

コンソールコマンド - (2015/05/01 (金) 09:48:12) の最新版との変更点



*プレーヤーコマンド |コマンド|解説| |fov x|| |suicide|自殺する| |say <message string> |指定したメッセージをチャットをする| |throwweapon|武器を床に投げる| |shot|| |setbind <key> <command>|指定するキーにコマンドを設定する| *デモ |コマンド|解説| |demoplay <demoname>|デモ録画を再生する| |demorec <demoname>|デモ録画を開始する| |stopdemo|デモ録画を停止する|
*プレーヤーコマンド |BGCOLOR(#CCCCCC):CENTER:コマンド|BGCOLOR(#CCCCCC):CENTER:解説| |freecamera 1/0|Locks player rotation and allows camera rotation around player.| |fov x|fovをxの値に変更| |suicide|自殺する| |say <message string> |指定したメッセージをチャットをする| |throwweapon|武器を床に投げる| |setbind <key> <command>|指定するキーにコマンドを設定する| *デモ |BGCOLOR(#CCCCCC):CENTER:コマンド|BGCOLOR(#CCCCCC):CENTER:解説| |demoplay <demoname>|デモ録画を再生する| |demorec <demoname>|デモ録画を開始する| |stopdemo|デモ録画を停止する| *デバッグ |BGCOLOR(#CCCCCC):CENTER:コマンド|BGCOLOR(#CCCCCC):CENTER:解説| |show actors|Toggles display of all actors| |show bsp|Toggles display of BSP| |show collision|Toggles display of simple collision| |show coronas|Toggles display of Coronas| |show fluid|Toggles display of fluid| |show fog|Toggles display of DistanceFog| |show sky|Toggles display of sky| |show staticmeshes|Toggles display of StaticMeshes| |show paths|Toggles display of Bot paths| |show volumes|Toggles display of Bot volumes| *Statistics |BGCOLOR(#CCCCCC):CENTER:コマンド|BGCOLOR(#CCCCCC):CENTER:解説| |memstat|Displays Windows memory usage| |stat all|Displays all statistics| |stat anim|Displays animation statistics| |stat audio|Displays audio statistics| |stat fps|Displays current and average frames per second| |stat game|Displays game statistics| |stat hardware|Displays hardware statistics| |stat light|Displays dynamic light statistics (this will bug off when wave is start)| |stat net|Displays network statistics| |stat render|Displays rendering statistics| |stat none|Turns off all statistics| *Miscellaneous |BGCOLOR(#CCCCCC):CENTER:コマンド|BGCOLOR(#CCCCCC):CENTER:解説| |disconnect|Disconnects from current server| |exit or quit|Quits the game| |open address|Connects to the server at address| |open mapname|Opens specified map (tip: open Kf-bIOtIcSlAb, Mix it up)| |preferences|Opens the preferences window in Windows| |reconnect|Reconnects to current server| |report|Copies game info to the clipboard| |showlog|Opens the game log in Windows| |setname(name)|change player name| |togglefullscreen|switch between windowed and full screen view| |setres WxH|Same as in-game Resolution option| *Rendering tweaks |BGCOLOR(#CCCCCC):CENTER:コマンド|BGCOLOR(#CCCCCC):CENTER:解説| |rend blend|Renders normally with mesh overlay| |rend bone|Renders bones| |rmode 1|Wireframe only| |rmode 2|Zone view| |rmode 3|Use textures| |rmode 4|Turns all BSP white. Normal lighting for statics.| |rmode 5|Normal rendering| |rmode 6|No shadows| |rmode 7|Lighting mode| |rmode 8|Visualizing overdraw mode| *チートコマンド |BGCOLOR(#CCCCCC):CENTER:コマンド|BGCOLOR(#CCCCCC):CENTER:解説| |Allammo|999 ammo for every weapon| |Arsenal|Gives 70% Weapons| |ArmorUp|Everyone has full armor| |AssaultMe|Gives Rifle Weapons| |Backup|Spawns a bot. The bot doesn't kill or defend itself.| |Bombs 0/1|Gives BombMan Weapons 0-None 1-MaxAmmo| |Bond|Gives Golden Weapons Part I| |Bond2|Gives Golden Weapons Part II| |BurnEm|Burn Them To Hell.| |Camo|Gives Camo Weapons| |ChangeSize x from 0 to 5|Scale the player's size to be x default size| |Enablecheats|| |FlameUp 0/1|Gives Flame Weapons 0-None 1-MaxAmmo| |Flare 0/1|Gives Flare Gun 0-None 1-MaxAmmo| |Flares 0/1|Gives Flare Guns 0-None 1-MaxAmmo| |FragZeds|blow them up.| |Freezeall|Freeze everyting.| |FreezeFrame X|After the time tick X,it will auto pause game| |FrightPack 0/1|Gives Fright Pack Weapons 0-None 1-MaxAmmo| |Ghost|Noclip mode| |God|God mode| |Heal|Heals the player| |Horde|Spawns a RandomZombie around you.| |HugeGnome|Big Fun In HillbillyHorror| |IJC|Gives IJC Weapons| |Imrich|Gives 10,000 cash| |KillViewedActor|use it to kill the bot Viewed| |LaidLaw|You've got LAW!| |Loaded|Gives 999 ammo for every weapon| |LockCamera|Lock the Camera or not lock| |Meleeme 0/1|Gives melee weapons 0-None 1-MaxAmmo| |Meds|Gives Medic Weapons| |MopUp|Show The number of zombies in this map was.| |Nails|You've got NailGun!| |PatRage|Forcing the Patriarch to do his radial attack.| |Phil|God| |Pistols|Gives all pistol weapons| |Playersonly|Freezes everything except players| |ReviewJumpSpots|spawn a bot and use the bot Viewed,and show the word.| |Rifleme|Gives rifle weapons| |SMG|Gives SMG Weapons| |SetFlash|flash screen| |Setgravity x|Lets you modify the gravity of the current game (-950 = normal gravity).| |Setjump x|Lets you modify the jump height of the current game.| |Shotty|Gives all shotguns| |ShowPaths|show apple paths of the zeds -UnCheats| |Slomo x|Lets you modify the game speed of the current game (1 = normal speed).| |Summon|Summon string ClassName (like Summon kfchar.zombieclot)| |ShowDebug|can see the path and a lot of word| |Teleport|Allows You to teleport to the surface (or wall) at your crosshair.| |ViewPlayer name|View From Players.| |ViewSelf|View From Own Camera.| |ViewZombie|View From Random Zombies.| |Walk|Disables flying and/or noclip mode| *Admin |BGCOLOR(#CCCCCC):CENTER:コマンド|BGCOLOR(#CCCCCC):CENTER:解説| |adminlogin password|Logs you in as admin using password| |adminlogout|Logs out admin mod| |admin adminsay message|Displays message in the middle of each player's screen| |admin map <KF-mapname>|Changes current map to KF-mapname| |admin Switch <KF-mapname>|Changes current map to KF-mapname| |pause|Pauses the game| |admin Kick|remove a user from the game. A user can either be their ID (as shown by kick list)| |admin KickBan|Ban a user from the game. A user can either be their ID (as shown by kick list)| |admin RestartMap|Restart Current Map.| |admin NextMap|Go to NextMap.|


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