

このゲームについて - (2015/04/10 (金) 19:31:54) のソース

In KILLING FLOOR 2 players descend into ヨーロッパ大陸はHorzine Biotechの実験の失敗により引き起こされたアウトブレイクが急速に広がり、その勢いは止められず欧州連合は麻痺している。この結果、1ヵ月後 スペシメンが街に溢れかえり市民は混乱している。the conclusion of the events in the original KILLING FLOOR, the specimen clones are everywhere and civilization is in disarray; 交通は麻痺し政府は崩壊, 軍は根絶した。and military forces have been eradicatesystematically d. ヨーロッパの人は生き延びるすべを知りThe people of Europe know survival and 自衛self-preservation too well and lucky survivors have gone into hiding. 

Not all have given up hope though... A group of civilians and mercenaries have banded together, paid for by Horzine, to combat the outbreak and established privately funded operation bases across Europe. Upon tracking specimen clone outbreaks, players will descend into zed-laden hot zones and exterminate them.
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