

kat - (2021/02/18 (木) 01:43:10) の1つ前との変更点



**KAT... Katamba, Francis. 1994. English Words. London: Routledge. Katami, Akio. 2018. "The Medieval Vision through 'Bodily' and 'Ghostly' in English Devotional Prose", in The Pleasure of English Language and Literature, ed. Hideshi Ohno, Kazuho Mizuno & Osamu Imahayashi. Hiroshima: Keisuisha. Katami, Akio, Tomohiro Kawabata & Shihoko Yamamoto. 片見彰夫, 川端朋弘, 山本史歩子. 2018. 『英語教師のための英語史』 東京:開拓社. Katami, Akio. 2014. 「中世イングランド神秘主義者の散文における説得の技法」金水敏・高田博行・椎名美智(編)『歴史語用論の世界:文法化・待遇表現・発話行為』東京:ひつじ書房. Katano, Masato. 2012. "Contrastive Research between the Folio Edition and the Abstracted Edition of Samuel Johnson’s English Dictionary". Lexicon 42. Kataoka, R. 2009. "A Study on Perceptual Compensation for/u/-fronting in American English". Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society 35(1): 156-167. Kato, Kazuo. 1986. "The first time and various tense forms," English Linguistics 18. Kato, Kazuo. 1986. "Gradable Gradability," English Studies 67. Kato, Naoyoshi. 加藤直良. 2014. 「英語圏の歴史と言語:アイルランド英語の2人称代名詞の用法と多様性」 The Journal of Liberal Arts, Nagoya University of Arts and Sciences (10): 95-108. Kato, Naoyoshi. 加藤直良. 1992. 「Sir Gawain and the Green Knight における二人称代名詞」 Memoirs of the Fukui Institute of Technology 22: 89-97. Kato, Tomomi. 1993. "Some Scribal Differences in Malory", in Arthurian and Other Studies Presented to Shunichi Noguchi, ed. Takashi Suzuki and Tsuyoshi Mukai, pp. 180-99. Katz, Seth R. 2020. American English Grammar: An Introduction. London: Routledge.
**KAT... Katamba, Francis. 1994. English Words. London: Routledge. Katami, Akio. 2018. "The Medieval Vision through 'Bodily' and 'Ghostly' in English Devotional Prose", in The Pleasure of English Language and Literature, ed. Hideshi Ohno, Kazuho Mizuno & Osamu Imahayashi. Hiroshima: Keisuisha. Katami, Akio, Tomohiro Kawabata & Shihoko Yamamoto. 片見彰夫, 川端朋弘, 山本史歩子. 2018. 『英語教師のための英語史』 東京:開拓社. Katami, Akio. 2014. 「中世イングランド神秘主義者の散文における説得の技法」金水敏・高田博行・椎名美智(編)『歴史語用論の世界:文法化・待遇表現・発話行為』東京:ひつじ書房. Katano, Masato. 2012. "Contrastive Research between the Folio Edition and the Abstracted Edition of Samuel Johnson’s English Dictionary". Lexicon 42. Kataoka, R. 2009. "A Study on Perceptual Compensation for/u/-fronting in American English". Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society 35(1): 156-167. Kato, Kazuo. 1986. "The first time and various tense forms," English Linguistics 18. Kato, Kazuo. 1986. "Gradable Gradability," English Studies 67. Kato, Naoyoshi. 加藤直良. 2011. 「英語圏の歴史と言語:オーストラリア英語の場合」『名古屋学芸大学短期大学部研究紀要』8: 34-42. Kato, Naoyoshi. 加藤直良. 2014. 「英語圏の歴史と言語:アイルランド英語の2人称代名詞の用法と多様性」 The Journal of Liberal Arts, Nagoya University of Arts and Sciences (10): 95-108. Kato, Naoyoshi. 加藤直良. 1992. 「Sir Gawain and the Green Knight における二人称代名詞」 Memoirs of the Fukui Institute of Technology 22: 89-97. Kato, Tomomi. 1993. "Some Scribal Differences in Malory", in Arthurian and Other Studies Presented to Shunichi Noguchi, ed. Takashi Suzuki and Tsuyoshi Mukai, pp. 180-99. Katz, Seth R. 2020. American English Grammar: An Introduction. London: Routledge.




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