「入団・Join Guild」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

入団・Join Guild - (2010/12/09 (木) 05:41:07) の1つ前との変更点



*&sizex(7){&color(red){&u(){入団・Join Guild}}} &sizex(2){&link_anchor(A){English}} :&sizex(5){&color(magenta){&u(){入団条件}}}| ・&color(white){スカイプ(通話推薦)やメール(チーム戦などに使用)の所有。} ・&color(white){プレーステーション3でのアドホックパーティーソフト(PS Networkで無料配信)。} ・&color(white){モンスターハンターポータブル3rdのUMD(ISOなど違法ダウンロードは却下)。} ・&color(white){無チート(チート、改造、CFW等々は他のプレイヤーに不快感をを与える可能性があります)。} ・&color(white){最低限のマナー} :&sizex(5){&color(yellow){&u(){次のページで行う事について}}}| ・&color(white){IDは出来れば管理人が認識しやすい名前にしてください} &color(white){  *同一人物が2つのアカウントなどはよしてください} &color(white){  *同名になるのを出来れば避けてください} ・&color(white){メールアドレスは&u(){使用する}メールアドレスにしてください} &color(white){  *メールアドレスは携帯メールアドレスでも使用可能です} &color(white){  *確認メールを送られるのでクリックして、認証されるまでお待ちください(ただし、} &color(white){  インターネットにアクセス可能で無ければなりません)} &color(white){  *メールは本家メールじゃなく、&u(){サブでも構いません}(ちゃんと確認するなら)} &color(white){  *メールアドレスなどは管理人達だけにしか報告されません} &color(white){  なお、知らされるのはチーム戦など記録の為など確認用のためなのでご安心下さい} &color(white){  *チーム戦などでも使える様なメールにしてください} ・&color(white){パスワードは覚えやすく且つ自分のメールなどで使用してないパスワードを推薦します} ・&color(white){管理人へのコメントは無視しても大丈夫です} -&sizex(5){[[The Emperors & The Kingsに入団する>>http://www43.atwiki.jp/enlarquell/contributor]]} ---- &aname(A,option=nolink){} :&sizex(5){&color(magenta){&u(){Prerequisites to Join}}}| ・&color(white){Owns Skype (Voice chat recommended) and e-mail account (For Team Wars and other features).} ・&color(white){PlayStation3 with Ad-hoc Party system (Must be Japanese; We can help you set up a Japanese account to download Ad-hoc Party for free). Ad-hoc Party is free to download as well as it is free to make a Japanese PSN account.} ・&color(white){Must have Monster Hunter Portable 3rd UMD (Cannot have ISO or any other illegal forms of downloaded game files).} ・&color(white){No cheaters (Cheats, hacks, and CFW are not allowed, for they may give unpleasant gameplay and/or unfair advantage over others).} ・&color(white){Respect to others.} :&sizex(5){&color(yellow){&u(){How to Join}}}| ・&color(white){The first box asks for the ID. Please use an ID that can be identified easily} &color(white){  *Refrain from having two accounts} &color(white){  *Refrain from having identical names} ・&color(white){The second box asks for the e-mail address. Please enter a valid e-mail address that you &u(){check}} &color(white){  *E-mail address can be for your mobile phone (however, if this is the case, it must be } &color(white){  able to access the internet)} &color(white){  *A confirmation e-mail will be sent to your e-mail. Please click the according link, and} &color(white){  wait for the Guild Master to admit you} &color(white){  *The e-mail address &u(){does not}have to be your main e-mail address. However, it just } &color(white){  has to be checked.} &color(white){  *E-mail addresses are only notified to the Guild Masters and to Overseers} &color(white){  The reason being is to send or to obtain information concerning Team War points and } &color(white){  personal hunting statistics} &color(white){  *Use e-mails that can send photos so that you can participate in Team Wars} ・&color(white){The third box asks for the password. Please enter an easily remembered password that differs from your usual password to prevent hacking} ・&color(white){The fourth box is a message to the Guild Master. This can be omitted} -&sizex(5){[[Join The Emperors & The Kings>>http://www43.atwiki.jp/enlarquell/contributor]]} ----
*&sizex(7){&color(red){&u(){入団・Join Guild}}} &sizex(2){&link_anchor(A){English}} :&sizex(5){&color(magenta){&u(){入団条件}}}| ・&color(white){スカイプ(通話推薦)やメール(チーム戦などに使用)の所有。} ・&color(white){プレーステーション3でのアドホックパーティーソフト(PS Networkで無料配信)。} ・&color(white){モンスターハンターポータブル3rdのUMD(ISOなど違法ダウンロードは却下)。} ・&color(white){無チート(チート、改造、CFW等々は他のプレイヤーに不快感をを与える可能性があります)。} ・&color(white){最低限のマナー} :&sizex(5){&color(yellow){&u(){次のページで行う事について}}}| ・&color(white){IDは出来れば管理人が認識しやすい名前にしてください} &color(white){  *同一人物が2つのアカウントなどはよしてください} &color(white){  *同名になるのを出来れば避けてください} ・&color(white){メールアドレスは&u(){使用する}メールアドレスにしてください} &color(white){  *メールアドレスは携帯メールアドレスでも使用可能です} &color(white){  *確認メールを送られるのでクリックして、認証されるまでお待ちください(ただし、} &color(white){  インターネットにアクセス可能で無ければなりません)} &color(white){  *メールは本家メールじゃなく、&u(){サブでも構いません}(ちゃんと確認するなら)} &color(white){  *メールアドレスなどは管理人達だけにしか報告されません} &color(white){  なお、知らされるのはチーム戦など記録の為など確認用のためなのでご安心下さい} &color(white){  *チーム戦などでも使える様なメールにしてください} ・&color(white){パスワードは覚えやすく且つ自分のメールなどで使用してないパスワードを推薦します} ・&color(white){管理人へのコメントではスカイプのIDなど記入していただければ幸いです。ちなみに管理人のスカイプIDはLarqieです。} -&sizex(5){[[The Emperors & The Kingsに入団する>>http://www43.atwiki.jp/enlarquell/contributor]]} ---- &aname(A,option=nolink){} :&sizex(5){&color(magenta){&u(){Prerequisites to Join}}}| ・&color(white){Owns Skype (Voice chat recommended) and e-mail account (For Team Wars and other features).} ・&color(white){PlayStation3 with Ad-hoc Party system (Must be Japanese; We can help you set up a Japanese account to download Ad-hoc Party for free). Ad-hoc Party is free to download as well as it is free to make a Japanese PSN account.} ・&color(white){Must have Monster Hunter Portable 3rd UMD (Cannot have ISO or any other illegal forms of downloaded game files).} ・&color(white){No cheaters (Cheats, hacks, and CFW are not allowed, for they may give unpleasant gameplay and/or unfair advantage over others).} ・&color(white){Respect to others.} :&sizex(5){&color(yellow){&u(){How to Join}}}| ・&color(white){The first box asks for the ID. Please use an ID that can be identified easily} &color(white){  *Refrain from having two accounts} &color(white){  *Refrain from having identical names} ・&color(white){The second box asks for the e-mail address. Please enter a valid e-mail address that you &u(){check}} &color(white){  *E-mail address can be for your mobile phone (however, if this is the case, it must be } &color(white){  able to access the internet)} &color(white){  *A confirmation e-mail will be sent to your e-mail. Please click the according link, and} &color(white){  wait for the Guild Master to admit you} &color(white){  *The e-mail address &u(){does not}have to be your main e-mail address. However, it just } &color(white){  has to be checked.} &color(white){  *E-mail addresses are only notified to the Guild Masters and to Overseers} &color(white){  The reason being is to send or to obtain information concerning Team War points and } &color(white){  personal hunting statistics} &color(white){  *Use e-mails that can send photos so that you can participate in Team Wars} ・&color(white){The third box asks for the password. Please enter an easily remembered password that differs from your usual password to prevent hacking} ・&color(white){The fourth box is a message to the Guild Master. If possible, please enter your Skype ID. The GM's ID is Larqie} -&sizex(5){[[Join The Emperors & The Kings>>http://www43.atwiki.jp/enlarquell/contributor]]} ----

