

メニュー - (2012/09/02 (日) 15:06:09) の最新版との変更点



アクセス禁止ユーザー数 アクセス禁止とかかわいいそう 解除しろ ばかり7 ホントだよ。 かわいそうだ。 なにが、副管理人だ! えらそうに! 俺は副管理人がだいっ嫌いだ!!クソが!! こう思ってる人は、上の人と俺以外にもたくさんいるぞ。 わかれよ!いいかげん。 おいっ!副管理人!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 調子こいてんじゃねえよ!!!!!! みなさん、こう思ってるらしいです。 僕も、これには賛成です。 小さい人間なんですね、管理人&副管理人って、、、、、、、、失望しました、あなたたち2人には、、、、、、、
DIATY FIRE NOT SECOND key WORLE TO COME LINGHT GET JIURY TDUH FYGUU SDETR GCVYGUIHUHGYVFY JGBGB GYUGYUGYUG XDTRDTY OIJMBTF YGFTYFYFY UGYUGF GYU GOLIKE YGUHUIHBFER FDBHUIH RDG B RDRFDTFGFTYFT YOU TO I VGCVF BVVFT CVFDRD TGVHBHB64323 374673465gsgfu::::::::::::: 357834589633kOIUJ/;*********************** Posted: September 27, 2011 | Author: peaceboat | Filed under: Field Report | Tags: BCCJ, community, disaster relief, ishinomaki, japan, Miyagi, NGO, NHK, Peace Boat, peaceboat, relief, tohoku, tsunami, volunteer |Leave a comment » Ginger Vaughn volunteered with Peace Boat last week as part of a team coordinated by the British Chamber of Council in Japan, who have been very active in ongoing efforts for recover in Tohoku. Read a report by Ginger on the NHK Eco Channel blog here about their activities helping to clean up a debris-ridden coastline in Ishinomaki here. Something amazing happens after a disaster. While some people have to move away, others who left long before it are drawn back to their hometown, not just to help awhile but to stay where their roots run deep. Welcome home! On April 1st, a young firefighter returned to his hometown and started a new This is Aoki from Ishinomaki. I first wrote about the condition of Ishinomaki on December 8 last year. Two months have passed, and there has been little change in the city. I explain the state of things below. No.1 Dec,2011 Feb,2012 The ship that had been driven by the tsunami onto dry land

