「虹と太陽の丘 E-style」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

虹と太陽の丘 E-style - (2007/10/06 (土) 22:51:06) の1つ前との変更点



<p><strong>he more we stay close and stare at each other,<br> there'll be kindness and smiles in passsing<br> You pretend not to notice,<br> and teasingly walk away just a little faster</strong></p> <p><strong>Even so,it shines,atop that hill<br> Only play actiong out little bits and pieces of the story<br> The rainbow which enfolds the two of us will grant one wish</strong></p> <p><strong>They hold the fragrance of the sun,<br> your dreams and your shirts<br> Your hope-filled eyes make everything sparkle<br> That's why you mustn't give up your important dreams<br> Hold on to your strength and your courage,<br> fly into the blue skies</strong></p>

