

gar - (2020/06/27 (土) 12:04:48) のソース


Garcia, F. Javier Ruano. 2020.  Early Modern Northern English Lexis
A Literary Corpus-Based Study. Bern: Peter Lang.

Gardelle, Laure. 2019. Semantic Plurality: English Collective Nouns and Other Ways of Denoting Pluralities of Entities. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Gardner, Anne-Christine. 2011. "Word formation in Early Middle English: Abstract nouns in the Linguistic Atlas of Early Middle English." Studies in Variation, Contacts and Change in English 6: Methodological and Historical Dimensions of Corpus Linguistics.

Gargesh, Ravinder. 2020. "South Asin Englishes", in The Handbook of World Englishes, 2nd ed., ed. Cecil L. Nelson, Zoya G. Proshina & Daniel R. Davis, pp. 107-134. London: Blackwell.

Garner, Bryan A. 2003. Garner’s Modern American Usage. 2nd edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Garrett, A. 1998. "On the Origin of Auxiliary Do." ELL 2: 283-330.


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