 確かに. Arcadia の灌漑システムは海水を利用している. この場所を建築していたとき, 私は Mr.Ryan に言った, 
McDonagh: were building this place either you build her like a bath tub or she's gonna turn into a sewer. No,McDonagh he said, we're not gonna build no bathtub...we're gonna build Eden.
McDonagh: 浴槽のようにするか或いは下水道にするか, と. 違うよ McDonagh と彼は答えた. 浴槽を造る気なんて毛頭ない・・・エデンの園を造るんだよ, と. 
Tenenbaum: As the respectable labs have all turned me away, I have turned to Fontaine's smugglers in Port Neptune for supplies. Fontaine's men are pigs. They spit, they stink. But they deliver
Tenenbaum: 名のある研究室にことごとく追い払われた私は, Port Neptune で Fontaine の密輸業者に供給を頼ることになった. Fontaine の手下は豚のようだ. 痰を吐き, 悪臭を放つ. しかし何を配達しても何も聞かない. 
Tenenbaum: and they don't ask questions. They're all terrified of Fontaine...he reminds me a bit of the Germans-so efficient. It wouldn't surprise me if he were soon running things down here.
Tenenbaum: 彼らは皆 Fontaine に脅されている. その高効率の支配方法は, ナチを彷彿とさせる. 彼がまもなく失脚したとしても, 私は驚かないわ. 
McDonagh: I met Ryan the day me and the lads were installing the bathroom plumbing up in his posh Park Avenue digs. 'Oi!' says he, 'what's with all the brass fittings? General contractor had me down for the
McDonagh: 若いのと一緒に, パークアベニューにある Ryan の豪華邸宅の浴室配管工事をしているとき, 彼に会った. 「おい」と彼は言った. 「全て真鍮製の部品? 契約業者はスズを使うと言ってたはずだ」
McDonagh: tin.' 'Well,' I says, 'I suppose it's the contractor then who'll be bailing out your loo once a fortnight, is it? If it's price you're worried about, I'll be picking up the brass, so not to worry,
McDonagh: 「えっと」私は答えた. 「その業者は二週間に一度, 詰まった便所掃除にくるでしょう? 値段について心配してるなら, 真鍮にすれば逆に心配無用なんですよ, だんな」
McDonagh: squire.' 'And why would you be doing that,' says he? 'Well, Mr. Ryan profit or not, no man bails water out of privies built by Bill McDonagh.' The next day I finds out, I'm Ryan's new general contractor.
McDonagh: 「で, なんであんたはそんなことをする?」彼に言うか?「いいですか, Mr.Ryan の利益か否かに関係なく, Bill McDonagh が造った便所は詰まりません」 次の日, 俺は Ryan の新しい契約業者になったわけだ. 
Sullivan: I'm closing in on the whole ring. I'd pat myself on the back, but let's face it...these aren't exactly bloodthirsty desperadoes we're talking about. Rapture's full of poets, artists, and tennis plyers, not
Sullivan: 私は連中の全体像に迫っている. 戻って自分自身を褒めてやりたいが, 顔を合わせに行こう. これらは我々が話題にしている真に残忍な無法者ではない. Rapture には数多の詩人, 芸術家, そしてテニスプレーヤーがいて, 
Sullivan: hired gorillas, But this leader of theirs, this Fontaine...he seems to know his way around a grift. He keeps his nose clean, but not so clean that the right people don't know he's not to be trifled with...
Sullivan: 雇われたゴリラはいないが, それらのリーダーは, このFontaine・・・ヤツは騙し取る方法を心得ているようだ. ヤツは面倒事を避けるが, 誰にもそれを気づかれないように立ち回りやがる. 
Andrew Ryan: Diane, my dear I'm sorry but I'll be late again tonight.. Rosenberg is demanding to speak about this Fontaine business. I'm trying to build a proper financial market and this
Andrew Ryan: 親愛なる Diane, 申し訳ないが今夜もまた遅くなりそうだ. Rosenberg が Fontaine のやってることについて話したがっているんだ. 私が完全な金融市場を構築しようとしているのに, このバカは, 
Andrew Ryan: idiot keeps going on about Adam this and genetic modification that. I'll go spend an hour pretending to pay attention to the poor fellow and be home as soon as Ican. -Andrei
Andrew Ryan: Adam や遺伝子操作を追求し続けている. 1時間ほど哀れな仲間に気を配るふりだけして, できるだけ早く帰るよ. 
McDonagh: Rapture's changing, but Ryan can't see the wolves in the woods. This Fontaine fellow...he's a crook and a proper tea leaf, but he's the ADAM, and that makes him the guv'nor. He's sinking the profits back into
McDonagh: Rapture は変わってきたが, Ryan はあの森で狼をみることはできない. この Fontaine ってヤツは・・・悪どい上に食えない男だが, ヤツはADAMそのものだし, だからヤツは親分でいられる. ヤツが考えていることは, 
McDonagh: bigger and better plasmids, and building them Fontaine Poorhouses...more like Fontaine recruiting centers...'Fore we know it bloke's gonna have an army of splicers, and we're gonna have ourselves a whole heap of miseries.
McDonagh: 利益をもたらすさらに強力な Plasmids のこと, そして Fontaine 救貧院の設立のことだ. まるで新兵養成所だがな. あの男が Splicer の軍隊を持ってるだろうことはみんな知ってる. そして俺たちがありったけの厄介事に出くわすだろうことも. 
McDonagh: Mr. Ryan ... I believe in Rapture. But that doesn't mean we always win. Fontaine Futuristics the biggest thing going in Rapture, So let me plain: when we arrest thast toerag Fontaine
McDonagh: Mr.Ryan, 私は Rapture を信じてますよ. でもいつも常に私たちの勝ちってことはないでしょう. Rapture で目下急成長しているのは Fontaine Futuristics だから, はっきりしておきましょう. 
McDonagh: for his thieving and smuggling we must make it clear that we won't touch his business interets. We sit on the council because these poor sods trust us...not because God gave us a chair.
McDonagh: Fontaine を窃盗と密輸で逮捕したとき, 我々は彼を支援した事業家たちに触れるつもりはない, とね. こういう哀れなバカどもを信用させれば我々は議会の座につけるのです. 神のご意志に頼らなくてもね. 
Mariska Lutz: We saw our Masha today. We barely recognized her. That's her, Sam said. You're crazy, I told him. That thing? that, that is our Masha? But he was right.
Mariska Lutz: 今日 Masha を見ました. 殆ど見分けがつかなかったけれど. Sam があれは Masha だと言いました. 私は, 気は確か? と言いました. あんなもの, あれが私たちの娘ですって? でも, 彼の言うとおりでした. 
Mariska Litz: She was drawing blood out of a corpse by Fontaine Fisheries, And then when she was done, she walked off hand in hand with one of those awful golems. Masha!
Mariska Lutz: あの子は Fontaine Fisheries で死体から血を抜き取り, それが終わると恐ろしい巨人の手をとって行ってしまいました. ああ, Masha!
Peach Wilkins: We all come down here, figured we'd all be part of Ryan's Great Chain. Turns out Ryan's chain is made of gold, and ours are the sort with the big iron ball around your
[011](未訳)Peach Wilkins: We all come down here, figured we'd all be part of Ryan's Great Chain. Turns out Ryan's chain is make of gold, and ours are the sort with the big iron ball around your
Peach Wilkins: ankle. He's up in Fort Frolic banging fashion models... we're down in this dump yanking guts outta fish. Fontaine's promising something better. He's like one-a us, you
[012](未訳)Peach Wilkins: ankle. He's up in Fort Frolic banging fashion models... we're down in this dump yanking guts outta fish. Fontaine's promising something better. He's like one-a us, you
Peach Wilkins: know, like he's worked a day in his life. He says meet him at his fish-packing joint at 11. I'll go, bring a couple of guys. Hey, it's not like things could get a lot worse.
[012](未訳)Peach Wilkins: know, like he's worked a day in his life. He says meet him at his fish-packing joint at 11. I'll go, bring a couple of guys. Hey, it's not like things could get a lot worse.
