Keizo Sakurai

「Keizo Sakurai」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧に戻る

Keizo Sakurai - (2010/10/31 (日) 03:39:37) の編集履歴(バックアップ)


Keizo Sakurai or 桜井恵三◆aRZpjQmYwQ (May 1944-) is allegedly an English-Japanese interpreter based in Saitama, Japan. He has been continually promoting his self-produced English education materials at 2 Channel where such promotions are strictly prohibited.

Since 2004, his access to the website has been suspended for a total of 11 times (as of October, 2010), not only for his violation of the protocol but also for the defamation of the participants and well-known figures including the author of a bestselling book (Eigo-mimi), Kiyoshi Matsuzawa.

He is also notorious for sending SPAM e-mails from his former company, IBS[1], and widely accused for constituting an invasion of privacy by revealing private e-mails sent to him from Matsuzawa[2], and a famous voice trainer, Kazuhiro Takemura[3]. His access to the Internet was temporarily disabled after a number of his illegal activities, and enraged Sakurai has sued his Internet provider Nifty for intrusion of privacy[4].

1. Biography

1. 1 Curriculum Vitae

  • 1944  Born in Manchuria (Northeastern part of China)
  • 1962  Graduated from Kawasaki high school
  • 2002  His former company, IBS, went bankruptcy
  • 2005-  Started promoting his English education materials, "Sound Stream"

1. 2 Filibuster at English threads (2 Channel)

His relentless posting of dyslogistic comments and exploitation of the 2 Channel English threads (his comments some times reach up to 500/1000 per each thread) have severely interfered mutual information-sharing processes, making the following threads no longer functional. A number of threads were also prepared to contain such trolls and vandalisms by Sakurai.

1. 2 Filibuster at English Threads (2 Channel)

The followings are the history of Sakurai's suspension from the English threads (2 Channel).

2. Discussion at English Threads

Several examples of discussion at the English threads are concisely summarized:

3. References (Only in Japanese)



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