
case112 - (2007/02/06 (火) 18:24:19) の編集履歴(バックアップ)


概念: 乳児期に流行性に発生する嘔吐下痢症. 主に冬季にみられる.

病因・疫学: 病因はロタウイルス (レオウイルス科2本鎖RNAウイルス). エンベロープなし. 罹患年齢は乳幼児に多い. 家族内, 施設内感染が高率に起こる. 成人も罹患. 冬季にピーク. 感染経路は便中のウイルスによる経口感染. 同様のウイルス感染はロタウイルスの他に, ノーウォークウイルス, カリシウイルス, 腸性アデノウイルスなどによって起こる.


症状: 潜伏期2-3. 初発症状は頻回の嘔吐. 発熱や鼻汁などの感冒症状を伴う. 下痢は水様性, 30%に米とぎ汁様の白色便が見られる. 下痢回数は10/日におよび, 多くは脱水症状をともなう. 下痢は7-8日で治癒. ときに痙攣や腸重積を合併.

診断: 季節と臨床症状から診断できる. ただし細菌性下痢を見逃さないことが大切で, 診察医が観便を行うことが誤診防止につながる. 細菌培養は必須.

治療: 対症療法. 補液・食事療法.

[阿部: 小児科学新生児学テキスト]

[横田: 小児の薬の使い方・選び方]

予防: In a report issued February 3rd, 2006, the U.S. FDA approved a live, oral vaccine (RotaTeq") for use in children. The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices voted to recommend a newly licensed vaccine to protect against rotavirus.  [CDC]


9 Since JPs moderately dehydrated, the following schedule is recommended:

a. Rehydration phase with ORS: Pedialyte 1450 mL (100 mL/kg based on wt before diarrhea) within 4-6 hr

b. Maintenance phase with ORS: Pedialyte 145 mL (10 mL/kg) for each diarrheal stool (not to exceed 150 mL/kg/day)

c. Start feeding and advance as tolerated as described in the SOAP report;

P: Problem 1: Viral Gastroenteritis

Oral rehydration solution with Pedialyte

Monitor frequency of stools

Monitor weight

Monitor Na+, K+, HCO3, and glucose

Start feedings initially with easily digested foods such as bananas, applesauce, and cereal, and advance as tolerated

Subsequent foods can include complex carbohydrates (potatoes, bread), lean meats, yogurt, vegetables, and fresh fruits

Avoid free water, caffeine, carbonated soft drinks, hyperosmolar fruit juices (i.e., specifically apple juice since this is what JP has been consuming), and foods high in simple sugars and fats

Problem 2: Dehydration

Supportive care as outlined above

Counsel parents on how to monitor for JP's condition (i.e., keep records of stool counts, oral intake, and JP's mental alertness)

Recommend that parents bring JP back to clinic if he continues to produce frequent large-volume, watery stools
