Unit No.8136 Netherking Hadaron

「Unit No.8136 Netherking Hadaron」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧に戻る

Unit No.8136 Netherking Hadaron - (2015/09/21 (月) 21:57:25) のソース

[[★4>Unit No.8134 Hadaron]]>★5>★6 Netherking Hadaron>★7
リーダースキル: Cruel Emanation
Great boosts to Atk and Def relative the amount of depleted HP & 25% boost to Atk of all allies

ブレイブバースト: Hades' Inferno
13 combo powerful Dark attack on all enemies & adds Poison and Weak effect to attack for 3 turns

スーパーブレイブバースト:Sly Purgatory
16 combo powerful Dark attack on single enemy, boosts Def and critical hit chance to all allies for 2 turns & casts stealth on self for 2 turns; while stealthed unit gains a massive boost to Atk
&table_color(table1, #EEE){HIT数=#EEE}
// |SBB|||x%||
// |UBB|||x%||
&table_color(table2, #EEE)
&table_color(table3, #EEE)
&table_color(table4, #EEE){HP=#EEE}