
更新履歴詳細 - (2010/09/12 (日) 13:12:07) の編集履歴(バックアップ)

更新日時 : 2010年11月08日 (月) 18時12分21秒
総アクセス数 : -
今日のアクセス数 : -
昨日のアクセス数 : -


NES A.D. Plus(1.40)
Fixed wiimote issues.
Reduced binary size.
GAMEBOY A.D.(1.05)
Sound desync fixed.
Controller mapping in ipad fixed.


GBC A.D. Plus(1.0)
First Released.
GENESIS A.D. Plus(1.0)
First Released.
SNES A.D. Plus(1.40)
Wiimote issues fixed.
Sound improved.
Binary size reduced.


iMAME4all 1.3.0-1
Added Wii Classic Controller support.(dpad+sticks)
Added support for up to 4 Wiimotes/Classic (multiplayer).
Better Wiimote Code.
Some minor bug fixes and improvement
You can add new Wiimote anytime, selecting Wiimote option again. If a Wiimote is disconnected (battery drained) you can reconnect it or connect another Wiimote and continue playing.