「トップページ・Top Page」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

トップページ・Top Page - (2010/11/30 (火) 13:31:47) の最新版との変更点



*&color(red){&aname(B,option=nolink){注意:メンバーでないと見れないページが有るので御了承下さい}} |SIZE(22):COLOR(cyan):モンスター ハンター ポータブル 3rd 狩猟団 &sizex(6){&color(purple){「The Emperors & The Kings」}}ホームページへようこそ。| ・&color(white){当ホームページは狩猟団員のギルドサイトです。} ・&color(white){メンバー内には日本語、または英語を主語として使用している人達が入団しています。} ・&color(white){団員同士助け合って尚且つ楽しく狩りましょう。} *&sizex(4){&link_anchor(A){English}} |SIZE(22):COLOR(blue):当狩猟団について| &color(white){当狩猟団&bold(){「The Emperors & The Kings」}は他の狩猟団では無い要素を取り入れており、またこれからも色々アイデア取り入れたいと思います。} &color(white){もしも何か提案したい時は「アイデア提供」へどうぞ。} &color(white){また、初心者から上級者など、色々な狩人達を歓迎してるので、初めてプレイする方でも、ベテランの方でも気楽に入団可能です。} :&sizex(5){&color(magenta){&u(){要素}}}| ・&color(white){チーム戦} ・&color(white){オリジナル勲章} ・&color(white){個人対戦記録} ・&color(white){ランクシステム} ・&color(white){ランク内のランキング} &color(white){詳しくは各目次のページをチェックして下さい。} :&sizex(5){&color(magenta){&u(){入団条件}}}| ・&color(white){スカイプ(通話推薦)やメール(チーム戦などに使用)の所有。} ・&color(white){プレーステーション3でのアドホックパーティーソフト(PS Networkで無料配信)。} ・&color(white){モンスターハンターポータブル3rdのUMD(ISOなど違法ダウンロードは却下)。} ・&color(white){無チート(チート、改造、CFW等々は他のプレイヤーに不快感をを与える可能性があります)。} ・&color(white){最低限のマナー} &color(white){なお、質問や待ち合わせ、募集などは掲示板へどうぞ。} *&sizex(3){&link_anchor(B){トップへ戻る }} |SIZE(22):COLOR(red):禁止事項| ・&color(white){公序良俗に反する行為または国内法に抵触する行為} ・&color(white){誹謗、中傷、作為の虚偽情報等を流布することによって特定または不特定の第三者に著しい不利益をもたらす行為} ・&color(white){その他、当サイトに損害を与える・与える恐れのある行為をすること} ・&color(white){無断編集、無断画像アップロード、などなど管理人の許可無しで当サイトに変更をもたらす行為} |SIZE(22):COLOR(yellow):登録商標| &color(white){&mark_copy()SKYPE CO., LTD. 2010 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.} &color(white){&mark_copy()CAPCOM CO., LTD. 2010 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. } &color(white){"PS(ロゴ)" "PlayStation" "PSP"は株式会社ソニー・コンピュータエンタテインメントの登録商標です。} *&sizex(3){&link_anchor(B){トップへ戻る }} ---- *&color(red){&aname(A,option=nolink){NOTE: Some pages can be viewed only by the members}} |SIZE(21):COLOR(cyan):Welcome to the Monster Hunter Portable 3rd Guild, &sizex(6){&color(purple){The Emperors & The Kings}}home page.| ・&color(white){This web site is designed uniquely for the members of the guild.} ・&color(white){Members may speak Japanese or English as their native language.} ・&color(white){Our goal is to help each other within the guild, but more importantly have fun hunting.} |SIZE(21):COLOR(blue):About the Guild| &color(white){The guild, &bold(){The Emperors & The Kings}, is a one of a kind guild. It has genuine systems like no other guilds, and hopefully you will enjoy your stay or decide to join for yourself. We welcome all types of hunters, from a hunter who started today to veteran hunter from the beginning.} &color(white){If you have any suggestions to make, please go to the "Suggestions" page.} *&sizex(4){&link_anchor(B){Top}} :&sizex(5){&color(magenta){&u(){Features}}}| ・&color(white){Team Wars} ・&color(white){Original Titles} ・&color(white){Battle records} ・&color(white){Rank system} ・&color(white){Rankings within ranks} &color(white){For further details, please visit the according page.} :&sizex(5){&color(magenta){&u(){Prerequisites to Join}}}| ・&color(white){Owns Skype (Voice chat recommended) and e-mail account (For Team Wars and other features).} ・&color(white){PlayStation3 with Ad-hoc Party system (Must be Japanese; We can help you set up a Japanese account to download Ad-hoc Party for free). Ad-hoc Party is free to download as well as it is free to make a Japanese PSN account.} ・&color(white){Must have Monster Hunter Portable 3rd UMD (Cannot have ISO or any other illegal forms of downloaded game files).} ・&color(white){No cheaters (Cheats, hacks, and CFW are not allowed, for they may give unpleasant gameplay and/or unfair advantage over others).} ・&color(white){Respect to others.} &color(white){For any questions, meetings, or recruitment, please visit our forums.} *&sizex(4){&link_anchor(B){Top}} |SIZE(21):COLOR(red):Forbidden Actions| ・&color(white){Any actions that does not abide by the law locally or federally (Both Japanese and English speaking nations)} ・&color(white){Any actions that may give unpleasant responses such as cyber-bullying and provoking remarks towards any third party members.} ・&color(white){Any actions that brings or may bring harm to this site.} ・&color(white){Any uploads or editting done without permission from the publisher of the site.} |SIZE(21):COLOR(yellow):Copyright| &color(white){We do not own any rights to the registered product: Monster Hunter Portable 3rd or Skype and is copyrighted by its respectful owner.} &color(white){&mark_copy()SKYPE CO., LTD. 2010 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.} &color(white){&mark_copy()CAPCOM CO., LTD. 2010 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. } &color(white){"PS(logo)" "PlayStation" "PSP" are all products owned and copyrighted by Sony Computer Entertainment company.} *&sizex(4){&link_anchor(B){Top}}
*&color(red){&aname(B,option=nolink){注意:メンバーでないと見れないページが有るので御了承下さい}} |SIZE(22):COLOR(cyan):モンスター ハンター ポータブル 3rd 狩猟団 &sizex(6){&color(purple){「The Emperors & The Kings」}}ホームページへようこそ。| ・&color(white){当ホームページは狩猟団員のギルドサイトです。} ・&color(white){メンバー内には日本語、または英語を主語として使用している人達が入団しています。} ・&color(white){団員同士助け合って尚且つ楽しく狩りましょう。} *&sizex(4){&link_anchor(A){English}} *&color(red){ホームページはまだ作成中です!最新情報にて新しい情報やこれから追加されるページなどを書きます!} |SIZE(22):COLOR(blue):当狩猟団について| &color(white){当狩猟団&bold(){「The Emperors & The Kings」}は他の狩猟団では無い要素を取り入れており、またこれからも色々アイデア取り入れたいと思います。} &color(white){また、初心者から上級者など、色々な狩人達を歓迎してるので、初めてプレイする方でも、ベテランの方でも気楽に入団可能です。} :&sizex(5){&color(magenta){&u(){要素}}}| ・&color(white){チーム戦} ・&color(white){オリジナル勲章} ・&color(white){個人対戦記録} ・&color(white){ランクシステム} ・&color(white){ランク内のランキング} &color(white){詳しくは[[良くある質問]]をチェックして下さい。} :&sizex(5){&color(magenta){&u(){入団条件}}}| ・&color(white){スカイプ(通話推薦)やメール(チーム戦などに使用)の所有。} ・&color(white){プレーステーション3でのアドホックパーティーソフト(PS Networkで無料配信)。} ・&color(white){モンスターハンターポータブル3rdのUMD(ISOなど違法ダウンロードは却下)。} ・&color(white){無チート(チート、改造、CFW等々は他のプレイヤーに不快感をを与える恐れがあります)。} ・&color(white){最低限のマナー} &color(white){入団ご希望の方は右メニューの入団かスカイプを通してお願いします。} [[あるいはここから>>http://www43.atwiki.jp/enlarquell/pages/22.html]] *&sizex(3){&link_anchor(B){トップへ戻る }} |SIZE(22):COLOR(red):禁止事項| ・&color(white){公序良俗に反する行為または国内法に抵触する行為} ・&color(white){誹謗、中傷、作為の虚偽情報等を流布することによって特定または不特定の第三者に著しい不利益をもたらす行為} ・&color(white){その他、当サイトに損害を与える・与える恐れのある行為をすること} ・&color(white){無断編集、無断画像アップロード、などなど管理人の許可無しで当サイトに変更をもたらす行為} |SIZE(22):COLOR(yellow):登録商標| &color(white){&mark_copy()CAPCOM CO., LTD. 2010 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. } &color(white){"GMAIL&mark_reg()"は株式会社&mark_copy()Googleの登録商標です。} &color(white){"Skype&mark_reg()"は&mark_copy()Skype CO.,LTDの登録商標です。} &color(white){"PS&mark_reg()" "PlayStation&mark_reg()" "PSP&mark_reg()"は株式会社ソニー・コンピュータエンタテインメントの登録商標です。} *&sizex(3){&link_anchor(B){トップへ戻る }} ---- *&color(red){&aname(A,option=nolink){NOTE: Some pages can be viewed only by the members}} |SIZE(21):COLOR(cyan):Welcome to the Monster Hunter Portable 3rd Guild, &sizex(6){&color(purple){The Emperors & The Kings}}home page.| ・&color(white){This web site is designed uniquely for the members of the guild.} ・&color(white){Members may speak Japanese or English as their native language.} ・&color(white){Our goal is to help each other within the guild, but more importantly have fun hunting.} *&color(red){THE WEBSITE IS STILL IN CONSTRUCTION. Please check the Updates page for what will be coming as well as what is in progress!} |SIZE(21):COLOR(blue):About the Guild| &color(white){The guild, &bold(){The Emperors & The Kings}, is a one of a kind guild. It has genuine systems like no other guilds, and hopefully you will enjoy your stay or decide to join for yourself. We welcome all types of hunters, from a hunter who started today to veteran hunter from the beginning.} *&sizex(4){&link_anchor(B){Top}} :&sizex(5){&color(magenta){&u(){Features}}}| ・&color(white){Team Wars} ・&color(white){Original Titles} ・&color(white){Battle records} ・&color(white){Rank system} ・&color(white){Rankings within ranks} &color(white){For further details, please visit the [[FAQs]] page.} :&sizex(5){&color(magenta){&u(){Prerequisites to Join}}}| ・&color(white){Owns Skype (Voice chat recommended) and e-mail account (For Team Wars and other features).} ・&color(white){PlayStation3 with Ad-hoc Party system (Must be Japanese; We can help you set up a Japanese account to download Ad-hoc Party for free). Ad-hoc Party is free to download as well as it is free to make a Japanese PSN account.} ・&color(white){Must have Monster Hunter Portable 3rd UMD (Cannot have ISO or any other illegal forms of downloaded game files).} ・&color(white){No cheaters (Cheats, hacks, and CFW are not allowed, for they may give unpleasant gameplay and/or unfair advantage over others).} ・&color(white){Respect to others.} &color(white){You can join the guild by clicking Join Guild to your right, or through Skype} [[Or from here>>http://www43.atwiki.jp/enlarquell/pages/22.html]] *&sizex(4){&link_anchor(B){Top}} |SIZE(21):COLOR(red):Forbidden Actions| ・&color(white){Any actions that does not abide by the law locally or federally (Both Japanese and English speaking nations)} ・&color(white){Any actions that may give unpleasant responses such as cyber-bullying and provoking remarks towards any third party members.} ・&color(white){Any actions that brings or may bring harm to this site.} ・&color(white){Any uploads or editting done without permission from the publisher of the site.} |SIZE(21):COLOR(yellow):Copyright| &color(white){We do not own any rights to the registered product: Monster Hunter Portable 3rd or Skype and is copyrighted by its respectful owner.} &color(white){&mark_copy()CAPCOM CO., LTD. 2010 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. } &color(white){"GMAIL&mark_reg()" is a product owned and copyrighted by &mark_copy()Google} &color(white){"Skype&mark_reg()" is a product owned by &mark_copy()Skype CO., LTD. 2010 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.} &color(white){"PS&mark_reg()" "PlayStation&mark_reg()" "PSP&mark_reg()" are all products owned and copyrighted by Sony Computer Entertainment company.} *&sizex(4){&link_anchor(B){Top}}

