

はじめてのPython - (2013/12/02 (月) 09:21:22) の編集履歴(バックアップ)


これは、プログラミング入門用の短い文章です。プログラムの実例はPython言 語によって書かれています。(もしあなたが既にプログラミング経験者であり、 Pythonについてのみ知りたいのなら、私 のinstantPython という記事を御覧下さい。)

Instant Python
This is a minimal crash-course in the programming language Python.




Python Python.org
  • Python is a programming language that lets you work more quickly and integrate your systems more effectively. You can learn to use Python and see almost immediate gains in productivity and lower maintenance costs.

IPython ipython.org
  • IPython provides a rich architecture for interactive computing
  • 先進的な Python shell

Unofficial Windows Binaries for Python Extension Packages 正式版ではない拡張パッケージがある (Python3のPILとか)


Portable Python Windowsのみ。拡張パッケージつき。追加インストールに難有り。

Scientific-oriented Python Distribution based on Qt and Spyder
This is the Python(x,y) project for Windows Vista/7/8.


Data analysis and visualization. Python distribution with GUI. Integrated code editor and IPython console. Graphical package management. Integrated interactive training platform. Easy installation and deployment.
Canopy ExpressはFree&サポート無しで使えるらしい。



NumPy numpy.org
  • NumPy is the fundamental package for scientific computing with Python.
  • 強力な数値配列オブジェクトとそれらを操作する強力なルーチンを提供

SciPy SciPy.org
  • SciPy (pronounced “Sigh Pie”) is a Python-based ecosystem of open-source software for mathematics, science, and engineering.
  • 高レベルなデータ処理ルーチン, 最適化, 回帰, 補間等

matplotlib matplotlib.org
  • matplotlib is a python 2D plotting library which produces publication quality figures in a variety of hardcopy formats and interactive environments across platforms.
  • 2次元可視化, “出版品質”のプロット

Python Imaging Library (PIL)
The Python Imaging Library (PIL) adds image processing capabilities to your Python interpreter.

Spyder spyderlib
Spyder (previously known as Pydee) is a powerful interactive development environment for the Python language with advanced editing, interactive testing, debugging and introspection features

Open Babel The Open Source Chemistry Toolbox
Open Babel is a chemical toolbox designed to speak the many languages of chemical data. It's an open, collaborative project allowing anyone to search, convert, analyze, or store data from molecular modeling, chemistry, solid-state materials, biochemistry, or related areas.
  • Open Babel は、分子モデリングの分野で用いられている様々なプログラムごとのファイル形式を、相互に変換するプログラムです。 Pat Waltersさん、Matt Stahlさんによる Babel の、オープンソース版です。
