「ブログ/2012年02月03日/NPO Rocinantess」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

ブログ/2012年02月03日/NPO Rocinantess」(2012/02/03 (金) 00:15:03) の最新版変更点



#blognavi Today, I listened the speech by Kawahara who is the leader of Rocinantes. Rocinantes is the NPO carry out medical activities in Soudant. Kawahara seems very enthusiastic about everything. He tried to take the children in Soudant to Japan to meet the children in Tohoku. But the children in south Soudant couldn't get the passport because of the war between north and south Soudant. I might give up to take the children in south Soudant to Japan in his place. But Kawahara made a request to the Japan government. I think his ambition changed the situation. Now, I don't have no ambition toward the job. I don't have the purpose to work. I have to think about working. #right{ カテゴリ: [[[ブログ>ブログ/カテゴリ/ブログ]]] - &trackback() - 2012年02月03日 00:14:54 } #blognavi

