「GHWT 実績」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

GHWT 実績 - (2008/10/21 (火) 07:07:47) の1つ前との変更点


削除された行は赤色になります。 - Guitar Hero World Tour Achievement List Confirmed GH:WT achievements! - Forums Learning the Ropes - 5G - Complete a tutorial One time solo artist - 5G - Completed a song (solo) First of Many - 10G - Complete a Gig (band or solo) Pick and Axe - 5G - Perform as a Guitarist (band or solo) Yodeler - 5G - Perform as a Vocalist (band or solo) Feeding the beast - 5G - Upload a song to GHTunes Download junkie - 5G - Download a few songs from GHTunes A pair beats a pair - 5G - Complete an Xbox LIVE 2 v 2 Pro Face-off match (win or lose) Survival of the Fittest - 5G - Complete an Xbox Live Battle Mode match (win or lose) Mine is bigger than yours - 5G - Complete an Xbox LIVE Band vs Band match (win or lose) One man Band - 10G - Perform as every instrument at least once (vocals, lead, bass, drums) Should we stick together? - 10G - Complete a song in a band (4 player band) 50 Note Posse - 15G - All band members get a 50 note streak at the same time (4 Player Band) Easy There - 25G - Complete a Career on easy (band or solo) Solo Artist - 25G - Complete a solo career (any difficulty) Band on a Mission - 25G - Complete the majority of Gigs (band or solo) Bling, Bling - 30G - Earn $1,000,000 in lifetime earnings Top of the Charts - 30G - Complete a Band Career (any difficulty) Medium Musician - 30G - Complete a Career on Medium (band or solo) Solid Gold rockstars - 30G - 100% a song as a band (4 player band) Platinum rockstars - 50G - 100% a song as a band, Hard or Expert difficulties only (4 player band) Hardcore - 60G - Complete a Career on hard (band or solo) Hall of famer - 100G - Complete a Career on Expert (band or solo) Jack of all trades - 150G - Complete all instrument careers - any difficulty (band or solo) +25 Secret achievements.




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