
Music - (2010/01/11 (月) 23:50:37) のソース

**LT 1st
-01 Life...
Miracle summer Coshi-Garden.
Do you wanna feel LossTime Love?

The style of LossTime is so hot,
Repeat of mistake and success.
Let's bet our life to Love&Sex,
Do you wanna live like fucking life??

Do you remember us LOSSTIME?
We are always in your heart.
And someday you will fine the truth.
LOSSTIME make smile in your life...

Do you wanna spend LOSSTIME LIFE??

The Chance has come and I'm here, Oh! I'm a clutch hitter.
The victory is always decided by like this situation.

Why everybody so disappointed?
This chance I think it's not dead.
I'll change this situation to sensation.
Don't lose our destination.
Still chance is go on.

Hey! Common!
Cheer me everybody!
Hey! You know!
I'm clutch hit factory!
Hey! Common!
Believe me everybody!
Hey! Now!
We will clutch the victory!

でも今日はLOSSTIMEのChristmas Party


LOSSTIME X'mas party coming tonight!
LOSSTIME doesn't give you sad day tonight!
Last day you have spent a lonely whole time,
LOSSTIME make you happy as Santa Claus.

(Merry Christmas) ×4

まだまだ足んねぇぜ 騒ごうぜ
まだまだ終わらない ♥Party Time♥

LOSSTIME X'mas party going all night!
LOSSTIME doesn't give you sad day tonight!
To-day you can spend a fuckin' funny time,
LOSSTIME gonna be filled by Holly X'mas.

LOVE&SEX is part of My Fuckin' Life.
But I never made you cry in your heart.
Silent night has never come with me,
Now I wanna say to you I love you.

-0x Life...(instrumental)
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