‘The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics began at the Fall.’
This law says that the entropy (‘disorder’) of the Universe increases over time, and some have thought that this was the result of the Curse. However, disorder isn’t always harmful. An obvious example is digestion, breaking down large complex food molecules into their simple building blocks. Another is friction, which turns ordered mechanical energy into disordered heat?otherwise Adam and Eve would have slipped as they walked with God in Eden! A less obvious example to laymen might be the sun heating the Earth?to a physical chemist, heat transfer from a hot object to a cold one is the classic case of the Second Law in action. Also, breathing is based on another classic Second Law process, gas moving from a high pressure to low pressure. Finally, all beneficial processes in the world, including the development from embryo to adult, increase the overall disorder of the universe, showing that the Second Law is not inherently a curse.
Death and suffering of nephesh animals before sin are contrary to the Biblical framework above, as are suffering (or ‘groaning in travail’ (Rom. 8:20?22)). It is more likely that God withdrew some of His sustaining power (Col. 1:15?17) at the Fall so that the decay effect of the Second Law was no longer countered.
原罪の前の霊魂の動物の死と苦しみ(あるいは、苦しみの呻き [ローマ人への手紙第8章20-22節])は、上記の聖書のフレームワークに反している。楽園追放のときに、神が自らの維持力[コロサイ人への手紙第1章15-17節]を使わなくなったために、第2法則の崩壊効果を相殺できなくなったと考えるほうがもっともらしい。
‘The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics began at the Fall.’
If so, how could Adam and Eve have eaten and digested their food that they were told to eat before the Fall?
「進化は熱力学第2法則に反する」についての記述はいろいろあるけど、「熱力学第2法則は楽園追放後に始まった」はあまり見かけない。進化に言及しているわけでもないので、「Mark Isaakの
最終更新:2009年08月16日 10:07