
日本語パッチ字幕Proving_Ground.txt - (2007/09/29 (土) 17:48:05) のソース

Frank Fontaine: That's it, kid. It's been a long road. You don't even remember most of it. Put you on a sub when you were just a sprout.
Frank Fontaine: ようやくだ. 長い道のりだったな. もう殆ど覚えてもいまい. ほんの小さかったお前を 潜水球に乗せて出したんだ.
Tenenbaum: Ach, look at them...even though they are physically free of the need to gather, Suchong's mental conditioning still holds them to their terrible task. For sins such as this, we can never atone...
Tenenbaum: ああ,見て... 肉体的には採集の必要はもうないというのに, Suchongの条件付けのせいで 今なおあの苦役に囚われているの.  こんな罪, とても贖えるものじゃないわ...
Frank Fontaine: I really wound you up with that wife and child bit... Oh, me poor Moira... Ay, me wee baby Patrick. Maybe one day I'll get me a real family... they play well with the suckers.
Frank Fontaine: 俺が演った妻と息子のあれ,なかなかぐっと来たろう... おお,Maira, かわいそうに... ああ,私のかわいいPatrickちゃん. いつか俺も本当に家族を持つ日が来るだろうが... 馬鹿どもと上手くやってくれる奴にしよう.
Tenenbaum: Watch out! For certain their harvesting will draw the attention of the splicers!
Tenenbaum: 気を付けて! Adamを採集する姿は どうしてもsplicerの目を 引いてしまうわ!
Tenenbaum: The Little One will lead you to Fontaine... but you must protect them.
Tenenbaum: あの子はFontaineの居場所まで 連れて行ってくれる... でもあなたは, 彼女達を守らないとならないわ.
Tenenbaum: Hurry! The harvesting will draw the attention of the splicers!
Tenenbaum: 急いで! splicerの注意がこちらに向くわよ!
Tenenbaum: Only the Little Ones can open these doors. You must protect them.
Tenenbaum: 扉を開けられるのはこの子たちだけよ. 絶対に守って.
Tenenbaum: Better for the girls to be with you, better with you than alone, alone in the crawling darkness.
Tenenbaum: 這い寄る暗闇に独り残されるよりは, あなたと一緒にいさせてあげたいの.
Frank Fontaine: -Hah! That might be plenty for the working scrubs and the pencil-pushers, but I need more, more...I want to splice 'til there ain't nothing left to splice with!
Frank Fontaine: ハァッ! 日雇いや机仕事の奴らなら これでも十分だろうが, 俺はもっと欲しい, もっとだ.... 体中もうどこも弄れなくなるまでやってやるぞ!
Tenenbaum: There, you must use the needle of the Little Sister to drain Fontaine of his Adam...it is the only way to defeat him.
Tenenbaum: そう, Little Sisterの注射器を使って, FontaineのAdamを吸い出さなければ... 彼を倒すにはそれしかないの.
Little Sister: Here...take this...stick it in the bad man!
Little Sister: はい... これを取って... 悪い奴に突き立てて!
Frank Fontaine: (exhilarated) Don't know what I was thinking...never spliced up once the whole time I was down here in this aquarium...figured it was bad to mix
Frank Fontaine: 俺は今まで何をやってたんだ... この水族館に居ながら 一度たりとも体を弄らず... 仕事と楽しみを ごっちゃにするのはまずいからと... だが,ヒュー!!! 散々やったドラッグも, 何もかもどうだって良い?? こいつは慈母の乳汁だ...
Tenenbaum: Fontaine is nearby. You are reaching close now.
Tenenbaum: Fontaineは近いわ. ついに辿り着いたのよ.
Little Sister: What are you waiting for? Pick up the needle!
Little Sister: 何してるの, 注射器をとって!
Tenenbaum: Fontaine waits above. There will no going back from here. Make sure you are ready to face him before moving on.
Tenenbaum: Fontaineはこの上で待っている. ここからは後戻りできないわよ. 先に進む前に 対決の用意はできたか, 念を入れて.
Tenenbaum: You must protect the Little Ones! They're not longer infused with Adam. They are as vulnerable as any child!
Tenenbaum: あの子たちを守って! 既にAdamが注入された状態じゃないの. 普通の子供と同じ脆い体なの!
Tenenbaum: If a Little One falls, you can call for another at a vent. But to lose even one is a sin.
Tenenbaum: Little Sisterを失っても, 通風孔でまた呼べるわ. でも, 例え一人でも失えばそれは罪よ.
Tenenbaum: No! You have lost her!
Tenenbaum: なんてこと! 彼女を守れなかったのね!
Tenenbaum: Find a vent, and summon another Little One.
Tenenbaum: 通風孔を見つけて, もう一人Little Sisterを呼んで.
Tenenbaum: What have you done? The Little One has fallen!
Tenenbaum: 何をしてたの? Little Sisterを失ったわ.
Tenenbaum: Now you must find a vent and bring forth another Little One!
Tenenbaum: すぐに通風孔を見つけて, もう一人Little Sisterを連れてきて!
Tenenbaum: No! You have let them take the Little One!
Tenenbaum: ダメよ! あの子達を見捨てないで. 彼女を連れてって!
Tenenbaum: Keep an eye opening for the splicers!
Tenenbaum: splicer達が居るから, 目を離さないで!