
[1-30] Server Update 
New Pvp Dungeon added
- Entrance in Sanctum/Pandaemonium (You cant miss it)
- Abyssal Bosses, with Abyssal Weapon/Armor/Carved Master Fragment drops
- 3 Ghost mobs with pvp consumable drops
- Shielded entrances for kisking and grouping
New Gatherable Weapon Skins added
- 1% gatherable drop
- http://aion.yg.com/search?s=superior
- http://aion.yg.com/search?s=precious(same gatherables as superior)
New command //dyeself added for premium members
- hex color numbers, color names, or petal names:
- //dyeself 000000
- //dyeself Black
- //dyeself Meon petal
Physical Damage calculations updated
Attack speed calculations updated
Removed attack in candy transform
Minor skill changes 

-- http://aion.yg.com/search?s=superior
-- http://aion.yg.com/search?s=precious
-- //dyeself 000000
-- //dyeself Black
-- //dyeself Meon petal
[1-14] Server Update
ItemService updated to improve item saving/stability
Attack speed updated
Statfunctions reverted to old core stats
Abyss ranking system fixed
"Ghosting" fix (objects not disapearing)
Ability to mail kinah fixed
Chain trigger skill rates fixed to servers custom 50%
Tahabata spawn in DP fixed
Custom dredge portal spawn's fixed
Crafting merchants readded to both towns, removed ability to purchase manastones
Megaduxs hp updated
Healing potions fixed
Using skills with Extendables fixed
Casting order/conditions updated
Fixed gameserver console errors to increase stability
Godstone activation message added/fixed
Bestial fury range fix
Removed bugged npcs in Belu
Removed bugged airline in Gelk
Some other fixes that only matter to GMs(lol)
by Pieces

・火炎の支配者 タハバタが暗黒のポエタにて沸くように修正

 [1-10] Server Update
 Core Swap for stability testing
 Item Split fixed
 Fixed flight glitch in morehiem + eltnen
 Damaging godstones fixed
 Crafting proc rate upgraded to 50%
 Aquittal Cleric skill fixed
 Elemental Screen and party buffs no longer apply to enemy
 Remove Shock update, working smoother
 Updated skill templates(some skills may or may not be fixed)
 Exp/drop rates set back to normal
 by Pieces

