‘NASA faked the moon landings.’
This NASA hoax claim is an example of where CMI reminds readers that we are pro-Bible rather than anti-establishment for the sake of it.
First, it is biblical to trust multiple eye-witnesses (cf. Deuteronomy 19:15), and one impeccable witness is the late James Irwin, who was a staunch biblical creationist and walked on the moon. Also, Australia must have been in on the alleged hoax; the huge radio antenna at Parkes Observatory, New South Wales, was used to relay the signals from the moon, since it was on the Australian not the American side of Earth (cf. the Australian film The Dish, 2000). We can also shine powerful lasers to certain spots on the moon and detect reflected light of the laser frequency, possible only if someone had been to the moon and laid out retro-reflectors in those spots.
まず、複数の目撃者を信用するのは聖書にかなっており[申命記19章15節]、申し分ない目撃者として、忠実な聖書創造論者で月面を歩いた故James Irwinがいる。さらに、オーストラリアもこの陰謀に加担していたことになる。オーストラリアは米国とは地球の反対側なので、オーストラリアのニューサウスウェールズのParks Observatoryの巨大電波アンテナは月からの通信の中継に使われた。また、月面の特定地点に強力なレーザーを照射すれば、その反射を観測できる。これは誰かが月に行って、その地点に反射鏡を設置しない限り不可能である。
Second: the hoax claims show faulty understanding of science (cf. Mythbusters episode #104 (0702), 2008):
CLAIM: Photos should show parallel shadows with only one light source, the sun; non-parallel shadows prove it was a studio set with multiple lights.
主張: 写真には唯一の光源である太陽光によって平行な影が写っているはずであう。並行ではない影は、複数の光源のあるスタジオ内であることを示している。
Actually, because of the irregular lunar topography, parallel shadows can look non-parallel in the perspective of the film.
CLAIM: Astronaut in the shadow of the spacecraft was easily visible, which would not have been possible with only one light source.
主張: 宇宙船の影にいる宇宙飛行士も簡単に見えていた。これは光源がひとつだとありえない。
This forgets another source: moonlight! Reflected light from the lunar surface would make the astronaut easily visible.
CLAIM: Photos had no stars, hence they were in a studio.
主張: 写真に星が写っていないので、スタジオで撮られたものだ。
No, a camera set for optimal performance in the bright light of the lunar surface would not be sensitive enough to show stars.
CLAIM: Footprints would not have been left in sand without moisture to hold the sand in place.
主張: 水分のない砂には足跡は残らない。
True on earth, where water tends to round out sand grains. The lunar grains were angular and held the shape.
CLAIM: The flag fluttered, so there must have been a breeze.
No, the astronaut twisted the flagpole to plant it in the moon soil; this caused fluttering, which persisted for a while since there was no air resistance.
CLAIM: Moon walks were done in studio set.
主張: 月面歩行はスタジオのセット内で行われた。
But the closest we come to such movements is in an airplane falling so fast that it simulates lunar gravity, 1/6 that of Earth.
Moon Landing Conspiracy
Some people deny that the U.S. Apollo moon landings ever occurred. Instead, they consider the landings part of a grand conspiracy to deceive the Soviets during the space race of the 1960s. This bizarre claim quotes a few details out of context, while hiding mounds of contrary evidence. Its supporters are guilty of the confusion and deception that they ascribe to others.
最終更新:2009年08月16日 10:11