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  • kan
    KAN... Kanayama, Takashi. 金山崇. 1985. 「古英詩Juliana試訳(1)」 『大阪外大英米研究』14 245-252. Kaneda, Naoko. 2017. "In-service Training for Elementary EFL Teachers in Korea Expanding Horizons Through Movies". 『映画英語教育研究 紀要』22 17-30. Kanno, Mami. 2015. "Saint Aethelthryth of Ely and the Making of a National Saint in a Fifteenth-Century South English Legendary Manuscript." POETICA ...
  • uka
    ...nour of Takanobu Otsuka, ed. Kazuo Araki, et al., pp. 159-70. Tokyo Kenkyusha. Ukaji, Masatomo.宇賀治正朋.1968.「主語と述語の倒置をふくむ仮定節の史的発達――18世紀――」『英文学研究』 45(1) 63-78. Ukaji, Masatomo.宇賀治正朋.1971.「主語と述語の倒置をふくむ仮定節の史的発達――19世紀――」『東京教育大学文学部紀要』 83 1-12. Ukaji, Masatomo.1976."Deletion of the Complementizer TO in Early Modern English". Studies in English Linguistics 4 67-77. Ukaji, M...
  • kaw
    ...yo Taishukan. Kawasaki, Masatoshi. 2014. "'up and down to wynde' (II. 601): Criseyde's Mental Court in Troilus and Criseyde". チョーサー研究会・狩野晃一 (編) 『チョーサーと中世を眺めて―チョーサー研究会20周年記念論文集』川崎:麻生出版, pp.54-70.
  • dan
    ... und Amerikanistik 13 375-86. Danchev, Andrei. 1991. "Language Change Typology and Some Aspects of the SVO Development in English", in English Historical Syntax, ed. Dieter Kastovsky, pp. 103-24. Berlin Mouton de Gruyter. Danchev, Andrei. 1992. "The evidence for analystic and synthetic developments in English", in History of Englishes New Methods and Interpretatio...
  • kar
    KAR ... Karasawa, Kazutomo. 2018. "High Feasts in Anglo-Saxon Calendars Contexts for the Menologium", in The Pleasure of English Language and Literature, ed. Hideshi Ohno, Kazuho Mizuno Osamu Imahayashi. Hiroshima Keisuisha. Karasawa, Kazutomo. 唐沢一友. 2016. 『世界の英語ができるまで』東京 亜紀書房. Karasawa, Kazutomo. 2010. "The Negatve Conception of OE dream and their Origin", in Mu...
  • kat
    KAT... Katamba, Francis. 1994. English Words. London Routledge. Katami, Akio. 2018. "The Medieval Vision through Bodily and Ghostly in English Devotional Prose", in The Pleasure of English Language and Literature, ed. Hideshi Ohno, Kazuho Mizuno Osamu Imahayashi. Hiroshima Keisuisha. Katami, Akio, Tomohiro Kawabata Shihoko Yamamoto. 片見彰夫, 川端朋弘, 山本史歩子. 2018. 『英語教師のための英...
  • kay
    Kay Kay, C. J. M. A. Mackay.2005.Perspectives on the Older Scottish Tongue. Edinburgh UP. Kay, Christian J. J. Smith (eds.)2004.Categorization in the History of English. John Benjamins. Kay, Christian J.1999'The Historical Thesaurus of English a Millennium Report.' MESN 41 8-10. Kay, Christian, Simon Horobin, Jeremy Smith (eds.)2004.New Perspectives on English Histo...
  • kac
    KAC... Kachru, Braj B. 2020. "World Englishes and Culture Wars", in The Handbook of World Englishes, 2nd ed., ed. Cecil L. Nelson, Zoya G. Proshina Daniel R. Davis, pp. 447-472. London Blackwell. Kachru, Braj B. 1994. “English in South Asia,” in The Cambridge History of the English Language. Volume V English in Britain and Overseas, ed. R. Burchfield, pp. 148-196. Cambridge. Ca...
  • kam
    KAM... Kamiya, Kenichi. 神谷健一. 2005. 「会話における名前の付加:日英対照研究」. Memoirs of the Osaka Institute of Technology. Series B, Liberal Arts 50(1) 43-53. Kamiya, Masaaki. 2016. "The Origin and Development of Phrasal Verbs -The Database of Prefixed Verbs with up-and out-in Old English-".『豊田工業高等専門学校研究紀要』48, 63-90. Kamiya, Noboru. 神谷昇. 2006. 「-able形容詞の抑圧された外項について」『言語科学の真髄を求めて 中島平三教授還暦記念論文集』 編...
  • kai
    KAI... Kai, Masayuki. 甲斐雅之. 2004. 「Trave-guide textにおける屈折とof属格の交替:情報構造の観点から」河上誓作教授退官記念論文集刊行会(編)『言葉のからくり 河上誓作教授退官記念論文集』 東京:英宝社. Kaimori, Yusuke. 貝森有祐. 2018. 「非選択目的語を伴う英語使役移動構文から見る動詞と構文の融合」中村芳久教授退職記念論文集刊行会(編)『ことばのパースペクティヴ』, pp. 234-247. 東京 開拓社. Kaislaniemi, Samuli, Mel Evans, Teo Juvonen Anni Sairio. 2017. “A Graphic System Which Leads Its Own Linguistic Life”? Epistolary Spelling i...
  • tan
    .... Tanskanen, Sanna-Kaisa.2006.Collaborating towards Coherence Lexical Cohesion in English Discourse. Pragmatics and Beyond New Series, 146. John Benjamins. Tantucci, Vittorio, Jonathan Culpeper Matteo Di Cristofaro. 2018. "Dynamic resonance and social reciprocity in language change the case of Good morrow". Language Sciences 68 . Tanz, Christine.1971Sound Symbolism in...
  • kah
    KAH... Kahane, Henry. 1982. "American English From a Colonial Substandard to a Prestige Language", in The Other Tongue English Cultures, ed. Braj B. Kachru, pp. 229-236. Urbana-Champaigne, IL University of Illinois Press.
  • oka
    OKA... Okabe, Miki. 2019. "Thou and You in Emily Dickinsonʼs Poems Using Topic Modeling Reconsideration of Interjections". JADH 2019 Proceedings 121-125. Okada, Sadayuki. 岡田禎之. 2004. 「再帰代名詞と相互代名詞の機能的非対称性について」河上誓作教授退官記念論文集刊行会(編)『言葉のからくり 河上誓作教授退官記念論文集』 東京:英宝社. Okamoto, Hiroki Makiko Komiya. 岡本弘毅, 小宮真樹子(編). 2019. 『いかにしてアーサー王は日本で受容されサブカルチャー界に君臨したか:変容する中世騎士道物語』 東京:みずき書林. ...
  • aka
    AKA... Akasu, Kaoru. 2008. "An Analysis of A Valency Dictionary of English A Corpus-Based Analysis of the Complementation Patterns of English Verbs, Nouns and Adjectives". Lexicon 38.
  • kau
    KAU... Kautzsch, Alexander. 2002. The Historical Evolution of Earlier African American English An Empirical Comparison of Early Sources. Berlin Mouton de Gruyter.
  • kas
    KAS ... Kashiwamoto, Yoshiaki. 柏元吉章. 2004. 「現代英語の時間の文法と法性の文法」河上誓作教授退官記念論文集刊行会(編)『言葉のからくり 河上誓作教授退官記念論文集』 東京:英宝社. Kashiwamoto, Yoshiaki. 柏元吉章. 2017. 「法表現」東森勲 (編). 『対話表現はなぜ必要なのか ―最新の理論で考える―』東京 朝倉書店. Kashiwano, Kenji. 柏野健次. 1996. 「ポライトネスの一側面」 『英文学会誌』(大阪樟蔭女子大学) 32 15-25. Kastovsky, Dieter. 1971. "The Old English Suffix -er(e)". Anglia 89 285-325.
  • kal
    KAL ... Kallen, Jeffrey (ed.) 1997. Focus on Ireland. Amsterdam John Benjamins. Varieties of English around the World, G21. Kaltenboeck, Gunther. 2005. "It-extraposition in English a functional view". International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 10 119-59. Kaltenboeck, Gunther. 2005. "Charting the boundaries of syntax a taxonomy of spoken parenthetical clauses". Vi...
  • ots
    ...Otsuka, Takanobu1930.H. Bradley『英語の発達』泰文堂 Otsuka, Takanobu『英文法論考』研究社 Otsuka, Takanobu.1964.『シェイクスピア手帳』 研究社. Otsuka, Takanobu.1952.『シェイクスピア筆跡の研究』 篠崎書林. Otsuka, Tomonori. 2014. "On Floating Quantifiers in an Irish English and Weak-Phases". JELS 31 137-143. Otsuka, Tomonori. 大塚知昇. 2015. 「補文標識一致と素性継承」 JELS 32 105-111. Otsuki, Atsuko. 2008. "Metonymy in Engl...
  • nak
    ... kyoki ni kansuru rekishiteki kenkyu". Bulletin of the Faculty of Letters, Aichi Prefectural University 48 35-51. Nakamura, Fujio.中村不二夫.1999.「Be動詞と助動詞Doの共起に関する歴史的研究」 『愛知県立大学文学部論集(英文学科編)』 48 35-51. Nakamura, Fujio.1998."The Extinction of Participal being/having/knowing not Further Evidence Confirming the Regulation of the Negative Declarative Sentence with the Auxiliary Do&q...
  • man
    MAN ... Mandal, Antorlina Leonie Wiemeyer. 2019. "Foreign elements in EFL students’ term papers – communicative strategy or display of multilingual competence?". Studies in Variation, Contacts and Change in English 20. Mandala, Susan. 2011. "Star Trek Voyager's Seven of Nine A Case Study of Language and Character in a Televisual Text", in Telecinematic Discourse ...
  • jus
    JUS... Juskan, Marten. 2017. "Scourse NURSE and Northern happy Vowel Change in Liverpool English", in Perspectives on Northern English, ed. Sylvie Hancil Joan C. Beal, pp. 135-186. Berlin Morton De Gruyter.
  • flu
    ... und Amerikanistik 18.2 (1993) 217–247. Fludernik, M. 1993. The Fictions of Language and the Languages of Fiction the Linguistic Representation of Speech and Consciousness. London Roudedge.
  • yon
    ... Hirozo Nakano, et al., pp. 353-67. Tokyo Kenkyusha. Yonekura, Yoko. 2004. "Strategies in the Categorization of Tough Constructions", 河上誓作教授退官記念論文集刊行会(編)『言葉のからくり 河上誓作教授退官記念論文集』 東京:英宝社. Yonekura, Yoko. 米倉よう子. 2017. 「対話表現と文法化──事例研究」東森勲 (編). 『対話表現はなぜ必要なのか ―最新の理論で考える―』東京 朝倉書店.
  • aga
    AGA ... Agari, M. 1997. "Latinisation of Spelling in Malory", in Essays on English Literature and Languae, ed. M. Kanno, et al., pp. 93-102. Eihosha. Agari, Manabu. 2018. "Towards the Division of The Round Table in the Morte Darthur", in The Pleasure of English Language and Literature, ed. Hideshi Ohno, Kazuho Mizuno Osamu Imahayashi. Hiroshima Keisuisha. Agari, Ma...
  • iwa
    ...yo Taishukan. Iwasaki, Shinya. 岩崎真哉. 2018. 「英語の時間メタファー再考」中村芳久教授退職記念論文集刊行会(編)『ことばのパースペクティヴ』 pp. 222-233. 東京:開拓社. Iwata, Michiko, Susumu Suzuki Parkins, L. G. 岩田道子・鈴木進・L. G. パーキンズ. 1993. 『アメリカン・ユーモア―英語に見るジョークと文化』東京 丸善. Iwata, Seizi. 2020. English Resultatives A Force-Recipient Account. Amsterdam John Benjamins. Iwatani, Michio. 岩谷道夫. 2012. 「『フィンズブルフの戦』と『ベーオウルフ』「フィン王の挿話」におけ...
  • lim
    ...the Peranakans in the (continuing) evolution of Singapore English", in The Evolution of Englishes The Dynamic Model and Beyond, ed. Sarah Buschfeld, Thomas Hoffman, Magnus Huber Alexander Kautzsch, pp. 401-419. Amsterdam John Benjamins. Limatius, Hanna. 2017. "'There really is nothing like pouring your heart out to a fellow fat chick' Constructing a body positive bl...
  • ban
    BAN... Banfield, A. 1982. Unspeakable Sentences Narration and Representation in the Language of Fiction. Boston Routledge and Kegan Paul. Bantock, A. 1982. The Earlier Smyths of Ashton Court From their Letters 1545–1741. Bristol Malago publications.
  • mit
    ...nour of Takanobu Otsuka, ed. Kazuo Araki, Taiichiro Egawa, Toshiko Oyama, and Minoru Yasu, pp. 335-349. Tokyo Kenkyusha.
  • nog
    ...yo Taishukan), Vol. 12, No. 9, 20-1. Noguchi, Shunichi. 1963. "Malory-no Sakuhin-no Winchester MS-to Caxton s Edition-to-no Gengoteki- sai-ni-tuite-no Nōto (in Japanese) [ Notes on Linguistic Differences Between the Winchester MS and Caxton s Edition of Malory’s Works ], in Bulletin of the Faculty of the Liberal Arts, Fukui University, Part I, the Humanities, No. 12, 1-7. ...
  • lan
    LAN... Lancashire, Ian. 2005. "Johnson and Seventeenth-Century English Glossographers". International Journal of Lexicography 18(2) 157-171. Lancashire, Ian. 2017. "Lexicon and Semantics", in Studies in the History of the English Language IV Early Modern English, ed. Alexander Bergs Laurel Brinton, pp. 89-107. Berlin De Gruyter. Lancashire, I. (Ed.). 2018. "...
  • one
    ONE... O Neill, H. C. (ed.) 1915. A Guide to the English Language Its History, Development, and Use. London T. C. E. C. Jack. O Neill, Patrick. 2017. "The Unidentified Wlonchargan of the Middle English Poem Sarmun in British Library, MS Harley 913". Bulletin of the Institute of Oriental and Occidental Studies, Kansai University 50 61-68. O Neill, Patrick. 2016. "Mis...
  • sut
    ...ches and Skankly Hobags The Place of Women in Contemporary Slang", in Gender Articulated, ed. Kira Hall Mary Bucholtz, pp. 279-296. London Routledge.
  • kaj
    KAJ... Kajita, Masaru. 1977. "Towards a Dynamic Model of Syntax". Studies in English Linguistics 5 44–66.
  • kag
    KAG... Kaga, Nobuhiro. 加賀信弘. 1997. 「日英語の受益構文と意味役割」 『ヴォイスに関する比較言語学的研究』 ed. 筑波大学現代言語学研究会, 211-248. 東京 三修社.
  • kir
    ... und Amerikanistik 1 327-30.
  • san
    SAN ... Sánchez-Martí, Jordi. 2006. " A Fowler Man Ther May Non Be The Wild Man in Ipomadon A." English Studies 87.6 644-652. Sando, Motoko. 2018. "Some Americanisms in Marryat’s Land-Based Novels and Other English Authors’ Works", in The Pleasure of English Language and Literature, ed. Hideshi Ohno, Kazuho Mizuno Osamu Imahayashi. Hiroshima Keisuisha. Sandved. ...
  • roe
    ... und Amerikanistik 30 127-42. Roemer, Ute. 2005. Progressives, Patterns, Pedagogy A Corpus-driven Approach to English Progressive Forms, Functions, Contexts and Didactics. Studies in Corpus Linguistics, 18. John Benjamins. Roemer, Ute. 2006. "Looking at looking Functions and contexts of progressives in spoken English and school English", in The Changing Face of Corpus Lin...
  • han
    HAN ... Hanamoto, Hiroki. 2019. "The Use of Spontaneous Gesture as a Multimodal Interactional Strategy as a Lingua Franca Interactions The Case of Non-Understanding Sequences", in A Pragmatic Approach to English Language Teaching and Production, ed. Lala U. Takeda Megumi Okugiri. Tokyo Kazama Shobo. Hancil, Sylvie. 2018. "Discourse coherence and intersubjectivity The deve...
  • yan
    YAN... Yanagi, Tomohiro. 2017. "Intermittence of Short-distance Cliticization in QPs A Case Study of Language Change from the North", in Language Contact and Variation in the History of English, ed. Mitsumi Uchida, Yoko Iyeiri Lawrence Schourup, pp. 109-140. Tokyo Kaitakusha. Yanagida, H. 1989. "A Key to Represented Speech Now as Phase-changing". Bulletin of the Kyot...
  • ima
    IMA... Imahayashi, Osamu. 2006. Charles Dickens and Literary Dialect. Hiroshima Keisuisha. Imahayashi, Osamu. 2007. "A Corpus-based Sociolinguistic Study on the Use of Lookforms in the 19th Century." PALA 2007 Proceedings Online. Imahayashi, Osamu. 2016. "A Corpus‐based Sociolinguistic Study on the Use of Look-forms in the 19th Century", in Language and Style in Eng...
  • kud
    KUD... Kudła, Marcin.2016. A Study of Attributive Ethnonyms in the History of English with Special Reference to Foodsemy. Bern Peter Lang. Kudo, Yoshinobu. 2018. "Modernizing the Lesson A Note on Peter Idley’s Instructions to his Son, II. A. 1392-98". Journal of Kanazawa Gakuin University 16 141-144. Kudo, Yoshinobu. 2014. "Chaucer’s Second Nun’s Tale and the Problem of...
  • muk
    MUK... Mukai, Tsuyoshi.1986."A Review of J. W. Spisak (ed.), Caxton s Malory (1983)," Studies in English Literature (Tokyo English number), pp. 85-99. Mukai, Tsuyoshi.1990."Wynkyn de Worde s Treatment of Stephen Hawe s Example of Vertu". Studies in Medieval English Langauge and Literature 5 57-74. Mukai, Tsuyoshi. 1991. "Malory s French Book in Stansb...
  • ari
    ARI... Ariji, Kenichi. 有路憲一. 2004. "On the Cyclicity of Wh-Scrambling". JELS 21 1-10. Arimitsu, Nami. 有光奈美. 2018. 「『恥知らずなX』と『恥ずかしいX』における視点の対比―“shameless”と“shameful”の意味理解―」 JELS 35 3-9. Arimitsu, Nami. 有光奈美. 2012. 「香水のネーミングに関する認知活動とマーケティングー英語雑誌広告における具体事例の量的研究―」『経営論集』80 151-152. Arimatsu, Nami. 有光奈美. 2009. 「存在の『無』と強意語について “dead”を中心に」 JELS 26 21-30. Arimitsu, Nami. 有光...
  • ham
    HAM... Hamada, Hideto. 濱田英人. 2011. 「言語と認知─日英語話者の出来事認識の違いと言語表現─」『函館英文学』 50 65-99. Hamada, Hideto. 濱田英人. 2016. 『認知と言語:日本語の世界・英語の世界』 東京 開拓社. Hamada, Hideto. 濱田英人. 2017. 「脳内現象としての言語─日本語の感覚・英語の感覚の根源的基盤─」『函館英文学』56 47-61. Hamada, Hideto. 濱田英人. 2019. 『脳のしくみが解れば英語がみえる』 東京 開拓社. Hamada, Satomi. 2017. "Describing the Link between Orality and Literacy Chaucer s Tale of Sir Thopas in...
  • ish
    ISH... Ishibashi, Kotaro. (ed.) 石橋幸太郎(編集主幹). 1966. 『英語語法辞典』東京 大修館書店. Ishida, Sae. 2017. "The Use of Modal Auxiliaries in Mansfield Park 平成28年度修士論文梗概 ". Hiroshima Studies in English Language and Literature 61 85-86. Ishiguro, Akihiro. 石黒昭博. 1992. 『世界の英語小事典』東京 研究社. Ishiguro, Taro. 2018. "Parentheses in Beowulf Editors Choices". 『明治大学教養論集』 537 1-19. Ishigu...
  • sai
    ... Ichiro Akano.齊藤俊雄.中村純作、赤野一郎.1998.『英語コーパス言語学―基礎と応用』 研究社. Saito, Toshio, Junsaku Nakamura, Ichiro Akano.齊藤俊雄.中村純作、赤野一郎.2005.『英語コーパス言語学―基礎と応用』(改訂新版) 研究社. Saito, Toshio, Junsaku Nakamura Shunji Yamazaki (eds.)2002.English Corpus Linguistics in Japan. Language and Computers, 38. Amsterdam Rodopi. Saito, Toshio.1972."The Constructions of the Gerund with its Object in Early Mod...
  • wad
    WAD... Wada, Naoaki. 和田尚明. 2009. 「「内」の視点・「外」の視点と時制現象 ―日英語対照研究―」『「内」と「外」の言語学』坪本篤朗, 早瀬尚子, 和田尚明(編). 東京 開拓社. Wada, Naoaki. 2018. "C-gravitation and the Grammaticalization Degree of Present Progressives in English, French, and Dutch," in New Trends in Grammaticalization and Language Change, ed. Sylvie Hancil, Tine Breban José Vicente Lozano, pp. 207-230. Amsterdam John Benjamins. ...
  • ter
    TER... Terasawa, Jun.1985."The Historical Development of the Causative Use of the Verb make with an Infinitive". Studia Neophilologica 57 133-43. Terasawa, Jun.1992.The Use of Colloquial Style as a Device for Characterization in the Knight s Tale. The Proceedings . . .The University of Tokyo 40 (3) 4-15. Terasawa, Jun.1992."Old English here-toga and its Germanic Equiva...
  • sin
    ... und Amtrikanistik 41(1) 5-14. Sinclair, John. 1995. "Corpus typology - A framework for classification", in Studies in Anglistics , ed. G. Melchers B. Warren, pp. 17-34. Stockholm Almqvist Wiksell International. Sinclair, J., et al., eds. (1990) Collins Cobuild English Grammar. London Glasgow Collins. Sinkeviciute, Valeria. 2014. " When a joke’s a joke and w...
  • all
    ALL... Allan, Alasdair.1995."Scots Spellin-Ettlin efter the Quantum Lowp Can We Identifee and Mak Uiss o Certain Preinciples I Staundardeizin Scots Orthographie?". English World Wide 16(1) 61-103. Allan, K.1986.Linguistic Meaning. London Routledge Kegan Paul. Allan, Keith. 1990. "Some English Terms of Insult Invoking Sex Organs  Evidence of a Pragmatic Driver for  Se...
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