
更新履歴詳細 - (2010/10/01 (金) 19:55:04) の1つ前との変更点



#nomenu2()更新日時 : &lastmod() 総アクセス数 : &counter(total) 今日のアクセス数 : &counter(today) 昨日のアクセス数 : &counter(yesterday) ---- **2010/09/22 :&ref(nesemulator.png,,width=24)NES Emulator(1.0.1)|詳細不明 :&ref(imame4all15.png,,width=24)iMAME4all(1.5.0-0)|Added a new fantastic retina skin and touch control layout, thanks to Bryn Thompson (The older one is selectable from options. Note: Retina skin needs more resources; there is the same skin with lower resolution also selectable and better for 3GS). Added touch deadzone selector (It's good for same games, disable it if you don't like it.). Deadzone is the region of movement which is not recognized by fingers, is in the region around the center position of touch dpad. Added Wii classic stick value deadzone selector (turn it up if controller is going crazy, lower it to get more sensitivity). Added 8/16/auto color depth selector (8/auto bpp fixes some games with missing sprites like Zero Wing). If you have glitches with colors/sprites, try differents video depth. **2010/09/18 :&ref(nesadplus.png,,width=24)NES A.D. Plus(1.60) &ref(nesadplus.png,,width=24)NES A.D.X. Plus(1.6) &ref(snesadplus.png,,width=24)SNES A.D. Plus(1.60) &ref(isnes.png,,width=24)SNES A.D.X. Plus(1.6)|Fixed Alert boxes in devices on 3.1.3 or lower. Fixed issue where profile doesn't showup. :&ref(genesisadplus.png,,width=24)GENESIS A.D. Plus(1.60) &ref(genesisadplus.png,,width=24)GENESIS A.D.X Plus(1.6)|Fixed Alert boxes in devices on 3.1.3 or lower. Fixed issue where profile doesn't showup. Fixed bug where buttons would not register in mirror mode. :&ref(gbcadplus.png,,width=24)GAMEBOY A.D. Plus(1.6)|Fixed landscape skin stretching. Fixed Alert boxes in devices on 3.1.3 or lower. Fixed issue where profile doesn't showup. :&ref(gbcadplus.png,,width=24)GAMEBOY A.D.X. Plus(1.6)|Fixed Alert boxes in devices on 3.1.3 or lower. Fixed issue where profile doesn't showup. Fixed landscape button layout. **2010/09/15 :&ref(genesisadplus.png,,width=24)GENESIS A.D.X Plus(1.5-1)|Changed to GENESIS A.D.X. Plus. :&ref(gbcadplus.png,,width=24)GAMEBOY A.D.X. Plus(1.5)|Changed to GAMEBOY A.D.X. Plus. :&ref(imame4all.png,,width=24)iMAME4all(1.4.0-1)|disables overcan crop on digital TV-out inputs (VGA). **2010/09/14 :&ref(nesadplus.png,,width=24)NES A.D.X. Plus(1.5)|Changed to NES A.D.X. Plus. :&ref(isnes.png,,width=24)SNES A.D.X. Plus(1.5)|Changed to SNES A.D.X. Plus. :&ref(imame4all.png,,width=24)iMAME4all(1.4.0-0)|Added native TV-Out support (firmware>=3.2) (see description above). Added analog control using Wii Classic stick (StarWars and more games are now playable). Added support for not original Wii Classic controllers (Clones). **2010/09/11 :&ref(nesadplus.png,,width=24)NES A.D. Plus(1.40)|Fixed wiimote issues. Reduced binary size. :&ref(gbcadplus.png,,width=24)GAMEBOY A.D. Plus(1.05)|Sound desync fixed. Controller mapping in ipad fixed. **2010/09/09: :&ref(gbcadplus.png,,width=24)GBC A.D. Plus(1.0)|First Released. :&ref(genesisadplus.png,,width=24)GENESIS A.D. Plus(1.0)|First Released. :&ref(snesadplus.png,,width=24)SNES A.D. Plus(1.40)|Wiimote issues fixed. Sound improved. Binary size reduced. **2010/09/07: :&ref(imame4all.png,,width=24)iMAME4all 1.3.0-1|Added Wii Classic Controller support.(dpad+sticks) Added support for up to 4 Wiimotes/Classic (multiplayer). Better Wiimote Code. Some minor bug fixes and improvement You can add new Wiimote anytime, selecting Wiimote option again. If a Wiimote is disconnected (battery drained) you can reconnect it or connect another Wiimote and continue playing.
#nomenu2()更新日時 : &lastmod() 総アクセス数 : &counter(total) 今日のアクセス数 : &counter(today) 昨日のアクセス数 : &counter(yesterday) ---- **2010/10/01 :&ref(imame4all15.png,,width=24)iMAME4all(1.5.0-1)|iPad touch tweaks, some minor bug fixes. **2010/09/22 :&ref(nesemulator.png,,width=24)NES Emulator(1.0.1)|詳細不明 :&ref(imame4all15.png,,width=24)iMAME4all(1.5.0-0)|Added a new fantastic retina skin and touch control layout, thanks to Bryn Thompson (The older one is selectable from options. Note: Retina skin needs more resources; there is the same skin with lower resolution also selectable and better for 3GS). Added touch deadzone selector (It's good for same games, disable it if you don't like it.). Deadzone is the region of movement which is not recognized by fingers, is in the region around the center position of touch dpad. Added Wii classic stick value deadzone selector (turn it up if controller is going crazy, lower it to get more sensitivity). Added 8/16/auto color depth selector (8/auto bpp fixes some games with missing sprites like Zero Wing). If you have glitches with colors/sprites, try differents video depth. **2010/09/18 :&ref(nesadplus.png,,width=24)NES A.D. Plus(1.60) &ref(nesadplus.png,,width=24)NES A.D.X. Plus(1.6) &ref(snesadplus.png,,width=24)SNES A.D. Plus(1.60) &ref(isnes.png,,width=24)SNES A.D.X. Plus(1.6)|Fixed Alert boxes in devices on 3.1.3 or lower. Fixed issue where profile doesn't showup. :&ref(genesisadplus.png,,width=24)GENESIS A.D. Plus(1.60) &ref(genesisadplus.png,,width=24)GENESIS A.D.X Plus(1.6)|Fixed Alert boxes in devices on 3.1.3 or lower. Fixed issue where profile doesn't showup. Fixed bug where buttons would not register in mirror mode. :&ref(gbcadplus.png,,width=24)GAMEBOY A.D. Plus(1.6)|Fixed landscape skin stretching. Fixed Alert boxes in devices on 3.1.3 or lower. Fixed issue where profile doesn't showup. :&ref(gbcadplus.png,,width=24)GAMEBOY A.D.X. Plus(1.6)|Fixed Alert boxes in devices on 3.1.3 or lower. Fixed issue where profile doesn't showup. Fixed landscape button layout. **2010/09/15 :&ref(genesisadplus.png,,width=24)GENESIS A.D.X Plus(1.5-1)|Changed to GENESIS A.D.X. Plus. :&ref(gbcadplus.png,,width=24)GAMEBOY A.D.X. Plus(1.5)|Changed to GAMEBOY A.D.X. Plus. :&ref(imame4all.png,,width=24)iMAME4all(1.4.0-1)|disables overcan crop on digital TV-out inputs (VGA). **2010/09/14 :&ref(nesadplus.png,,width=24)NES A.D.X. Plus(1.5)|Changed to NES A.D.X. Plus. :&ref(isnes.png,,width=24)SNES A.D.X. Plus(1.5)|Changed to SNES A.D.X. Plus. :&ref(imame4all.png,,width=24)iMAME4all(1.4.0-0)|Added native TV-Out support (firmware>=3.2) (see description above). Added analog control using Wii Classic stick (StarWars and more games are now playable). Added support for not original Wii Classic controllers (Clones). **2010/09/11 :&ref(nesadplus.png,,width=24)NES A.D. Plus(1.40)|Fixed wiimote issues. Reduced binary size. :&ref(gbcadplus.png,,width=24)GAMEBOY A.D. Plus(1.05)|Sound desync fixed. Controller mapping in ipad fixed. **2010/09/09: :&ref(gbcadplus.png,,width=24)GBC A.D. Plus(1.0)|First Released. :&ref(genesisadplus.png,,width=24)GENESIS A.D. Plus(1.0)|First Released. :&ref(snesadplus.png,,width=24)SNES A.D. Plus(1.40)|Wiimote issues fixed. Sound improved. Binary size reduced. **2010/09/07: :&ref(imame4all.png,,width=24)iMAME4all 1.3.0-1|Added Wii Classic Controller support.(dpad+sticks) Added support for up to 4 Wiimotes/Classic (multiplayer). Better Wiimote Code. Some minor bug fixes and improvement You can add new Wiimote anytime, selecting Wiimote option again. If a Wiimote is disconnected (battery drained) you can reconnect it or connect another Wiimote and continue playing.

