

mur - (2016/04/12 (火) 02:36:41) の最新版との変更点



**MUR... Muranaka, Ryoko. 1982. "1982 Thou and ye in Sir Degrevant." Attempts (International Christian University Tokyo) 10: 37-61. Muranaka, Ryoko. 1983. "Thou and Ye in Sir Launfal." Attempts (International Christian University Tokyo) 11: 51-56.
**MUR... Murakami, Madoka. 村上まどか. 2021. 「英語の仮定法倒置の起源は何か」『実践英文学』73: 93–111. Muranaka, Ryoko. 1983. "Thou and Ye in Sir Launfal." Attempts (International Christian University Tokyo) 11: 51-56. Muranaka, Ryoko. 1982. "Thou and ye in Sir Degrevant." Attempts (International Christian University Tokyo) 10: 37-61. Murao, Haruhiko. 村尾治彦. 2018. 「日英語の自他動詞の志向性と2つのNatural Path」 中村芳久教授退職記念論文集刊行会(編)『ことばのパースペクティヴ』pp. 98-110. 東京:開拓社. Murata, Kazuho. 2018. The Structure of Defoe's Phrasal Verbs: An Exploration into Defoe's Language of Fiction. Hiroshima: Keisuisha. Murata, Kazuyo. 村田和代. 2006. 「高校のオーラル・テキストに見られるFTAの1例:『不同意表現』の扱い」『ポライトネスと英語教育: 言語使用における対人関係の機能』堀素子・津田早苗・大塚容子・村田泰美・重光由加・大谷麻美・村田和代(編) 東京: ひつじ書房. Murata, Kazuyo. 村田和代. 2004. 「やわらかい明瞭さ--アメリカ英語のポライトネスの一側面について」『龍谷紀要』24(1): 39-52. Murch, Herbert Spencer. 1905. "Translation of Cynewulf's Juliana." Journal of English and Germanic Philology 5: 303-19. Murphy, M. Lynne. 1998. "Defining People: Race and Ethnicity in South African English Dictionaries". International Journal of Lexicography 11(1): 1-33. Murphy, Sean. 2006. "Now I am alone: A Corpus-Based Stylistic Approach to Shakespearean Solliloquies". Lancaster University Postgraduate Conference in Linguistics & Language Teaching, Vol. 1. Papers from LAEL PG 2006,ed. Costas Gabrielatos, Richard Slessor & J.W. Unger, pp. 66-85. Murphy, S. 2019. "Designing a genre classification scheme for Early English Books Online 1560-1640". ICAME Journal 43(1): 59–82. Murray, Michael. 1986. "More on Quaint and Quondum Words". American Speech 61(4): 340-344. Murray, Thomas E. 2002. "A new look at address in American English: The rules have changed". Names 50: 43-61. Murray, Thomas E. & Beth Lee Simon. 1999. "Want + Past Participle in American English". American Speech 74(2): 140-164. Murto, Richard B. 1984. "Non-sexist Language in Business". 『産業界の英語』(産研シリーズ11)1-35.




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