The convenient phases for talking in conversation

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The convenient phases for talking in conversation - (2010/07/22 (木) 11:30:36) の最新版との変更点



22/July/2010: back flip I don't have any choice.しょうがない。 get in there そこに行く。750$4hour 相性 chemistry good guess 推理 whatever the case いずれにせよ うっかりした。carelessly 適当なこといっちゃった。 sorry, I lied` or `sorry, I said the wrong thing I encounter a robbery.あまり使わない。 I get hit upon robbery. I got robbed. I came across a robbery. national anthem 国家 sanitation method system remove the garbagges hygene condition It seems unlikely that とは考えられない。 いつもそんなことしか考えてないの? Is that all you ever think about? あなた以外のことは考えられない。 I can't think of anything but you. fine with me, Yasunori. If Jacek agrees, he can send you the construct. hope all is well at RIKEN It would be appreciated if you could reduce unnecessary color copy. Thanks for your cooperation. please be informed that the printing cost of the copy machine behind me やってみなくちゃわからない。 everの使い方 じゃなくて scratch that. Is any slot available for lunch with Lihuei? To do what you do what you couldn't do is very good exprience for you. One and a half years later,the last year and a half, during the next half hour After finishing your lunch box, please separate your trash into plastics and burnables and deposit them in appropriate trash bags on your way out. He bought lots of bottles. But I'm sure he'll have drunk all those by tonight. Lisa had finished lunch when I arrived there. what would you do? what are you gonna do? what will you do? to put these findings in context, preclude = remove, exclude Americans look each other in the eyes when they are speaking as a way of showing that they are sincere. Are you acquainted with her? I didn't think I would ever get what I wanted without going through that relationship process. A lot of people line up = queue up aspire = strongly hope respiration breath , perspiration sweet. proximate inferotemporal 下部側頭葉 最も近い、近似{きんじ}の、隣接{りんせつ}した which do you like the best? (Fullhouse) さすがに Did you get a new muffler installed on the car? How are you going to Boston? How much are we in debt? This is a little house made out of candy point of view , from perspective on , in this respectの観点から Where else could you put it? Why do you have to work until this late antarctic phosphatase With the death of Mr. Smith, you are, in effect, the new company president. short wavelength long wavelength from 7 pm onward fortnight 2週間{しゅうかん} shipping address, billing address. I am the recipient scientist. supposedly建前上は all or none fashion possible factor 可能性のあるファクター in support of these finding= consistent with these data, cause or effect? three days a month(inはいらない) anterior-posterior dorsal - ventral 鉤状回 subiculum investments in land and property 不動産投資 crumb パンのくず follow up question 引き続き起こる質問 Indonesian people will never point to anything with their foot. I would like to show my deep appreciation. piece of cake = no sweat = as easy as ABC drive home, bike home, pedal home. I always drive to the office. composition of lipid, PIP2, PIP3 again many and a lot of and a bunch of and multiple, difference Have the following materials on hand before beginning. なになにしようがないよ。 Damon might seem like a shoo-in to portray the slain U.S. presidential candidate, but he told us he is yet to see a script. あえて言うなら too dead for me even then その時でさえ、その場合{ばあい}にも no matter whether you look at genetics or whether you look at morphometrics." 遺伝的特徴から考察しても、形態計測結果から考察しても、 live wire 8:15 quarter past eight 7:50 ten to eight 8:00ちょうど eight sharp 7:45 quarter to eight 8:05 eight oh five 8:10 ten past eight 1:00am 1o’clock in the morning
11Aug2013 Rieko lesson comfort zone= mental thing There is no easy-way-out for your choice. provide an easy way out for troubles 問題{もんだい}[トラブル]への安易{あんい}な抜け道を与える take the easy way out 易きにつく、お茶を濁す look for easy ways out There's too many things on your plate. あなたがやらなければいけないことがたくさんある。 If I go to Spain, what would've happened If I go to Spain, how it would've been. could've should've would've, oh well. 悩んでもしょうがない。 I could've do it. I just remember that Joe's told me. Speaking of Joe' Joe'といえば。 This is even worse. This is even better than I expected. discern 【自動】 差異{さい}を認識{にんしき}する、識別{しきべつ}する◆はっきりと見極められない物の違いを見たり聞いたりしながら、それほど努力せずに正確に認識し理解すること。 Your participation would be greatly appreciated. This protein is composed of A, B, C. This protein is comprised of A, B, C. This plan comprises many steps Membrane is rich in cholesterol. cholesterol is enriched in membrane. いつも2回続けて成功するとは限らない。 You cannot always succeed twice running. いつもうまくいくとは限らない not always work good うわさは真実とは限らない。悪質なデマに終わることもある。 Rumor is not necessarily the truth, sometimes it is false rumor. お互いに必ずしも一致するとは限らない not always correspond with each other Sally act funny ふざける、様子{ようす}が変だ[おかしい] My account is acting funny. I was under the impression that 〔that以下〕とばかり思っていた。 Sorry for the late reply. I was under the impression that the deadline of the submission of my part is around mid-April. In any case, between back to work chaos, Natalie getting sick, and us selling the house (thus intense cleaning for open house. But it is sold!) there is no chance that I could get this done earlier. FINC review outstanding balance 〔負債などの〕残高{ざんだか}、未払額 Interactive Review = discussion on-time delivery 期限{きげん}に間に合う納品{のうひん}[配達{はいたつ}・配送{はいそう}] on-time flight 定時運行{ていじ うんこう} We guarantee on-time arrival. 《レ》決して遅刻は致しません。/時間通りに参ります。 We are crazy about on-time performance. 定時運航には懸命の努力をしている。 amendment 【名】 改正{かいせい}、訂正{ていせい}、修正{しゅうせい}(条項{じょうこう})、修正案{しゅうせい あん} dismantle 【他動】 ~を分解{ぶんかい}する、~を取り壊す 〔計画{けいかく}に従って~を〕廃棄{はいき}[廃絶{はいぜつ}・廃止{はいし}]する dismantle the neuclear weapons dismantle any terrorist network あらゆるテロ組織網{そしきもう}を解体{かいたい}する bureau 【名】 事務局{じむきょく}、案内所{あんないじょ} 〔官庁{かんちょう}などの〕局、支局{しきょく}◆【略】bu 〈米〉化粧{けしょう}ダンス、整理{せいり}ダンス 〈英〉〔引き出しのある〕ライティング・デスク レベル5、発音bjúərou、カナビューロー、ビュアロウ、 made availableとavailableの違い。 where possible  when possible throw away ----small thing, more organize throw out ---big thing, freedom, 野蛮。 自慢話 interesting story or proud story, something to brag about. なつかしい nostalgic feeling, good memory. hagesou. I went almost bald ボストンで会った楽しいこと、悲しいこと She is the only cousin who I am closest to. I am closest to her the most. We are close. I have given up already. I stopped worrying or stop thinking. No high hopes まさと会について We get together often. I am on the waiting list for burning man. Anticipation I am not sure what expected Anxious= anxiety attacks 不安発作 heart panding I want some spice in my life To sum up, So basically, spice my life. I want some excitment in my life. I am going to figure it out. I can do it somehow. I am going to manage. I will handle it. Will see... open the box anyway. dead wrong 全く間違っている、完全な間違いで Rieko lesson last week It is best of the worst (choices). broken promises You cannot choice the goood things. right? No I can't. Did they already arrange your living situation? You can appreciate the truth about someone only when you can see their negative points. Only time will tell. City gather people. People will gather to the city. about to be conquered /overpowered pushed to the edge/ pushed to the limit There is no turning back Nothing I can say. In those days, food was not always as available as it is now. 5thJuly2013 本日の英語 母音をいれないこと。 long-term ろんぐとぅーむ protrusion ぷるとぅるーじょん tの後、おーを入れない。 retro-grade signaling れちょーぐれーど しぐなりん synthesis si'nθəsis cerebral cortex cerebellum studded すたでぃど iation sip síp しっぷ ship ʃíp しゅいっぷ bus bʌ́s ぶす bath bǽθ ばえあす。 relationship riléiʃnʃìp verbal revise comfort top floor activity connectivity tivity The understanding of spine morphology has progressed with the study of electron microscopy. release developed vietnam びーえとなむ vietnamees びーえとなみーず abbriviation smooth smu'ːð breath bréθ ブレス 息 breathe bríːð ブリーズ 息をする Breadth 幅、広さ bre'dθ heart 心臓、心、hɑ'ːrt hard hɑ́ːrd ハード 厳しい heard hə́ːrd ハード 聞いた search sə'ːrtʃ 探す  pearl パール pə'ːrl earth ə'ːrθ close klóuz くろーず 閉じる close klóus くろーず 近くに、近い cloth klɔ́(ː)θ くろーす 生地 clothes klóuz くろうず(くろうずず)洋服 geriatrics dʒèriǽtrik 老年者{ろうねん しゃ}、高齢者 gerontology dʒèrəntɑ́lədʒi 老年{ろうねん}[老人{ろうじん}](病)学 National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology 国立長寿医療センター lymphoblastoid 【形】 《医》リンパ芽球様{がきゅう よう}の engender 生じる、生じさせる Damage that engenders DNA DSBs activates ATM kinase. concurrent 同時に起きる concurrent phosphorylation of ATM and H2AX. abrogate 廃止する、無効にする inhibition of checkpoint kinase 1 abrogates G2/M checkpoint actiavation and promotes apoptosis under heat stress. abrogate a contract at any time marginal 取るに足らない、 最低の marginal effect 3thJuly2013 You think too much about one point. about は、絶対必要。 stuck on one topic. 本流から外れる。 you go off topic. I lose the focus. forget the main topic. My talk wanders from the point a little bit. Back to the topic, 本題に戻って。 Going back to the story, 本題に戻って。 Let's get back to the story. このスパインは、普段では、シナプス可塑性が起きない弱い刺激でも、シナプス可塑性が起きた。 This spine got the structural plasticity with too weak stimulation to induce it ordinally. This spine got the synapse plasticity with week stimulation that never nomally induce it. ボストンでの経験。よいことと悪いことについて。 I met the lifelong friend in Boston. He was a president for some company. But he was fired after he made the company public. At first I met, he looks weird. He was buzzed and chabby. He is abnormal person.さすが社長というだけあって。 But actually his ambition is respectful for me. 生涯の友 lifelong friend (自分で調べた) 丸刈り buzzed he made his company public. His ambition is very respectful to me I respect his ambition very much. 最高の状態 best condition, best thing. 最悪の状態 rock bottom hit rock bottom Store clerk or casher This is a small example, 2thJuly2013 According to 本当の事実とかそこにある事実などをとても大事にして、 According to the goverment, we changed the law. considering it ちょっと軽い感じ、これを考慮して along with かなり依存的、 together with の場合は、人も一緒に変える。along withと近い。 your inconvenience になると、あなたがした問題 sorry for your inconvenienceにすると、あなたの問題が残念だよ。 inconvenience is uncountable. sorry to cause you inconvenience/trouble/problem what kind(s)はない。 what typesはあり。 what kind of coffees 基本的に、複数形。 Don't worry about the structure, as is writing your main idea. riekoに聞くこと let's go in order. 順番通りに行こう let's go in the order. 決まった順番に行こう。 offer がgiveのofficial The practice: I describe about picture as much as possible. いつ、どこで、建物の作り。人の描写。何をしているのか? Left woman on the picture negociates with the man located on the center on the picture. 1thJuly2013 ただ移しただけ。 Upon article submission, a Pro-Forma invoice is made available for download from the review forum. This is only a preliminary invoice that can be used for justification purposes (such as initiating a waiver approval procedure) until a valid and payable invoice is issued. Upon article acceptance, a valid invoice is issued and the due amount becomes payable within 30 day. Invoices can be paid by credit card, bank transfer or cheque. VAT number, purchase order On behalf of you, cover letter の考察 やすがcover letterの際に、書いた文章 On a final note, given that this is an invited review, we request that the publication charge for our contribution to be waived. final stretch 詰め resignation (りじぐねいしょん) = resign. letter of resignation 退職届 good to see some familiar faces. いつものメンバー。 it worth it. Posh = cool for woman. 引っ越し業者 moving company, mover card board boxes. one person. two people. stay out all night てつや stay up all night てつやして起きる。 until late at night or all night long. Let's play it by ear. アドリブでやろう。 I can use shinkansen up to Niigata. After that, I will switch the line winding down, counting down. gormet ごーめ。 picky in his food high sense in food high-clas food これの繰り返し。 it is always same. It is a repetition.れぷてぃしょん It is a same cycle. reputation れぴていしょん I got ahead on my work very much. Thanks to the golden week holiday, I was able to get much work done. ただ東京にいられればそうれでよい。 only thing is that I wish I stay in Tokyo. I only wised to stay in Tokyo. I wish I could've just stayed in tokyo. ただ、移しただけ。28thJuly2013 I have an important errand to run. : 大事な用があるんだ。 ・Did you get your errand done? : 用事は済んだ? ・Sorry, I've a million errands to run. : ごめんね。用事がいっぱいあって駄目なんだ。◆【場面】誘いを断る Rieko gain in wisdom 経験を得る accordingly 【副】 それに応じて[基づいて] それで、その結果{けっか}、結果的{けっか てき}に this point was also echoed by the editor. trim down縮小する scale down Really all they're doing is interfering with everybody else doing what needs to be done, ホント、連中がなにやってるかといえば、ほかの人がやるべきことをしようとすんのをじゃましてるだけじゃん Just cutting corners, right? grandbreaker 先駆者 an internal ribosomal entry site (IRES) The picornaviral (porcine teschovirus-1) 2A (P2A) peptide-linked self-explanatory 【形】 見ればすぐ分かる、一目瞭然{いちもくりょうぜん}の、自明{じめい}の、説明{せつめい}を要しない、読んで字の通りの I'll be in touch if we make any progress. 視野絞り field diaphragm field stop《光学》 However we’d like to let you know that some of the unfortunate incidents are very sporadic --しないと、安心できない。 きちんとやらないと、安心できない。 I cannot be reliefed without doing in a proper way. 失敗しないようにベストを尽くさないと。 We need to try best not to fail. 27/Feb/2013 drink drank drunk I studied my butt off(もろやった) I worked my butt off years and years.すげー何年もたくさん働いた。 What a pickle! どうしよう。 You are stuck in a rut. Life in a rut. 怠惰な生活 Just see how it goes. second/Feb/2013 りえこfirst lesson what I want to do in Rieko lesson 1. I am gonna read these sentence quickly. Check the pronuncation 2. Potint by point checking of TED Honestly speaking,  to be honest, 本と言うとね to be flank ぶっちゃけ I want to speak my mind I don't have many things to talk about/ much. you are also on the web. You are listed on your web. なになにできればいいんだけれどなぁ。 It would be fine if you can 一応、let's just say for now Let's make a tentative plan. tentatively Let's pencil in for wed. Rieko lesson どちらかというとこっちじゃない? if anything はやく答えを求められている時など、 I tend to like this. one hour and a half, one and a half hours 逆に on the other hand, In contract 書き言葉 on the contrary 硬い。 すればいいじゃない? プローブはきちんとその現象にマッチしているのか? 質問 ~の時くらいはゆっくりと過ごす have a relaxing time just for For once, I like to have free time. It would be nice to relax sometime. I would like to relax sometimes. I want to get independent wherever in the world. ~の後がSVだったら? 日本、アメリカを問わず、独立したいです。 vice visa I will e-mail you. vice visa. 20th/Nov/2012 send-off party fall within ~の範囲{はんい}[勢力下{せいりょく か}]に入る、~に含まれる fall within reasonable range 合理的範囲内{ごうり てき はんいない}に入る[ある] fall within someone's capabilities (人)の能力{のうりょく}でできる[実現{じつげん}できる・対処{たいしょ}できる・捌ける・解決{かいけつ}できる]範囲内{はんいない}である fall within the estimated range 推定{すいてい}された範囲内{はんいない}に収まる fall within the general definition of ~の一般的定義{いっぱん てき ていぎ}の範囲{はんい}に入る Rieko lesson Each has good point. I've never heard it. I've heard from A that 15/Nov/2012 puzzing question 臨時 alternate substitute additional impromptu tofurkey impromptu 【名】 即興{そっきょう}曲[演奏{えんそう}・演説{えんぜつ}・詩] 【形】 即興{そっきょう}の、即席{そくせき}の、準備{じゅんび}[用意{ようい}]なしの、場当たり的な、当座しのぎの、緊急{きんきゅう}の、有り合わせの 【副】 即興{そっきょう}で、即座{そくざ}に、準備{じゅんび}[用意{ようい}]なしに、場当たり的に、当座しのぎで、緊急{きんきゅう}に、すかさず soft nothings お世辞、色話{いろばなし}、愛の言葉{ことば}[ささやき] sweet nothings 〔恋人同士{こいびと どうし}などの〕むつ言、愛のささやき This could be anything from a problematic user to a retired employee. 問題のあるユーザから退職した社員まで、色々な場合がありえます. 31th/Oct/2012 たくさん覚えよう I will tone it down. 私だったら和らげるよ。(sally) take-home message 覚えておいてほしいこと。(sally) ~の有無を問わず regardless of the possibility of 採択率 in each time interval それぞれの時間で less than or equal to 以下 less than 未満 round off 四捨五入 cut off 切り捨て cut out 切り上げ the time period of glutamte uncaging prescriptive guide 手引きとなるガイドブック take sides with = agree with すすんでいる。make a big progress, happy with a big progress, I am getting there. high rank journal を目指す。aim at the high rank journal, I am going for the high rank journal. I home in on the high rank journal. the accident is nothing to do with this accident= the accident is not related to this accident. あ 継承する succeed or inherit harness nature ハーネスネイチャー自然{しぜん}の力を利用{りよう}する •habituation effect 慣れ効果 A lot of patterns are atteinable 達成できる neurons are sparsely connected まばらに スパースリィ neuronal process is studded with synapses スタッディド ちりばめられた it is imperative that they demonstrate that ----緊急に必要なことprerequisite, indispensable heightened synaptic activity 高められたスパイン活動 Three candidates are vying for two seats. vie--競い合う(ばいんぐ) persuasive speech 説得力{せっとくりょく}のある話し方 deceptive 人をだます deceptive accounting 不正会計 deceptive name 偽名 capital mistake 大失策 animism アニミズム、精霊信仰{せいれい しんこう}◆自然のすべてに精霊が宿っているとする原始宗教。 anecdotes 逸話、秘話 lose ground 地歩{ちほ}を失う、形勢{けいせい}が不利{ふり}になる、支持{しじ}を失う、人気{にんき}がなくなる The superpowers are losing ground to developing countries because of cheap labor. delegate デリゲイト代議員 super delegate スーパー代議員 e.g. exampli gratia somewhat 【副】いくらか、少々{しょうしょう}、いくぶんか、やや、ちょっと、少し、多少{たしょう}、若干{じゃっかん}、いささかHe came somewhat late. : 彼は少し遅れてやって来た。 ・The economy is improving somewhat. : 景気はやや改善している。 opaque 不透明な It was hasty of me to show my purse. : 財布を見せたのは軽率だった。 proportional relation 比例関係 inverse proportional relation 反比例関係 overhead 間接費 両立不能な incompatible posed by = caused by shift+F7 aling the images bring to forward== select the thing, right click, 重ね順、最前面へ たくさん覚えよう! SfN What is LTD? cerebellum no cover = for free catfish なまず ablation 【名】 切除{せつじょ}、切断{せつだん}、除去 take-home message left over Our observations, together with a similar study from Glick’s group24, have clearly indicated that Golgi cisternae do mature over time in yeast cells (see Supplementary Fig. S1 for our model) intermediate value 中間値 at the expense of one's family 家族を犠牲にして。 たとえ、どのように研究を進めたとしても、 No matter how study is done, serendipitous data, unexpectied data or the data beyond my expectation is needed. The applicant must meet all of the following criteria. let ~ be known to everyone ~をみんなに知らせる からも分かるように as countless studis have shown ... Images corresponding to the time course in (A)に対応する 見栄とか外見とかどうでもよいから、とにかくやれ。 your emotion, looks good and apperance doesn't matter. Just do it. If it is important, just important. Don't insert your emotion in it. Just do it. Arguement will start at your pace and finish at your pace. You are a prencess. That piss me off. He pisses me off. Don't treat me bad. Treat me good. you are creative for the excuses for failure. Why you not creative for the excuses for success. 自分の都合でいいわけをころころ変える。 you change your attitude or comment or excuse for your own convenience. このままじゃ何も進まない In this way, nothing goes ahead.たぶんこれでよいと思う。 In this way, nothing goes the way. In this way, it goes in circles. misconduct 【名】 非行{ひこう}、不品行{ふひんこう}、違法{いほう}[不正{ふせい}]行為{こうい}、職権乱用{しょっけん らんよう}、不祥事{ふしょうじ}、まずい経営{けいえい} 【他動】~の管理{かんり}を誤る、処理{しょり}を誤る order/ advice/suggestion you have to:you must:I need you to:/ you'd better:you should:if I were you/ I think you should: I don't think you should/ What if: why don't you : you could:Let's You need to do something like that (pretty strong) If this situation continues at this rate If this situation keeps going at this rate/ in this way/in this fashion global warming continues at this rate, as time goes on If you keep it up のりいいね cool you are chilling you got a good vibe. easy together to get along manner 態度 way number fashion style like this •律速因子 limiting factor《生物》 rate-controlling factor rate-determining factor rate-limiting factor There is nothing to be done about ~については手の打ちようがない。 There is nothing to be done about it. その件では手の打ちようがありません。 There is nothing to be done but wait. 待つよりほかない。 There is nothing to be done with ~には手のつけようがない。 There is nothing to be gained by delaying surgery. 手術を遅らせたところで何も得るものはない。 There is nothing to be scared about. 何も怖がることはありませんよ。 •There is nothing to choose between bad tongues and wicked ears. 人の悪口を言う者とそれに貪欲に聞き入る者とでは、いずれがより悪質とは言い難い。◆ゴシップに耳をかす者は、ゴシップをする者と同じくらい悪い。◆ことわざ •There is nothing to fear but fear itself. 恐れはあくまで恐れでしかない。 •There is nothing to forgive. 謝ることなど何もありませんよ。/何も怒っていませんよ。◆【場面】Forgive me.などの謝罪に対して。 just to be clear はっきりさせるために 何様のつもり?!王様か何か??自分で持って来なさい! Who do you think you are?! A king or something? Go get them (by) yourself! r = annoying にゅーさんす changing trains is annoying. (Good sentence) To change trains is annoying. (bad sentence) 再開 reunion catch up with old friends I need to finish this paper work by the end of this month. right phrase I need to finish this paper work until this month. wrong phrase I will stay here until 8 pm. I will take a visa by 8 pm. 子音 consonant 母音 vowel from daily life 割る split apart public bath 銭湯 tree hugger = environment conservation five-large=$5000 phat=cool from the paper ongoing feature ongoing analysis ongoing activity ongoing attention with no intervening delay intervening cause 中断した原因 intervening computer介在するコンピューター integation time 積分時間 genuinely ジェニュインリー 生まれつきの Migvel plantain avthentic=authority auth means 本物 land lord どんな暮らしをしてきたの? shadowing movie words biconcave 【名】 両凹面{りょう おうめん} •novice 【名】 1.未熟者{みじゅく もの}、新参者{しんざんもの}、初心者{しょしんしゃ}、新米{しんまい} 2.《キリスト教》修練者{しゅうれん しゃ}◆修道会に入って誓願を立てる前の見習い期間にある人。◆【同】novitiate レベル8、発音nɑ'vəs、カナナバス、ノバス、変化《複》novices、分節nov・ice My cousins house collapsed in the earthquake. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15/Jan/2011 (Sun) Cris blunder = mistake •tall poppy 〈豪話〉高額所得者{こうがく しょとくしゃ}、有力者{ゆうりょくしゃ}◆【複】tall poppies ignorance is bliss. ignorance is not same with misstake. discrete---not outstanding indiscreat---outstanding? you are indirect •settle for 【句動】 1.〔不満足{ふまんぞく}ながら〕~で承知{しょうち}[よしと・我慢{がまん}・妥結{だけつ}]する、~という結果{けっか}に甘んじる ・But for now, we'll have to settle for this print. 2.安住{あんじゅう}する •preferable alternative より望ましい選択肢{せんたくし} •preferable course of action 《a ~》望ましい方策{ほうさく} retail outlet 小売店 settle for 満足する ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (concrete example- abstract) Knoch him/her off their high horse Bring him back down to Earth cutting down the tall poppy they think their shit don't stink ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hold hands 手をつなぐ above-the-line promotion below-the-line promotion ambient I'm going to call the roll. 出欠をとります。 おまかせします。 leave it to you as you want whatever you want I ensure you it is OK.= trust me. I am sure you it is OK. But in the case of make certain, make me certain Korian embraces technology. I embrace danger to do it. I embrace new friends. I embrace you= I welcome you. major interest, major issue, Don't put all of your eggs in one basket, famous saying. privacy security clecrease in writing skill weight training = not muscle trainig muscle trainingは筋トレ。 callus 豆 scabs かさぶた awkward きまづい old school(classy) or new school (futuristil) physical labor 肉体労働 Ritual 儀式 booth sleep passed-out crash go to bed hit the bed pased away black out 気絶=passed out = fainted Our cooking circle was disbanded. I'm trying it out=I'm working(fix) it out. I'm glad it worked out alright. retrograde invasion = BP (back propagation) some extent of injury happens signals between A and B are comparable. The response of GCaMP7 is higher than my expectation. How much progress? 記憶を能動的に使う。 記憶をもとに類推してそれをよりベターな方向に持っていく。 ゾウリムシは、その場の対応しかすることができない。 He never boasted of his success. deputy manager 副マネージャー hwi'tʃ which hu'ː who I am scared of doing this. Bank words top-up service •top-up card トップ・アップ・カード、プリペイドカード◆プリペイド式の携帯電話などにお金を補充するためのカード •top-up fees 追加授業料{ついか じゅぎょう りょう} would you like top ups? we will not charge you for this transaction. We will not charge you for this transaction. The amount of money that you have in your bank accont: balance A piece of paper/ a receipt = an advice slip (U.K.) 紙幣 bank bill コイン coins balance ・Our records show the following balance to the credit of the above named customer. : 当行の記録によれば、上記顧客の預金口座には下記の残高が入っております。 9.〔収支{しゅうし}の〕均衡{きんこう}、バランス mozaic anaysis? complementary 相補的な 胴元 bookmaker 外れ値 outliner Please kindly check attached it porn site He said he would be here you are delusional We are on in 5 miniute prom 卒業パーティー That's quite flattering それはお世辞というものです。you flatter me It's icky ! 気持ち悪い! It's too hysterical. : 笑いが止まらないよ。 you can't tell me you've ever seen anything like that. What (have) we got to lose? •It is something like Christmas and a birthday feast rolled into one. 盆と正月が一緒に来たみたいだ。 I'd just rather not. それいやだ That must have been tough.... my day is bursted 人生がだめなときに May I have permission to go with my mate... out of nowhere 1.〔出現{しゅつげん}などが〕どこからともなく、何もないところから、知らないうちに、いつの間にか、降って湧いたように ・We then heard a voice coming out of nowhere. : そして、どこからともなく声が聞こえてきた。 ・He popped in out of nowhere. : いつのまにか彼が来ていた。 If she gives him the present I gave, do you know how he feel about me? He don't want someone to know such a thing. blank stares ぼけっとする I met/get with blank stares recitation, recite recite book!= practice (kind of ) breaking the ice = changed mood good = うちとける=切り込み隊長= ice breaker arguement= 喧嘩 fart おなら brain fart = careless miss sometime funny cause.....(Teruyuki) see like, you know. any other word you don't understand That is OK That was last week. I am sincerly sorry I am sorry My bad New school = mordern old school = out of data piss me off=disgusting word 【間投】 〈米話〉いいとも、いいぞ、その通り◆相手の申し出に賛同するときなど find some passion in one's life creepy ぞくぞくする Doro place order 注文してください あえて言うなら 押入れの中から引っ張り出してきた。 I picked up from closet. I went to Dubai last year. I am reserved. 控えめな I'm in a relationship with her right now. 今、彼女と付き合っている。 anything goes すべてがまかり通る •Anything goes in America. アメリカでは何でもありだ。 in case anything goes wrong = Just in case catch on = become popular The song catches on everywhere. Elderly citizens are falling for a number of crimes. : 年輩者たちが、多くの犯罪に巻き込まれている。 no rhyme or reason 筋道{すじみち}の通っていない、訳の分からない baggy ぶかぶかの Lance lesson His boyfriend is a real airhead! 頭空っぽ Your ideas about politics are all wet. 救いようがない I almost fell asleep during the test after an all-nighter. 一夜漬け I really need some antifreeze 酒 This town is really an armpit いやなところ The boat was bashed beyond recognition. ぶっ壊れる beemer=BMW Lee lesson to file a claim 被害届を出す to sue someone 告訴する She plans to sue the hospital after they gave her the wrong operation. He was sentenced to three years in prison for his part in the robbery. appeal 上訴する We lost the case this time but there's going to be an appeal. We will never give up. Premium 保険料 I am afraid that the cost of the annual premium has gone up again. convicted 有罪判決を受ける He has been convicted of shoplifting but luckily he doesn't have to go to prison. arson 放火 They don't think the fire was an accident. they think is was arson. file提訴する He has filed for divorce. She is very upset about it. He has been arrested and charged with fraud. the standard zoom lens (250mm) did all the job This is what it is like でぃしずわってぃてぃずらいく こんな感じか。。 Gotta be careful 気をつけなきゃ。 •調子に乗るな。 Don't get carried away. •make way 【句動】 1.道をあける 2.前進{ぜんしん}する •I'm sorry to have kept you waiting for such a long time. 長い間お待たせして申し訳なく存じます。 なんでも自分でできるようにする。 But I can make it up to you (movie) これが自分に足りないものだと思う。 This is the part I am missing. I need to think about what is missing. Keyword phase What is the mechanism by PIP3 level increases. Now I found out that PIP3 decrases in single spine during single spine stimmulation. Nowi it turned out that PIP3 decreases in the single spine during single spine stimulation. I am wondering how PIP3 is regulated. What is the mechanism by which PIP3 is regulated. The PIP3 level is as same as the data to be taken previously. The level of PIP3 is 100 times less than the one of PIP2. in the spine single spine stimulation recieved Compared to the spine which recieved stimulation, control spine, which doesn't have stmulation, didn't give any change. What is gonna happen in the case PIP3 decreases? Cell was stained with DAG probe for 24 hour. unrequited love 報われぬ恋、片思い (Glen) sob story 涙をそそる話(Glen) I don't want it to be misunderstood. But that's not exactly how I want it to be..." She doesn't want it to just be smooth and expressionless. なんとかなるよ I hope I can pull it off. I think I'll be able to manage. I can make it somehow, maybe. Que ser ser Things will work out. What will be will be なんとかなった Ad hoc idea worked better than I thought. Prof. Z. Josh Huang GABA receptor at one's disposal (Italy) (人)が自由{じゆう}に[好きなように・勝手{かって}に]使える[できる]、(人)の思う[意の]ままに porter (Italy) 【1名】 運搬人{うんぱんにん}、ポーター、荷物運搬人{にもつ うんぱんにん}、赤帽{あかぼう}、ボーイ linen (Italy) 【名】 1.リンネル、キャラコ、リンネル製品{せいひん}、リンネルの服[シャツ・カラー・敷布{しきふ}・布団{ふとん} 発音li'nən 比較したときやグラフでの違いなど高等なことを言う言い回しを覚えなければいけない。 逆に言うと In other words, On the contrary 少なくとも6時。 何とか頑張って6時。 Tell me about it? =agree it. 100% agreement praise A for B ぷれいず deny decline (machine) refuse (personally) nealy same foreign correspondent 1.外国[海外]特派員、外国通信員、外国取引先 affordable accommodation 金額的に手ごろな He dumped her for a young girl. liquefaction run away = flee, The best strategy is to run away. entrance exam for high school old-fashioned japanese sweet shop kick out him. academic fraud =to lie about one's educational background deviation score 偏差値 acquaintance, I hit on idea like this I built the idea like this I come up with idea A good idea just occurred to me Good idea comes to me. 一度前 一回前 and she prepared the thread by which water comes down. Back off or you are toast. how to wake up grumpy I can't get any better than Ganz. •That's how it is. 1.そういうもんだよ。 2.というわけだ。◆説明の締めくくり 3.そういうことか。◆複雑な事情を察して •That's the way he is. 9 彼はそういう人間です。 •That's the way I am. 私はそういう人間です。 •That's the way I like it. それは私の好きな[好みの]やり方[方法]です。/それだから好きだ。/そりゃぁうれしい。 A chance acquaintance is a divine ordinance As of 2005 September, 2005年9月の時点で Orci L et al PNAS 2009 Liou J et al current biology 2005 Roos, L et al J cell biology 2005 De paolo et al 2006 presynaptic side imaging. テレビに出る I go on TV appear on TV shoot the commercial コマーシャルを撮影する contry side(rural)---suberbs---city(urban) A.D---B.C(before Christ) Briam young Athiesm---I don't believe the god. polygamy Johova's witness(エホバの商人) Homecoming --American foot ball. Spring fling --everybody's party Winter formal --girls ask men. PROM --guys ask girls---very important BYOB party Bring your own booz party good student よいstudent right of passage 28/June/2012 久しぶりのupload Can I have him call you back? to some extent ある程度 If not now, then when? their futures is a slow, arduous process •arduous for elders 《be ~》老人{ろうじん}にとって困難{こんなん}である •arduous research 《an ~》困難{こんなん}な研究{けんきゅう} punctuation 【名】 句読点{くとうてん}、句読法{くとうほう} 中断 rule of thumb おおざっぱなやり方 you don't even know that あなたは、--さえ知らない。 serial section 連続切片 Chris 12Jan22一応やったよ。 sort of/more or less/ kind of kudos= good job 26/Sep/2011 縦社会 vertical social vertical relationship 08/Jan/2011 ぽるとぎー ポルトガル語 carries malaria or disease. present perfect continuous have been teaching I have been teaching English. I have been eating food. But this is the daily routine. I eat breakfast everyday. I have been reading mori's novel for two years. dripping electrical appliance clogging - similar jam. clog drain. The drain is clogged with some foods. It's durable. vacume cleaner contrastive stress Are my jeans torn? shirt シャツ suitcases OK. but laggage is not pluory. garbage disporsable machine horizontary strips vertical-striped daigonally strips What are the chances for success? 成功の見込みはどうでしょうか? what are the chances of ~の可能性{かのうせい}はどのくらいか What are the chances? 偶然[奇遇]だなあ。 red ocean blue ocean keep resolution break resolution make resolution 1/Oct/2010 That is the way to go= way to go! そうだよ、その調子だよ。 Go for it!頑張れ! 26/July/2010 relief stress or stress relieve stress reliever(?) Do you feel peace of mind? Do you feel calm? How is sadou working? sane せいん= clear mind Japanese traditional flowerarrangement What is the hard about ikebana? I myself 私自身 I 've tried the trial lesson. no question ecological イコロジカル not e エコとは言わない environmentally friendly not wasteful apartheid あぱーたいど You made up your story store rabies virus 狂犬病ウイルス eclectic music 多岐にわたる音楽from angelina hot はっと。 minesota twins did you do any outdoor activity. turkey ターキー トルコ egg yolk high cholesterol egg white high proteins Are you an outdoor person? do you not like outdoor? we can't use indoor. もすこ もすくわ giant killing  大物食い smoke is coming out from it. from Ailine concreate example 具体的な abstract concept 抽象的なコンセプト discreate  隠す、儚い。 手加減して。go easy on them? 22/July/2010: 大したことじゃない。/何でもないよ。/うんちょっとね。 Nothing really.〔質問をはぐらかす。または称賛の対象などについて謙遜◆Nothing. Really!のようにreallyを強調すると、重大なことをごまかしている印象になる。〕 back flip I don't have any choice.しょうがない。 get in there そこに行く。750$4hour 相性 chemistry good guess 推理 whatever the case いずれにせよ うっかりした。carelessly 適当なこといっちゃった。 sorry, I lied` or `sorry, I said the wrong thing I encounter a robbery.あまり使わない。 I get hit upon robbery. I got robbed. I came across a robbery. national anthem 国家 sanitation method system remove the garbagges hygene condition It seems unlikely that とは考えられない。 いつもそんなことしか考えてないの? Is that all you ever think about? あなた以外のことは考えられない。 I can't think of anything but you. fine with me, Yasunori. If Jacek agrees, he can send you the construct. hope all is well at RIKEN It would be appreciated if you could reduce unnecessary color copy. Thanks for your cooperation. please be informed that the printing cost of the copy machine behind me やってみなくちゃわからない。 everの使い方 じゃなくて scratch that. Is any slot available for lunch with Lihuei? To do what you do what you couldn't do is very good exprience for you. One and a half years later,the last year and a half, during the next half hour After finishing your lunch box, please separate your trash into plastics and burnables and deposit them in appropriate trash bags on your way out. He bought lots of bottles. But I'm sure he'll have drunk all those by tonight. Lisa had finished lunch when I arrived there. what would you do? what are you gonna do? what will you do? to put these findings in context, preclude = remove, exclude Americans look each other in the eyes when they are speaking as a way of showing that they are sincere. Are you acquainted with her? I didn't think I would ever get what I wanted without going through that relationship process. A lot of people line up = queue up aspire = strongly hope respiration breath , perspiration sweet. proximate inferotemporal 下部側頭葉 最も近い、近似{きんじ}の、隣接{りんせつ}した which do you like the best? (Fullhouse) さすがに Did you get a new muffler installed on the car? How are you going to Boston? How much are we in debt? This is a little house made out of candy point of view , from perspective on , in this respectの観点から Where else could you put it? Why do you have to work until this late antarctic phosphatase With the death of Mr. Smith, you are, in effect, the new company president. short wavelength long wavelength from 7 pm onward fortnight 2週間{しゅうかん} shipping address, billing address. I am the recipient scientist. supposedly建前上は all or none fashion possible factor 可能性のあるファクター in support of these finding= consistent with these data, cause or effect? three days a month(inはいらない) anterior-posterior dorsal - ventral 鉤状回 subiculum investments in land and property 不動産投資 crumb パンのくず follow up question 引き続き起こる質問 Indonesian people will never point to anything with their foot. I would like to show my deep appreciation. piece of cake = no sweat = as easy as ABC drive home, bike home, pedal home. I always drive to the office. composition of lipid, PIP2, PIP3 again many and a lot of and a bunch of and multiple, difference Have the following materials on hand before beginning. なになにしようがないよ。 Damon might seem like a shoo-in to portray the slain U.S. presidential candidate, but he told us he is yet to see a script. あえて言うなら too dead for me even then その時でさえ、その場合{ばあい}にも no matter whether you look at genetics or whether you look at morphometrics." 遺伝的特徴から考察しても、形態計測結果から考察しても、 live wire 8:15 quarter past eight 7:50 ten to eight 8:00ちょうど eight sharp 7:45 quarter to eight 8:05 eight oh five 8:10 ten past eight 1:00am 1o’clock in the morning

