‘The Gospel is in the stars.’
「CMI 福音は星々にある」
This is an interesting idea, but quite speculative, and many Biblical creationists doubt that it is taught in Scripture, so we do not recommend using it.
The Gospel is in the stars.
「CMI 福音は星々にある」
One theory, proposed in the nineteenth century, was that the constellations represent the vestiges of a primal gospel that God gave to early man. We call this view the “gospel in the stars.” According to this theory, God presented His full plan of salvation to Adam, and either Adam or his early descendents preserved that knowledge by naming the constellations and stars. With the coming of the written Word of God, the gospel message in the stars was no longer needed and faded from use. With the passage of time, ungodly men perverted the original gospel in the stars, mingling it with pagan mythology and ultimately turning it into the religion of astrology.
The English woman Frances Rolleston supposedly rediscovered this long-hidden truth and published her work 140 years ago in Mazzaroth. Many authors since then have uncritically accepted Rolleston’s work.
140年前に、英国人女性Frances Rollestonが長きにわたって隠された真理を再発見して、その成果をMazzarothとして出版したとされる。それ以来、多くの著者たちは批判することなく、Rollestonの成果を受け入れた。
最終更新:2009年08月16日 10:53