

ino - (2017/07/16 (日) 21:27:02) の編集履歴(バックアップ)


Inoue, Ai. 2015. "A Diachronic and Synchronic Study of the Alteration of Uniform Expressions from those who to those that". International Journal of English Language and Linguistic Research 3(3): 28-50.

Inoue, Ai. 2015. "A Phraseological Approach to the Shift between Subjunctives from were to was: The Case of as it were and as it is". International Journal of English Linguistics 7(4): 14-23.

Inoue, Ai. 2016. "An Eclectic Phraseological Research on the Formation and Degrammaticalization of Phraseological Units". International Journal of English Linguistics 6(4): 1-11.

Inoue, Kyoko. 1979. "An Analysis of the English Present Perfect". Linguistics 17: 56189.

Inoue, Nagayuki. 井上永幸. 1996. 「話し言葉におけるmanyについて(2)――The Bank of Englishを使った分析――」『英語教育と英語研究』(島根大学教育学部英語化教育研究室) 13: 4361.

Inoue, Nagayuki. 井上永幸. 1995. 「話し言葉におけるmanyについて(1)――The Bank of Englishを使った分析――」『英語教育と英語研究』(島根大学教育学部英語化教育研究室) 12: 5767.

Inoue, Noriko. 2003. "The Exploitation of Meter for Stylistic Purposes in the Three Alliterative Poems of the Cotton Nero Manuscript". Poetica.

Inoue, Shoki. 井上省紀. 1982. 「『フランクリン自叙伝』中の目的語付き動名詞」『岡山商大論叢』 18(1): 6575.


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