

Ascent - (2007/09/20 (木) 09:05:02) の1つ前との変更点



*Ascent鯖 鯖プログラム開発元 svn:// DB開発元 TerraNet Project Silvermoon 略称:TNPS Next-Chapter Project svn:// 略称:NCDB GamingEVOLVED ショッピングモールが充実しています License : CCPL Operating System : 32-bit MS Windows, Linux, MacOSX-PPC 開発言語:C++ ソースコード開示:○ 開発元からのWin32 Binaries配布:× DB:MySQL v5 ---- *Ascent鯖を建てよう **ダウンロード [[Ascent1149-Mod@czark>]] [[DatabaseEVOLVED 1.2 (Repack 2)>]] Map Extractor:[[AD.exe>]] DBC 2.1.x:[[dbc>]] **Ascent1149-Mod@czarkの解凍 Ascent1149.Mod.rarをC:\に解凍します ディレクトリ名をC:\Ascent1149.ModからC:\Ascentに変更します **Mapファイルの作成 ad.rarを解凍しad.exeをC:\Program Files\World of Warcraftに移動します mapsという名前でディレクトリを作成します ad.exeを実行します。終了まで10分くらいかかります 終了したらmapsディレクトリをC:\Ascentに移動します **dbc.rarの解凍 dbc.rarをC:\Ascentに解凍します。 **Ascent/Ascent@MySQLの作成 GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO ascent@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'ascent' WITH GRANT OPTION; set password for 'ascent'@'localhost' = OLD_PASSWORD('ascent'); 以上の3行をmysql.exe等で入力します。 **ascent.confの編集 [[ascent.conf>]] **logonserver.confの編集 [[logonserver.conf>]] **DatabaseEVOLVED 1.2 (Repack 2)のインストール 適当な所に解凍し、evolved12に各sql文をインポートします。 create database evolved12; use evolved12; source world_schema.sql source logon_schema.sql source bugfixes.sql source ascent_1071.sql source ascent_1132.sql source ascent_1143.sql source StartingTiers (6).sql WarpNPC.dllをC:\Ascent\script_binにコピーします。 **test/test@ログインアカウントの作成 INSERT INTO `accounts` VALUES (1,'test','test','az',0,,,'',8); **Shattrath Portals Fix INSERT INTO `gameobject_spawns` VALUES ('278929', '9999992', '530', '-1813.631104', '5413.566406' , '-12.483031', '2.859511', '0', '0', '0.386308', '-0.92237' , '1', '0', '1732', '1', '0'); *以下おまけ **スタックしてしまった時バインドポイントに移動させるSQL文 update characters SET positionX = bindpositionX , positionY = bindpositionY, positionZ = bindpositionZ , mapId = bindmapId, zoneId = bindzoneId, deathstate = 0 WHERE name = '救いたいキャラ名'; **export_accounts.bat [[export_accounts.bat>]] **import_accounts.bat [[import_accounts.bat>]] **ひとりでRaidZoneに入る方法 DBによっては縛りがデフォルトのままでひとりでは入れません DBを修正してしまいましょう 例:BlackTemple [System] Entered areatrigger: '4598'←ゲーム内のメッセージ select Mapid from areatriggers where areatriggerid = '4598'; Mapid: '564' update worldmap_info set type = '2' where mapid = '564'; これで入れるようになります( ^ω^) ----
*Ascent鯖 鯖プログラム開発元 svn:// DB開発元 TerraNet Project Silvermoon 略称:TNPS Next-Chapter Project svn:// 略称:NCDB GamingEVOLVED ショッピングモールが充実しています License : CCPL Operating System : 32-bit MS Windows, Linux, MacOSX-PPC 開発言語:C++ ソースコード開示:○ 開発元からのWin32 Binaries配布:× DB:MySQL v5 ---- *Ascent鯖を建てよう **ダウンロード [[Ascent1149-Mod@czark>]] [[DatabaseEVOLVED 1.2 (Repack 2)>]] Map Extractor:[[AD.exe>]] DBC 2.1.x:[[dbc>]] **Ascent1149-Mod@czarkの解凍 Ascent1149.Mod.rarをC:\に解凍します ディレクトリ名をC:\Ascent1149.ModからC:\Ascentに変更します **Mapファイルの作成 ad.rarを解凍しad.exeをC:\Program Files\World of Warcraftに移動します mapsという名前でディレクトリを作成します ad.exeを実行します。終了まで10分くらいかかります 終了したらmapsディレクトリをC:\Ascentに移動します **dbc.rarの解凍 dbc.rarをC:\Ascentに解凍します。 **Ascent/Ascent@MySQLの作成 GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO ascent@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'ascent' WITH GRANT OPTION; set password for 'ascent'@'localhost' = OLD_PASSWORD('ascent'); 以上の3行をmysql.exe等で入力します。 **ascent.confの編集 [[ascent.conf>]] **logonserver.confの編集 [[logonserver.conf>]] **DatabaseEVOLVED 1.2 (Repack 2)のインストール 適当な所に解凍し、evolved12に各sql文をインポートします。 create database evolved12; use evolved12; source world_schema.sql source logon_schema.sql source bugfixes.sql source ascent_1071.sql source ascent_1132.sql source ascent_1143.sql source StartingTiers (6).sql WarpNPC.dllをC:\Ascent\script_binにコピーします。 **test/test@ログインアカウントの作成 INSERT INTO `accounts` VALUES (1,'test','test','az',0,,,'',8); **Shattrath Portals Fix INSERT INTO `gameobject_spawns` VALUES ('278929', '9999992', '530', '-1813.631104', '5413.566406' , '-12.483031', '2.859511', '0', '0', '0.386308', '-0.92237' , '1', '0', '1732', '1', '0'); *以下おまけ **スタックしてしまった時バインドポイントに移動させるSQL文 update characters SET positionX = bindpositionX , positionY = bindpositionY, positionZ = bindpositionZ , mapId = bindmapId, zoneId = bindzoneId, deathstate = 0 WHERE name = '救いたいキャラ名'; **export_accounts.bat [[export_accounts.bat>]] **import_accounts.bat [[import_accounts.bat>]] **ひとりでRaidZoneに入る方法 DBによっては縛りがデフォルトのままでひとりでは入れません DBを修正してしまいましょう 例:BlackTemple [System] Entered areatrigger: '4598'←ゲーム内のメッセージ select Mapid from areatriggers where areatriggerid = '4598'; Mapid: '564' update worldmap_info set type = '2' where mapid = '564'; これで入れるようになります( ^ω^) ---- **Full GM Command List *Banstick Commands [b] banchar: Bans character x with or without reason unbanchar: Unbans character x kick: Kicks player from server paralyze: Roots/Paralyzes the target. unparalyze: Unroots/Unparalyzes the target. *Chat Control [c] allowwhispers: Allows whispers from player <s> while in gmon mode. blockwhispers: Blocks whispers from player <s> while in gmon mode. *Debug Commands [d] debug: Main ‘debug’ command table. Usage: .debug <subcommand> <args> infront: No description entered. showreact: No description entered. aimove: No description entered. dist: No description entered. face: No description entered. moveinfo: No description entered. setbytes: No description entered. getbytes: No description entered. unroot: No description entered. root: No description entered. landwalk: No description entered. waterwalk: No description entered. castspell: .castspell <spellid> - Casts spell on target. castspellne: .castspellne <spellid> - Casts spell on target (only plays animations, doesnt handle effects or range/facing/etc. celldelete: USE WITH CAUTION! '.celldelete YES' - Removes everything in current cell from game and database. '.celldelete YES YES' removes everything in a range of 1cell. addrestxp: .addrestxp - Adds x rest XP to player. generatename: .generatename - Generates name for pet, etc. attackerinfo: .attackerinfo - Shows selected mob/player's attacker's infomation. showattackers: .showattackers - Shows selected mob/player's attacker on the minimap. aggrorange: .aggrorange - Shows aggro Range of the selected Creature. knockback : .knockback <value> - Knocks you back. fade : .fade <value> - calls ModThreatModifyer(). threatMod : .threatMod <value> - calls ModGeneratedThreatModifyer(). calcThreat : .calcThreat <dmg> <spellId> - calculates threat. threatList : .threatList - returns all AI_Targets of the selected Creature. gettptime: grabs transporter travel time itempushresult: sends item push result weather: No description entered. setbit: No description entered. setvalue: No description entered. getpos: No description entered. *Battlegrounds Commands [e] battleground: Main BG command table. Usage: .battleground <subcommand> <args> setbgscore: <Teamid> <Score> - Sets battleground score. 2 Arguments. startbg: Starts current battleground match. pausebg: Pauses current battleground match. bginfo: Displays information about current battleground. battleground: Shows BG Menu setworldstate: <var> <val> - Var can be in hex. WS Value. playsound: <val>. Val can be in hex. setbfstatus: .setbfstatus – Not Yet Implemented. leave: Leaves the current battleground. *Extended Debug Commands? [f] killbyplayer: Disconnects the player with name <s>. killbyaccount: Disconnects the session with account name <s>. getrate: Gets rate <x>. setrate: Sets rate <x>. *GM Ticket Commands [g] gmTicket: Main GM ticket system command table. Usage: .gmTicket <subcommand> <args> get: Gets GM Ticket getId: Gets GM Ticket by ID delId: Deletes GM Ticket by ID *Invincibility Command [j] invincible: .invincible - Toggles INVINCIBILITY (mobs won't attack you) *Invisibility Command [i] invisible: .invisible - Toggles INVINCIBILITY and INVISIBILITY (mobs won't attack you and nobody can see you, but they can see your chat messages) *Guild Commands [l] createguild: No description entered. *Modify commands [m] modify: Main stat-modification command table. Usage: .modify <subcommand> <args> hp: Health Points/HP mana: Mana Points/MP rage: Rage Points energy: Energy Points armor: Armor holy: Holy Resistance fire: Fire Resistance nature: Nature Resistance frost: Frost Resistance shadow: Shadow Resistance arcane: Arcane Resistance damage: Unit Damage Min/Max scale: Size/Scale gold: Gold/Money/Copper speed: Movement Speed nativedisplayid: Native Display ID displayid: Display ID flags: Unit Flags: faction: Faction Template dynamicflags: Dynamic Flags talentpoints: Talent Points loyalty: Loyalty spirit: Spirit boundingraidus: Bounding Radius combatreach: Combat Reach emotestate: NPC Emote State *More Modify Commands [m] createaccount: .createaccount - Creates account. Format should be .createaccount username password email playerinfo: .playerinfo - Displays informations about the selected character (account...) mount: Mounts into modelid x. dismount: Dismounts. start: Teleport's you to a starting location levelup: No description entered. additem: No description entered. removeitem: Removes item %u count %u. learn: Learns spell unlearn: Unlearns spell learnskill: .learnskill <skillid> (optional) <value> <maxvalue> - Learns skill id skillid. advanceskill: advanceskill <skillid> <amount, optional, default = 1> - Advances skill line x times.. removeskill: .removeskill <skillid> - Removes skill increaseweaponskill: .increaseweaponskill <count> - Increase eqipped weapon skill x times (defaults to 1). removeauras: Removes all auras from target setmotd: Sets MOTD additemset: Adds item set to inv. gotrig: Warps to areatrigger <id> createinstance: Creates instance on map <map> goinstance: Joins instance <instance> <x> <y> <z> <optional mapid> exitinstance: Exits current instance, return to entry point. dbreload: Reloads some of the database tables spawnspiritguide: Spawns a spirit guide (params: 1 = horde, 0 = alliance) advanceallskills: Advances all skills <x> points. unlockmovement: Unlocks movement for player. modperiod: Changes period of current transporter. npcfollow: Sets npc to follow you follow: Sets npc to not follow anything formationlink1: Sets formation master. formationlink2: Sets formation slave with distance and angle formationclear: Removes formation from creature playall: Plays a sound to the entire server. addipban: Bans an ip address <address/mask> <duration, 0=perm> banaccounts: Bans accounts <name> <duration, 0=perm> renamechar: Renames character x to y. forcerenamechar: Forces character x to rename his char next login getstanding: Gets standing of faction %u. setstanding: Sets standing of faction %u. *Cheat Commands [m] cheat: Main cheat command table. Usage: .cheat <subcommand> <args> status: Shows active cheats. taxi: Enables all taxi nodes. cooldown: Enables no cooldown cheat. casttime: Enables no cast time cheat. power: Disables mana consumption etc. god: Sets god mode, prevents you from taking damage. fly: Sets fly mode land: Unsets fly mode explore: Reveals the unexplored parts of the map. flyspeed: Modifies fly speed. stack: Enables aura stacking cheat. morph: Morphs into model id x. demorph: Demorphs from morphed model. *Honor Modification Commands [m] honor: Main honor system command table. Usage: .honor <subcommand> <args> getpvprank: Gets PVP Rank setpvprank: Sets PVP Rank addpoints: Adds x amount of honor points/currency addkills: Adds x amount of honor kills globaldailyupdate: Daily honor field moves singledailyupdate: Daily honor field moves for selected player only pvpcredit: Sends PVP credit packet, with specified rank and points *Pet Commands [m] pet: Main pet command table. Usage: .pet <subcommand> <args> createpet: Creates a pet with <entry>. renamepet: Renames a pet to <name>. enablerename: Enables pet rename. addspell: Teaches pet <spell>. removespell: Removes pet spell <spell>. *NPC Commands [n] npc: Main NPC command table. Usage: .npc <subcommand> <args> vendoradditem: Adds to vendor vendorremoveitem: Removes from vendor. flags: Changes NPC flags emote: emote - Sets emote state run: No description entered. addweapon: No description entered. allowmove: No description entered. addgrave: No description entered. addspirit: No description entered. faction: No description entered. delete: Deletes mob from db and world. info: Displays NPC information guid: Shows selected object guid addAgent: .npc addAgent <agent> <procEvent> <procChance> <procCount> <spellId> <spellType> <spelltargetType> <spellCooldown> <floatMisc1> <Misc2> delAgent: .npc delAgent <procEvent> <spellId> listAgent: .npc listAgent reset: resets npc health/dmg from temp table. export: Exports the npc to a sql file say: .npc say <text> - Makes selected mob say text <text>. yell: .npc yell <Text> - Makes selected mob yell text <text>. come: .npc come - Makes npc move to your position return: .npc return - Returns ncp to spawnpoint. spawn: .npc spawn - Spawns npc of entry <id> spawnlink: .spawnlink sqlentry resetreputation: .resetreputation - Resets reputation to start levels. (use on characters that were made before reputation fixes.) resetlevel: .resetlevel - Resets all stats to level 1 of targeted player. DANGEROUS. resetspells: .resetspells - Resets all spells to starting spells of targeted player. DANGEROUS. resettalents: .resettalents - Resets all talents of targeted player to that of their current level. DANGEROUS. resetskills: .resetskills - Resets all skills. *GameObject Commands [o] gobject: Main gameobject command table. Usage: .gobject <subcommand> <args> select: Selects the nearest GameObject to you delete: Deletes selected GameObject spawn: Spawns a GameObject by ID info: Gives you informations about selected GO activate: Activates/Opens the selected GO. enable: Enables the selected GO for use. scale: Sets scale of selected GO animprogress: Sets anim progress export: Exports the current GO selected statelink: .statelink sqlentry, Links a GO state to a Npc *Information Commands [p] gm: Shows active GM's gps: Shows Position info: Server info uptime: Shows server uptime *Teleport (Recall)Commands [q] recall: Main teleportation command table. Usage: .recall <subcommand> <args> list: List recall locations port: Port to recalled location add: Add recall location del: Remove a recall location portplayer: recall ports player *Life and Death Commands [r] kill: .kill - Kills selected unit. revive: Revives you.: 0, 0, 0}, reviveplr: Revives player specified. *Save Commands [s] save: Save's your character saveall: Save's all playing characters *GM Tag Commands [t] fmoff: Sets GM tag off gmon: Sets GM tag on *Universal Commands [u] Commands: Shows Commands help: Shows help for command announce: Sends Msg To All wannounce: Sends Widescreen Msg To All *Extended Teleport Commands [v] appear: Teleports to x's position. summon: Summons x to your position worldport: No description entered. *Waypoint Commands [w] waypoint: waypointCommandTable add: Add wp at current pos show: Show wp's for creature hide: Hide wp's for creature delete: Delete selected wp movehere: Move to this wp flags: Wp flags waittime: Wait time at this wp emote: Emote at this wp skin: Skin at this wp change: Change at this wp info: Show info for wp movetype: Movement type at wp generateNo description entered.Randomly generate wps save: Save all waypoints deleteall: Delete all waypoints *Admin Commands [z] security: No description entered. servershutdown: Initiates server shutdown in <x> seconds. serverrestart: Initiates server restart in <x> seconds. castall: Makes all players online cast spell <x>. ----




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