Keizo Sakurai

「Keizo Sakurai」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

Keizo Sakurai - (2009/10/27 (火) 22:12:41) の1つ前との変更点



<font size=3> <b>[[Keizo Sakurai]] or [[桜井恵三◆aRZpjQmYwQ]] </b>(May 1944-) is allegedly an English-Japanese interpreter based in Saitama, Japan. He has been continually promoting his self-produced English education materials at 2 Channel where such promotions are strictly prohibited. For the past 4 years, his access to the website has been suspended for a total of 6 times, not only for his violation of the protocol but also for the defamation of the participants and well-known figures including the author of a bestselling book (Eigo-mimi), Kiyoshi Matsuzawa. He is also notorious for sending spam e-mails from his former company, IBS, and widely accused for constituting an invasion of privacy by revealing private e-mails sent to him from Matsuzawa, and a famous voice trainer, Kazuhiro Takemura. <b>1. Biography</b> ---- <b>1. 1 Curriculum Vitae</b> *1944  Born in Manchuria (Northestern part of China) *1962  Graduated from Kawasaki high school *2002  His former company, IBS, went bankruptcy *2005-  Started promoting his English education materials, "[[Sound Stream]]" <b>1. 2 Filibuster at English threads (2 Channel)</b> His relentless posting of dyslogistic comments and exploitation of the 2 Channel English threads (his comments some times go up to 500/1000 per each thread) severely interfered mutual information-sharing processes, making the following threads no longer functional. A number of threads were also prepared to contain such trolls and vandalisms by Sakurai. *[[桜井氏が荒らしたスレ一覧]] - Worst hit threads(<i>Texts written in Japanese</i>) *[[桜井氏隔離スレ一覧]] - Segregated threads (<i>Texts written in Japanese</i>) <b>1. 2 Filibuster at English thread (2 Channel)</b> The followings are the history of Sakurai's suspension from the English threads (2 Channel). *★071128 English板 通称「じじいの宣伝」 荒らし報告 ** ** (mirror site) *★080116 ENG板 通称「じじいのストリーム」 荒らし報告 ** ** (mirror site) *★080520 ENG板 通称「じじいのストリーム」 荒らし報告 ** ** (mirror site) *★081030 English板 通称「じじいの宣伝」 荒らし報告 ** ** (mirror site) *★081127 English板 通称「じじいのストリーム」荒らし報告 ** ** (mirror site) *★090528 English板 通称「じじいのストリーム」荒らし報告 ** ** (mirror site) <b>2. Discussion at English threads</b> ---- Several examples of discussions at the English threads are concisely summerized: *English grammer **[[You won (English ver.)]] </font>
<font size=3> <b>[[Keizo Sakurai]] or [[桜井恵三◆aRZpjQmYwQ]] </b>(May 1944-) is allegedly an English-Japanese interpreter based in Saitama, Japan. He has been continually promoting his self-produced English education materials at 2 Channel where such promotions are strictly prohibited. For the past 4 years, his access to the website has been suspended for a total of 6 times, not only for his violation of the protocol but also for the defamation of the participants and well-known figures including the author of a bestselling book (Eigo-mimi), Kiyoshi Matsuzawa. He is also notorious for sending spam e-mails from his former company, IBS, and widely accused for constituting an invasion of privacy by revealing private e-mails sent to him from Matsuzawa, and a famous voice trainer, Kazuhiro Takemura. <b>1. Biography</b> ---- <b>1. 1 Curriculum Vitae</b> *1944  Born in Manchuria (Northestern part of China) *1962  Graduated from Kawasaki high school *2002  His former company, IBS, went bankruptcy *2005-  Started promoting his English education materials, "[[Sound Stream]]" <b>1. 2 Filibuster at English threads (2 Channel)</b> His relentless posting of dyslogistic comments and exploitation of the 2 Channel English threads (his comments some times go up to 500/1000 per each thread) severely interfered mutual information-sharing processes, making the following threads no longer functional. A number of threads were also prepared to contain such trolls and vandalisms by Sakurai. *[[桜井氏が荒らしたスレ一覧]] - Worst hit threads(<i>Texts written in Japanese</i>) *[[桜井氏隔離スレ一覧]] - Segregated threads (<i>Texts written in Japanese</i>) <b>1. 2 Filibuster at English threads (2 Channel)</b> The followings are the history of Sakurai's suspension from the English threads (2 Channel). *★071128 English板 通称「じじいの宣伝」 荒らし報告 ** ** (mirror site) *★080116 ENG板 通称「じじいのストリーム」 荒らし報告 ** ** (mirror site) *★080520 ENG板 通称「じじいのストリーム」 荒らし報告 ** ** (mirror site) *★081030 English板 通称「じじいの宣伝」 荒らし報告 ** ** (mirror site) *★081127 English板 通称「じじいのストリーム」荒らし報告 ** ** (mirror site) *★090528 English板 通称「じじいのストリーム」荒らし報告 ** ** (mirror site) <b>2. Discussion at English threads</b> ---- Several examples of discussions at the English threads are concisely summerized: *English grammer **[[You won (English ver.)]] </font>




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