WiFi - IOマップ

「WiFi - IOマップ」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

WiFi - IOマップ - (2007/07/15 (日) 02:01:23) の1つ前との変更点



**DS Wifi I/O マップ -ARM7 I/O の Wifi 領域 |4800000h-4807FFFh|Wifi WS0 領域 (32K)| |4808000h-4808000h|Wifi WS1 領域 (32K)| |4810000h-4FFFFFFh|未使用 (00h-filled)| Wifi Registers appear more stable in WS1 region? Wifi RAM appears more stable in WS0 region? Wifi Registers & RAM cannot be written to by STRB opcodes (ignored). -32K Wifi 領域の構造 (WS0 ・ WS1) |4800000h-4800FFFh|レジスタ| |4801000h-4801FFFh|レジスタ (ミラー)| |4802000h-4803FFFh|未使用 (FFh-filled)| |4804000h-4805FFFh|Wifi RAM (8K)| |4806000h-4806FFFh|レジスタ (ミラー)| |4807000h-4807FFFh|レジスタ (ミラー)| -レジスタ |アドレス|アクセス|名前|r/w|[Init]|説明| |0000h|R |W_ID |----| [1440]| Chip ID| |0004h|R/W|W_MODE_RST |9fff| [0000]| Mode/Reset| |0006h|R/W|W_MODE_WEP |--7f| [0000]| Mode/Wep modes| |0008h|R/W x|? |ffff| [0000]| always set to 0?| |000Ah|R/W x|? |ffff| [0000]| [bit7 - ingore rx duplicates]| |0010h|R/W|W_IF |ackk| [0000]| Wifi Interrupt Request Flags| |0012h|R/W|W_IE |ffff| [0000]| Wifi Interrupt Enable| |0018h|R/W| W_MACADDR_0 |ffff| [0000]| Hardware MAC Address (first 2 bytes)| |001Ah|R/W| W_MACADDR_1 |ffff| [0000]| Hardware MAC Address (next 2 bytes)| |001Ch|R/W| W_MACADDR_2 |ffff| [0000]| Hardware MAC Address (last 2 bytes)| |0020h|R/W| W_BSSID_0 |ffff| [0000]| BSSID (first 2 bytes)| |0022h|R/W| W_BSSID_1 |ffff| [0000]| BSSID (next 2 bytes)| |0024h|R/W| W_BSSID_2 |ffff| [0000]| BSSID (last 2 bytes)| |0028h|R/W x |W_AID |---f| [0000]| the AID value assigned by a BSS.| |002Ah|R/W x |? |-7ff| [0000]| set to the same thing as W_AID always| |002Ch|R/W x |W_RETRLIMIT |ffff| [0707]| Tx Retry Limit (set from 0x00-0xFF)| |002Eh|R/W x |? |---1| [0000]|| |0030h|R/W |W_RXCNT |ff0e| [0000]| Receive control| |0032h|R/W |W_WEP_CNT |ffff| [0000]| WEP engine enable| |0034h|?/? x |? |0000| [0000]|| -パワーダウンレジスタ (と、乱数ジェネレータ) | 0036h| R/W | W_POWER_US | ---3| [0001]|| | 0038h| R/W | W_POWER_TX | ---7| [0003]|| | 003Ch| R/W | W_POWERSTATE | -r-2| [0200]|| | 0040h| R/W | W_POWERFORCE | 8--1| [0000]|| | 0044h| R | W_RANDOM | 0xxx| [0xxx]|| | 0048h| R/W | W_POWER_? | ---3| [0000]|| -WLAN メモリポート | 0050h| R/W | W_BUF_RD_BEGIN | ffff |[4000]|| | 0052h| R/W | W_BUF_RD_END | ffff |[4800]|| | 0054h| R | W_RXHWWRITECSR | 0rrr |[0000]|| | 0056h| R/W | W_WRITECSRLATCH| -fff |[0000]|| | 0058h| R/W | W_BUF_RD_ADDR | 1ffe |[0000]|| | 005Ah| R/W | W_RXREADCSR | -fff |[0000]|| | 005Ch| R/W x | |-fff |[0000]| Counts down; triggers wifi interrupt 9 when it reaches 0| | 0060h| R |W_BUF_RD_DATA | rrrr |[xxxx]|| | 0062h| R/W x | | 1ffe |[0000]| see Initialization flowchart| | 0064h| R/W x | | -fff |[0000]|| | 0068h| R/W |W_BUF_WR_ADDR | 1ffe |[0000]|| | 006Ch| R/W x | | -fff |[0000]|| | 0070h| W |W_BUF_WR_DATA | xxxx |[xxxx]|| | 0074h| R/W |W_BUF_WR_END | 1ffe |[0000]|| | 0076h| R/W |W_BUF_WR_SKIP | 0fff |[0000]|| -xxx | 0078h |W? x| | mirr |[mirr]| Read: Mirror of 068h| | 0080h |R/W | W_BEACONTRANS | ffff |[0000]| Beacon Transmit Location| | 0084h |R/W x| | --ff |[0000]|| | 0088h |R/W x| W_LISTENCOUNT | --ff |[0000]| Decrements; when it reaches zero, it's reloaded with W_LISTENINT| | 008Ch |R/W x| W_BEACONPERIOD | -3ff |[0064] |Frequency in milliseconds of beacon transmission| | 008Eh |R/W x| W_LISTENINT | --ff |[0000]| Listen interval; related to W_LISTENCOUNT| | 0090h |R/W x| | ffff |[0000]|| | 0094h |R/W x| | ffff |[0000]| ?| | 0098h |?/W x| | 0000 |[0000]|| | 009Ch |R/W x| | ffff |[0050]|| | 00A0h |R/W | W_TXLOC1 | ffff |[0000]|| | 00A4h |R/W | W_TXLOC2 | ffff |[0000]|| | 00A8h |R/W | W_TXLOC3 | ffff |[0000]|| | 00ACh |W | W_TXOPT | fixx |[0050]|| | 00AEh |W | W_TXCNT | fixx |[0050]|| | 00B0h |R/W | W_TXINFO | --1f |[0010]|| | 00B4h |W x| | 0000 |[0000]| ...initialized to FFFFh| | 00B6h |R/? x| | 0000 |[0000]|| | 00B8h |R/? | W_TXSTAT | 0000 |[0000]|| | 00BAh |R/? x| | 0000 |[0000]|| | 00BCh |R/W x| | ---3 |[0001]| [ |=6: short preamble, &=~6: long preamble ]| | 00C0h |R/W x| | ffff |[0000]|| | 00C4h |R/W x| | ffff |[0000]|| | 00C8h |R/? x| | 0000 |[0000]|| | 00D0h |R/W x| W_RXFILTER | 1fff |[0401]| Specifies what packets to allow, combinations are unknown.| | 00D4h |R/W x| | ---3 |[0001]|| | 00D8h |R/W x| | -fff |[0004]|| | 00DAh |R/W x| | ffff |[0602]|| | 00E0h |R/W x| | ---f |[0008]|| -Wifi タイマー 00E8h R/W W_US_COUNTCNT ---1 [0000] Microsecond counter enable 00EAh R/W W_US_COMPARECNT ---1 [0000] Microsecond compare enable 00ECh R/W x ? 3f1f [3F03] 00EEh R/W x ? ---1 [0001] 00F0h R/W W_US_COMPARE0 fc-- [FC00] Microsecond compare, bits 0-15 00F2h R/W W_US_COMPARE1 ffff [FFFF] Microsecond compare, bits 16-31 00F4h R/W W_US_COMPARE2 ffff [FFFF] Microsecond compare, bits 32-47 00F6h R/W W_US_COMPARE3 ffff [FFFF] Microsecond compare, bits 48-63 00F8h R/W W_US_COUNT0 ffff [0000] Microsecond counter, bits 0-15 00FAh R/W W_US_COUNT1 ffff [0000] Microsecond counter, bits 16-31 00FCh R/W W_US_COUNT2 ffff [0000] Microsecond counter, bits 32-47 00FEh R/W W_US_COUNT3 ffff [0000] Microsecond counter, bits 48-63 0100h ?/W x 0000 [0000] 0102h ?/W x 0000 [0000] 0104h ?/W x 0000 [0000] 0106h ?/W x 0000 [0000] 010Ch R/W x ffff [0000] [Set to the remaining duration of contention-free period when receiving beacons - only *really* necessary for powersaving mode] 0110h R/W x ffff [0000] 0118h R/W x ffff [0000] 011Ch R/W x ffff [0000] (Decreases, when reaches 0 is reloaded with W_BEACONPERIOD) -コンフィグポート (と、その他のレジスタ) 0120h R/W W_CONFIG_120h 81ff [0048] ...init from firmware[04Ch] 0122h R/W W_CONFIG_122h ffff [4840] ...init from firmware[04Eh] 0124h R/W W_CONFIG_124h ffff [0000] ...init from firmware[05Eh] 0126h ?/? x ? fixx [0080] 0128h R/W W_CONFIG_128h ffff [0000] ...init from firmware[060h] 012Ah ?/? x ? fixx [1000] 0130h R/W W_CONFIG_130h -fff [0142] ...init from firmware[054h] 0132h R/W W_CONFIG_132h 8fff [8064] ...init from firmware[056h] 0134h R/W x W_BEACONCOUNT ffff [FFFF] (I think) This is the millisecond counter that tracks when beacons are expected to be transmitted. ["Active zone time" - it tracks some aspect of the Contention-free period] 0140h R/W W_CONFIG_140h ffff [0000] ...init from firmware[058h] 0142h R/W W_CONFIG_142h ffff [2443] ...init from firmware[05Ah] 0144h R/W W_CONFIG_144h --ff [0042] ...init from firmware[052h] 0146h R/W W_CONFIG_146h --ff [0016] ...init from firmware[044h] 0148h R/W W_CONFIG_148h --ff [0016] ...init from firmware[046h] 014Ah R/W W_CONFIG_14Ah --ff [0016] ...init from firmware[048h] 014Ch R/W W_CONFIG_14Ch ffff [162C] ...init from firmware[04Ah] 0150h R/W W_CONFIG_150h ff3f [0204] ...init from firmware[062h] 0154h R/W W_CONFIG_154h 7a7f [0058] ...init from firmware[050h] -ベースバンドチップポート 0158h W W_BBSIOCNT mirr [00B5] BB Access Start/Direction/Index 015Ah W W_BBSIOWRITE ???? [0000] BB Access data byte to write 015Ch R W_BBSIOREAD 00rr [00B5] BB Access data byte read 015Eh R W_BBSIOBUSY 000r [0000] BB Access Busy flag 0160h R/W W_BBSIOMODE 41-- [0100] BB Access Mode 0168h R/W W_BBSIOPOWER 8--f [800D] BB Access Powerdown -xxx 016Ah ?/W x 0000 [0001] (or 0000h?) 0170h ?/W x 0000 [0000] 0172h ?/W x 0000 [0000] 0174h ?/W x 0000 [0000] 0176h ?/W x 0000 [0000] 0178h W? x fixx [0800] Read: mirror of 17Ch -RF チップポート 017Ch R/W W_RFSIODATA2 ffff [0800] 017Eh R/W W_RFSIODATA1 ffff [C008] 0180h R W_RFSIOBUSY 000r [0000] 0184h R/W W_RFSIOCNT 413f [0018] -xxx 0190h R/W x ffff [0000] 0194h R/W x ---7 [0000] 0198h R/W x ---f [0000] 019Ch ?/W x fixx [0004] Bit 0 = carrier sense? 01A0h R/W x -933 [0000] 01A2h R/W x ---3 [0001] 01A4h R/W x ffff [0000] Rate used when signal test is enabled (0x0A or 0x14 for 1 or 2 mbit) -Wifi 統計情報 01A8h R W_STAT_INC rrrr [0000] Statistics Increment Flags 01AAh R/W W_STAT_INC_IE ffff [0000] Statistics Increment Interrupt Enable 01ACh R W_STAT_OVF rrrr [0000] Statistics Overflow Flags 01AEh R/W W_STAT_OVF_IE ffff [0000] Statistics Overflow Interrupt Enable W_STAT is a collection of byte-granular statistics entries. These entries reset to 0 when read. 01B0h R/W W_STAT --ff [0000] 01B2h R/W W_STAT ffff [0000] RX_LengthErrorCount RX_RateErrorCount 01B4h R/W W_STAT --ff [0000] 01B6h R/W W_STAT ffff [0000] 01B8h R/W W_STAT --ff [0000] 01BAh R/W W_STAT --ff [0000] 01BCh R/W W_STAT ffff [0000] 01BEh R/W W_STAT ffff [0000] 01C0h R/W W_STAT --ff [0000] 01C4h R W_STAT 0000 [0000] [1D0 - 1DE are 15 entries related to multiplayer response errors] 01D0h R/W W_STAT ff-- [0000] 01D2h R/W W_STAT ffff [0000] 01D4h R/W W_STAT ffff [0000] 01D6h R/W W_STAT ffff [0000] 01D8h R/W W_STAT ffff [0000] 01DAh R/W W_STAT ffff [0000] 01DCh R/W W_STAT ffff [0000] 01DEh R/W W_STAT ffff [0000] -内部診断レジスタ (通常使うことはない) 01F0h R/W x ---3 [0000] 0204h ?/W x fixx [0000] 0208h ?/W x fixx [0000] 020Ch ?/W x fixx [0050] 0210h ?/W x fixx [0000] 0214h ?/W x XXXX [0009] 021Ch R/W x fbff [0000] "Force Interrupt" - writing a value here will enable the flags in W_IF 0220h R/W x ffff [0000] has something to do with whether the packet is ignored or allowed by the packet filtering system 0224h R/W x ---3 [0003] 0228h ?/W x fixx [0000] 0230h R/W x --ff [0047] 0234h R/W x -eff [0EFF] 0238h R/W x ffff [0000] 023Ch ?/W x fixx [0000] 0244h R/W x ffff [0000] 0248h R/W x ffff [0000] 024Ch ?/W x fixx [0000] 024Eh ?/W x fixx [0000] 0250h ?/W x fixx [0000] 0258h ?/W x fixx [0000] 025Ch ?/W x fixx [0000] 0260h ?/W x fixx [0FEF] 0264h ?/W x fixx [0000] 0268h ?/? x W_RXUNITS fixx [0005] Contains the number of HWORDs written to MAC mem since the start of the packet (this + W_RXHWWRITECSR = next empty word in MAC mem) 0270h ?/W x fixx [0000] 0274h ?/W x fixx [ 0001] 0278h R/W x ffff [000F] 027Ch ?/W x fixx [ 000A] 0290h ?/W x fixx [FFFF] bit 0 = ? (OR UNUSED?) 0298h ?/W x fixx [0000] 02A0h R/W x ffff [0000] 02A2h ?/W x XXXX [7FFF] 02A4h ?/W x fixx [0000] 02A8h ?/W x fixx [0000] 02ACh ?/W x fixx [0038] 02B0h ?/W x fixx [0000] 02B4h R/W x -1-3 [0000] 02B8h ?/W x fixx [0000] 02C0h R/W x ---1 [0000] 02C4h ?/W x fixx [000A] 02C8h ?/W x fixx [0000] 02CCh ?/W x fixx [0000] 02F0h R/W x ffff [0000] 02F2h R/W x ffff [0000] 02F4h R/W x ffff [0000] 02F6h R/W x ffff [0000] All other ports in range 000h..FFFh are unused (always FFFFh on NDS, or always 0000h on NDS-lite). Reading from write-only ports (W) often mirrors to data from other ports. Additionally, there are 69h Baseband Chip Registers (BB), and 0Ch RF Chip Registers (see BB and RF chapters). And, POWCNT2 and WIFIWAITCNT control power managment and waitstates, DS Power Management **メモリ 4000h R/W W_MACMEM MAC memory (0x2000 bytes) 5F60h Used for something, not included in the rx circular buffer. (ssid maybe?) 5F80h W_WEPKEY1 (32 bytes) 5FA0h W_WEPKEY2 (32 bytes) 5FC0h W_WEPKEY3 (32 bytes) 5FE0h W_WEPKEY4 (32 bytes) Unlike all other NDS memory, the Wifi RAM is left uninitialized after boot. 5F80h - W_WEPKEY1 thru W_WEPKEY4 - Wifi WEP keys (R/W) These WEP key slots store the WEP keys that are used for encryption for 802.11 keys IDs 0-3. ----
**DS Wifi I/O マップ -ARM7 I/O の Wifi 領域 |4800000h-4807FFFh|Wifi WS0 領域 (32K)| |4808000h-4808000h|Wifi WS1 領域 (32K)| |4810000h-4FFFFFFh|未使用 (00h-filled)| Wifi Registers appear more stable in WS1 region? Wifi RAM appears more stable in WS0 region? Wifi Registers & RAM cannot be written to by STRB opcodes (ignored). -32K Wifi 領域の構造 (WS0 ・ WS1) |4800000h-4800FFFh|レジスタ| |4801000h-4801FFFh|レジスタ (ミラー)| |4802000h-4803FFFh|未使用 (FFh-filled)| |4804000h-4805FFFh|Wifi RAM (8K)| |4806000h-4806FFFh|レジスタ (ミラー)| |4807000h-4807FFFh|レジスタ (ミラー)| -レジスタ |アドレス|アクセス|名前|r/w|[Init]|説明| |0000h|R |W_ID |----| [1440]| Chip ID| |0004h|R/W|W_MODE_RST |9fff| [0000]| Mode/Reset| |0006h|R/W|W_MODE_WEP |--7f| [0000]| Mode/Wep modes| |0008h|R/W x|? |ffff| [0000]| always set to 0?| |000Ah|R/W x|? |ffff| [0000]| [bit7 - ingore rx duplicates]| |0010h|R/W|W_IF |ackk| [0000]| Wifi Interrupt Request Flags| |0012h|R/W|W_IE |ffff| [0000]| Wifi Interrupt Enable| |0018h|R/W| W_MACADDR_0 |ffff| [0000]| Hardware MAC Address (first 2 bytes)| |001Ah|R/W| W_MACADDR_1 |ffff| [0000]| Hardware MAC Address (next 2 bytes)| |001Ch|R/W| W_MACADDR_2 |ffff| [0000]| Hardware MAC Address (last 2 bytes)| |0020h|R/W| W_BSSID_0 |ffff| [0000]| BSSID (first 2 bytes)| |0022h|R/W| W_BSSID_1 |ffff| [0000]| BSSID (next 2 bytes)| |0024h|R/W| W_BSSID_2 |ffff| [0000]| BSSID (last 2 bytes)| |0028h|R/W x |W_AID |---f| [0000]| the AID value assigned by a BSS.| |002Ah|R/W x |? |-7ff| [0000]| set to the same thing as W_AID always| |002Ch|R/W x |W_RETRLIMIT |ffff| [0707]| Tx Retry Limit (set from 0x00-0xFF)| |002Eh|R/W x |? |---1| [0000]|| |0030h|R/W |W_RXCNT |ff0e| [0000]| Receive control| |0032h|R/W |W_WEP_CNT |ffff| [0000]| WEP engine enable| |0034h|?/? x |? |0000| [0000]|| -パワーダウンレジスタ (と、乱数ジェネレータ) | 0036h| R/W | W_POWER_US | ---3| [0001]|| | 0038h| R/W | W_POWER_TX | ---7| [0003]|| | 003Ch| R/W | W_POWERSTATE | -r-2| [0200]|| | 0040h| R/W | W_POWERFORCE | 8--1| [0000]|| | 0044h| R | W_RANDOM | 0xxx| [0xxx]|| | 0048h| R/W | W_POWER_? | ---3| [0000]|| -WLAN メモリポート | 0050h| R/W | W_BUF_RD_BEGIN | ffff |[4000]|| | 0052h| R/W | W_BUF_RD_END | ffff |[4800]|| | 0054h| R | W_RXHWWRITECSR | 0rrr |[0000]|| | 0056h| R/W | W_WRITECSRLATCH| -fff |[0000]|| | 0058h| R/W | W_BUF_RD_ADDR | 1ffe |[0000]|| | 005Ah| R/W | W_RXREADCSR | -fff |[0000]|| | 005Ch| R/W x | |-fff |[0000]| Counts down; triggers wifi interrupt 9 when it reaches 0| | 0060h| R |W_BUF_RD_DATA | rrrr |[xxxx]|| | 0062h| R/W x | | 1ffe |[0000]| see Initialization flowchart| | 0064h| R/W x | | -fff |[0000]|| | 0068h| R/W |W_BUF_WR_ADDR | 1ffe |[0000]|| | 006Ch| R/W x | | -fff |[0000]|| | 0070h| W |W_BUF_WR_DATA | xxxx |[xxxx]|| | 0074h| R/W |W_BUF_WR_END | 1ffe |[0000]|| | 0076h| R/W |W_BUF_WR_SKIP | 0fff |[0000]|| -xxx | 0078h |W? x| | mirr |[mirr]| Read: Mirror of 068h| | 0080h |R/W | W_BEACONTRANS | ffff |[0000]| Beacon Transmit Location| | 0084h |R/W x| | --ff |[0000]|| | 0088h |R/W x| W_LISTENCOUNT | --ff |[0000]| Decrements; when it reaches zero, it's reloaded with W_LISTENINT| | 008Ch |R/W x| W_BEACONPERIOD | -3ff |[0064] |Frequency in milliseconds of beacon transmission| | 008Eh |R/W x| W_LISTENINT | --ff |[0000]| Listen interval; related to W_LISTENCOUNT| | 0090h |R/W x| | ffff |[0000]|| | 0094h |R/W x| | ffff |[0000]| ?| | 0098h |?/W x| | 0000 |[0000]|| | 009Ch |R/W x| | ffff |[0050]|| | 00A0h |R/W | W_TXLOC1 | ffff |[0000]|| | 00A4h |R/W | W_TXLOC2 | ffff |[0000]|| | 00A8h |R/W | W_TXLOC3 | ffff |[0000]|| | 00ACh |W | W_TXOPT | fixx |[0050]|| | 00AEh |W | W_TXCNT | fixx |[0050]|| | 00B0h |R/W | W_TXINFO | --1f |[0010]|| | 00B4h |W x| | 0000 |[0000]| ...initialized to FFFFh| | 00B6h |R/? x| | 0000 |[0000]|| | 00B8h |R/? | W_TXSTAT | 0000 |[0000]|| | 00BAh |R/? x| | 0000 |[0000]|| | 00BCh |R/W x| | ---3 |[0001]| [ \|=6: short preamble, &=~6: long preamble ]| | 00C0h |R/W x| | ffff |[0000]|| | 00C4h |R/W x| | ffff |[0000]|| | 00C8h |R/? x| | 0000 |[0000]|| | 00D0h |R/W x| W_RXFILTER | 1fff |[0401]| Specifies what packets to allow, combinations are unknown.| | 00D4h |R/W x| | ---3 |[0001]|| | 00D8h |R/W x| | -fff |[0004]|| | 00DAh |R/W x| | ffff |[0602]|| | 00E0h |R/W x| | ---f |[0008]|| -Wifi タイマー 00E8h R/W W_US_COUNTCNT ---1 [0000] Microsecond counter enable 00EAh R/W W_US_COMPARECNT ---1 [0000] Microsecond compare enable 00ECh R/W x ? 3f1f [3F03] 00EEh R/W x ? ---1 [0001] 00F0h R/W W_US_COMPARE0 fc-- [FC00] Microsecond compare, bits 0-15 00F2h R/W W_US_COMPARE1 ffff [FFFF] Microsecond compare, bits 16-31 00F4h R/W W_US_COMPARE2 ffff [FFFF] Microsecond compare, bits 32-47 00F6h R/W W_US_COMPARE3 ffff [FFFF] Microsecond compare, bits 48-63 00F8h R/W W_US_COUNT0 ffff [0000] Microsecond counter, bits 0-15 00FAh R/W W_US_COUNT1 ffff [0000] Microsecond counter, bits 16-31 00FCh R/W W_US_COUNT2 ffff [0000] Microsecond counter, bits 32-47 00FEh R/W W_US_COUNT3 ffff [0000] Microsecond counter, bits 48-63 0100h ?/W x 0000 [0000] 0102h ?/W x 0000 [0000] 0104h ?/W x 0000 [0000] 0106h ?/W x 0000 [0000] 010Ch R/W x ffff [0000] [Set to the remaining duration of contention-free period when receiving beacons - only *really* necessary for powersaving mode] 0110h R/W x ffff [0000] 0118h R/W x ffff [0000] 011Ch R/W x ffff [0000] (Decreases, when reaches 0 is reloaded with W_BEACONPERIOD) -コンフィグポート (と、その他のレジスタ) 0120h R/W W_CONFIG_120h 81ff [0048] ...init from firmware[04Ch] 0122h R/W W_CONFIG_122h ffff [4840] ...init from firmware[04Eh] 0124h R/W W_CONFIG_124h ffff [0000] ...init from firmware[05Eh] 0126h ?/? x ? fixx [0080] 0128h R/W W_CONFIG_128h ffff [0000] ...init from firmware[060h] 012Ah ?/? x ? fixx [1000] 0130h R/W W_CONFIG_130h -fff [0142] ...init from firmware[054h] 0132h R/W W_CONFIG_132h 8fff [8064] ...init from firmware[056h] 0134h R/W x W_BEACONCOUNT ffff [FFFF] (I think) This is the millisecond counter that tracks when beacons are expected to be transmitted. ["Active zone time" - it tracks some aspect of the Contention-free period] 0140h R/W W_CONFIG_140h ffff [0000] ...init from firmware[058h] 0142h R/W W_CONFIG_142h ffff [2443] ...init from firmware[05Ah] 0144h R/W W_CONFIG_144h --ff [0042] ...init from firmware[052h] 0146h R/W W_CONFIG_146h --ff [0016] ...init from firmware[044h] 0148h R/W W_CONFIG_148h --ff [0016] ...init from firmware[046h] 014Ah R/W W_CONFIG_14Ah --ff [0016] ...init from firmware[048h] 014Ch R/W W_CONFIG_14Ch ffff [162C] ...init from firmware[04Ah] 0150h R/W W_CONFIG_150h ff3f [0204] ...init from firmware[062h] 0154h R/W W_CONFIG_154h 7a7f [0058] ...init from firmware[050h] -ベースバンドチップポート 0158h W W_BBSIOCNT mirr [00B5] BB Access Start/Direction/Index 015Ah W W_BBSIOWRITE ???? [0000] BB Access data byte to write 015Ch R W_BBSIOREAD 00rr [00B5] BB Access data byte read 015Eh R W_BBSIOBUSY 000r [0000] BB Access Busy flag 0160h R/W W_BBSIOMODE 41-- [0100] BB Access Mode 0168h R/W W_BBSIOPOWER 8--f [800D] BB Access Powerdown -xxx 016Ah ?/W x 0000 [0001] (or 0000h?) 0170h ?/W x 0000 [0000] 0172h ?/W x 0000 [0000] 0174h ?/W x 0000 [0000] 0176h ?/W x 0000 [0000] 0178h W? x fixx [0800] Read: mirror of 17Ch -RF チップポート 017Ch R/W W_RFSIODATA2 ffff [0800] 017Eh R/W W_RFSIODATA1 ffff [C008] 0180h R W_RFSIOBUSY 000r [0000] 0184h R/W W_RFSIOCNT 413f [0018] -xxx 0190h R/W x ffff [0000] 0194h R/W x ---7 [0000] 0198h R/W x ---f [0000] 019Ch ?/W x fixx [0004] Bit 0 = carrier sense? 01A0h R/W x -933 [0000] 01A2h R/W x ---3 [0001] 01A4h R/W x ffff [0000] Rate used when signal test is enabled (0x0A or 0x14 for 1 or 2 mbit) -Wifi 統計情報 01A8h R W_STAT_INC rrrr [0000] Statistics Increment Flags 01AAh R/W W_STAT_INC_IE ffff [0000] Statistics Increment Interrupt Enable 01ACh R W_STAT_OVF rrrr [0000] Statistics Overflow Flags 01AEh R/W W_STAT_OVF_IE ffff [0000] Statistics Overflow Interrupt Enable W_STAT is a collection of byte-granular statistics entries. These entries reset to 0 when read. 01B0h R/W W_STAT --ff [0000] 01B2h R/W W_STAT ffff [0000] RX_LengthErrorCount RX_RateErrorCount 01B4h R/W W_STAT --ff [0000] 01B6h R/W W_STAT ffff [0000] 01B8h R/W W_STAT --ff [0000] 01BAh R/W W_STAT --ff [0000] 01BCh R/W W_STAT ffff [0000] 01BEh R/W W_STAT ffff [0000] 01C0h R/W W_STAT --ff [0000] 01C4h R W_STAT 0000 [0000] [1D0 - 1DE are 15 entries related to multiplayer response errors] 01D0h R/W W_STAT ff-- [0000] 01D2h R/W W_STAT ffff [0000] 01D4h R/W W_STAT ffff [0000] 01D6h R/W W_STAT ffff [0000] 01D8h R/W W_STAT ffff [0000] 01DAh R/W W_STAT ffff [0000] 01DCh R/W W_STAT ffff [0000] 01DEh R/W W_STAT ffff [0000] -内部診断レジスタ (通常使うことはない) 01F0h R/W x ---3 [0000] 0204h ?/W x fixx [0000] 0208h ?/W x fixx [0000] 020Ch ?/W x fixx [0050] 0210h ?/W x fixx [0000] 0214h ?/W x XXXX [0009] 021Ch R/W x fbff [0000] "Force Interrupt" - writing a value here will enable the flags in W_IF 0220h R/W x ffff [0000] has something to do with whether the packet is ignored or allowed by the packet filtering system 0224h R/W x ---3 [0003] 0228h ?/W x fixx [0000] 0230h R/W x --ff [0047] 0234h R/W x -eff [0EFF] 0238h R/W x ffff [0000] 023Ch ?/W x fixx [0000] 0244h R/W x ffff [0000] 0248h R/W x ffff [0000] 024Ch ?/W x fixx [0000] 024Eh ?/W x fixx [0000] 0250h ?/W x fixx [0000] 0258h ?/W x fixx [0000] 025Ch ?/W x fixx [0000] 0260h ?/W x fixx [0FEF] 0264h ?/W x fixx [0000] 0268h ?/? x W_RXUNITS fixx [0005] Contains the number of HWORDs written to MAC mem since the start of the packet (this + W_RXHWWRITECSR = next empty word in MAC mem) 0270h ?/W x fixx [0000] 0274h ?/W x fixx [ 0001] 0278h R/W x ffff [000F] 027Ch ?/W x fixx [ 000A] 0290h ?/W x fixx [FFFF] bit 0 = ? (OR UNUSED?) 0298h ?/W x fixx [0000] 02A0h R/W x ffff [0000] 02A2h ?/W x XXXX [7FFF] 02A4h ?/W x fixx [0000] 02A8h ?/W x fixx [0000] 02ACh ?/W x fixx [0038] 02B0h ?/W x fixx [0000] 02B4h R/W x -1-3 [0000] 02B8h ?/W x fixx [0000] 02C0h R/W x ---1 [0000] 02C4h ?/W x fixx [000A] 02C8h ?/W x fixx [0000] 02CCh ?/W x fixx [0000] 02F0h R/W x ffff [0000] 02F2h R/W x ffff [0000] 02F4h R/W x ffff [0000] 02F6h R/W x ffff [0000] All other ports in range 000h..FFFh are unused (always FFFFh on NDS, or always 0000h on NDS-lite). Reading from write-only ports (W) often mirrors to data from other ports. Additionally, there are 69h Baseband Chip Registers (BB), and 0Ch RF Chip Registers (see BB and RF chapters). And, POWCNT2 and WIFIWAITCNT control power managment and waitstates, DS Power Management **メモリ 4000h R/W W_MACMEM MAC memory (0x2000 bytes) 5F60h Used for something, not included in the rx circular buffer. (ssid maybe?) 5F80h W_WEPKEY1 (32 bytes) 5FA0h W_WEPKEY2 (32 bytes) 5FC0h W_WEPKEY3 (32 bytes) 5FE0h W_WEPKEY4 (32 bytes) Unlike all other NDS memory, the Wifi RAM is left uninitialized after boot. 5F80h - W_WEPKEY1 thru W_WEPKEY4 - Wifi WEP keys (R/W) These WEP key slots store the WEP keys that are used for encryption for 802.11 keys IDs 0-3. ----




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